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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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Got my 2 and nabbed 2 for cub since she's already in bed for school tomorrow. FINALLY did today's event (finding that label is TRICKY, let me tell ya!!)

Time for wine and Outlander while I wait for the clothes to dry and then I gotta fold and put it all away and maybe play Lost Ark before bed.

Update on my feet, if anyone is interested: Mostly healed up, not terribly sore now, but still hurts if they are bumped (thanks cats 😕 ) so I SHOULD be ok to work tomorrow, I guess we'll find out lol.

Also gonna guess the new dragons are passion fruit dragons. Just a thought I had based on description.

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I just need the new one, but my eggs haven't hatched just yet (but soonnnnn) lol. 

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Happy Valentine's Day 




Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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*GASP* I just realized one of my new eggs is a Z code!! 😍

Also, I found this for you all (I do not claim ownership of this, was a Google search result. Credit goes to original artist):


toothless v-day.jpg

Edited by IzzyCat91

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10 hours ago, ThiefyLives said:

@AsymDoll13 you'll always be too sweet to me. Hiya everyone! Asym says you're all super nice. I'm new to forums and they make me nervous, so be gentle, lol. :D 

Welcome! Have a brownie!

Nice opening toppage post, too. ;)


9 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:



*ehew* Sorry. 

Yay! Congrats! :D

Because I was coming here to say, I'm so sorry... I have no alstro to breed my sakuhana with (should definitely have checked that before I offered :rolleyes:


Happy Valentine's Day, CPA!  💞

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, heart-shaped brownies, toast with jam, and a bowl of cinnamon heart candies*


I can't find anything in the closet! :o

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3 hours ago, Lagie said:

I can't find anything in the closet! :o

It took me awhile.


Anybody still looking for a Sakuhana? I still have this one that I don't want to keep and want the scroll space for other things.


If it is still here when I get back from running errands I will put it on the Notice board.

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happy valentine's day!


i got my two new eggs last night, one as part of the midnight drop, and the other 20 minutes later! :blink:


what's a good dragon that can read Auras, like a psychic reader?

also, are there any other dragons like the Cassares, that can deaden or nullify magic?  i've got another show that i'm naming dragons for the characters XD

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I just need 1 more new egg and I'll have them all! Muhahahahahaha! 




Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️❤️❤️ 

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4 hours ago, purplehaze said:

It took me awhile.

It went much more smoothly on the laptop! Good thing Julian was out so his podcast listening wasn't eating up all the internet.


Breezy and cool.

I was the only one at lunch (of five) who remembered to wear red for Valentine's.

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Weighed the piggies today. 


Kris is a nice healthy 1105g (roughly 2.4 lbs) and 

Duncan is a nice, healthy (if not tiny) 625g (roughly 1.37 lbs). 


Duncan is most likely a dwarf guinea pig, and he's adorable. ❤️ But so little. The smallest he weighed was 503 g (like 1.1 lbs) and now he's over 600+ g which is nice. ❤️ I love that little boy. 

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5 hours ago, trystan said:

what's a good dragon that can read Auras, like a psychic reader?

i had a suggestion of Venturis dragons.  any other thoughts? :) 

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3 hours ago, trystan said:

i had a suggestion of Venturis dragons.  any other thoughts? :) 

Lihnseyre, Radiant Angel, Soulstone, Arsani, Florets, Geminae - all empathic/telepathic


13 hours ago, purplehaze said:

@Long_Before_Sunrise That froggie thing is so cute! ❤️

Thanks. 💘  


Now to take up where Asymdoll left off: I'm so tired of being egglocked!


Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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15 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Lihnseyre, Radiant Angel, Soulstone, Arsani, Florets, Geminae - all empathic/telepathic

thanks! i'll check 'em out. :D 

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I have my two Z dragons.

I managed the badge.

I bred all my CBs that already had mates.

I even gifted out a new Val.

I'm happy with today.


Good night, all!

*poofs in a cloud of cinnamon hearts*

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34 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:


I'm still egg locked! How is this happening???

It's like someone is adding eggs to my scroll as fast as they hatch, but who?

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so Leena is now a Soulstone.

i'm pretty sure i was editing my previous post in this thread, and then my show started at 9 and i totally didn't edit my post.


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42 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:


It's like someone is adding eggs to my scroll as fast as they hatch, but who?


You know who. It was me! Ha!

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28 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

You know who. It was me! Ha!

It's because I have a bunch of Red dragons to incubate with, isn't it?

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I could use more of those at some point. I don't think 5 make a Red Dragon Army. lol

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7 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I could use more of those at some point. I don't think 5 make a Red Dragon Army. lol

Nah... more like a small posse. XD I can help with reds once Valentine's is done.


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Windy and chilly. I have to consider temperature and audience when selecting clothes for this house sit. As in, how to I stay warm while walking the dog, and look halfway decent should anyone in the gated community see me doing it... :P

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I did not breed all of my Valentine pairs. I bred all from the last few years because I have fewer of those and they seem much rarer in the AP. Actually everything after the Heartstealing dragon seem pretty scarce in the AP.  So I bred all I could of those, even some stairs, which I don't really collect, but I know some people do and will be glad to have them. The older breeds I only bred ones that I wanted an offspring for myself.


Our church is participating in a rotating winter shelter for the homeless this week. Different churches in the community host the shelter for one week during the cold months. Our church has been participating in it since it first started nearly 15 years ago. I helped with dinner last night and breakfast this morning. We only have 11 guests this year -- down from the 35 - 40 that we usually have. Not because there are less homeless, but they are making all kinds of alternate arrangements due to Covid. We have reduced numbers so we can maintain distance for them waking and sleeping. They must be fully vaccinated and test negative to be housed with one of the churches.

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