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I saw a lot of people has spreadsheets and so now I'm curious to see yours (if you'd like to show)

 and maybe I'll get inspo for making mine, who knows 😛

you could also talk about reason why you decided to make the spreadsheet or the project, or something else. idk, have fun!

Edited by Pinksafire
more ideas after posting

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I WOULD show you mine but it's massive, with many pages. There are pages showing my Z dragons, my caveborns, and more.




Why made - how else does ANYONE keep track ?


Here's a screenie of the first page.chart.thumb.PNG.1d0cd76ed7dc93db5b099005a293ca82.PNG

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I used to have spreadsheet for every single breed, but recently decided to downsize a little to keep track better xD Worth it and very pleasing to delete nearly 300 spreadsheets!


MLDC Breed Checklist v2

MLDC stands for "Moonlight Dragon Clan". Basically my checklist for what I'm missing from the various breeds. Updated once in a while whenever I remember to. Also includes suffixes for each breed.


Breeding Progress & Needs

With how many breeding projects I do plan on, this is fairly recent addition to my list of spreadsheets. This is still going through some updates.


A. General 001: Aeon - Diamondwing

A. General 002: Dino - Luminox

A. General 003: Lunar Herald - Script

A. General 004: Seasonal - Zyumorph

B. Hybrid 01: Amalthean - Ultraviolet

C. Drake 01: Berry - Vremya

D. Two-Headed 01: Baikala - Temple

E. Pygmy 01: Avea - Seawyrm

F. Event Dragons

G. Zombie Dragon

Basically to keep track of my dragons. The summary list is kinda still in the works in them, but aren't these always kinda works in progress? 😆


H. Holiday AP Catches & Partners

Basically what it has been titled. These mainly consist of Holiday dragons I caught from AP and bred partners to.

Edited by Moonlightelf

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Mine is a notebook binder, and only has my "regular" checker dragons listed. They are listed on a page (or 6) for each breed, and any mates that match are listed.


Everything eventually gets typed up, but it is a large project as I have 5.881 entered so far. Since they get entered for both breeds, it is a lot of work.


Here is an example page. Don't mind the column spacing. It hasn't been corrected since I updated my computer:




f2 x Aether                         No Changes

f3 x Gaia                               All The Playboys                               x                              Playboy Honey   (try)

f2 x Gaia                               Apply At Toms                                   x                              Grime Dog Food

f2 x Gold Lunar                  Gold Garters

f3 x Stripe                            Sports Fan

f3 x Stripe                            Opposing Fingers




m2 Sweetling                     Sweeter Still

m2 Floral-Crowned         The Festive Rose

m2 Floral-Crowned         Mud Flour

m2 Carmine                        Zinger the Angry Fox

m2 Celestial                        I'm An Endearing Air Dragon

m2 Floret Gold                  Ettolrahc The Content

m4 Mint                               The Garish Mint

m2 Red                                 Heated Garland

m3 Shimmer Silver          Geoffrey With A G

m2 Stratos                          Turkey Feed

m3 Tercorn                         Faerie Nice

m3 Xeno Gaia                    Aren't Hugh Sweet

m3 Xeno Gaia                    Are Hugh Garland Jeffreys


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Oh yesssss, I hope this thread picks up more replies because I LOVE looking at spreadsheets and seeing how everyone uses them! I just started using them myself maybe a month ago - this behemoth is my personal record-keeping sheet, essentially. Complete list of (breedable) dragons I own with things like parents, mates, and whatever other notes I generally need at a glance. Needs updated, but it's mostly current; it does need some big updates to the 3g SAlt section tho, which I was working on before I found this, lol. My other spreadsheet contains my lists of things I need bred, my wishlist, and (eventually) my general trade info/things I'll breed or trade for the things listed. I started it like last week, so it's pretty basic currently 😅

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I created a spreadsheet ages ago to track what I have.  The main sheets I use are:

  • Main checklist, with every dragon, code, breed, type, gender, lineage, biome found.  It also tracks what I need for various scroll goals.
  • Timer sheet, with formulas to track date/time when eggs hatch and hatchies grow (helpful if I'm at work, lol).  It also tracks how many eggs/hatchies I have so I know if I'm locked or not.
  • BSA tracker, with formulas to track when each will be available again
  • Breeding, tracking what each pair produces or refuses, with a formula to show when the pair is available again
  • Zombie fodder, by type
  • Breed release calendar/game timeline.  It includes variants and a comment related to how it's obtained if it's not a regular cave drop (i.e. Ushgorn has two rows, with the note that it's a hybrid).  I also have some notes for key dates for myself, like the date I started playing (Nov 2008!)
  • I'll create sheets temporarily for certain BSAs, like summons or adventuring


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Here is a screenshot of my latest tracking sheet - I normally hide the rows of dragons that are marked "traded" but for the sake of screenshot I unhid them 



The first five columns are pretty straight forward.

