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Voluntary name wiping

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But there are also some people who have some names, so no-names, and just don't like how disorganized it looks. Or there could be people who want to quit and leave the names for everyone else, without them needing to wait a month or whatever the time is.


Yeah, the security definitely needs to be optional. It's really annoying to have to go into your email all the time. Also, there are probably some kids on DC who don't have phones.

Here's the thing about the proposed security:

I do not want this feature. I do NOT want the risk of it accidentally happening to my scroll. EVER.


Since the extra security would be for a feature I won't ever want to use, and is in place to prevent accidents / maliciousness, I don't see why the "extra security" would have to be opt in / opt out.


Simply Put:

This is a feature only a couple of people would use only once or twice, which adds a "feature" that could cause many users major problems if accidentally uses / maliciously used.


In my opinion, it needs to be hard to activate, if its implemented at all.


So the proposed measures I like are:

- Double Confirms: You have to enter a password confirmation, then between 24 to 48 hours later, enter your password again. That will confirm that you really want to do it and wipe the names.

The time difference is, in my opinion, critical. It makes sure that the person actually has to *think* about what they are doing.

- Email verification: you have to click a link emailed to you to confirm that you want ALL names on your scroll erased

Names held for x time: They are held for you to restore completely for a week or so, and no one can grab them. This allows you to reverse it, so... I could go for it.



Ones I'm not in favor of:

- Texted confirm: As was said, not everyone has this. Plus giving DC your telephone number is too much.

- Opt in / Opt out: I do NOT want to have to disable a feature I loath and will never use just to be sure nothing happens. Besides, unless there is a time difference between "opting in" and activating the wipe, what difference does it make? And if it has a wait time, then its the same as the double confirms above.

- Security Question: I'm not a fan but its better than nothing. I still think there needs to be a wait time.

- No security: If there were no extra hard way to get this to activate, I would never support it. This suggestion has too much risk for too many people for too little reward for too few people.



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Double confirm and names held for X time sounds pretty good, in my opinion. Maybe even a combination do the two would work.


But for opt-in opt-out, I don't see what the problem is. Does it take so long to go to account settings, click no verification, and get out?

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Double confirm and names held for X time sounds pretty good, in my opinion. Maybe even a combination do the two would work.


But for opt-in opt-out, I don't see what the problem is. Does it take so long to go to account settings, click no verification, and get out?

It does NOT take long. And that's the thing! Its too easy to go through your account settings, and change something accidentally / get lag. And then you have no security at ALL between you and loosing every one of your names.



And what about people who don't realize this was coming? And didn't go and "opt out" of this? And then loose all of their dragon names, permanently?


Too much risk to too many people for too little reward to too few people. There's what, 2 people posting that they want it? And they'd each only use it once? Once names are removed, they are gone. You have to re-name them again in order to have names to wipe!


Time delayed double confirm with names held for a week would be my personal favorite, I think. I mean, c'mon guys! We're not talking about something that will be used EVERY DAY, we're talking about something that only a couple of people would use, and only once or twice in their entire DC life!


How would you feel, to log into DC one day, to see every single one of your names gone? When they were there the day before? How would you feel? Happy? I'm guessing that for most of you, the reaction would be one of horror. So you'd go to TJ, and ask, WHY? And he'd say: sorry, you used the name wipe feature. Nothing I can do. You should have been more careful.


Why are those against extra security so eager to run the risk of their names being wiped accidentally? Because it will happen. Maybe not to you, but to some: it will happen.



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I still don't see much of a benefit, to be honest.


If you want to rename your dragons, you need to put int he new names anyway. So it doesn't matter whether you unnamed them first or not. (You can even rename a dragon without unnaming it first.)


If you want to free up cool names - TJ intended to code a "name grabbing feature" for inactive scrolls anyway.


If you want to have your scroll orderly - meaning all dragons unnamed - well, that might be the only case where this feature might have a big benefit. However, how many people would need this feature for just this case?

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I searched and couldn't find a topic, please merge or redirect me to a similar topic if it exists.


While I know this would be a feature that a lot of users may not use, I am suggesting it for people who either want to start anew, or just simply have lost interest in naming and would like all the other dragons to conform to their new style of playing (me!).


A safeguard to not accidentally deleting all your names, I would suggest a pop up box or two asking if you'd REALLY want to do this and that it will remove ALL names of your dragons...just so curious people don't make a very drastic mistake. 'Cause I can't imagine the horror of someone losing all their names on accident...especially with a large scroll.


Also, none of the deleted names can be recovered automatically. No 'oopsie' button for those who did not read the warning signs. If you want a name back that was mass deleted, you have to go and try naming a dragon and hope that it's still available.


Another issue I see being brought up, just like mass-release, is how easy it would be for someone to destroy another persons scroll if it was hacked into and all their names were deleted. I don't really have a great argument to defend my suggestion against a situation like this except to say that account security should be #1 to a player and that if your account was compromised, then that is your own fault really...but unlike mass-release, you would still have all your dragons, they would just lose their names. So it's not too bad?


Finally, yes I honestly could just not log into my account for whatever amount of time, but I want to continue playing dragoncave AND start my new style of playing. I hope this is not a lot to ask for.


Please discuss. ^^

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I think LightningSky wanted to have one button to remove all of the names. The mass renaming you still need to do a lot if you have a long scroll.

Personally I would just want the two things combined. Yes, have the fields for mass-renaming or even deleting a few names, but also have a button to delete all names.

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Thanks Sock. ^^


I can agree with fields for mass editing names but there needs to be a button that is 'erase all' as well. Even with multiple fields, going in and deleting over 1000 dragons names would be very tedious!

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