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4 hours ago, Aries_Wild_Child said:


Well that's completely pointless. Since you can name the dragon after adopting it.


What's with the people here, such a huge demands. Not bred, cave born, not this code, that code, not this parent, that parent... They all looks the same and have the same purpose - stay at your scroll and do absolutely nothing.


Many pople use them to build lineages, since they don't "do absolutely nothing"--you can breed them.


If I'm asking for a CB white stripe and you try to offer me a 20th gen bred one, how am I supposed to use that to make things like this?  If I trade for dragons from somebody else and they're bred, they can kill them--which destroys the lineage by shoving a tombstone in there.  I can avoid that by only trading for CBs and building the lineage entirely myself in terms of breeding.  (Besides, gives me something to do for months or years at a time--even admitting there was a hiatus that linked dragon took me...  Oh, maybe 6 years to make?  I started around 2016, I believe, and finished end of 2022...)


If the only way to play the game was "collect the dragons and let them rot there" then people would leave in droves between releases instead of staying to continue their own personal projects because once they've got the new dragons there's no point in continuing to play until more come out.


That's the beauty of the game--there isn't a "right" way nor a "wrong" way to play.  It's ALL equally pointless, there is no way to "win" so you can make up your own conditions to play by.  Some people like the challenge of building certain lineages, others like the rarity of word codes so they hunt them out the same way other users hunt out Gold or Silver dragons for their rarity.


If you think that's too demanding that people only will accept certain dragons in trade, you don't have to trade with them.  Even if the person is 100% happy with any lineage, code, named parents or not, etc. they might still reject your trade offer because they don't like the art of dragon you offered or something.

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47 minutes ago, GhostMouse said:

@Fuzzbucket I think you left in an uncensored image by mistake. (But that's such a pretty combo. And now I kind of wish lineages displayed top down like that.)


Thank you ! fixed ! (I put mine in word docs, because I SO agree with you !)

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When is the latest we can breed Valentine's dragons to have them ready for holiday breeding? Is it today? 

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12 minutes ago, Jazeki said:

When is the latest we can breed Valentine's dragons to have them ready for holiday breeding? Is it today? 

Should be... *maths* the 31st? So tomorrow? They'd reset on the 7th, but at whatever time you bred them. So yeah, stopping today should assure they're ready.

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Hmmm. .. Newbie query:


My formerly fairly pristine and shiny egg is looking now like there is a hole forming in it. No warnings/illness of the egg/hatchling. Is this a normal part of the process?

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1 hour ago, newtinmpls said:

Hmmm. .. Newbie query:


My formerly fairly pristine and shiny egg is looking now like there is a hole forming in it. No warnings/illness of the egg/hatchling. Is this a normal part of the process?

yes, this is normal, and the hole will get bigger before the hatchling pops out. 

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2 hours ago, newtinmpls said:

Hmmm. .. Newbie query:


My formerly fairly pristine and shiny egg is looking now like there is a hole forming in it. No warnings/illness of the egg/hatchling. Is this a normal part of the process?


Don't worry, illness comes with a warning!  Both on the egg/hatchling's view page AND at the top of the page when you click the "dragons" link to see all of your stuff.


Eggs have a 5-step cracking sequence as they get closer to hatching.  If it dies, it's very distinct as well and going to the page says it--but the dead egg image is completely different than the hatching sequence.  (Hatching = gain a hole.  Dead = cracked bottom part of an eggshell)


Also, some eggs have unique hatching sequences where they have neat little extra details you can keep an eye out for!


Sickness itself has no visible indicator on the dragons--it's entirely in the text warning on the view page for each dragon and at the top of the "dragons" page.

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23 hours ago, Fuzzbucket said:


If I am building a lineage and need to fill a space in it - say, this one:



And I breed an identical one to this to fill the second gen:






I will put it up for trade and ask for a blood swap to make the linage work without inbreeding. You clearly wouldn't; you'd just look for another truffle. You collect sprites; many of us build lineages. That's fine - but it wouldn't work for me, so I will ask for a bloodswap - and if you don't have one, you wouldn't offer. We all play differently.






