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Demigods and Monsters

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((Thanks guys! And what time of day is it?))


Caspian climbed out of the small lake, moving slower on land due to his dragon form, but moving all the same. He shifted into a human, pulling some clothes out of a hollow tree and dressing quickly. He had already dined on some of the lake's fish, but they were small and he was still hungry. Then again, he had almost always been hungry ever since his father died. Scowling, he slipped into the woods, not really headed in any particular direction, and not to concerned about getting lost. Worst come to worst, he could follow the scent of water back to the lake.


His nose wrinkled slightly when he smelled the telltale scent of smoke. "Either a forest fire or a human doing what they call 'camping'." He said to himself, following the smell curiously, despite his better judgement. What he wasn't expecting to find was a man - well, boy - building a smoking hut completely alone without a parent around. He circled around the area the boy was in before scaling a tree to watch curiously. What was he doing?

Edited by polaristar

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((For king its day time, he spent all night walking away and the dawn hours sleeping. Night everywhere else I think still.))


King Finished one wall of the hut before drawing back in to the cave a little giving his eyes a rest from the bright light outside. After a few moments in the dark he ventured out again, this time he had a strip of hide tied under his hair so his hair covered his eyes just a little bit. He gathered more wood and set to work again, yawning and trying to stay awake as his fingers wove trine around the wood and tied them together. He set it up against the rocky wall, the two pieces leaning against each other leaving a small slit for walking in and the back half was the rock.


Then he froze tilting his head listening, barely daring to breath, he whirled around scanning the forest nose lifted and twitching. His sight was better at night, but during the day his world was a vast gray scale. He let out a low warning growl, which should scare off any natural predator, and then headed back in to his cave. He thought he had heard something, but whatever it was it knew how to hide in the wind, and the smell of smoke from the small fire covered up any scent.

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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In the instant that Charlotte touched Cyrus did another figure appear. It wasn't one that Cyrus recognized at first, but he realized quickly why the stranger had appeared. Heka... The god himself stood and watched for a few seconds, before stepping forward. His origins were clearly Egyptian. Nobody in their right minds would a) wear such a ridiculous amount of jewlery, cool.gif wear light cotton in Europe of all places, and c) would carry snakes like it was nothing. The two snakes in question coiled placidly around each arm. Eyes narrowed, the god stalked forward and knelt beside the two. His dark eyes studied Charlotte, and then Cyrus.

I'm assisting you only because the both of you are needed elsewhere. As soon as his hand connected with the Sphinx's body did the severities of his wounds vanish. Cyrus's legs were restored to walking condition, and all the blood was cleaned. Rising back to his feet, Heka frowned as his eyes rested on Charlotte. Your father's wherebouts are unknown to you. That is to change. The dangers you're soon to face will bring his location clear. Consult the diety of the flaming chariot. He will be able to enlighten you further. As soon as he finished speaking, the god vanished. He had no need to stay after doing his job.

Shocked, Cyrus struggled to his paws. Heka, a god of all people, decided to show up! And at the very least, he kept the teen from dying. He was still hurt, but wasn't bleeding anymore. Th-That...That was a god...

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Charlotte looked up in shock when she realized a new figure was amongst them. She glanced backwards towards the wolves but found them scattering, leaving the three of them alone. Frowning, she looked up at the figure again, finding him much closer and kneeling in front of her. She immediately recoiled away from him. Whoever this was, he had managed to frighten off her wolves. Who was this stranger? Was he a demigod? Should she run?

Rather startled, she jumped to her feet and watched as the stranger healed Cyrus before speaking to her. She opened her mouth to respond or at least ask a question but he quickly vanished. She turned quickly in confusion, trying to locate him but eventually sat back down again with a sigh. "That's stupid," she replied immediately, dismissing Cyrus. "Why would a god come here? Why would a god come here and not kill me? It had to be something else."