[D-6] is the time of caught for CB / time of birth for Bred, but it would be adjusted according to incubation / hatch time

[Matures] in xx hrs uses 


to automatically display countdown hours.


I also use a little table to help me convert the D-6 from the x d x h with this formula: 




As for conditional formatting, if you want to highlight several breeds with the same color, you could use custom formula like this:


For the status and note columns, I also used conditional formatting so that trade=grey, got=green, found in AP=blue, etc.


Then I also have other sheets, for example, only collecting the CB's from the tracking sheet:

=SORT(QUERY({Track!A2:Q},"select * where (Col3='CB' and Col8<>'Traded')"),1,1,2,1,6,1)


I really enjoyed seeing the comments and spreadsheets above! I would love to see more people sharing their spreadsheet and maybe some interesting formula too!


Oh and this - not exactly spreadsheet but I made it with one to help me with the variations.




Edited by CuteDragons

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I have spreadsheets for my breeding projects and for my main naming system which takes quite a bit of tracking because of the way I designed it. (I have no idea what I'll do once I run out of Elvish names.)


I have different names for Caveborns, Legendary Dragons, AP dragons, and bred dragons.


Caveborns or Market bought non- legendary dragons are from Imladris, Legendaries are from Imladris and known as Legends, AP dragons are from Mirkwood if Male or Lothlorien if Female, and bred males have their father's name plus -ion as their surname, bred females have their mother's name plus -iel as their surname.


This means I can potentially have four dragons with the same name. I have only one dragon name I've done that with so far according to spreadsheet.


I have four male dragons named Naur:


Naur of Imladris, Naur of Imladrian Legend, Naur of Mirkwood and Naur Haerelion.


I don't keep anything else in spreadsheets because I have quite enough already.


I save my finished breeding project spreadsheets in a separate folder to my ongoing ones. I could delete them but I would regret it because it's cool to look back on them and see a successfully completed lineage all planned out.


I lost all my sheets at one point *sobs*. Now I have them on Google Drive which is hopefully safer.


I haven't finished my Stripe breeding project yet, I lost that sheet and it's going to take me days to rebuild that. I'm not looking forward to it.


Although I am looking forward to finishing my Stripe breeding so I should probably do that soon.

Edited by Cireth

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I have two, I have a set of spreadsheets for my holiday breeding lines as thats one of my special interests in playing the game, collecting and breeding hol x hol lines, so I have three spreadsheets that combines the ones that I have and their partners, and the ones I don't have. I have a spreadsheet for shinies, and I have one for SALT lines and Thuweds. Then I have a seperate document JUST for hol x hol lines I don't have and still need to make it easier for those who help me out to know what to keep from the AP.


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Wow. My spreadsheet is so simple in comparison.  It consists of three pages: one of encyclopedia pages to be completed, one of dragons I need a specific gender for, and one of which applicable breeds do not have a member in my personal family line.

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Oh this thread is amazing!

My spreadsheets are categorised by overall intent and then have multiple 'tabs' per big sheet, so I'll only link one tab for each big spreadsheet set XD


Scroll and Breed Statistics - tracks my caveborns, including my scroll goals and what I'm missing, as well as basic breed information; my hybrids with the same; special dragon species, Prizes, Neglected, Undead, etc; my freezies (under construction as of this post); my in-scroll groups; and the CB Holidays for my scroll and my best friend's scroll.

Descriptive Information - tracks egg descriptions, alphabetised by description and then by breed; Holiday egg descriptions; elemental alignments (under construction as of this post); and the naming convention for my caveborns based on breed, as well as name tracking a few very specific multi-breed groups.

Breeding Projects - separated by Holiday breeds first, then Prizes, and then sundry others.

Snowflower Rainblooms - tracking for my Prime Hoards - Floral-Crowned, Sakuhanas, Snows, Xocoatls.


I used to have Holiday/kin wishlist spreadsheets too, but they were pretty much redundant since I built the holiday lines tabs for Breeding Projects XD Specific tabs can also be found in my signature!

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1 hour ago, StarlightLion said:

Oh this thread is amazing!

