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Naruto Shippuden

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Kitsune frowned again, shuffling her feet. What was this boy up to...? She slowly walked into the gate, staring at him all the way before suddenly stopping and turning towards him. "...What's your name, anyways?" She licked the fang poking out of her mouth nervously, staring hard at him. "Could... You help me? I'm not here to cause trouble, so perhaps... You can help me?"

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Kihaku returned to the shop later that day, her purse stuffed with money. When she entered the shop, she immediately began searching for the warm, emerald green alexandrite. When she came upon the sign that held the name, she was surprised to see a ruby in the green stone's place.


"Um, excuse me," she said to the shopkeeper. "The alexandrite... What happened to it? When I came earlier this morning, it was a green stone. Why is there a ruby, now?"


The shopkeeper chuckled. "Alexandrite changes colors. Don't worry. It's the same stone. Perhaps it'll change back later," he explained. Kihaku nodded slowly, then took out the money and showed it to him.


"Will this be enough for the stone?" The man frowned and shook his head.


"I'm afraid not. It's more than that. Way more. This stone is very rare. I'm lucky enough to have it at all."


"Oh, then I'll return when I have the desired amount," Kihaku said, unable to keep the bitterness out of her voice.


"Well, if it helps, I still have four more to sell. Same size, same price," the man offered. "Come back next time. I'll be watching for you." Kihaku nodded stiffly before stepping out of the store. She sighed.


"Ah, I'll just go sit up on that roof where you could see Konoha. It's where Naruto and Sakura sat, watching Sasuke wandering past, if I'm correct," she said to herself.

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Kitsune nodded stiffly and walked into Konoha, venturing out into the busy streets. She glanced back at the boy again, the raven still eyeing him. "Do you know where the Nine-Tails Jinchurikki is?" she asked quietly, shuffling through the croud and out towards an emptier street. "I have orders to find him. Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt him... Ita-err, my master told me he simply wanted to talk to him. Question him about something..." She stopped and sniffed at the air. Was... Was that dango? She poked her head into the dango shop, piling out several coins. Ramen was good, but she prefered sweeter things.

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Kitsune grinned in happyness as she handed the man behind the counter her coins, taking two sticks of dango. She began chewing on the first ball of her dango; so sticky and sweet! Heavenly! She hummed and stepped out of the shop, handing Hiro the other stick. "I'm Kitsune! We've gotta get the Kyuubi, though... Ita-kun thinks the Nine-Tails might know where his brother is... Unless you know anyone else who might?" she tightened her headband and playfully licked at the sauce of her dango as it dripped slowly to the floor, the raven unusually calm. It stared at the boy once more before shooting away towards Itachi, leaving a feather or two behind. Kitsune waved at it for a moment before pulling off her inside-out cloak and tying it around her waist. Her shirt was far too baggy to notice the wings that already pressed nearly perfectly against her back, and it was too hot for cloaks. She would need to purchase more dango later on, it was deliciously sweet...

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Hiro looked at the dango(What is it?) and smiled. "Why thank you. If we're looking for Naruto, we should look for his friends. Sakura, Lee, Shikimaru, and Kakashi. Don't ask hwo i know them."

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((Oh lol sorry I expected you to know. I'm Japanese, see, so we always have it here... It's, umm, kinda like... Hrmm. The closest I can describe it to is balls of fluffy funnel cake on a stick, dripping with the sweetest syrup ever. Like pancake balls on a stick. Yummy!))

