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7 hours ago, missy_ said:

Can someone please tell me how to find the moderator for the Breeding forum in Site Discussion? I need help cleaning out a thread.


Also, on that note: I don't see anywhere where there is a list of moderators for each forum and subforum, unless I'm missing it.


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12 hours ago, missy_ said:

Can someone please tell me how to find the moderator for the Breeding forum in Site Discussion? I need help cleaning out a thread.


Also, on that note: I don't see anywhere where there is a list of moderators for each forum and subforum, unless I'm missing it.


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I’m new to forums, are there any lost and found threads? I got a rare CB on AP that I wanna make sure wasn’t accidentally abandoned. 

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The closest I can think of is the missed connections thread: 


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Keep in mind sometimes people do abandon really nice stuff specifically as a treat for whoever grabs it out of the AP!

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Indeed they do. I do it all the time ! and to be honest, I saw your other post, @Sonagon - if I had bred that it would have been an accident and I would have dumped it !

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@Fuzzbucket Awesome, thank you so much for the link! And thanks for informing me about my Gaia! If it’s on the AP as a hatchling, it likely wasn’t an auto-abandon so I assumed it’s alright. :m


@KageSora That’s really nice! I hope that’s the case, both because they won’t be worrying and because I have to admit I’m really happy to have it. 

Thank you so much for the replies!! I very much appreciate it! :)

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3 minutes ago, Impulsive_Egg said:

Obligatory when does the valentine's event start


If past tradition holds true, then the 8th (cave time) is when the past holiday dragons will enter their breeding season and the old holiday CB's will drop in the holiday biome.  The 14th (cave time) will be when the new dragons start to drop.


(Obviously it could change, we won't know for sure until the new post goes up, but I don't see why it would differ greatly from traditional date ranges...)

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Hello, guys! What means: bsa hatchlings? Which kind of dragons are bsa hatch? Thank u

And another one question is 

what is prize dragon? When were they gifted or released ? If it’s possible to catch them or what ? Thank y ! 

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BSA hatchlings are hatchlings of breeds that have some sort of Breed Specific Action. Red dragons have incubate, Pink dragons have influence, Purple dragons have fertility, Magi dragons have teleport, etc. Only the adults actually have the actions available, though.

Prize dragons (Western - Tinsel) were introduced in 2010, I think. They were awarded as prizes for the Tree Decorating contest that year and for a Holiday raffle the following year. Then in 2012 the raffle awarded Shimmerscales (Prize, Eastern) instead. After that, for a few years there was a yearly raffle that awarded some of each. Now they are given as Prizes in monthly raffles. They cannot be caught in the cave or purchased in the market. Bred ones can often be found in the abandoned area.

Edited by purplehaze

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3 hours ago, purplehaze said:

BSA hatchlings are hatchlings of breeds that have some sort of Breed Specific Action. Red dragons have incubate, Pink dragons have influence, Purple dragons have fertility, Magi dragons have teleport, etc. Only the adults actually have the actions available, though.

Prize dragons (Western - Tinsel) were introduced in 2010, I think. They were awarded as prizes for the Tree Decorating contest that year and for a Holiday raffle the following year. Then in 2012 the raffle awarded Shimmerscales (Prize, Eastern) instead. After that, for a few years there was a yearly raffle that awarded some of each. Now they are given as Prizes in monthly raffles. They cannot be caught in the cave or purchased in the market. Bred ones can often be found in the abandoned area.

Thank you 😊 

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I lost my original scroll and got this one in 2014.


I can never access my old scroll again because the email I used to sign up, if I'm even right about the email, no longer exists.


I can't remember the scroll name but I was wondering if someone with admin access to the site could find it via the email I used to sign up, even though that email is long dead, just so I can look at it for old times sake.


If that's not possible I'll keep wracking my brains to try and remember the username but I think it's long gone from my memory.

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Another tiny question. This time regarding numbers of dragons to get trophies.


In order to get to the "50 dragons" trophy (or any more, going forward), is it 50 adult dragons (that was my guess) or 50 total including hatchies.

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1 hour ago, newtinmpls said:

Another tiny question. This time regarding numbers of dragons to get trophies.


In order to get to the "50 dragons" trophy (or any more, going forward), is it 50 adult dragons (that was my guess) or 50 total including hatchies.


IIRC, it's 50 non-growing things.  So adults and frozen hatchlings count, but eggs and unfrozen hatchlings do not.

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8 hours ago, Cireth said:

I lost my original scroll and got this one in 2014.


I can never access my old scroll again because the email I used to sign up, if I'm even right about the email, no longer exists.


I can't remember the scroll name but I was wondering if someone with admin access to the site could find it via the email I used to sign up, even though that email is long dead, just so I can look at it for old times sake.


If that's not possible I'll keep wracking my brains to try and remember the username but I think it's long gone from my memory.


Can you a) remember any dragon's NAME or b) any lineages you bred as I am SURE I have traded with you way back when. Were you into stripes. for instance ?

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5 minutes ago, LostinEcho said:

Hello, guys ! Can someone send me a link to this:community notice board

how can I find it? 
thank u

In the Trading subforum. ;)


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When reviewing user descriptions do I allow descriptions with Trans or Autistic dragons?
I'm not transphobic, I have plenty of trans friends, and I myself am autistic. But making trans and autistic dragons feels like they're trying too hard to be a special snowflake.
I don't really like it, and I usually abstain or reject.

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You allow or don't allow - your choice, but it isn't against any rule.so I think you;'d have to abstain rather than reject.

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17 minutes ago, TaikoYon said:

When reviewing user descriptions do I allow descriptions with Trans or Autistic dragons?
I'm not transphobic, I have plenty of trans friends, and I myself am autistic. But making trans and autistic dragons feels like they're trying too hard to be a special snowflake.
I don't really like it, and I usually abstain or reject.

I don't really review descriptions much, but I would say it depends on how it is done.

If they are actually using the terms trans or autistic or something like that, then I don't think the understanding of that fits into the lore world. They would not know those terms.

If they somehow demonstrate it by the dragon's thoughts or behavior, then it could be okay.

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22 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

If they are actually using the terms trans or autistic or something like that, then I don't think the understanding of that fits into the lore world. They would not know those terms.

Yeah that's another reason I usually reject.

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When I went to breed one of my dragons, I noticed some dragons have a ! next to their name, and hovering over it it says "this dragon has increased fertility".  I didn't use a fertility BSA, then I saw it seems to be holiday dragons that have that.  So I thought maybe this is a new thing, for holiday dragons to have increased fertility during holidays.  But it isn't on all of my holiday dragons.  It's only on wintertide, multi-colored glystere, red-green glystere, iridichi, witchlight, starsinger, exalted pitfire, and amarginis.  Again, I did not use any BSAs recently.  So I'm not sure what is going on.

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14 minutes ago, Thia_B said:

When I went to breed one of my dragons, I noticed some dragons have a ! next to their name, and hovering over it it says "this dragon has increased fertility".  I didn't use a fertility BSA, then I saw it seems to be holiday dragons that have that.  So I thought maybe this is a new thing, for holiday dragons to have increased fertility during holidays.  But it isn't on all of my holiday dragons.  It's only on wintertide, multi-colored glystere, red-green glystere, iridichi, witchlight, starsinger, exalted pitfire, and amarginis.  Again, I did not use any BSAs recently.  So I'm not sure what is going on.

Most likely you used fertility on those dragons some time ago and then forgot. Fertility does stay on a dragon until you breed it. The mark indicating if a dragon has a fertility boost or not though is a relatively recent thing

Edited by Chaos Rider

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