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Question about a trade?

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@Saynna: I see! Thanks for taking the effort & time to take a screenshot and underline the parts, I surely wouldn't bother. I was reading your long post and thought "what is he talking about?" It seems me not spending much time on this forum anymore has affected my ability to read forum posts and to follow internet conversations in English - not that it's reason enough to be more active again wink.gif


@Tawanda & Whitebaron:

Thanks for your input!

I want to work on a checkerish pattern as well (with male Mints x female Silvers), I already have the upper part and would only need to breed a Mint mate for my 2nd-gen. (But who knows when my 'little cat' will give me another 3rd-gen? She's rather a grumpy cat.)

The lineage which I posted earlier is something I bred mostly for myself because I thought it'd look pretty - well and it does tongue.gif - but I'll try and see if also other people (like Tawanda wink.gif) like it, too.

shoot me a pm if you need a 2g mint. that should prove rather easy to produce. biggrin.gif

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What are CB Thunders worth in terms of Brute dragons?

I'm trying to get more CB Brutes and I put up a CB Thunder and keep getting offers of one Brute egg in return. I feel like that's kinda low, but I can't figure out what the Brute market value is right now.

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What are CB Thunders worth in terms of Brute dragons?

I'm trying to get more CB Brutes and I put up a CB Thunder and keep getting offers of one Brute egg in return. I feel like that's kinda low, but I can't figure out what the Brute market value is right now.

I'll confess I haven't been following the brute trade market, but that seems terribly low. Aren't they commons? O___o


I'd ask for three or four as hatchlings, maybe with a wink wink nudge nudge to a line in your sig saying you take IOUs, if you do. I think with a lot of commons it's not an issue that rarer things aren't worth a lot of them so much as the commons are usually worth so little people don't have an immediate supply on hand.


(Although, again, I haven't been looking for brutes at all so if I'm dead wrong and they're more uncommon uh. Maybe two eggs?)

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I'll confess I haven't been following the brute trade market, but that seems terribly low. Aren't they commons? O___o


I'd ask for three or four as hatchlings, maybe with a wink wink nudge nudge to a line in your sig saying you take IOUs, if you do. I think with a lot of commons it's not an issue that rarer things aren't worth a lot of them so much as the commons are usually worth so little people don't have an immediate supply on hand.


(Although, again, I haven't been looking for brutes at all so if I'm dead wrong and they're more uncommon uh. Maybe two eggs?)

Not sure what their rarity's going to end up being. For a while after the drop it was easy for me to keep myself supplied with 'em, and they were really common. Anymore I've been looking at trading for 'em. Hard to gauge their rarity in the Alpine, since so many breeds tend to clog there.


Yeah. I'll update the trade offer on EATW and add something to my sig. Just wanted to check that I hadn't missed something about the value of these guys. smile.gif

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@Storm: I believe you're not getting your high numbers because we just got out of a release with the Glucose (I prob got that wrong and I'm pretty sure that word has something to do for plants LOL) and Howler Drakes so I don't think there's many that have 3 or 4 on hand. I do agree with ADP that you should of at least gotten 3 and that 1 is pretty low and as an egg? I think you can get 3 - 4 hatchlings. I suggest you look in the trading thread look to see if anyone's looking for CB Thunders and shooting them a PM to see if they'd get you 3-4 brutes.



@Mondat: No problem, I can sorta understand the English part, I've had struggles too when I was younger. I heard it's even a bigger struggle as an adult which surprises me. Anyways good luck with your Shimmer EG breeding wink.gif

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Im not new to Dragon cave but I do have a question... I have a CB red copper. Someone is offering a CB ice. Is it fair?

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Im not new to Dragon cave but I do have a question... I have a CB red copper. Someone is offering a CB ice. Is it fair?

1:1 is definitely not fair for you. I'd say a trio set would be fair for a CB Red Copper.


I feel maybe that's a bit much /just a bit/ but you can definitely do better than 1:1, imo.

