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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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17 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

They must be fully vaccinated and test negative to be housed with one of the churches.

Wow! Good for you guys being COVID safe but that is also a pretty high bar to set. In my area, you have to show a photo ID in order to get vaccinated. If you loose yours (or never had one) and then don't have a permanent address it can be really really hard to get a new one. 


Speaking of COVId, my boss's husband just tested positive on Sunday. I went to get a test yesterday and now it is just a waiting game until I get the results. The wedding is supposed to be in 7 days. Wish me luck.

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10 minutes ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Wow! Good for you guys being COVID safe but that is also a pretty high bar to set. In my area, you have to show a photo ID in order to get vaccinated. If you loose yours (or never had one) and then don't have a permanent address it can be really really hard to get a new one. 

It is a high bar, which is probably why we have fewer people this year, but it is not impossible for most to reach, if they want to. The House of Hope (which sponsors the shelter) has had the Health Department giving vaccine at their day center from the time it first became available. They also provide all sorts of services out of their center, including helping people get ID and other necessities and providing them with a mailing address.


Last year there was no rotating shelter due to Covid. They housed a lot of people in an under-utilized Red Roof Inn. Talking to some of those who stayed there, it seems the conditions there were less than optimal. They are still using it this year for those who don't meet the requirements for the rotating shelter.

14 minutes ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Speaking of COVId, my boss's husband just tested positive on Sunday. I went to get a test yesterday and now it is just a waiting game until I get the results. The wedding is supposed to be in 7 days. Wish me luck.

Oh my gosh! Crossing all my fingers and toes for you!

Edited by purplehaze

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2 hours ago, Lagie said:

I have to consider temperature and audience when selecting clothes for this house sit. As in, how to I stay warm while walking the dog, and look halfway decent should anyone in the gated community see me doing it... :P

oh interesting.  i wouldn't care about the looking halfway decent part, i'd just dress warm!


10 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I could use more of those at some point. I don't think 5 make a Red Dragon Army. lol

i can help out as well!


1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

Our church is participating in a rotating winter shelter for the homeless this week. Different churches in the community host the shelter for one week during the cold months. Our church has been participating in it since it first started nearly 15 years ago.

that's awesome! and also yay for staying safe too.


1 hour ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Speaking of COVId, my boss's husband just tested positive on Sunday. I went to get a test yesterday and now it is just a waiting game until I get the results. The wedding is supposed to be in 7 days. Wish me luck.


here's to a negative test!

and an awesome wedding!

this coming october will be 28 years for me and hubby. :)


also, good morning all.

so here's a funny story - over the weekend i was stalking the regular cave to see what rares i could find (the answer was none, but i wasn't in all the biomes all the time, so....) and i misclicked on an egg, it was a Cassare.  since they weren't on my radar for anything, i waited until i could toss it, and then it went to the AP.  the next day, i decided i wanted to name some dragons after the characters in the show i'm currently watching - Warehouse 13.  the characters collect "artifacts" that are... well, they're possessed, we'll say, with malicious energies.  the characters put these artifacts into a purple goo or (what looks like) anti-static bags, and neutralizes the artifact until it can be safely stored at the warehouse.  the Cassare dragons have "magic-deadening abilities," which is what that sounds like to me.  so now i'm collecting Cassares.  yes, after i tossed one to the AP. :blink:  (it's fine, this is how i seem to operate. LOL)

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Well, sometimes it pays off doing Tuesdays by appointment at the shop! An extra 135 for the week isn't too shabby!


2 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Speaking of COVId, my boss's husband just tested positive on Sunday. I went to get a test yesterday and now it is just a waiting game until I get the results. The wedding is supposed to be in 7 days. Wish me luck.

Fingers crossed all is well!


3 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Our church is participating in a rotating winter shelter for the homeless this week. Different churches in the community host the shelter for one week during the cold months. Our church has been participating in it since it first started nearly 15 years ago. I helped with dinner last night and breakfast this morning. We only have 11 guests this year -- down from the 35 - 40 that we usually have. Not because there are less homeless, but they are making all kinds of alternate arrangements due to Covid. We have reduced numbers so we can maintain distance for them waking and sleeping. They must be fully vaccinated and test negative to be housed with one of the churches.

Nice! :D (That you do this, not that there are homeless people who need it. Ideal world, right...?)


1 hour ago, trystan said:

oh interesting.  i wouldn't care about the looking halfway decent part, i'd just dress warm!

