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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Well I'm a student, I'm not working. I wanna work! Waiting to hear back from a job and getting very anxious.

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Yeah getting a job these days is a hard thing.

I can't even look for a new one cause there isn't that many open in the flied that I work.

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I think everyone thought i'm back home? Nah, I found wifi.

Anyways, mom's here and she will be staying for a week.

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Oooh, just did a scenario for "your crew in One piece" the only real rule was that it had to be 6 fighters and 6 supports with none of the emporers (strongest characters in the series). I thought I did a decent job, and I tried to limit myself based on who was too strong.


Instead of using my current OP for the one piece world i made a new one with a new ability. The ability I gave them was the ability to turn into a hydra! Cause Hydras are awesome!


God I wanna just make a free rp about One piece now... just with us on a crew going on merry adventures... wonder if people would be interested.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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@Rainbowlight So you can communicate now from time to time. That's good.^^ You are at your grandparents, if i remember that right? Enjoy your time there. Seriously in like 10 to 20 years later you will be glad to know your grandparents. So you know why you are what your are. I see now how similiar i am to my parents and my grandparents.


I still have to read Game of Thrones, i have maybe all the books here but i am slow at reading them, because i read so many books at once. :P And until i am finished with the books i am not willing to see the series.



Edited by Tigerkralle

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Hi CPA *Smiles*


Wow... I can't read many books once. Because of my habit?

I'll read Game of Thrones later. The editions my native language(translated) are poor quality. And untranslated editions are too hard to reading:( (English isn't my native language.)


Currently I don't read anything. Because I want a kind of rest. When I start to reading again, I would choose a book that English edition isn't exists.

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I haven't read the books, either, and I've only seen the first two episodes of the series.


Good evening, CPA! B)


Bingo night tonight!  I did not win this time, but two people at my table did.

It's so nice to have people I can see socially now.


*sets out spinach & artichoke dip with nachos*

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I read the latest part of Game of Thrones once. Campus library has some lack of books :dry:

I used to read two or more books per a week at High School, it became impossible after graduated.


As two people of your table won, can I say it was good end?


*takes some nachos*

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It was a fun evening! :D And it raises money for the shelter where I work, so it's all good!

Impossible because of the lack of books, or you just ran out of time?

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Sounds fun!




I'm... just unwilling to read for now. When I was teen, I read so many books per week.




I'll rest after finished 2 more references.

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I think it is because of time. When I was at high school, school library was right next to my classroom and last four hours -times after dinner- of school day was extremely boring, I had to do something. Those missing books in campus library are can be found at local library, but I didn't go that place recently. (there isn't good place to go by bus.)

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I read all of them, I think I watched a couple episodes of s1 then read all the books.


Even have a signed copy.

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My school day was boring too! That reason why I read so many books when I was a teenager.  And not only reading. I draw whatever I want. (Although my old stuffs are terrible.)



And... I got an idea for rebuild my sig rotator. - Flowers and Jewels




I ordered new animal pajama.(kigurumi) today is wolf version :) I'll buy more animal pajamas later.

Honestly, I'm not really interested in merchandised character motivated pajamas. (ex : Pikachu, Stitch, Hello kitty) except Chi.

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I never got into onesies... my mum got me and my brother an elmo and cookie monster one for christmas but I didn't even wear it (it's too hot). I think my brother and cousin put them both on just for show but that was it.

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I need to be very brave show them for others. I wear these because just I like and want. (I have both full sleeves and half sleeves.)


I hope the delivery arrived ASAP... I don't want my mom interrupting my business like this.. Or I'll try to pretend I bought ordinary clothes.

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36 minutes ago, Kyath The Dream Worker said:

My school day was boring too! That reason why I read so many books when I was a teenager.  And not only reading. I draw whatever I want. (Although my old stuffs are terrible.)


I drawed something too, most of my works were quite abstract. But I used to read way above average. I still can remember one of teacher said - "If you really nothing to do, you could read some books... no, not you."

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Wow its so windy today.


Not to long ago there weren't any clouds and now theres friggin storm clouds looming!

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Morning everyone!


We have a bit of snow on the mountains here. Which is making it super cold!

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We don't get snow... or mountains here.


Wow, edited my signature, took forever to get the images small enough to be allowed, they look really bad compared to their originals.

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I love the second GIF, Marcus Pheonix!


I know some countries are opposite season.... I want to give some warmth to you. And here is opposite day and night to DC time.




Yeah... I just recived new wolf pajama...!!! Currently I'm wearing it.

(And I'm going to buy cat, otter pajamas. maby others...)

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Yeah that gif was the trouble child, well over a MB, mustache was 100kb and the first one was 600... cut first to 300, 2nd to 500 and mustache is still around 100. They don't look as good which is really disappointing to me, cause I like to have HD gifs.

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How about using rotator? Link delated


(To the person : I'm really sorry if you offended because I mentioned you.)


Edited by Kyath The Dream Worker

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You mentioned me? Where?


I like having my 3 gif signature and changing it up everyone once in a while, the size limit makes sense it's just quite inconvenient for me :P

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