Kitsune glanced back up at the sky; the raven was out of view now, completely gone. She frowned. "...Maybe we should go back to Itachi and ask him? After all, he told me to strictly find Naruto and only Naruto. If a close ally of his found me to be a bijuu or in Akatsuki, I'd be in serious trouble. And then Itachi-dono couldn't get the information he wants... Would you want me to lead you back? Or perhaps... Well, this is only a tiny bit of trouble. I'm not gonna hurt the guy, don't worry..." she murmured, hopping into a bush by an empty allyway of Konoha. She waited until a little boy ran past, playing with a toy car, when she suddenly pounced onto him and held him up against a wall, questioning him on the wherabouts of Naruto. She quickly let the boy go when he looked like he would burst into tears and guiltily bought him a dango, sighing as she watched him merrily walk away. It was too bad... She had a soft spot for kids. Well, younger kids. She was only fourteen, after all... She turned and walked back out of Konoha's gate, towards the forest. She glanced back at Hiro curiously. "Coming, Hiro-run?" she snickered before turning and walking again.


((For anyone here who doesn't know Japanese honorifics[the stuff they say after names], the term 'run' is usually said to cute school girls by boys. She's mocking him. xd.png))

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Hiro sneered and followed. "I hope you know i'm on your side. If someone discovers that your a bijuu or Akatuski, they'd not make it back to report they're find." He looked down. He smiled. " It must feel great to wear a headband. I've never even touched one, heh."

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Kitsune turned to stare at him and smiled for the first time in front of him, pulling off the headband now that they were out of Konoha and heading towards Itachi. She held it out to him. "Here, try it! To be honest, this is the first time I've ever touched one too. Before I met Itachi in that warzone, I was..." she stopped smiling and shut her mouth, pushing the headband into his hand and walking forward. She'd rather not discuss her life... If you could call it that. More like a living hell...

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"A living hell? (My guy can read mindz!!!) After my dad died, that's exactly how i felt. Nowhere to go, no money to live off of. I became a mercenary. Even there, i feel empty." He decided to get off the subject. "You know, you don't act or seem to have the personality of a bijuu. In fact, your pretty cute aswell. Itachi should treat you better, bijuu or not."

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Kitsune blinked in surprize when Hiro spoke to her. He... Had read her mind? What, was this some sort of jutsu? "...You had a father. I remember that from yesterday, although I don't know what the word 'mercenary' is... I was locked in an underground cage for most of my life. I was only brought out as a last-resort method to totally destroy the battlefield. I was last resort because I killed everything there... Not a blade of grass was left... And it was always at night. Itachi showed me the sun for the first time, and he taught me how to fight and some basic jutsu. He's only treating me like this right now to punish me... When you think about it, though, being put on a leash isn't too bad. I'm not human, so I don't have the rights of one... But he treats me like one. Most of the time." She blinked at his personality of a bijuu comment. "...Just how do you think bijuu act? I'm only acting like this because of Itachi's seal. I can't control myself without it... Makes me wonder how they chained me up like that underground for so long. Must've been some pretty strong chains..." Itachi must've had a worse life, though... He's probably just hiding it with that emotionless expression of his. She wondered just what had happened to him before turning to Hiro. "...Can you read?" she asked flatly, blinking. Everyone seemed to be able to...

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"...No, actually. I can't.The one thing of truth i spoke of after i had that fight with you, was that i never wen't to school. I couldn't afford it. Most bijuu are never cheery, not evil, but just flat out gloomy. I truthfully think everything deserves the rights of a human. They were here before us, we disrupted their rules..."

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"...Gloomy?" She tugged off her cloak and flipped the outside the way it should be, slinging it over her shoulder and poking her tail and wings out. Hmm... Gloomy? That made no sense... At least she had finally met someone else who couldn't read. "I can't read, either." she laughed, wagging her tail slightly as she stretched out her back. "Itachi said he'd teach me sometime. Maybe he'll teach you, too, if you can help him find his brother. I'm not sure why, but he'd obsessed with finding that brother of his... I don't even know his name. And by the look of it, he refuses to think about his past too deeply. Otherwise you would know... This just gets me more curious!" she rubbed her bandaged arms, trying to numb the throbbing ache running through them. Why would she be gloomy? There's no fun in that!

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"Not that you're gloomy. I suppose you're wondering how i can tell what you're thinking.Can't tell you that, sorry. I got him close to spilling it when he knocked you out last night."