True! At home, though, hardly anyone sees me, so I'm in short comfy clothes that don't quite work for dog walking and poop scooping. :P

Edited by Lagie

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3 minutes ago, Lagie said:
1 hour ago, trystan said:

oh interesting.  i wouldn't care about the looking halfway decent part, i'd just dress warm!

True! At home, though, hardly anyone sees me, so I'm in short comfy clothes that don't quite work for dog walking and poop scooping. :P

eh, fair enough

once i got to college, i really didn't care what people thought of what i wore.  if i liked it and if it was comfy - and i felt comfortable wearing it - i didn't really care what anyone else's opinion was.  middle-school-me could have learned a lot from college-me.

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Good day CPA.

I am so behind on you all. Sorry!!! 

This working two jobs (well 3 if you count our cleaning gig on Saturdays) is killing me. 

I gave a shift away yesterday just so I was off from every job, took a personal day from my other job today so I had another day of nothing. I have to admit this feels good. I was a mental breaking point I think.  Realized today that I needed to get my eggs into the click sites. Oof!

Husband has been full on cough, chest congestion for over a week. Sounds worse the last two days. He is still negative on Covid tests. So I am guessing he has bronchitis.  I even tested myself this morning since I have been a bit "sinusy". But I have been this way for 6 years, I am worse in the winter. It was negative too.  But I least I know we aren't spreading that anywhere. 

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44 minutes ago, trystan said:

middle-school-me could have learned a lot from college-me.

Nah, that's a phase. Normal middle schoolers don't have that kind of chill. Puberty raises the stakes on the battle forsocial status. 

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1 minute ago, galleri said:

I gave a shift away yesterday just so I was off from every job, took a personal day from my other job today so I had another day of nothing. I have to admit this feels good. I was a mental breaking point I think.

sometimes you just need a day for yourself!


1 minute ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Nah, that's a phase. Normal middle schoolers don't have that kind of chill. Puberty raises the stakes on the battle forsocial status. 

well i had it worse - it was the 80s, era of designer jeans and all kinds of conspicuous consumption.  i did have hand-made clothes from my mom, but also i had hand-me-downs... from our neighbors.  i have two younger brothers, and their clothes wouldn't have fit me.  the thing with the hand-me-downs was that they were the previous year's fashions. oh no.  middle-school me didn't have any kind of anything to deal with that, so i just let it get to me.

by the time i got to college (not even high school), i realised that people didn't care what i wore.  they were friends with me for me being me.

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7 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Wow! Good for you guys being COVID safe but that is also a pretty high bar to set. In my area, you have to show a photo ID in order to get vaccinated. If you loose yours (or never had one) and then don't have a permanent address it can be really really hard to get a new one. 


Speaking of COVId, my boss's husband just tested positive on Sunday. I went to get a test yesterday and now it is just a waiting game until I get the results. The wedding is supposed to be in 7 days. Wish me luck.

That's Awesome!

Well, that's not, and I hope it comes back negative asap! *hugs*


3 hours ago, galleri said:

Good day CPA.

I am so behind on you all. Sorry!!! 

This working two jobs (well 3 if you count our cleaning gig on Saturdays) is killing me. 

I gave a shift away yesterday just so I was off from every job, took a personal day from my other job today so I had another day of nothing. I have to admit this feels good. I was a mental breaking point I think.  Realized today that I needed to get my eggs into the click sites. Oof!

Husband has been full on cough, chest congestion for over a week. Sounds worse the last two days. He is still negative on Covid tests. So I am guessing he has bronchitis.  I even tested myself this morning since I have been a bit "sinusy". But I have been this way for 6 years, I am worse in the winter. It was negative too.  But I least I know we aren't spreading that anywhere. 

You need to rest friend. *hug*


Also welcome to our new member. I am also a bit behind on here because I didnt sleep yesterday and had to work a 12 last night. I work another this evening but I am more prepared this time (meaning I passed out as soon as I got home and over slept lol)

well, I'm off to get ready. See you all later!

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Good evening, CPA! B)


Well, I don't think I'll be out walking tonight, regardless of what I'm wearing. XD The dog thinks I'm a demon from hell and won't come near me so I doubt I'll get a leash on him to walk. Good thing his yard is securely fenced (though it took almost two hours for him to come back inside when I let him out after my shower)! :rolleyes:

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silly doggo! you're not a demon from hell....


well, i'm guessing you're not....

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I've had a bad cold for a couple days. Now I'm not stuffed up anymore, now it's moved into my chest. Unfortunately my covid test kit doesn't get here till Friday. My spouse isn't sick at all, which is a good sign. And I'm thinking, whatever happened to a good old case of the flu? Or a cold?