My spreadsheets are categorised by overall intent and then have multiple 'tabs' per big sheet, so I'll only link one tab for each big spreadsheet set XD


Scroll and Breed Statistics - tracks my caveborns, including my scroll goals and what I'm missing, as well as basic breed information; my hybrids with the same; special dragon species, Prizes, Neglected, Undead, etc; my freezies (under construction as of this post); my in-scroll groups; and the CB Holidays for my scroll and my best friend's scroll.

Descriptive Information - tracks egg descriptions, alphabetised by description and then by breed; Holiday egg descriptions; elemental alignments (under construction as of this post); and the naming convention for my caveborns based on breed, as well as name tracking a few very specific multi-breed groups.

Breeding Projects - separated by Holiday breeds first, then Prizes, and then sundry others.

Snowflower Rainblooms - tracking for my Prime Hoards - Floral-Crowned, Sakuhanas, Snows, Xocoatls.


I used to have Holiday/kin wishlist spreadsheets too, but they were pretty much redundant since I built the holiday lines tabs for Breeding Projects XD Specific tabs can also be found in my signature!

I'd been hoping you (and a few others) would find the thread and comment, I really love the formatting on your sheets! Back before I started mine, I'd gone hunting for sheets from others to just get an idea of what info people consider important and how detailed/complicated I could get before they'd be unusable; liked yours a bunch and always wondered if there were more (hope that isn't as weird as it sounds to me lmao), especially since I've lost steam with mine lately and have been poking around for inspiration before I get too far behind

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3 hours ago, Astharoshe said:

I'd been hoping you (and a few others) would find the thread and comment, I really love the formatting on your sheets! Back before I started mine, I'd gone hunting for sheets from others to just get an idea of what info people consider important and how detailed/complicated I could get before they'd be unusable; liked yours a bunch and always wondered if there were more (hope that isn't as weird as it sounds to me lmao), especially since I've lost steam with mine lately and have been poking around for inspiration before I get too far behind

I'm glad you like them!! These current ones are the second or third iteration because I'll periodically go through and decide I need to add a piece of information that I don't have XD Hopefully that doesn't happen with these ones since I've included so much info already (enough that there is definite overlap between some of the various tabs), but I know I'm almost definitely going to reconstruct the Variety and project-specific tabs in my Breeding Projects, but that can wait until another day LMAO

Good luck with your sheets!! To put it out there, I absolutely don't mind if anyone wants to copy my layouts - I think you can make duplicates of sheets you can see, which would make it pretty easy to do XD Mine are pretty deeply detailed because it makes my brain happy, but there are definitely ways to simplify mine down if they're too complicated.


Really interesting to see what other people's sheets look like! Especially interested seeing which bits of information everyone prioritises ❤️

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Can't show them since they're not online, but I have one file witb an ever-growing number of spreadsheets where I plan put my lineages.  I basically use spreadsheet cells mimic the layout of a lineage except reversed (so CB on the left instead of thr right) and use a combination of text, cell group border, and fill colors to code things so I know at glance which pair needs to produce what egg and what influences I need to do.


I also use multiple fonts for lineages with different breeds so I can tell right away which name is what breed (some of them change pattern partway, like some I have the male/female breeds reverse every generation or pattern them like ABBA instead of ABAB)


My largest lineage actually comprises multiple sheets because it was too awkward to try and scroll through so many dragons on one massive sheet (it'll have 1024 CBs alone), and every so often I copy the progress over into a master sheet with all the data.

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On 7/4/2023 at 8:53 AM, KageSora said:

I basically use spreadsheet cells mimic the layout of a lineage except reversed (so CB on the left instead of thr right)


I SO much prefer that - it's like reading a book for most of us - start on the right. I've never understood why DS does it backwards. I also lay out lines in word like family trees, with the oldest generation at the top.



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I love having my spreadsheets, I can keep track of all my lineages there. I have tabs for holidays, metals/prizes, PB, hybrids, normal checkers etc. I also have a frozen checklist, and my current project is to get checks of Striped Rivers with every breed possible. I do have a separate sheet just as a list of dragon breed, dates, name and linage type, that one started back in 2011 after a hiatus where I'd lost all dragon names.  This huge one started after another hiatus when I started playing more consistently a few years ago. 

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My spreadsheet... it recording some statistics on my scroll. Not using other banner because none of it count of my undeads. :ph34r: The 2nd part recording the informations of my dragons including breed, code, gender descriptions and names. I only have 3 mins memories and sometimes their names is not the same between 2 languages, that why I need it to record. Part3 is the wishlist but I'm too lazy to upgrade it in most of time. alot Something I consider to add: egg descriptions, which biomes could found, elements and... the colour clock.

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