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2024-05-21 - Dragon Cave's 18th Birthday!

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20 minutes ago, spatio said:

Archelonians are indeed just water-type wyverns ;)


Gots four limbs, front ones is (flightless) wingies



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2 hours ago, spatio said:

Archelonians are indeed just water-type wyverns ;)


Gots four limbs, front ones is (flightless) wingies

They are wyverns?! Shelled wyverns?! I would have never expected that lol.


*adds Archelonians to the list of dergs I thought were Leviathans, but I was wrong*


You know. I should make that an actual group, lol. The "This is not the body type I expected" group. 😂🤣

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OK - so now, about those Chaliubas ?

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2 hours ago, Animals65 said:

How do you pronounce Zarafauri?

Just guessing...

Za-ra-f-ow-ree? Au as in fauna?

Or ... Za-ra-for-ee?


Good question.

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I don't say fow-na for fauna - I say Faw-na. :D  


I'd have said Zah-rah-for- ee. Which I think is the same as your second one.

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3 hours ago, Shokomon said:

They are wyverns?! Shelled wyverns?! I would have never expected that lol.


*adds Archelonians to the list of dergs I thought were Leviathans, but I was wrong*


You know. I should make that an actual group, lol. The "This is not the body type I expected" group. 😂🤣

I could have made it easy with the leviathan body type, but I gotta remain ~silly~ 😁

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2 hours ago, hazeh said:

I could have made it easy with the leviathan body type, but I gotta remain ~silly~ 😁

Lol no I appreciate it. I mean real-life evolution has done weirder.


Though now the Leviathan class is even more confusing, but that's always been the case, lol.


I actually ended up making that group. Most of them happen to be things I thought were leviathans and leviathans I thought were other things and that a wingless western or two.


You know I just realized?


These guys are turtle penguins.


Also you and Spatio did lovely work on these. Any sketches of them?

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17 hours ago, Shokomon said:

Lol no I appreciate it. I mean real-life evolution has done weirder.


Though now the Leviathan class is even more confusing, but that's always been the case, lol.


I actually ended up making that group. Most of them happen to be things I thought were leviathans and leviathans I thought were other things and that a wingless western or two.


You know I just realized?


These guys are turtle penguins.


Also you and Spatio did lovely work on these. Any sketches of them?

Turtle penguins, hahaha 😂


I do! Here is my original first sketch of the spiky turtle boi. I also scribbled together a quick headshot of an Archelonian. They look kinda silly with their mouths closed 😆





Some tidbits that will eventually make its way into the Encyclopedia probably:


—These guys sleep A LOT. Most encounters with these dragons are just finding them sleeping at the bottom of their chosen territory, rather statue-like and still; not uncommon to assume the dragon has died, though if you stick around long enough you may see it eventually rear its head up to the surface to breathe (still asleep, mind you!). 

—They don’t breathe underwater, but have incredible lung capacity and can hold their breath for hours (sometimes days for the older Archelonians). Most of their life is spent sleeping, and as these dragons get older, the longer their stretches of slumber. Moss, algae, and other water plants often grow over their shells, and it’s not unusual for mini ecosystems to establish around an Archelonian due to their sedate nature. 

—When these dragons do wake, they are typically in immediate hunting mode; anything nearby is fair game, including other dragons and humans. Their ability to snap their jaws around unsuspecting creatures has made many wary of getting to close to an Archelonian even while asleep, as the speed in which they shift from sleeping to awake is unpredictable. Purposefully waking these dragons is quite foolish for this reason, as they are rather peeved to be woken unnecessarily. 

—If you manage to catch an Archelonian while awake but recently sated, they make for interesting conversation as they enjoy discussing their dreams. 

—They don’t care to share physical space with others, so the vast majority of Archelonians don’t keep mates or companions (though it does happen on occasion). When their instinct to mate triggers, they will then rise from the water and search for a mate for up to two weeks, after which time they return to their slumber if they find no mate. Females will beach themselves to dig out holes on the shore to deposit eggs before returning home. 


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1 hour ago, hazeh said:

Turtle penguins, hahaha 😂


I do! Here is my original first sketch of the spiky turtle boi. I also scribbled together a quick headshot of an Archelonian. They look kinda silly with their mouths closed 😆





Some tidbits that will eventually make its way into the Encyclopedia probably:


—These guys sleep A LOT. Most encounters with these dragons are just finding them sleeping at the bottom of their chosen territory, rather statue-like and still; not uncommon to assume the dragon has died, though if you stick around long enough you may see it eventually rear its head up to the surface to breathe (still asleep, mind you!). 

—They don’t breathe underwater, but have incredible lung capacity and can hold their breath for hours (sometimes days for the older Archelonians). Most of their life is spent sleeping, and as these dragons get older, the longer their stretches of slumber. Moss, algae, and other water plants often grow over their shells, and it’s not unusual for mini ecosystems to establish around an Archelonian due to their sedate nature. 

—When these dragons do wake, they are typically in immediate hunting mode; anything nearby is fair game, including other dragons and humans. Their ability to snap their jaws around unsuspecting creatures has made many wary of getting to close to an Archelonian even while asleep, as the speed in which they shift from sleeping to awake is unpredictable. Purposefully waking these dragons is quite foolish for this reason, as they are rather peeved to be woken unnecessarily. 

—If you manage to catch an Archelonian while awake but recently sated, they make for interesting conversation as they enjoy discussing their dreams. 