I've heard that before. I don't collect sprites, I have my own lineages. I do know how trading works, just it's pretty stupid to price highly a dragon with a basic code because code sounds like something, since you can change the name. There are many languages, you know, that code could mean thousand different things.


By the way, aren't we all collectors? Or you just pretend? People flood the site at holidays because new dragons are coming and everyone wants to possess an egg. Rare eggs are most wanted, so yes, I collect, you collect, we all collect. The way every player is ordering their collection is another thing.

Edited by Aries_Wild_Child

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10 hours ago, KageSora said:


Don't worry, illness comes with a warning!  Both on the egg/hatchling's view page AND at the top of the page when you click the "dragons" link to see all of your stuff.


Also, some eggs have unique hatching sequences where they have neat little extra details you can keep an eye out for!



Thank you! It is completely absurd how much I am enjoying the hatchies. And a bit later, the naming and describing. 

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6 hours ago, newtinmpls said:


Thank you! It is completely absurd how much I am enjoying the hatchies. And a bit later, the naming and describing. 

Fun, isn't it.  Slightly addictive.


Since you are new, you should know that on the 8th, (DC cave time which is Eastern Standard Time), those of us who already have some older Valentine's dragons will be able to start breeding Valentine's dragons, so keep your eyes open in the AP for some great stuff. There will also be a special biome where you can collect previous year's CB Valentines then too. This year's new CB Valentine dragon will be available on the 14th.


Now may be a good time for you to start collecting Red Dragons (that is the breed name) as they can shave off hatching time for your egg by a day. They can be used once every 2 weeks, so a lot of us collect them to be ready for Holiday/new releases to be able to collect more.

Edited by PrincessLucy
to fix error

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1 hour ago, Aries_Wild_Child said:



I've heard that before. I don't collect sprites, I have my own lineages. I do know how trading works, just it's pretty stupid to price highly a dragon with a basic code because code sounds like something, since you can change the name. There are many languages, you know, that code could mean thousand different things.


By the way, aren't we all collectors? Or you just pretend? People flood the site at holidays because new dragons are coming and everyone wants to possess an egg. Rare eggs are most wanted, so yes, I collect, you collect, we all collect. The way every player is ordering their collection is another thing.


Of course we all collect. And many of us value codes. You don't. Fine. We all play our own way - you are free not to trade with anyone whose trade doesn't appeal to you - it will appeal to others,.

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10 minutes ago, PrincessLucy said:

Now may be a good time for you to start collecting Red Dragons (that is the breed name) as they can shave off hatching time for your egg by a day. They can be used once a week, so a lot of us collect them to be ready for Holiday/new releases to be able to collect more.


I do have exactly one which was a gift as hatchie, matured yesterday and warmed one of my eggs. So he has a 2 week cooldown. On the one hand I would love to have more, on the other, 1-where do you get specific dragons and 2-I only have room to add them as my hatchies mature. 

An open question to collectors of neat "Codes" - the few requests I have seen are very different, such as "all lower case" or "something fun" (oddly I did have one that included ozZz something and it made me think of the wizard of OZ, but I confess I prefer to use names to codes, so I did name her.

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24 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:


I do have exactly one which was a gift as hatchie, matured yesterday and warmed one of my eggs. So he has a 2 week cooldown. On the one hand I would love to have more, on the other, 1-where do you get specific dragons and 2-I only have room to add them as my hatchies mature. 

An open question to collectors of neat "Codes" - the few requests I have seen are very different, such as "all lower case" or "something fun" (oddly I did have one that included ozZz something and it made me think of the wizard of OZ, but I confess I prefer to use names to codes, so I did name her.

Lol, you are right, 14 days between incubates.


I have 2 red hatchlings that you can have if you want; one is messy and the other pure bred. I will message you links.