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1 hour ago, trystan said:

silly doggo! you're not a demon from hell....


well, i'm guessing you're not....

I don't think I am...

We did make it out on a leash briefly. He's very strong!


1 hour ago, Nahuati said:

And I'm thinking, whatever happened to a good old case of the flu? Or a cold?

People jump straight to assuming Covid. Hope you feel better soon.

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2 hours ago, Lagie said:

The dog thinks I'm a demon from hell and won't come near me

Why would he think that? I'm glad you at least have the option to turn him out in the yard. I guess he will be glad to see his family return -- and you might be, too.

1 hour ago, Nahuati said:

I've had a bad cold for a couple days. Now I'm not stuffed up anymore, now it's moved into my chest. Unfortunately my covid test kit doesn't get here till Friday. My spouse isn't sick at all, which is a good sign. And I'm thinking, whatever happened to a good old case of the flu? Or a cold?

It is true that now no one can get a sniffle without immediately thinking Covid. I hope you feel better soon, whatever it is!

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25 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I don't think I am...

We did make it out on a leash briefly. He's very strong!

i believe you.

what kind of doggo?

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9 minutes ago, trystan said:

i believe you.

what kind of doggo?


Bernese Mountain Dog x Standard Poodle


23 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Why would he think that? I'm glad you at least have the option to turn him out in the yard. I guess he will be glad to see his family return -- and you might be, too.

;) Indeed. I'm only here till Friday, thank goodness.

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1 minute ago, Lagie said:


Bernese Mountain Dog x Standard Poodle

oh right.  we had a conversation about that.  sounds like a mix of strong breeds (says the cat person who knows like three things about dogs)

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2 hours ago, Lagie said:


Bernese Mountain Dog x Standard Poodle

2 hours ago, trystan said:

oh right.  we had a conversation about that.  sounds like a mix of strong breeds (says the cat person who knows like three things about dogs)


Most of the grooming problems, half the drool?

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7 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Most of the grooming problems, half the drool?

Pretty much. XD

And a stubborn personality. It takes forever to get him back inside once he's gone out in the yard.


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Windy and cool.

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sounds like a fun dog!  or, y'know, a kid. XD


morning all.

stalking the AP again for... whatever.

i have a pair i can breed this afternoon, and a vampire that can bite tonight - we'll see how that goes - this would be my last vampire for my Forever Knight dragon, IF Vachon doesn't kill the dang egg again....


also, that story about the CB Cassare i tossed? yesterday i picked up a CB Cassare from the AP with the stolen date of 2/13.  since i don't remember any part of the code of the Cassare i did have... well, this could be that! XD


Edited by trystan

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Good morning all! Lagie, I will have a brownie please and thank you.... Only 40 {or so} more dragons and I will have 1,000! I know that's a long time ago for you guys, but I can't wait. 

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3 minutes ago, Nahuati said:

Only 40 {or so} more dragons and I will have 1,000!


fwiw, i started at the end of 2008, and got to dragon #1000 in 2020... so actually not all that long time ago for me. :)

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Wow I guess it wasn't. It appears to me like you've been here a lot longer than that! I just picked up 3 eggs from the AP that were cracked, so I'm closer!

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i did have a few years where i wasn't really active.  i'd pop in for valentine's, halloween, and holiday eggs, and maybe a release or two.  i've grouped my dragons by the year i caught the egg, and i only got 26 dragons in 2017 and 27 dragons in 2018.

let's see if this list formats properly back here (and the years are clickable, too)~

2008   18 dragons (i started in December)
2009   239 dragons
2010   92 dragons
2011   42 dragons
2012   35 dragons
2013   59 dragons
2014   53 dragons
2015   51 dragons
2016   41 dragons
2017   26 dragons
2018   27 dragons
2019   105 dragons
2020   540 dragons
2021   430 dragons
2022   18 dragons (so far)

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I am so frustrated with my attempt at a lyrical lineage with Chronos and Aeons in a checker. I am stuck needing Aeons from 3 different pairs for over a month now!

My base pair from which I need 14 of each breed (Its's an inbred lineage.) and have finally gotten all but the last Aeon: https://dragcave.net/progeny/I2Skj

One of my 2nd gens that I need only ONE Aeon from: https://dragcave.net/progeny/BYjHa

One of my 3rd gen pairs that I also need only ONE Aeon from: https://dragcave.net/progeny/BYjHa

Stupid stubborn dragons! I can't go any farther until I get those. :( I need some serious Aeon vibes for my breeding next week!

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