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((There isn't much for Veidera to say. Besides just walking. I'll give it a try))


Veidera found a tree and felt underneath it for some small branches. She found three reletivly straight ones and stuck a ball of light on each one. "Flashlights." She said before handing them to Kator and Nylaea. "I haven't been here many times before. Nylaea, you came from here right? Is there a secret place that we can go to? Kator, have you been here before?"


((That sucks Lady Erivae. It was preety hot where I live but its cooled down the past few days.))

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((I know! I is sorry I been gone for so long. I finally got moved into my dorm yesterday, so I'm hoping to get a post up either tonight or tomorrow. I also need Darkshadow to reply to Rawien.))

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((I don't think they had the word "flashlights" in the time period we're rping in. A more relevant term would be torches. I think they might have had some sort of oil lamps back then, but torches would fit into our situation better.))


Nylaea took one of the light-branches. "Actually, no. I'm not from this place. I've lived in forests before, yes, but not this one. It's too close to the human capital. I was raised in the almost constantly snow-covered northern lands. Before I was captured in Quretz and brought to the capital, I was living in the woods northeast of that village." She thought for a moment. "However, I may know of someplace we can hide until we figure out what our next step will be. When my mo..." Nylaea drew in a quick breath and looked away. "I know of some underground caves near the Lake of Whispers. Humans avoid the lake because they believe it's haunted, but I've used that cover to hide when I needed to earlier in my life." Nylaea glanced at the two Lyryu. "We are in the small forest just outside the capital's walls. So the lake will be to the east of us." She started off in the that direction, but paused a few feet away to look back to see if they followed.

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((I'm sorry I haven't replied in about two months! School has been torturing me >.< I hope I can rejoin in? And your right about no flashlights. I was being stupid >.<))


Veidera followed Nylaea. "So have you been here for a long time hiding?" She'd always lived in the castle. "It must have been hard for you." She turned to see if Kator was following. Looking around in the fog, Veidera could see why humans would think these woods were haunted. "I'm glad we're all still alive... Even if thoses creepy scientists are looking for us...." Veidera was startled by a squeaking sound. She waved the light-branch around a bit and spotted some sort of creature that dashed away. "At least we're not alone. I'd hate to be alone here during a spooky night.


((Don't die.....))

Edited by Rainbow_Joy

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