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What is the very first video game you ever played?

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Virtual Fighter in the arcade, maybe House of the Dead or Time Crisis. But the first one I owned was Pokemon Red Version.

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Yep. That's why I'm such a huge fan and diehard shipper. I even wrote a 17 page breakdown of the entire plot after I've played it for seven years and counting. Also, I own Advent Children and Advent Children complete and I have a pair of solid silver Fenrir earrings (like the kind Cloud wears in the movie).


Hopeless fan. That's me!

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xd.png I can't remember.

Maybe a sonic game for the mega drive. Or possibly golden axe orrrrr...road rash or something? xd.png

My dad had a whole set in one but i'm sure he had some before that, I don't remember exactly what I played first.

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I... have no clue? Pokemon Ruby, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, Neverwinter Nights? Any of those.

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my very first video game was super mario bros 1. i was born in the 80s so this game was out when i was very little. actually one year before i was born. i played it when i was 5 tho

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spyro was awesome i loved watching the game play on it as well. i found playing it hard when i was younger. i am not very good a video games though

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The Mario Cartridge with Duck Hunt is the one i remember playing the most. We had atari before that.. but i never really got to play.. so much as watch dad fail at it.

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First video game I actually have a recollection of playing was the original Frogger on the original Atari.


My, how things have changed since I was a kid!

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I remember playing when i was a kid, around age 5-7 (All adult games.):

MDK (I'm shure none knows that game...but i still have it!) Starcraft, Age Of Empires, Age Of Empires II, Quake II, Some other game that I forgot,BattleFeild (ugg...I'm shure I spelt that wrong..),Diablo, Diablo 2, and thats all... I think...


You might not believe me but I used to play these with my dad.

Edited by creepado

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Pong, and Frogger, on the old Atari system. Noooo, I'm not old tongue.gif

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uhh...thats a toughie. there was this one spyro game on one of the playstations. i think that was it smile.gif

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