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The Light and the Dark

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((Kenai won't be in maroon for now... k))


Ken closed the watch. "This was in the family Great grandpa had it... high ranking officer. Ever son after him served. Saved my brother's life. You're probably thinkin why I'm telling you this, well, to let you know you're not alone a guess. My brother is in a institute for Pete's sake, missing both legs and his right arm, so doped yup on drugs he can't blow his nose. I gotta work to keep him in there, to pay for medicine.... He went over to that hellish place..... only the majority of his body came back. Pa owns a welding shop, I work there, help out when a can. Work nights at the restaurant fantasy spaghetti place, waitress like you. Oh and a helpful tip, Look at your customers, and smile....makes you seem more open and friendly. Now I'm going to tell you about your brother's new boss.. you better tell him all this k'"





"I'll take a glass of that whisky.... the one in the crystal bottle. It was my dad's. He only drank from it when he caught his guy. No movies...... I just want you to hold me.... I feel like I'm going to break any minute.... I need you just... just to be there..." She clung to him like he was a life boat and she was adrift at sea. She sounded like she was going to cry.

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Cecelia looked at Ken with a look of genuine confusion with the suggestion to smile before nodding reluctantly and taking her notepad out to write down what the woman needed to tell her about her brother's new boss.

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Vorgin teleported them home from the shadows. He did as he was told and got her the whiskey and poured them each a shot. Putting them on the table, he sat next to her on the couch and held he close, rubbing her, countering her cold aura with his warm one.

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"Don't ever use the words Jesus Christ or God as swear words. One way ticket at getting sacked. Call him Mal or Malak, not boss, only Roger can do that. Two days a month the Sisters come and give us a breakfast and food if we need it. Be kind to them, they raised Malak, he gets upset when his workers don't show gratitude towards them. Don't ask about his parents, and don't bug him when he comes in speaking in multiple languages, he had a bad night, just give him space. Overall, be kind to him, he'd be nice back. Remember he is doing this out of generosity he doesn't need a new worker, but he employed your brother without a reference sheet, all that jazz. He likes helping people if he can. Other then that, keep your workspace neat, and do the job right the first time, and you'll have no problem with him."





Sarah downed the drink in one gulp and our the glass down. She snuggled up closer to him, he was so warm, so comforting. "Thank you love.....I really need this..." She started to relax little by little, crawling into his lap, her head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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As Ken was speaking, Cecelia was listening and writing down in her notepad what she was being told so that she would give it to Justin later. Though the siblings were not very religious-- though the reason why is disclosed-- they would be around people that were, some for good reasons and others for bad reasons. But she figured that at least there was an act of charity coming from Malak. Then she nodded and quietly spoke, "O-okay."

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"You want to ask me anything? Tell me about anything? I want to know more about your brother, small stuff like dream car, favorite Color...song... stuff like that. " Ken smiled at her, showing her that what she meant was a smile made you seem more relaxed when you really weren't.

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Cecelia felt herself let her guard down with Ken's smile before looking to see if Justin was watching or anything of the sort. Thankfully, she noticed that he was too occupied with wiping down tables before writing down in her notepad:


"Well, Justin always wanted to have the recent Jaguar model in a dark color with flames on the side; His favorite color is orange; He's more of a pop type of guy, but he likes hip hop and rock as well; And he's ace. That is all I can tell you at the moment."


Then she carefully ripped the paper out of the notepad and gave it to Ken before walking away to continue with her job, feeling that she was on break for too long.

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Ken read the note and nodded then left, heading to the hospital her brother was in, and spoke with him for a while before heading to her other job. When she finally returned home, she set to work on a model car and fell asleep at her work bench, her dad covering her up, used to this happening.

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After a long night of working, Cecelia received a total of 46 dollars from her tips for the night, eventually adding up the total amount for the day to be 151 dollars before putting the money into her bag. Then she waited for Justin until he returned from his own job and they headed out, their manager closing up for the night. With Justin leading the way to the apartment complex just some blocks down the way, Cecelia kept to his side and avoided any distractions with him.




By the time they returned to the apartment complex, both of the siblings hurried up the stairs and to the top floor where they lived, hurrying past doors; today was the day that the elevators stopped working, of course. Some of the doors behind them were abandoned, though others were occupied by what Justin considered to be troublemakers. Then they arrived to the door closest to the end—their home.

