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Beyond the Soul

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Jacus reached across and had some of the mushrooms. "Oh man... this entire meal is the best I've had in my life... and my mother and sister are wonderful cooks..."

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"You haven't lived until you had my father's coffee coca cake. It's amazing...although, this is better then my dad's cooking, he is the chef in the house, my mom only knows how to make boiled cabbage and salads.... She makes candid nuts though." She finished the lobster claw, then opened the lobster itself and took some meat out and put it on her plate before eating it.

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Jacus ate faster than Arwena and decided to pour them both some wine. He filled their glasses and held his up towards her, "To the futures of mankind and elvishkind!"

Edited by Dotzrus

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She raised her glass with his. "Násië!" (May it be so.) "May they be joyous and full of love and laughter, and at peace." She swirled the wine, smelling it before taking a sip. "Hmm.. interesting flavor, they used two types of grapes aged in maple wood barrels, a slight elvish way, with vanilla extract........ quite tasty..."

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Jacus sipped and smiled, "The alcohol is there for sure... but more for the flavor and not so intoxicating... so one could enjoy more without losing it."

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Arwena smiled and took another drink, then finished her part of the meal. The musicians took their places and was playing. She studied one of the instruments. "It's that one a human one? The stringed one the woman is holding under her chin, what is it called? I like the sound of it. It's sweet and sad... "

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Jacus smirked, "That my dear Arwena is a Violin. A unique piece that is known for long and powerful songs, or fast and exciting."

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"We have many instruments in the Human Kingdom, I'm sure you could learn to play a little while your there. Maybe even give you a book with instructions on how to play."

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"Yes I am. Shall we greet the mayor? It would be the least we could do for... Pushing us together."

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"Yes, and I would like to ask her what that letter said if I can, seems to me it would be a shame to get nearly run through with an arrow for such a little thing." She finished her wine setting the glass down.

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Jacus smile and took her hand standing up. "Then let us go m'lady." He led her to the large blue dragon and bowed, "Mayor Televere. Thank you for the reservation, we very much enjoyed the meal." The dragon dipped her head, "Wonderful to hear Jacus. Your date looks very beautiful... I heard about the spa."

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Arwena blushed. "Um.. yes, the spa was vary relaxing........ but their methods are... Um... questionable to my... traditions.....Um.." She looked down and fiddled with a ribbon on her dress.

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Televere chuckled, "I am very jealous. No dragon I know would get a couple combo with me... but they are missing out." She begins to glow and shrink, taking on a beautiful/cute humanoid form. "I guess I'll have to make do. What? How am I to be mayor when I can't explore my town like everyone else can?"


((Dragon Televere- Here

Humanoid Televere- Here))

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((Lol I saw that Dragon pick and I thought that's what she looked like..))


"True, it would be hard to walk the narrow streets in a dragon form. Um.. if I may ask, what was the letter about?" Arwena seemed unfazed by her change.

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Jacus on the other hand is blown away by her change. "Uh..." Just staring in surprise and awe at this point.


Televere giggles, "Oh that... maybe you should come to my office about that... it's best not to talk politics in public like here..."

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Arwena nods and let's the Dragon woman lead the way. She pulled along Jacus, in case he was to shocked to move. "It must be important if the king sent one of his own along with it, and the woodland elders sent me to help Jacus, although .... he mostly helped me.. I don't know how much use I was. .."

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The woman sat in lounging couch for what looked to be for emperors of old. "The king sent me a letter of warning... he sent a group of soldiers into the valley after reports of goblin activity... they have been acting up... on capture of one the patrol found that they are waiting for an army... a dark one... something the King thinks is a threat to the kingdoms."

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"I thought they were acting strange, they normally randomly attack travelers... but they seemed to do a planned massive ambush at the end of the valley..... and to think of it..Thrii has been .. high strung lately, and out patrols have doubled.... I wasn't supposed to be out until my adult hood ceremony... in two years time. I thought it odd, but.. considered it as a training thing... now I know the real reason."

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Jacus thought silently, "That poison monster in the woods... that could also be connected." Televere leaned forward curious, "Poison monster?"

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