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No, that was definitely Hela Cyrus shook his head as he spoke. But she had a point. Why would Heka of all gods come to talk to them? He cleared his throat and glanced about warily. Gods are weird. They have their own agenda and could care less about their children or the demi-children of others. That means Heka came here for a reason. If he's serious about what he's saying...We need to find Ra. Wait-no. Apollo. Ra's retired. Apollo's the leader of the prophets, too. If anyone can tell us anything, it's him. he decided. That had to be it. Apollo was hard to find, though. He drove his chariot, but nobody knew where he was otherwise. But if Heka was involved, that meant there was magic involved. Maybe they'd be able to find him with Heka's help.

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Caspian supressed a chuckle as he got a better look at the boy. He was what, 15, if that? And he smelled a bit like dog. Hopping down from the tree, the dragon demimonster strolled into King's camp, taking care not to get to close to the fire. Nope, can't have that. "What are you doing out here all by yourself, kid?" He asked, watching the boy. "Don't mortal humans usually have their parents with them?" He wondered aloud. "Unless you're not human, which might make sense. Although..." Caspian murmured pulling himself up into a low branch of another tree and stretching out across it, "it would be kinda fun to scare a human male. I've never done that before, Father would never let me." He frowned. "But he's gone now, no thanks to those mortals."


Caspian grinned devilishly. "Who are you? What's a boy like yourself doing all alone?" He asked, his voice little more than a growl. "And I'm still trying to figure out why you smell like dog."

Edited by polaristar

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King jumped whipping around quickly notching an arrow, he decided it was best to keep his weapon near him after the incident with that girl. His piecing blue eyes fixed on the guy in the tree, his voice a snarl. “Don’t call me a dog!” He frowned realizing what the guy had said. “Mortal?” He lowered his bow, the arrow still in place ready to fire if need be. “I’m not mortal. As for me being alone…” He heaved a sigh. “I have been alone for five years. I had parents and seven siblings. When I went out hunting for them I feel in a ravine and broke my leg. Three days later it was healed and got out, heading home to find out they weren’t there. Probably left thinking I was dead or something. They left my things, so I left to. Been trying to find them ever since.”


He looked at the guy warily, he looked older then he was. “Tell me your name and I’ll tell you mine. Fair enough?”

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Caspian tilted his head for a moment, watching the boy. He shrugged. "Alright. I'm Caspian. And I didn't call you a dog. I said you smelled like a dog. And if you're not mortal, then you're what? Wolf?" He was silent for a moment. "That sounds like lonely living, kid. I tell you what? I'll help you out with whatever - hunting, fishing, and stuff - and you let me look after you. No 15 year old should have to take care of himself."


Caspian hopped out of the tree and ruffled the boy's hair as he passed. "I'm not a mortal either, by the way."

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King pulled away from his hand grumbling a little. “How bout this, you keep me company and we’ll help each other out? My dad taught me how to hunt and survive by myself, but I am overdo for some company. My name is King. My dad is Lycon, making me a werewolf, so yes, I’m a wolf.” He set down his bow and placed the arrow back in to the quiver. “I kind of figured you weren’t, considering that you where calling me a mortal.”

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"Alright then." Caspian agreed, smirking as the boy pulled away from his hand. "A werewolf, eh? Cool. But mine's cooler. I can change into a dragon. A water dragon, to be more specific." Caspia said with a grin. "And I'm 19, by the way. And five years is a long time to be by yourself. What brings you here anyways? I usually hang around a pond nearby, have you seen it?" He asked, leaning against the outside of the cave.

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"Well if they are a god, I'm certainly not going to listen," she declared, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't know about you but I don't get on well with gods and their offspring. They all hate my kind so its only natural for me to hate them back. My father will return on his own, you'll see." She remained in her pose briefly before raising a finger pointedly. "Moreover, I'm a vampire! If they're picking lineups for their next adventure, I shouldn't be there. I'll eat everyone else or something of that ilk. And vampires don't mess with fire. The candles are lovely but flaming chariots? That's right out."