—They don’t care to share physical space with others, so the vast majority of Archelonians don’t keep mates or companions (though it does happen on occasion). When their instinct to mate triggers, they will then rise from the water and search for a mate for up to two weeks, after which time they return to their slumber if they find no mate. Females will beach themselves to dig out holes on the shore to deposit eggs before returning home. 


Not only are these guys the penguins of wyverns, but they are also the dragon world's snapping turtles.


This is great. I like these guys a lot.

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On 5/27/2024 at 3:30 PM, Fuzzbucket said:

OK - so now, about those Chaliubas ?

Yea no Chaliuba's being wyverns is definitely a mistake lol. I'm sure it'll get corrected at some point

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3 hours ago, hazeh said:

Turtle penguins, hahaha 😂


I do! Here is my original first sketch of the spiky turtle boi. I also scribbled together a quick headshot of an Archelonian. They look kinda silly with their mouths closed 😆





Some tidbits that will eventually make its way into the Encyclopedia probably:


—These guys sleep A LOT. Most encounters with these dragons are just finding them sleeping at the bottom of their chosen territory, rather statue-like and still; not uncommon to assume the dragon has died, though if you stick around long enough you may see it eventually rear its head up to the surface to breathe (still asleep, mind you!). 

—They don’t breathe underwater, but have incredible lung capacity and can hold their breath for hours (sometimes days for the older Archelonians). Most of their life is spent sleeping, and as these dragons get older, the longer their stretches of slumber. Moss, algae, and other water plants often grow over their shells, and it’s not unusual for mini ecosystems to establish around an Archelonian due to their sedate nature. 

—When these dragons do wake, they are typically in immediate hunting mode; anything nearby is fair game, including other dragons and humans. Their ability to snap their jaws around unsuspecting creatures has made many wary of getting to close to an Archelonian even while asleep, as the speed in which they shift from sleeping to awake is unpredictable. Purposefully waking these dragons is quite foolish for this reason, as they are rather peeved to be woken unnecessarily. 

—If you manage to catch an Archelonian while awake but recently sated, they make for interesting conversation as they enjoy discussing their dreams. 

—They don’t care to share physical space with others, so the vast majority of Archelonians don’t keep mates or companions (though it does happen on occasion). When their instinct to mate triggers, they will then rise from the water and search for a mate for up to two weeks, after which time they return to their slumber if they find no mate. Females will beach themselves to dig out holes on the shore to deposit eggs before returning home. 


They don’t look silly at all! I love that bust of the turtle. His green horns are awesome and he looks like he is smiling.


Only 2 weeks? They are lazy though.




Yea, I managed to trade for 1 of each at the last second. Love them all. Phoenix best, turtle second.

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The Archelonians are for sure my favorite of the bunch. Great release!

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Posted (edited)

This release is truly awesome ! I think all of them should be Holiday release ! I was disappointed about some of past years ha ha :)

Edited by LostinEcho

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11 hours ago, PiedPipecleaner said:

Yea no Chaliuba's being wyverns is definitely a mistake lol. I'm sure it'll get corrected at some point


Thanks. I was just looking at their little ARMS and....

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It's been a loooong time since I've been active on here - what are releases like these days? Do the new eggs spawn frequently during the anniversary, then decrease in frequency? Or do they stop spawning altogether? Thanks! :)

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The first. Unless they are very rare - then they show up - well, rarely ! And we have the market now. Though you likely can't see it, as you just started over, and won't have things unlocked. But - in the end you will get to see this kind of thing. Top right on your scroll is a symbol showing how many shards you have, and you can use them to buy stuff. You need to unlock things in the encyclopedia




first - so as you are effectively new, you need to do a good bit of viewing. Feel free to use my group for adults.... https://dragcave.net/group/244999-0-sorted-by-breed - but you need to unlock the eggs to be able to buy them. NRs are usually quiet cheap/



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1 hour ago, ShivaMateria said:

It's been a loooong time since I've been active on here - what are releases like these days? Do the new eggs spawn frequently during the anniversary, then decrease in frequency? Or do they stop spawning altogether? Thanks! :)

Welcome back! The birthday eggs are still dropping regularly and shouldn't be too hard to get. Other releases are not quite as plentiful.

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I always hope for site updates on DC's birthday, but I can't complain at all about this release. Five awesome new breeds, all easily available. I've almost hit my scroll goals for them all already (one batch left to go). This was so relaxed and nice, exactly how a celebratory release should be, in my opinion.


Thanks, TJ and spriters!

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I'm almost done too; all I need are two more Thousand Wishes.

This was a great release, not stressful at all and adds five wonderful breeds to the cave ❤️

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Posted (edited)

On 5/29/2024 at 3:15 AM, ShivaMateria said:

It's been a loooong time since I've been active on here - what are releases like these days? Do the new eggs spawn frequently during the anniversary, then decrease in frequency? Or do they stop spawning altogether?

Welcome back!  Releases vary.  Some recent releases have been stressful, because the eggs are rare and hard to find in a day or so.  But this current release has been joyously easy, which is a nice change.

ETA:  The Market can be a great help if a release is difficult, if you unlock the eggs first.

Edited by Jennie
to add information.

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I have a question where/what is the Thousand Wish Dragon listed under in trading. I can't find it not under Thousand or Wish.

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17 minutes ago, AngelsSin said:

I have a question where/what is the Thousand Wish Dragon listed under in trading. I can't find it not under Thousand or Wish.

It is listed under Thousand Wish Dragon. Do you have the egg unlocked in the encyclopedia? It won't show in the market until you do.

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