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"Cryptic!" Kit screamed as Ryu launched into the air, grabbing Cryptic from the water and setting him down on the grass near Kit.


"I don't think he's injured, Kit, just very exhausted. But, just to be sure, maybe you should use a little magic..." he said, uncertain. Then he turned to look at the black hatchling, drifting away on the creek. "I'll be right back," he said, taking flight again. He dove at the hatchling, dealing one simple strike into the chest of the hatchling. It was dead now, for sure, if it hadn't been before.




Kit leaned over Cryptic, listening and watching for signs of life, as she reached deep inside her. She pulled at the Core, pulling out just a little magic, and set it upon him, hoping to at least heal the scrapes he'd recieved from falling into the rocky creek. She was relieved that he was, at least, breathing.


((Yeah, rainface. =3 We wanted to RP. =D It's mostly Spork and I, because we work really well together, it seems. =3))

Edited by Katzyn

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Cryptic's trembling body healed of all wounds, but his exhaustion was still great. His eyes opened and he looked up at Kit, puzzled. His mind was foggy, and he was just returning to himself. "What.. happened?" he asked, feeling the power retreat back inside himself.


ooc;; Ugh. Sorry for the shortness. I'm trying to get in all the posts I can before I have to go.

Edited by TheSporkMaster

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( xd.png Well thats fine with me. Its a rp anyway! I'm just glad I have Rpers. Anyway, Lets just say that Shiel and Sakka were asleep.)


Shiel woke up alongside Sakka. "Sakka, wake up. Its morning. In fact, Later then that I think." Shiel told him. She streched and looked up into the sun. Then looked down because of the sun bieng so bright. She yawned. Then she collapsed. "Then again Sakka, I'm to tired to get up." She said, after collapsing.




Sakka looked at Shiel. Being her brother he knew the sucky truth. He had to go get her food. "Fine, I'll go get you a deer." He said in an annoyed tone. He ran off and into the river to wake him up. As soon as he got in, he jumped in suprise. Then he ran off into the heart of the forest.

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Kit nuzzled him gently, hoping to help him stop trembling so much, but she was trembling, too. "You saved us. Two black, human-controlled hatchlings attacked us while we were playing in the creek...Ryu came, too, and finished them both off, but...-you- saved me from one of them." She blushed.




Ryu returned then, sighing in relief when he saw the Silver's body was healed of it's little wounds, and he was breathing and talking a little. "Come on, Kit, let's get him back to the Cave. Then I have to go get Faeyth and Jai and bring them back, as well. I hope they stayed put..."


He began pulling Cryptic onto his back, with Kit's help, and, Kit walking beside him, keeping Cryptic from slipping off, he walked Cryptic back up to the cave.


After setting him down in Kit's cave, he turned to Kit. "Watch over him. I'll be back with Faeyth and Jai soon, okay?"


((Hey, the shortness works for me. I like to RP, describing things the way my character would see them, and the way I see it, Cryptic would be awfully tired and not notice or say much, anyway. xd.png))

Edited by Katzyn

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Jai sat impatiently waiting for Ryu, although she was of half a mind to just head back down now...

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Sakka saw Kit and the others with a hurt hatchling as he was running off into the forest heart. But he stopped and went over to them. "Hey, if he's hurt, mabye you should take him to Shiel. Mabye she can help. She has all the herbs and things," he said, then ran off.

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Ryu flew up to the cave where he'd left Faeyth and Jai, hoping they'd been patient enough to wait for him. He got there and saw both of them, anxiously waiting for him. Before either could speak, he said, "Everything's okay. Kit and Cryptic were attacked, but Cryptic fought them off. They're both back at the cave, exhausted, but safe." He sat, breathing hard. With a sigh, showing just how tired -he- was, he turned. "We should get down there, just in case there are any other evil hatchlings about. We don't want to fight any more today..."


He turned to lead them down.

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Cryptic lie in silence as he was taken back to the safety of the burrow. His foggy mind couldn't contemplate what had just happened, but he had the sense of something else inhabiting his body. It was fleeing rapidly, but it was very much alive in him. He lie on the smooth floor of the cave, looking up at Kit. "I... didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked, concerned.


