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Insane in the Main Cave - Dragon Cave Fancomic

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Yes. I have watched that part of the series so many times! I always want to cuddle him after he calms down from it and is a sobbing, crying mess. As for his sister, they never really say for certain if Iria dies or not. It's pretty much left up to the fans in regards to her fate. A lot of the time, I think she did because there was a lot implied that Quatre had empathic powers and it was his sister's 'death' which pushed him over the edge. Not so much him witnessing it, but feeling it.


*chokes on soda* OMG! Zov, that's the best gift EVER!!!!

Me too. *huggles him*



I don't want terrified (I mean I want a dragon that you wouldn't obviously associate with fear) which is why I'll go with neotropical. I can twist "fun-loving". Oh yes I can. MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAH!!!

Edited by crazywargod

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Happy Totally-Not-Two-Days-Late Birthday! 8D


And I see D&D still have a....questionable grasp on anatomy in your sister's comic there. xd.png

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I don't want terrified (I mean I want a dragon that you wouldn't obviously associate with fear) which is why I'll go with neotropical. I can twist "fun-loving". Oh yes I can. MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAH!!!




Never really thought of twisting the "fun-loving" aspect of the neotropicals, but heck, I have one that's afraid of everything. The crazier, the better. wink.gif

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Never really thought of twisting the "fun-loving" aspect of the neotropicals, but heck, I have one that's afraid of everything. The crazier, the better. wink.gif

Yeah. It's more of a justification. For all of those single-minders who thing "fun-loving" means innocent. Fun-loving can be the person loves to have fun but only for what they find fun. Meaning if the person finds murder fun...

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I love how she goes from being such a cute tsundere to... this. And how Overly Muscular Dragon goes from being so handsome to... third panel. And how Kai just hates everything right now.




You have no idea how hard it was to draw this rather than cute characters doing absolutely horrible things. Like I have been doing obsessively as of late. :|


As a side note, yay, I can now listen to some songs WITHOUT sickening cosplayers! Huzzah and hooray for music videos!

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Yeah. It's more of a justification. For all of those single-minders who thing "fun-loving" means innocent. Fun-loving can be the person loves to have fun but only for what they find fun. Meaning if the person finds murder fun...


Oh yes. This is totally giving me a description idea right about now....


Haha. Loove it, Zovesta.


Kai has good reason to hate about everything right now. He's been through quite a lot in the span of ten comics. Oh, and did I forget to mention that Dust Storm's absolutely EPIC when she's angry?


Love how the horse dragon's just like "Shut up, you're getting on my back or I can carry you like this for the whole trip." xd.png

Edited by azila

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HAHA! Well, over-muscular dragon did not have much problem putting Dustorm in her place xd.png

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OMD is gonna save the gal because that's what's the right thing to do.

Plus his hooves are so amazingly adorable.


Bah, I'm addicted to electronic music....

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I love how she goes from being such a cute tsundere to... this. And how Overly Muscular Dragon goes from being so handsome to... third panel. And how Kai just hates everything right now.




You have no idea how hard it was to draw this rather than cute characters doing absolutely horrible things. Like I have been doing obsessively as of late. :|


As a side note, yay, I can now listen to some songs WITHOUT sickening cosplayers! Huzzah and hooray for music videos!

You know, I think DS has already gotten on omd's nerves. Awesome zovesta.



Bleh. I didn't really like those vids. I much preferred Baikinman's theme song.

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xd.png Way to go superhero horse! Now Sandrock can stretch a bit and figure out a way down, unless Mr. Superhero would be so kind as to help him down. I'm sure Sandrock would be truely grateful.


On a side note....DS clinging to him is really creepy. >.<

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Oh yes. This is totally giving me a description idea right about now....


Haha. Loove it, Zovesta.


Kai has good reason to hate about everything right now. He's been through quite a lot in the span of ten comics. Oh, and did I forget to mention that Dust Storm's absolutely EPIC when she's angry?


Love how the horse dragon's just like "Shut up, you're getting on my back or I can carry you like this for the whole trip." xd.png

You must tell me X3

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You must tell me X3


All in good time, moi friend. All in good time.


Perhaps a dragon whose definition of "fun" is to torture people until they run home crying for their parents... *glances over at vampire female suggestively* Then again, this would give me additions to a already awesome-sauce description that I have for her. If such a thing is allowed- I think this will be, as it doesn't go against character description or anything...


Now, when this female vampire was bitten, there was a certain flaw in the transformation. Let's say the one who bit her didn't quite inject enough venom or whatever. Anywho, she's now stuck in her orginal form during the day, but by night she transforms back into a vampire. And quite frankly, she absolutely hates it, so this leaves her as quite the messed-up little dragon. Half of her is sweet and caring, while the other half wants to rip the innards out of anyone that she runs into.


Yess. Perhaps.

Edited by azila

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@azila: Oh yeah, I'd have snapped way before that. xd.png He's just slowly dying... inside...

She meant what she said. >_> She will be carried like that the whole trip. Even if she's screaming and censorkip.gif*ing about it.