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1 hour ago, newtinmpls said:

On the one hand I would love to have more, on the other, 1-where do you get specific dragons and 2-I only have room to add them as my hatchies mature. 

i've also sent you a message. :)

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Red dragons are found in desert and volcano. "This egg is rather warm"

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4 hours ago, Aries_Wild_Child said:

I do know how trading works, just it's pretty stupid to price highly a dragon with a basic code because code sounds like something, since you can change the name. There are many languages, you know, that code could mean thousand different things.


How is it "pretty stupid" to place a higher value on something a person genuinely enjoys collecting?  Names can change, but the odds of getting any specific code are astronomically tiny.  When we swapped to the 5-character codes it made space for close to 1 billion possible code combinations (since case is significant and reperition is allowed), according to TJ himself in October '22.  Is it any wonder that, as something that cannot be changed or influenced and is purely obtained via RNG, some people would find it worth more if they want to collect that type of thing?


People also do this all the time with other stuff--they may offer a much rarer dragon in exchange for one or a few common dragons because they don't care about the rare dragon and are collecting the common ones.  Personally I absolutely have used my rarer, nicer breeding stock as nothing but trade fodder to get more common dragons that I need for lineages or that I like the look of better.


Trades don't have a "set" value, it's not like it's some regulated marketplace where people are supposed to keep things going for roughly the same price as each other.  Every player will put different values on different dragons and different factors.


Honestly I prefer that because it means that sometimes you can trade away a dragon you don't care about at all for EXACTLY what you wanted and BOTH parties are really happy with the results, even if looking purely from a "how rare is the breed" perspective it was a pretty lopsided trade.

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1 hour ago, KageSora said:

People also do this all the time with other stuff--they may offer a much rarer dragon in exchange for one or a few common dragons because they don't care about the rare dragon and are collecting the common ones.  Personally I absolutely have used my rarer, nicer breeding stock as nothing but trade fodder to get more common dragons that I need for lineages or that I like the look of better.


This very much. I often breed PB golds to get commons I need. People usually accept those when I offer them ! Any trade is worth what someone is happy to "pay" for it.

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What's going on with the celestial dragon encyclopedia page?

I assumed incorporeal form would be unlocked first since they're that way most of the time and the only corporeal the few times i've used their bsa.




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7 hours ago, Aries_Wild_Child said:

By the way, aren't we all collectors?

Everything you collect, no matter how you collect, is stupid or nonsense or pointless to someone else. But it's rude to say so because we all like different things. There's no need to insult how someone else plays the same game you're playing.


What do you collect? Why do you collect?

Do you just collect because you want to collect one of everything to complete the game? The game doesn't reward you for it, and anyway many of us have done that ages ago. Do you collect rares? Why? They don't do anything, like you said. Seems stupid to put a high price on something that is just another dragon. Do you collect holiday dragons? Why? They only breed once a year and they don't do anything special. Do you name your dragons? Why? People already took all the good names and names don't do anything when codes are perfectly fine. What's the point of anything?

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The trade report feature says: "Only messages that do not help others understand what types of offers the trade’s creator is looking for should be reported."

Does this not include false advertising? I definitely think that false advertisement should be a valid reason for reporting a trade.




The gold egg in this trade is not CB, I think maybe the user meant to offer another golden wyvern egg, if giving them the benefit of the doubt. Of course you should always check the trades to be sure, but surely it would be valuable to have a way to report scam artists too...? Is this already an acceptable use of the report feature?

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5 minutes ago, CHARDOG99 said:

The trade report feature says: "Only messages that do not help others understand what types of offers the trade’s creator is looking for should be reported."

Does this not include false advertising? I definitely think that false advertisement should be a valid reason for reporting a trade.




The gold egg in this trade is not CB, I think maybe the user meant to offer another golden wyvern egg, if giving them the benefit of the doubt. Of course you should always check the trades to be sure, but surely it would be valuable to have a way to report scam artists too...? Is this already an acceptable use of the report feature?