Faeyth followed Ryu as fast as she could without slipping down the precarious slope. At this point, nothing mattered but that she get to her brother as quickly as possible. She half-walked, half-slid down after him, panicking.

Edited by TheSporkMaster

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"fine, but why did you leave us up here?" Jai demanded as she followed along behind Ryu

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"I had to. You two can't fly, and they needed my help." He tunred to Jai, frowning sadly. "I didn't want to, trust me, but I couldn't risk you two getting attacked, too." He continued walking, then, wishing to be able to fly the two back to the cave on his back, but he knew that even he couldn't carry that much just yet.


((Oop, didn't see your post, Spork))


Kit shook her head vigourously. "No! Nono, you didn't hurt me." She frowned, then grabbed him some grasses and fruit from the pile from earlier. "Here, you should eat..." She curled up against him, hoping to warm him.

Edited by Katzyn

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ooc;; Ugh. Sorry, I edited my last post. And, I should go. I may be back in a few minutes, or I may not come back until tomorrow after school. So, if you want, you can just 'let Cryptic rest' in the back of the den or something. xd.png

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((Hehe, okay~))


Ryu caught Faeyth as she slid into him. "Are you alright?" In one quick motion, without waiting for an answer, he caught her up and had her sitting up on his back, carrying her. "Come on, Jai, let's hurry," he said, picking up the pace.

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Sakka had came back with a deer in his mouth. "Half only." Then he looked around. "Those other hatchlings hadn't came to you with that hurt looking hatchling?! Why?" Sakka said.




Shiel looked confused. "There is a hurt hatchling? I highly doubt it. They would probably come to me scince I can heal things..."Shiel answered.


(Have to go, bye)

Edited by rainface

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Ryu led Jai down to the cave, carrying Faeyth, who ran to her brother when they reached the cave. He went inside, also, and sat beside the three younger hatchlings, concern etched on his face. He turned then, watching the cave entrance to make sure he would be the one to protect them, should danger arise.

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((sorry let me fix it, I forgot who is Ryu related to?))


Jai sat down next to Ryu and began to clean her furry frill, a gust of wind had blown dirt on them and some had stuck in her fur

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((He's not related to any of the Clan. He's an outsider who came from far away; a wanderer looking for a home.Which he has now found, with our Clan.))

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((Ahh...no. Ryu's playing watchdragon, Kit is taking care of Cryptic. Not much to RP right now, and I'm getting rather sleepy...))

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((ok, will wait for something to happen))

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The silver nodded , but then thought about what Hazan said . S/he stood there , looking at Tempest and Avani and Melek and Hazan . She nodded again , letting herself/himself fall on the back then she started to laugh quietly .

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All through the night, Kit slept, curled around Cryptic with her head laying over his shoulders and neck, keeping him warm.

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Cryptic lie against Kit, completely drained of all energy and life. He was so exhausted that one may mistake him for being dead, though his time was far from being up. He remained in a state of worry. He saw that his sister was fine, and Kit and Ryu were fine, yet something made him worry. His powers, he thought - they must be what frightened him. He was afraid of himself - or whatever it was that took control of him. What if this happened to his sister? What if someone got hurt?

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Kit nuzzled Cryptic in her sleep, finding comfort in her nightmares in his warmth.


((Sorry, was on the phone. =3 Can't talk and type at the same time. xd.png))

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ooc;; Aw, too late. I thought you were gone and left. ;_;


bic;; Cryptic's eyes opened very slightly as he felt Kit nuzzle her in her sleep. He made a soft purring sound, nuzzling her back. Several hours later he finally awoke, finding himself to be twice the size he was when he'd gone to sleep. He wasn't mature - far from it, but he'd gone through quite a growth spurt. He was still exhausted, however, and could not enjoy it fully just yet.


ooc;; I hope that's okay. If it's not, I'll edit it.

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Name: moonwing

Gender: Female

Type: skywing

Power: can place thoughts in ones mind

Job: apprentice

Personality: very very friendly but also very alone and lonely beacause for some reason other apprentices dont like her, she can get scared easily.

Appearance:normal skywing dragon but shines more than normal under moonlight. silver eyes

Age: newly hatched

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