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"R-Really?!" She stared at him in shock. She knew that Itachi was so sleep deprived that he could barely stand yesterday, but still... For him to have broken him that much? To nearly tell his heart's deepest secrets? She was impressed. She stepped into the cave, cheerfully walking up to Itachi.

"...You're back. With the boy from before..." he murmured without turning around to face them, patting her head slowly and turning towards her. She was surprized; Itachi never did stuff like that. He stopped as quickly as he'd began and sat back in a chair that seemingly appeared from nowhere, flipping one leg above the other and crossing his arms. "...You didn't bring back the Kyuubi... Does he know where my brother is?" he stated simply, pointing at Hiro without unfolding his arms. He wanted to know...

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"No, but i can help you find Naruto. Don't think this means we're friends Itachi. We're just on the same side for a certain amount of time." He took a kunai out and scraped the mud off his shoes.

((Im currently extremely lazy. Dont you dare yell at me fr mai short posts.)

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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((oh lol don't worry it's fine xd.png))

Itachi stared at Hiro, emotionless with a slight hint of distaste in his eyes. He desperately wanted his brother, to know where he was... What had Orochimaru done with him, at this time? Every second could be their last chance... "Pity... I would have rathered you just knew." he hid his emotions cleanly and perfectly, keeping calm and collected. He didn't know that Hiro could read minds just yet. Kitsune blinked when she realized Itachi hadn't reattached her leash.

"...Itachi-dono? Y-Your leash..." She stammered, blinking in confusion as his head turned to lightly smile at her.

"You don't need the leash. Your seal was still unstable back before. Now, it's healed... And stop with the Itachi-dono, Itachi-kun... I'm not your master. Call me Itachi... Or senpai, if you must..." He glanced back over casually at Hiro as he scraped the mud off his shoes. "...Why did you choose to come here, boy...?"

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" A guy gets bored, if you know what I mean. I don't know anybody. You know, despite your calm expression, you have an unnatural urge to protect your brother. Of course, he is the last left of your family, but still."


((Fridge stock when your not hungry: 100%

When you are hungry as hell: 0% ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Itachi stared at Hiro, eyebrow rising unintentionally. How...? How had he figured him out, AGAIN? He had perfectly hid his emotions. He knew it. It was almost as if... "...You're reading my mind." Itachi murmured calmly as his heart pounded in his chest. He closed his eyes and sighed, rubbing his temples. This boy... He knew his secret, more than likely. Just thinking about it made him want to scream. Still, it was possible that the boy didn't... He realized he was panting heavily without noticing. He stopped and abruptly stood up, quickly walking up to Hiro. "...Come... Take a walk with me. I wish to discuss certain things with you..." he glanced back at Kitsune who nodded energetically, knowing that she was ordered to stay behind. He stared at the boy again. If anyone knew his secret, his whole life would be down the drain...

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Itachi walked out into the forest, turning to face Hiro after he knew they were too far for anyone else to overhear. "You... Do you know my secret?" he stated simply, heart pounding in his chest so hard he thought it had a good chance of bursting. Sasuke, Sasuke, He'd get to see Sasuke if he cooperated with this boy... He had to keep reminding himself. To be honest he was terrified, but he neither thought of it nor showed it. He eyed Hiro intensely.

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(BOB SEEEGER!)"No, and i dont really care any more. All i wanted to do is get revenge for my father. But now i know you didnt want to massacre. Now i just want to help you find Sasuke."

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Itachi's eyebrows furrowed slightly in worry. What...? How did he know he didn't want to...? "...But you don't know why I did... Do you?" he relaxed slightly, mind still on Sasuke. If this boy wanted revenge, he might kill his brother... He'd already had his heart ripped out once. If Sasuke died... He stopped. No. No thinking. He refused to give Hiro any ideas.

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"I'm not going to hurt Sasuke. I got my revenge. Even if i did still want revenge, i would have taken it on you. Stop asking questions about my ability. all you need to know is that I can help."

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