Justin quickly took the keys out and unlocked the door, eventually hurrying himself and Cecelia inside before closing it and then locking it up. Cecelia, however, removed the bag off of her person and carefully placed them next to an empty drawer.

Inside was the living room with a small kitchen by the corner with just a microwave and a small fridge, just a love seat by the wall, the only working TV on the coffee table, and sleeping bags on top of inflated mattresses on the matted floor. The stench was unbearable, reeking of drugs, smoke, and rats. The counter by the kitchen was littered with eviction notices and bills.

There were only two more rooms: the only bathroom and the only bedroom. In the bedroom were the siblings’ parents, stricken with ASL and laying in separate beds for them to be taken care of apart. Justin’s hardheaded expression softened at the harsh reality of their parents’ health while Cecelia couldn’t bare the sight of the people that raised her and her brother slipping before their eyes.

Both the siblings had a routine in the apartment complex: feed the parents anything soft at this point, check for any messes that they made to chance the sheets, and then do their best to pay off one of the bills with what Cecelia earned from her tips. By almost midnight, they were too tired to feed themselves and head to sleep in the sleeping bags on the inflated mattresses.

Edited by BabyRodent

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His heart beat was faint to non-existant. Something demons didn't really need to function. He leaned against her with a sigh, "I beat he is regretting that deal... haven with demons is a one way ticket to a lower hell ring. And hey will be more than happy to show him our ways and powers... the ones we use to torture damned souls... never make a deal with a demon..."

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((Don't want to time jump with out raven, so I'm posting for Sarah... until they fall asleep k?))



"I did.... and I got out just fine... but now you tell me... that man better rot. Ugh... stink of blood now... time for a bath right darling?" She kissed his cheek. "Jeez..... you're like a space heater... " She giggled. "Sexy fire demon you..."

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Vorgin smirked, "Up to you if you want a Darkness bath... It uses little energy so I can manage..." He kisses her back and puts away their shot glasses. He sits down with her again and moves some of her away from her face so he can look her in the eyes.

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"I would like to take one....... your eyes are so dark it's like I'm looking into a crater of a volcano...." She blushed. "Um sorry, I know you are uncomfortable with compliments like that..." She twisted a lock of his hair around her finger, curling it.

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Vorgin smiled and kissed her forehead, "Your the only one here... so I don't mind that much... I'll make that bath for you..." He went to the tub and filled it again.


Dotzrus found his way to the security door Rain and Co. went in and sneaks in himself.

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((Just going to pick back up with Mackenzie, Raven, and Rain.))


"Goody," the demon muttered. "The Nephilim is leading us. How do you know he's not going to lead us into a trap?"

"Why would he?"

"His father seemed devious enough, sleeping with a human and all."

"You best watch your tongue before I cut it from your mouth." Mackenzie's tongue flickered out, and in the low light emanating from Ekaitz, she saw it was forked like a snake's. "Childish." She said waving off her hand. She froze, and Rain's head slowly scanned the dark tunnel. "We have company." Pressing against the catacomb wall, she listened for the footsteps. There was then a stifled scream, and Mackenzie appeared beside her. "Taken care of."

"What?" Rain hissed, glowering at her. "What? I got rid of him, didn't I? Can we get a move on please?" Ushering them forward, Mackenzie pointed at a bleached skull. "That's a ward. Pass by it, and... let's just say bad things happen."



Ezekiel headed home after the diner and went to researching. With the upcoming threat of war, it was good to read up on the things that might happen after.

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Cecelia woke up by the fate sounds of arguing, partying, and fighting below and down the hallway. In the back of her mind, she remembered what Ken told her, then there was the archangel and the nelphilim Malak. She tiredly sat up, careful not to wake Justin up before getting out of the sleeping bag to check on their parents. One peek through the door and they were asleep peacefully.


So she made her way to the window outside and out to the fire escape, where she rested her elbows on the rail. She was barefoot, dressed in sweats and a T-shirt with her hair messily wrapped in a bun. She then looked up to the stars above, even if they were farther away, and softly sighed.


Cecelia looked over to her sleeping brother before looking ahead and carefully bowing her head down. Then she spoke softly, unsure if the stars would hear her, "Star light, star b-bright, the first star I see tonight; I-I wish I may, I-I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. I-I wish for an angel for me and my family..."