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King nodded. “I haven’t seen it but I smelled it that’s why I stopped here and decided to stay. As for why I am here, well this girl in a castle that way.” He points in the direction he had came from; north-west. “Had said I could stay for a little, until I fed her wolves and played with them then she got mad and had them attack me. I don’t like killing my natural cosines so I knocked them out and walked here.”


He went in to the dark cave and set his bow and quiver by his pack, pulling something out of it and held it in his hands. “I didn’t know water dragons existed, or dragons in general I thought they became extinct around the middle ages….” He looked up at Caspian the haunted lonely look seeping away from his face as he spoke to another person. “What do fish taste like? I never had it before only rabbet, deer, elk, moose, sometimes a bear. Bores are good, although…” He wrinkles his nose. “The bristles are like porcupine quills and hurt.”

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"Interesting." Caspian murmured. "Didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers?" He asked with a slight grin before continuing. "Most water dragons ARE dead. I'm not even sure how many are left. It's a pity, really. They're an extraordinary race of creatures. And fish taste, well, fishy. I could catch you one, if you'd like." Noticing that King was holding something, Caspian tilted his head. "Whatcha got there?"

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King copied Caspian’s previous devilish grin. “No they told me to kill them if they where human, but lucky for you, you aren’t.” He looked down and showed him a large pocket watch type thing. “It’s a locket; it’s the only thing I have left of my family. It has pictures of my family inside it… I wanted to know if you’ve seen any of them around. Like I said, I’m trying to find them, but like me, they know how to hide. I would like to try one, a fish that is… “ He got up and moved out in to the sunlight with the locket.

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"Hmm... good advice." Caspian chuckled. He moved to look over King's shoulder. "Err... can't say I have, I'm sorry. Father and I never really ventured out into human cities too much. Too dangerous, he said." Caspian rolled his eyes. "Did you ever check all the areas your family would most likely be? I mean, you're a werewolves, right? And wolves travel in packs." He reasoned.

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King opened it and showed him the photos, shaking his head. “I’ve looked, but the humans are growing in number, and killing wolves for sport. They say it’s… ‘maintaining them for the better of the ecosystem’” He snorted. “We never lived in cities, to loud and noisy. Mostly in forested areas like this, but those are growing few in number.” He paused for a moment then looked at the older boy. “I don’t believe all humans are bad though. I mean, my mom was mortal… and you’re a demimosnter right? Demi meaning half. But again those are my thoughts.”


He looked down again at the picture of a tall guy with the body of a distant runner, long tussled black-grey hair smiling next to a woman, whose head barley met his chest, skinny, and had white blond hair in a pixie cut and spiked, she had a more mischievous grin and clothing like a rocker. “My mom and dad.”

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Cyrus's ears flattened as he listened to Charlotte speak He stepped towards her, his form melting as he did so. It was noted that this change was much slower than the original because of how painful it was. After changing, he swayed a little. It had taken a good bit out of him to change back. You don't undrstand it, do you? You don't choose to quest for a god. They choose you. And if that's the case, they'll make sure you do it. Heka's not malevolent in the slightest, but I'm sure he had tricks up his nonexistant sleeves. I suggest you comply before we wake up with a sun good at your doorstep. He explained. Being in high demand to protect demigods, Cyrus had already figured out how gods worked. They hardly ever got their own hands dirty. Not when somebody else could do it. It was twisted.

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Charlotte visibly bristled as she turned away, lifting her nose in the air. "Well, they'll have to find someone else. I don't owe the gods anything so they can just ask their bratty offspring to do it instead. I refuse to curl up as some kind of lapdog for a repulsive creature like a god." Huffing, she strode back over to the front door and rather dramatically threw the door open so she could go back inside. As if she would leave her safe home to go on a quest.

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((New character


Username: polaristar

Name: Blaze

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Godly/Monsterly Parent: Apollo

Mythology: Greek


- Light Manipulation

- Archer: He is an amazing archer and the arrows seem to follow his thoughts.