Haha, thanks, I love drawing her angry face. xd.png I love drawing horror so much that it manages to leak into my comic. >_>


Dash: She's actually fairly easy to do that to. She just happened to forget that she can shoot lightning. ._.;


Helix: Or dangle her upside-down. You know. Whatever. xd.png Thanks.


crazywargod: The one is funnier when you realize that the one is all about bread. The most dramatic song in the whole show... is just about how he loves delivering bread. "Delicious white breeaad~" is one of the lyrics. >_>


RinaChiba: This is the first time she's creeped you out? XDXD Yeah, but I think Kai is feeling a little too "must kill all must kill all" to risk being on someone's back. >_>

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ROFL. and <3


New character huh?

And what happened to Dust and Kai's wings? O.o It looks like their membranes got eaten or something.

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Yeah they lost their membrane in the explosion. xd.png The little tatters just sort of fell off.

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RinaChiba: This is the first time she's creeped you out? XDXD Yeah, but I think Kai is feeling a little too "must kill all must kill all" to risk being on someone's back. >_>

It's a little difficult to creep me out, actually. Especially when it comes to dragons. xd.png


*nodnod* Yeah. With Sandrock's current state of mind, it's a wonder he hasn't killed someone by now. xd.png

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On a side note....DS clinging to him is really creepy. >.<


Dust Storm is adorable when she's clinging to someone! tongue.gif



RinaChiba: This is the first time she's creeped you out? XDXD Yeah, but I think Kai is feeling a little too "must kill all must kill all" to risk being on someone's back. >_>




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Hm, for some reason, Kai is sort of reminding me of the guy in my avatar. Oh, sure, he's nice and friendly, a bit of a ditz at times, even, but should you piss him off, god help you, because he will kill you while you sleep. Also he's always a damsel in distress, and Kai's been kidnapped already. >_>;


Yeah, I dunno why, but dragons aren't creepy and violent like they used to be. LET ME FIX THIS.

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Yes. Sandrock can be very very dangerous when someone invokes his wrath. *looks at the poor, dead vampire that tried biting QuatreWinner* Yeah.......no making Sandrock mad. He keel you. >.<

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user posted image

I love how she goes from being such a cute tsundere to... this. And how Overly Muscular Dragon goes from being so handsome to... third panel. And how Kai just hates everything right now.




You have no idea how hard it was to draw this rather than cute characters doing absolutely horrible things. Like I have been doing obsessively as of late. :|


As a side note, yay, I can now listen to some songs WITHOUT sickening cosplayers! Huzzah and hooray for music videos!

After this comic I officially name the chin cleft Cleftor.

Because I'm random and have an addiction to Paper Mario.

I laughed so hard when I was reading the last panel and how Muscle dragon looks...


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ROFL Yes, Cleftor it is! I know he's your character, Dash, but it's too good a name! XDXD


Haha, thanks. smile.gif

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ROFL Yes, Cleftor it is! I know he's your character, Dash, but it's too good a name! XDXD


Cleftor is such an EPIC name. xd.pngxd.pngxd.png



Edited by azila

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All in good time, moi friend. All in good time.


Perhaps a dragon whose definition of "fun" is to torture people until they run home crying for their parents... *glances over at vampire female suggestively* Then again, this would give me additions to a already awesome-sauce description that I have for her. If such a thing is allowed- I think this will be, as it doesn't go against character description or anything...


Now, when this female vampire was bitten, there was a certain flaw in the transformation. Let's say the one who bit her didn't quite inject enough venom or whatever. Anywho, she's now stuck in her orginal form during the day, but by night she transforms back into a vampire. And quite frankly, she absolutely hates it, so this leaves her as quite the messed-up little dragon. Half of her is sweet and caring, while the other half wants to rip the innards out of anyone that she runs into.


Yess. Perhaps.

Very nice :3


My description would be (for mine dragon)

Like typical neotropicals (enter name of fitting serial killer here as name of dragon) is a fun-loving dragon. (enter name again), however, has a very warped definition on what he (or she) thinks is fun. He (or she) find violently torturing and the eventual maiming, insanity of his (or her) victims, or the death of his (or her) victims fun. He (or she) often like to tear the skin of his victims off and eat it. When not being a murderous psychopath he (or she) loves to eat fruit. He (or she) can also often being seen playing hop-scotch and many intellectual games. He (or she) is a very avid reader having read many books of many different subjects. He (or she) normally preys on his victims during the day as he (or she) is a bit of an exibitionist but has been known to prey at night too, and play games, normal games, or read in the evening.




Well how can I realise that, zovesta, when it's not subbed so I can't understand the words. dry.gif /hates raw videos

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Very nice :3


My description would be (for mine dragon)

Like typical neotropicals (enter name of fitting serial killer here as name of dragon) is a fun-loving dragon. (enter name again), however, has a very warped definition on what he (or she) thinks is fun. He (or she) find violently torturing and the eventual maiming, insanity of his (or her) victims, or the death of his (or her) victims fun. He (or she) often like to tear the skin of his victims off and eat it. When not being a murderous psychopath he (or she) loves to eat fruit. He (or she) can also often being seen playing hop-scotch and many intellectual games. He (or she) is a very avid reader having read many books of many different subjects. He (or she) normally preys on his victims during the day as he (or she) is a bit of an exibitionist but has been known to prey at night too, and play games, normal games, or read in the evening.


Thanks. wink.gif




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You still need to update that banner in your signature Zovestaaaaaa.


O.o Neotropicals...

-looks suspicously at ones on scroll-

So THAT'S where my Water went...

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