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10 minutes ago, Chaos Rider said:

It indicates long-time eggs/hatchies on the sites that do that

. Just checked on Valley Sherwood and the hatchie I clicked on that was in red had hatched yesterday. 

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25 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:

Okay - back to my other question: is there a "time left" where I really don't have a chance and shouldn't bother? 


Yesterday I took a "24 hours left" and put it in 3 sites and it hatched in about an hour. I was shocked, but happy. Doing okay so far as a hatchie, but I'm being gentle now. 


Not easily tellable--if it has minutes left there's a good chance I'll die but even those can be saved (and in fact that's a deliberately thing to get a certain breed).  But I think those just say "0 hours left" so it's hard to say if it has 40 minutes or 2 minutes left?  I'm not 100% sure because I don't really bother with that at this point so I don't see them that low very often


But if it has even a few hours left if you shove it in enough sites it usually makes it, especially around a holiday where all the sites are getting more traffic than usual.  At that point the exception would be if it's  Sunset/sunrise--those can ONLY hatch between 6am and 12pm or 6pm and 12am (cave time), so if they don't have enough time left to get to the next window and it's not during one of those two then they're doomed (even if they have more than enough views).  They can, however, grow up at any time--it's just the eggs because the hatching window thar determines breed.

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5 minutes ago, KageSora said:

At that point the exception would be if it's  Sunset/sunrise--those can ONLY hatch between 6am and 12pm or 6pm and 12am (cave time), so if they don't have enough time left to get to the next window and it's not during one of those two then they're doomed (even if they have more than enough views).  They can, however, grow up at any time--it's just the eggs because the hatching window thar determines breed.


Oh, I have no knowledge or experience of those (hatch at dawn/dusk). Sounds potentially tragic. 


I wonder if stunning would keep them alive if it was a matter of getting to the next sunrise/sunset (moot point for me currently as I do not have a dragon that could do it). 

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15 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:


Oh, I have no knowledge or experience of those (hatch at dawn/dusk). Sounds potentially tragic. 


I wonder if stunning would keep them alive if it was a matter of getting to the next sunrise/sunset (moot point for me currently as I do not have a dragon that could do it). 

You can only stun hatchlings

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5 minutes ago, Chaos Rider said:

You can only stun hatchlings


Well pooh. I suppose you can only freeze hatchlings too. 

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31 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:


Well pooh. I suppose you can only freeze hatchlings too. 


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2 hours ago, newtinmpls said:


Yup, it's just like the yellow triangle, only red and seeing it at 3am is not the best introduction.


Now this is just weird. 


My same old (currently at 4 days, 6 hours) left CB egg is sick yet again, and I fogged it - but what is really strange is that on PC it's giving the yellow 'sick' sign and on phone it's giving me the red one. Refreshed about 6 times on each. Both say it is successfully fogged and my only white is still a hatchie with (currently) 5 days, 13 hours to go, so no help from warding. 

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Maybe its a difference in browser for red vs yellow?

And I wouldn't worry too much about hatchlings showing as sick after hatching. It's actually very difficult to to kill a hatchling with sickness.  I used to viewbomb my own scroll to try and kill them zombie attempts. I did not get many that way. 


Leave the egg fogged for 24 hours, it will be considered ER then and should hatch rather than die since it can now go to the next stage.

Edited by DragonLady86

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I would have thought it was browser differences, but I've gotten (too many) yellow flags on my phone in the past. 


Yeah if I can get this egg past the "4 days left" mark, that maybe will be good enough to "flip over". Sigh. This is why I never had kids. Too stressful with pixels, I would be a wreck. 

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4 hours ago, newtinmpls said:


Oh, I have no knowledge or experience of those (hatch at dawn/dusk). Sounds potentially tragic.


It can be, but  thankfully they're not terribly hard to hatch--as long as they get enough views before they run out of time to make it to another window and are viewed during one of the two periods they'll hatch just fine.  Honestly, the bigger problem folks run into with them is them getting sick from too many views--they get enough views during the non-hatching periods but cannot hatch, except they continue to get views...  Especially if they drop to ER status and hatchsites shove them in an ER.


But!  Those are outliers.  There's exactly two (2) dragons in the entire game (as of right now) that have that sort of restricted window for hatching.  Pretty much any other dragon you'd be hard pressed to lose unless you get it down to the "minutes left to live" stage.


So you typically don't need to worry about it being a lost cause or anything to grab eggs off the AP that have less than 2 days, or even less than 1 day left!  You can grab an egg with 1 hour left and save it easily enough if you blast it with enough views.


Which is also good to know for if something happens and you have to be offline for a few days and come back to your eggs in critical state on time left--you can almost always save them.


Really. most of it boils down to experience--sickness is always most concerning the less experience you have with it.  As you get a feel for how it works and how to handle it and how easily certain dragons can recover it becomes a lot less worrying.  Still always worth keeping an eye on, but no longer super distressing.  A lot of the advice we can give is still stuff that really just...  You can know it logically, but until you have enough hands-on experience with it it'll still be nerve-wracking.  You'll get there!  And we're always happy to field questions about it!


(Sickness is always one of the more confusing and unnerving elements, so no worries about asking a lot of stuff about it or anything!  Heck, even veteran players sometimes have questions about it!)


2 hours ago, newtinmpls said:

I would have thought it was browser differences, but I've gotten (too many) yellow flags on my phone in the past.


Hm, maybe try getting a screenshot to post?  Maybe then we can figure out what's up?  It could, I suppose, be an unannounced change of some sort--or maybe somebody else, upon seeing it, would be able to go "OH!  I know why that happens!" and have an answer?


