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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Pharmacy assistant, my mate said I shouldn't be an assistant cause I wouldn't get to do the amount I'd get to do as a student.

But I really don't care about that, I just want a job and anything to do with a pharmacy would be better.


Mmm relistening to some of my favourites from eurovision last year.


Yeah... it's not a fancy airport job :P

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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It's a good job. A lot of people stop by the pharmacy after a flight.

Well here they do.

So it's a kinda important job XD

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Depends on whether I get the job or not... I thoroughly doubt it since I've been so unsuccessful in previous interviews, and I'm too late in my studies to be written off as a beginner.

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Good luck with the interview, MP!


Good evening, CPA! B)


*sets out chocolate, lots of chocolate*


Having already served as a juror in 2016, I opened today's jury selection list to find my name on it again.  Now I understand why people don't vote in this stupid country (the jury list is made up from the voters' list - and when they publish the jury list, they include your address!!! :o ) Idiots.

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You're mistaken lagie, I don't have an interview, I just applied.

I'm probably not even gonna get an interview.

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Good luck MP!


@Fortune86 You don't have a look at the keybindings/buttonbindings in early stage of the game that you play? I like the overlaying map and after a lot of talking to NPCs and checking for loot i get to know that place in early stage. I am finishing another game before i pick up Technomancer again.


I am that kind of player who goes into nearly every corner to check for loot and has all kind of junk in the inventory and tons of healing items just in case and not using healing items. ;) But i have the feeling that the bosses in that game will made me use healing items more often then in other games.


I also talked to the same guard in Skyrim again and again to see and hear all the lines. When i played in German for at least one line the voice was very different, like a different person. Could be true, but just for one line so confusing. Random generator for the guards then a few unique lines for loacations nearby and the town of that guard and then there are things like if you wear Thieves guild armour... or are a Werewolf... :D I started a new game because all those DLCs messed with my game. The Vampires eat NPCs and i only found those kind of ash pile that a Vampire leaves when i was about to finish a quest for building a house and because that NPC was dead i had this unfinished quest line and i lost kinda important NPCs like Gerdur to Vampires.... The only mod that i had installed was  mod for NPCs running inside when a Dragon is attacking. So all in all i ragequitted Skyrim for more then a year.


I hope you all will have a lovely day!

Edited by Tigerkralle

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@Tigerkralle I do, I just forget how the controls work lol. Whenever I start a new game I always have to retrain myself because I have muscle memory from the last one.


I hoard stuff too. And I refuse to spend money unless I *really* need to.

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Money is stuff too.^^

I wonder how my character will be in the end usally i end up being a good person. Like full on paragon in RPGs to speak in Mass Effect terms.^^

Avoiding to drain humans but i once drained a human by mistake and refused to reload before that fight so a bit of bad karma is there and then i allied with a certain fraction... We will see if Technomancer will be the first RPG in which i end up as a bad person on my first playthrough. Since i don't drain humans i assume i will not get the bad karma achievement.

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I've only drained one person so far and I still gave good karma.


Juggling factions is tricky, but I think I'm doing ok. Talking people down rather than attacking helps.

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I read that as juggling fractions. :P 


Good afternoon, CPA! B)


*sets out pasta and assorted toppings*


We got our new bookshelves in the shop this morning. I'm unconvinced of their success, but I do love how they look!
(The boxes of books they're meant to replace have mostly books that are too tall to fit on these shelves. :rolleyes: )

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ello all. How is everyone?

weekend's only about halfway through and it's already been all kinds of exciting. went to the Diana Ross concert, then when I was leaving my car battery had trouble starting, this morning we had the ballistic missile notifications, then went to a breakout. fun times. I kinda just want to hibernate uwu

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Eeps, WS. Glad those missiles weren't real. That must have been scary!


Rekha, hibernating sounds like a good plan on this windy chilly day here!


Good evening, CPA! B)


*sets out tiny oranges*


Rewatching The Hunger Games. Good book, good movie. It's nice when that works out.

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Good morning everyone!

Everyone is back at work so now I have to prepare for the people who will annoy me.

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RIP I made the opposite mistake on station one today as I did in the original, so another zero for it.

All I can do is hope that my marks today were overally better than last time... and I don't know.

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Hi there MP!

Will be holding thumbs for you! Hope you get the marks you need!




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Also sleepy XD


Little worried about my dad. He's got a chest cold. At least I managed to get him to take the day off work. 

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Oh my!

I hope it doesn't get any worse! Hope he gets better soon!

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Oh no!

Drink vitamin stuff and flu stuff already. And boosters!

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