Anyone intentionally scamming generally doesn't stay under the radar too long - plenty of eagle-eyed folks will catch on stunningly quickly and take their evidence to various mods directly. Which is the other thing - it does help to observe and collect that evidence. I'd be willing to say that trade is almost certainly a mistake since it's not a name I see often and they could be new - and even if it isn't, I'm a fan of "everyone should still check what's being offered for themselves." If we flat-out get scammed when we have a chance to look on our own before giving a return offer, it gets harder to blame the scammer. And if the original owner IS scamming, they'll get what's coming, and Teej doesn't play around about it either - but that would be something to take directly to a mod.


If you have a strong suspicion either way, you could always see if they have a forum account and message them, maybe asking if they made a mistake? 

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15 minutes ago, Astharoshe said:

Anyone intentionally scamming generally doesn't stay under the radar too long - plenty of eagle-eyed folks will catch on stunningly quickly and take their evidence to various mods directly. Which is the other thing - it does help to observe and collect that evidence. I'd be willing to say that trade is almost certainly a mistake since it's not a name I see often and they could be new - and even if it isn't, I'm a fan of "everyone should still check what's being offered for themselves." If we flat-out get scammed when we have a chance to look on our own before giving a return offer, it gets harder to blame the scammer. And if the original owner IS scamming, they'll get what's coming, and Teej doesn't play around about it either - but that would be something to take directly to a mod.


If you have a strong suspicion either way, you could always see if they have a forum account and message them, maybe asking if they made a mistake? 


Oh, definitely, I agree. You should always check the trade beforehand.  Also, I did try to contact this user via the forum but I didn't find an account via search.


Good practice is to bring it to the attention of a mod directly, then? Not to use the report function? I feel like using the report function could streamline it.


Speaking of questionable trades, there's also a trade for a CB golden wyvern up on the trading post advertised as a CB Gold... (from a user with a platinum trophy, no less) I do really think there should be some standard for listings. Of course it's ultimately down to yourself for offering on a trade, but I don't think it's a good thing for inaccurate listings to simply be ignored either, especially for the sake of new and less-wise players.


EDIT: Or, I guess I'm wondering whether there would be a benefit to including this purpose in the report trade function for users not on the forum.

Edited by CHARDOG99

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7 minutes ago, CHARDOG99 said:


Oh, definitely, I agree. You should always check the trade beforehand.  Also, I did try to contact this user via the forum but I didn't find an account via search.


Good practice is to bring it to the attention of a mod directly, then? Not to use the report function? I feel like using the report function could streamline it.


Speaking of questionable trades, there's also a trade for a CB golden wyvern up on the trading post advertised as a CB Gold... (from a user with a platinum trophy, no less) I do really think there should be some standard for listings. Of course it's ultimately down to yourself for offering on a trade, but I don't think it's a good thing for inaccurate listings to simply be ignored either, especially for the sake of new and less-wise players.


EDIT: Or, I guess I'm wondering whether there would be a benefit to including this purpose in the report trade function for users not on the forum.

Ah, yeah, I get ya now. I agree, I think integrating such issues into the report system could definitely be more efficient if the mods have the manpower to do it - they're pretty overloaded with descriptions, for instance, and I believe it's due to resources and how thinly spread they are. Seems like the site is only growing anyway, so I'd be willing to bet they'll get that boost somewhat soon. But yeah, meantime, if only because the mods and Teej take a heavy stance on people cheating/playing in a way that is unfair to others (which I'm all for, not complaining lol), I think that sort of thing is best taken right to them. 👀

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1 hour ago, CHARDOG99 said:

Does this not include false advertising? I definitely think that false advertisement should be a valid reason for reporting a trade.


1 hour ago, Astharoshe said:

Anyone intentionally scamming generally doesn't stay under the radar too long


Tragically, false advertising is not against the rules! I don't know what experience you've had with DC mods, but the official stance is "if their trade info is wrong and you don't double check that's on you. If they fail to pay up an iou, too bad, ious aren't officially condoned so that's also on you." Cheating is a very different subject from scamming, but under these rules I'm afraid I don't see how anyone can scam and be punished for it.

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