Edited by BabyRodent

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Dotzrus could hear the hushed scream and shadow sneaked to the location. He heard the footsteps of Rain and her party and followed silently, observing from the shadows. They might get chills from him watching, up to them is if feels threatening or not.

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"The sisters walk the catacombs,you harm them I'll cut off your head. Keep quiet, voices echo around the dead." Malak spoke in a hushed whisper. Anubis vomited, what looked like lava. He huffed and sniffed then continued on. " The wards are affecting him. But he says we're getting close."




She followed him, waiting for him to leave before getting in the tub. She washed and got out, the dress forming once more. Her hair looked even whiter, if that was possible.




Madigan sat and knitted, the only thing he could do to keep his hands busy. He made a hat and fingerless gloves out of the same fire like yarn and a black chain with twelve knots in it.

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Vorgin laid in his bed, pondering on what he should do. He loved living with Sarah, but he lacked things to do. She had a job, and he wasn't one to do mortal work.

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Sarah came out and sighs. She knew Vorgin would like something to do but she didn’t know what… she couldn’t see him at the checkout line at the grocery store, that wouldn’t suit him at all. What to do what to do... She started to pace.

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""Star light, star b-bright, the first star I see tonight; I-I wish I may, I-I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. I-I wish for an angel for me and my family..." The words swirled around him, making Ezekiel's head perk up from his studying. Huh? He looked around the room. No one was here. The prayer had been so faint, he couldn't have even been sure he had heard it. In fact, Zeke had never even heard a prayer. They were often orchestrated by Guardian Angels. However, after the disappearance of Father, nothing was addressed. And yet... He closed the book, and felt his back. Nothing abnormal. No, now there was a warm sensation dancing over his skin. Heading towards the bathroom, he pulled off his shirt and turned, looking over his shoulder, spreading his white wings slightly. Staring at the base of his neck, a tattoo had formed. It was about as big as his hand. He was not upset by the appearance, but rather confused. He was not a Guardian. He was an Arch.



Rain gloated at Mackenzie, and she gave her a look that could kill. Reaching down, Rain then muttered a few ancient words, instilling a protection ward on Anubis. It was a powerful one, powerful enough to defer the harmful ward completely. Her neck prickled, unable to shake the feeling of being watched. Glancing at the demon beside her, she could see that she too was on edge. "Praebe mihi te aut mors periculo." The angel hissed in warning.

Edited by RavenWolf1010

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"They are the dead who watch. They are in limbo, nirvana whatever you might say it.....this way. Raven is close. " Malak headed down the left tunnel summoning his sword. He slowed as he heard voices speaking in angelic. His dark wings hid him in the shadows. Anubis licked Rain's hand in thanks and lead the way. His fangs bared, venom dripping as they approached the angels.

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Cecelia continued to look out into the city when she looked up after her prayer. Her calm facade slipped away to reveal a broken girl as tears fell down her cheeks in grief and need.


She remembered the moment the ASL struck both of her parents back when they were living in a nice home, but circumstances between the father's siblings and the family caused a lawsuit and a loss of everything. The only money left was used to buy this place, but now it was a misfortune. Misfortune that there was no one to help them.

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"Hell no. I don't want to move 'er."

"Boss is already pissed you weren't feeding it. You move her." There were sounds of struggle as they two men got into a scuffle. "Fine." One of them conceded. He went to open the door, and there was a furious snarl from the other side. He jumped back swearing. "I ain't doin it."

"You're telling Boss then."

"Whatever. I ain't gonna touch that crazy censorkip.gif . She ain't right in 'er head." The conversation sent a cold chill down her spine. Rain nodded to the three beside her. "Mackenzie, scope out where and who the Boss is." She nodded, and disappeared after them. "Come on. Anubis, watch our backs."



He slipped his shirt back on, and suddenly his vision was not his own. He saw a city scape. What's happening? He knew now what he had to do.

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When the two guards and Mackenzie left, Dotzrus came out from the shadows. "So this is where they are keeping her... very interesting..." He causally walked over to them. "I hope you don't mind me hitchhiking off of you."


Vorgin sighed and laid back falling asleep. Long distance shadow teleports made him tired, and bringing someone with him added to that.

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