If possible, also give details about which device your phone is?  It may be that something on the phone got updated, some change to the browser, which will change the image displayed?  That way somebody else with the same type of phone might be able to take a look...?

Edited by KageSora

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1 minute ago, KageSora said:

Hm, maybe try getting a screenshot to post?  Maybe then we can figure out what's up? 

Thank you for the good advice and wise words - by the time I thought of it it was too late; I will say I suspect it's just that this egg has/had way too many views - has about 3 hours left so I'm just going to keep it fogged till then and my strong suspicion is that it will promptly hatch. 

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48 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:

Thank you for the good advice and wise words - by the time I thought of it it was too late; I will say I suspect it's just that this egg has/had way too many views - has about 3 hours left so I'm just going to keep it fogged till then and my strong suspicion is that it will promptly hatch. 


You can always try if it shows up again!  Though hopefully it doesn't happen more!  :3

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18 hours ago, KageSora said:


Tap the left and right arrows to move around obstacles, and the red button to throw candy.  That should work, if not then it might be a bug.

Thanks; that worked! I haven't scored any points, but at least I was able to make a run, hit "submit score" and thus get my badge.

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Hi! I was checking out the Wiki to learn more about Dragon Cave terminology, I saw under the DC IRC definition that it was eventually replaced with a Discord server, I would love to join the discord server if anyone has the link to it, I want to get to know dragon cave a lot better and would love to talk with other players more casually :D 

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1 minute ago, Ohana said:

Hi! I was checking out the Wiki to learn more about Dragon Cave terminology, I saw under the DC IRC definition that it was eventually replaced with a Discord server, I would love to join the discord server if anyone has the link to it, I want to get to know dragon cave a lot better and would love to talk with other players more casually :D 

go to the main Cave page - https://dragcave.net and if you're on a desk/laptop, on the right side, down a bit, it'll say Connect. the official Discord server is the 4th link.

if you're on moble (i have an android), go to the same main Cave page.  at the very bottom is were it says Connect, and the 4th like is the Discord icon. :D 

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1 minute ago, trystan said:

go to the main Cave page - https://dragcave.net and if you're on a desk/laptop, on the right side, down a bit, it'll say Connect. the official Discord server is the 4th link.

if you're on moble (i have an android), go to the same main Cave page.  at the very bottom is were it says Connect, and the 4th like is the Discord icon. :D 

Thanks so much!! I have no idea how I missed that 🤣

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5 minutes ago, Ohana said:

Thanks so much!! I have no idea how I missed that 🤣

you're quite welcome

i'm on there somewhere - my display name is "trys🐲🐈📚🧶XD 

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 Hello, guys ! Please tell me which dragon should I have? I want to create this canto

Sophos Precognition. Thank you 😊 
On 2/12/2023 at 5:27 PM, Fuzzbucket said:


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50 minutes ago, LostinEcho said:

 Hello, guys ! Please tell me which dragon should I have? I want to create this canto

Sophos Precognition. Thank you 😊 

The Aeon wyvern is the one you need for precognition, if that is what you are asking.

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 Silly question: the Holiday breeding period always used to end when the new sprite dropped and I was assuming that I could breed a bred Val as soon as it grew up, that being today, having finally found a 6th even-gen (non-Holiday, obviously) mate on my scroll that would do for it and got a Refusal. At this point,  (having had a little of my first morning coffee) it belatedly occurred to me that some general no-Val breeding period might still be in effect so as to cause an automatic Refusal that might not permanently count. Does anyone know about this?


 This involves a gorgeous 6th-even-gen spriter-Alt-based lineage that I'd lucked out on through the AP and that I was eager to breed for someone and it will be a time-consuming swine to find/[put together anything else that even 'would do', (I'd never be able to match it properly - certainly not without inbreeding - off my scroll! And trading for such things is very hit-and-miss...) or I wouldn't be so fussed, not to mention not really having much time for this, lol. I'd certainly appreciate info from anyone knowing about this, at any rate.

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Unfortunately I don't think so... if I'm recalling correctly the "No breeding period" for newly-grown event dragons just prevents them from being available to breed until the holiday window has passed . If they were available to breed and refused, it's probably just a refusal.

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I was shocked when I looked at a valentine and she could breed then I realized that while it wasn't past midnight for me, it was for the DC timezone :(

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1 hour ago, Syphoneira said:

 Silly question: the Holiday breeding period always used to end when the new sprite dropped and I was assuming that I could breed a bred Val as soon as it grew up, that being today, having finally found a 6th even-gen (non-Holiday, obviously) mate on my scroll that would do for it and got a Refusal. At this point,  (having had a little of my first morning coffee) it belatedly occurred to me that some general no-Val breeding period might still be in effect so as to cause an automatic Refusal that might not permanently count. Does anyone know about this?


 This involves a gorgeous 6th-even-gen spriter-Alt-based lineage that I'd lucked out on through the AP and that I was eager to breed for someone and it will be a time-consuming swine to find/[put together anything else that even 'would do', (I'd never be able to match it properly - certainly not without inbreeding - off my scroll! And trading for such things is very hit-and-miss...) or I wouldn't be so fussed, not to mention not really having much time for this, lol. I'd certainly appreciate info from anyone knowing about this, at any rate.


If they refused out-of-season, they should still be able to successfully breed next year! Refusals for Valentine dragons (and all other Holidays) are turned off during their breeding period :) 

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 Thanks so much to all for the answers, although I was afraid of that, lol. Just a faint and fading hope, lol.

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