- Super-eyesight


- Easily Distracted: He can be distracted very easily, which can be used to other's advantage.

- Can't Stay Still: Because of the need to constantly be moving, he is not very stealthy or quiet.

- Total Darkness

Sexuality: Straight

History: Blaze lived with his mother all his life, not knowing about his abilities until he was 14 and visited by his father who taught him how to use the bow and control his abilities. He traveled with his father for a while before they parted ways, and now Blaze will sneak into airplanes, trains, whatever, and explore far off places.

Personality: Blaze is talkative and funny, making new friends easily. He had ADHD, so he is very hyper and can get sidetracked easily. Despite the fact that demigods are supposed to fight the demimonsters, he will often show mercy, but is not afraid to fight.

Appearance: X - like this, except he doesn't wear glasses.

Other: He always carries a bow and arrows.


This ok?))

Edited by polaristar

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((ugh im sorry i hate backing out after such a short amount of time but this is moving way too fast for me and at inconvenient times i dont think this is gonna work ;__;))

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King sighs staring at the photo, there was two other pieces that flips in the locket, but he stared at the photo next to his parents, a girl about ten with white hair and amber eyes, had her arm over a ten year old King, her fingers ruffling his head like Caspian did to him not to long ago, he closed the locket with a snap and sighs. “It sucks being alone all the time. I was the eldest…” He leaded against the cave wall. “It was my job to look after them, and I failed doing that job……”



((Crow just joined your group; I can quote it if you like))


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You aren't listening to me! The Sphinx snapped at Charlotte. He limped after the girl, clearly upset. The gods weren't hoing to let them sit out of this! They'd already been personally greeated by one for goodness sake! People get hurt when you refuse! They'll twist your arm so you have to help them! Maybe that would get through to her thick skull! Would he have to rattle off examples to her next? All the demigods (or monsters, in this case) were always forced into it. It was never a willing thing! Why couldn't she just understand and stop being such....such a brat!

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Caspian felt a stab of pity for the boy. "It's not your fault, kid. You were just, well, a kid. If anything, blame your parents for not coming to look for you." He sighed, starting to talk about something seemingly unrelated to their discussion. "Water Dragons usually have more than one egg in a clutch, usually three or four. The eldest pip - a dragon hatchling, in more simple terms - is, in essence, responsible for looking after its siblings. If the eldest pip fails to do their job, then..." he took a deep breath, "the younger pips could get injured, or worse." Caspian looked at the young werewolf for a moment. "You're probably wondering why I'm telling you this. And I'm getting to that. There were three eggs in my clutch, including me. And I... I was the eldest. And I didn't do my job, protecting the others, two sisters. I wasn't paying attention one day and they just... disappeared. My father wasn't there, he often went out on hunting trips alone. So I searched for my siblings, and I found them a day later. Dead from a shark attack, because I didn't do my job." He paused for a moment, chuckling slightly. "So if anyone's a failure of an older brother, it's me."


Blaze limped through the quiet forest, his arm bleeding heavily from claw marks. But how was he supposed to know there were bears in the area? He had managed to bring the massive creature down with his bow, but not before receiving painful gashes to his arm. Muttering to himself, he tore off a piece of his shirt and wrapped his arm to stop the bleeding. "Stupid bear." He muttered. Unable to go any farther due to loss of blood and exhaustion, he slid down under a tree and made a fire using matches. The flames should keep away any wild animals, and he tossed more fuel to the fire to make sure it didn't die. He leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes, drifting into an uneasy slumber.


((Pudding, you could have Sammy find Blaze if you'd like wink.gif))

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King changes the subject again, feeling on the verge of tears. “Normally I sleep during the day, just so you know…” He moved in to the dark cave, setting his things in the darkest corner and rolling out furs to make up his bed, he fell asleep on the ground before. “By the way, I thought a dragon, if they could turn human, would have darker hair, not an ash white color…”




((i guess it's just raven and crow at the fire then... shall we rp them more shadow_claw?))

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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