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Yeah, Shadow considers the threads almost interchangeable and just started going through the first bosses that came to mind.


I would list my playing order.. but I've already done that several times. But I did have KH2 at the time, so it wasn't the end.

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Release dates for BBS!!!




America: 7 September 2010


Europe: 10 September 2010


Now the question is, do I hold out until 12 October and get it free for my birthday, or buy it as soon as it appears on Amazon?

BBS is the prequel right? If so IT IS MINE FOR MY B-DAY!!! Which is released only 11 days BEFORE my B-DAY!! IT LOOKS AWESOME!! The epic video helps.

Edited by crazywargod

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Why is Shadow speaking in third person? owo


Nix can has stabbity flood control, yes?

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I don't count secret bosses as part of the main game. They are always harder than the 'last' boss anyway.


Yiazmat anyone?

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BBS is the prequel right? If so IT IS MINE FOR MY B-DAY!!! Which is released only 11 days BEFORE my B-DAY!! IT LOOKS AWESOME!! The epic video helps.

You know it's a spin-off, right?

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You know it's a spin-off, right?

Is it the prequel and as long as the battle system is not card based then it looks too awesome fo not get.

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I'm going to hold on ordering BBS to see if I get it for my birthday. If I don't, I'll order it then. But it will be later. T.T

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I don't count secret bosses as part of the main game. They are always harder than the 'last' boss anyway.


Yiazmat anyone?


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I heard Yiazmat was super hard... where is s/he?


I'm pretty sure I missed all the awesome items in that game..



...but on topic: Anyone opinions on BBS's cover?



I kind of like it and kind of don't. It's pretty cool, but a little plain too.

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I like it. A lot.


Terra's pose is really reminding me of Riku for some reason. I looked at the other covers and the pose isn't the same (he's actually closer to Sora), but Idk. Weird. o.o

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Wait is this a inbetween game or a prequel? How old is mikey in this game and if this is a prequel the why is roxas there?

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Wait is this a inbetween game or a prequel? How old is mikey in this game and if this is a prequel the why is roxas there?

In BBS? That's definitely not Roxas. It's Ven. Wiki it.

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It's a prequel - about Ven (the guy who looks like Roxas) Terra and Aqua.


But it is like an in between game except it comes before KH1, so it is a prequel.


I don't know how old Mickey is, they never really said how old he was before.


@Nix: True stuff. :3 I'll probably ending up loving it.

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Ah confusion gone. I thought that WAS Roxas.

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Yeah, he obviously has some connection with Sora, and most likely ended up in side of Sora and was manifested in Roxas.


Although that is purely speculation. I have avoided spoilers for this game like the plague. :3

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Sounds like what I do. If I am looking forward to a game release I wont even watch the advertisements.

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I freaking devour teasers and trailers for any upcoming games I'm interested in. Which isn't often, but. >> I do. Sometimes I look up spoilers or a general plot synopsis if I'm iffy on it, but otherwise I absolutely want any and all info I can get.

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I hate spoilers and wont use a guide if I can help it.

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I heard Yiazmat was super hard... where is s/he?


I'm pretty sure I missed all the awesome items in that game..



...but on topic:  Anyone opinions on BBS's cover?



I kind of like it and kind of don't.  It's pretty cool, but a little plain too.

I think it's pretty happy.gif Although I heard the had to re-design Aqua's costume several times.


Yiazmat is in the Colosseum at Ridorana Catarac

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If I can find the link, I'll post it.


Hu bnupmas

Edited by Fortune86

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Fortune, ur lucky. Ur gonna get BBS. Lucky you have PSP. When I die, I haunt you.

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