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It seems like my question got mixed up into the argument above, but I still want to trade that egg. So, what is a cb red Dorsal worth?

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How many April Release Hatchies will go for a CB Brown Copper ?


I have a offer of 3 but i really think there should be more..... but i need other people's opinions first before i accept anything tongue.gif


Thanks for the answers~ Really helpful <3

Edited by lollipop00

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Hmmm, first wave or two of hatchies are about all grown up now, so might be difficult to find anyone that has that many they are willing to part with all at once. I think I'd ask for an IOU of at least one more, maybe two. Or ask them to toss in some other egg or hatchie to sweeten the pot, if you have a way to contact them.

If you can't contact them, I guess it depends on whether or not you want to risk your best offer, or how long you're prepared to wait until/if something better comes along.

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@Ladynova: You can try getting Unbreedables for it, but getting a CB Trio would be tough. It's around the levels of a CB Gold Wyvern and CB Tan Ridgewing (Gold Wyvern being worth the least out of the three, and Ridgewing worth the most out of the three).


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Another Question:


What would 4th gen. Offspring from Dream go for ?




I have the 3rd gen. so if it ever does produce what can i ask for and not seem to make it too "Pricey" ?

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What would be fair in a trade for a 4G SS Gold Tinsel from a 2014 Prize dragon? The lineage is Tin x Magma, if that matters.


Also what would be fair to ask for in exchange for a 5G SS Bronze Tin from Waffle? It's Tin x Terrae. Would asking for 1 or 2 of the new releases be fair, or too much?



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Hi. I'm trying to make THIS trade, and I'm having a bit of a problem getting offers. The old pink descendant was quickly gone, but the golden wyvern has been over a day without any offer, and the other two seem to be going the same way.

I thought maybe a 6th gen was considered unappealing in exchange for a second gen, common, so I bred two second gens with holiday ancestry hoping that would be a more fair trade.

No such luck.


I wanted to avoid gifting groups. I was confident I could trade myself what I needed, and I truly appreciate people's generosity but there is something thrilling when you do it yourself. However, it seems either I don't know the market, or I will have to overprice my trade to get a bite.


So I'm asking, which would be an interesting enough trade to get the three eggs I need?

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The 6g , well for people who like to breed, that will be hard to come up with a mate for. But I think if you stick with it you will likely get an offer sooner or later, it's a nice lineage, just might take a while to get any bites.


The 2gs from holidays, probably going to be tougher to trade those. Those don't seem to very common pairings and finding somebody who wants one of them for a project, probably going to be more of a challenge.


Other than the red dorsal, which could take some time for someone to get lucky enough to breed the right color, the others don't seem like they'd be hard to get. Maybe a offer a couple of red or pink hatchies, or if the 2g from bright pink went quickly then try that again.

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@lollipop: 4g new bronze shimmer - up to a cb metal, but it might take a long time to trade for it.


@jocosa: 4g gold tin - see above, if you are lucky. anything bred or uncommon is possible, or quite some common or bsa hatchies.

5g tin - best forget about trading those. biggrin.gif


@Karin Kes: err, lets just say it would be best to not trade...


@DragonNighthowler: Your wants and haves are far to specific to broker a good trade. I'd really go to a breeding or gifting thread. There you can help out with 2gs and gain 2gs, so its not like you would be getting it "for free".


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Are even gen blacks from gold checkered worth anything in these days?

I though they were a quite common lineage, but I have been trying trading a 3rd gen and a 4th gen for days without a single offer, so I'm wondering if I should simply give up and abandon them unsure.gif

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What do CB Cheeses usually go for in terms of 2nd gen soulpeaces or dinos?

Edited by wingedwarrior_21

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What are papers and CB seasonals going for nowadays?

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Anyone know how many CB Coppers(if any) people will give for a 2nd gen PB black alt hatchling?

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What is the current value of CB brown coppers? I caught one today but I have a few CB brown coppers already so I thought I might trade it.

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