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The Lab

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(((Holy censorkip.gif he over-reacted xd.png)))



Poppy looked up from what she was doing when Siren plopped a solid something on her desk. She was overjoyed to see the thick bulge of hundreds wrapped up nice and neat in a little brown envelope. She ripped it open and thumbed through one of the stacks, "Alright. Now we can pay for the mortgage," she said happily. Money had been tight lately. All the escaped experiments were starting to spread out further and further. It was getting harder and harder to track experiments. The nature of her power was taxing if done for more than a few days. Poppy had to sleep eventually. Sleep that didn't mean running around in other people's dreams, that is.


Poppy was delighted to hear that Siren wanted to dive into the dream realm with her. She could use the help, 'Here's the deal", she said, retrieving her dream journal from the corner of the desk and showing her the list of descriptions he got from (Kien) that kid's dream, "We are looking for people that look like this. Is there anyplace that a group of people like this can hide?" She wished she had more clues. Something else to go by. 'Something underground",s he said slowly, the memory of the smell of earth rising in her mind, "Yeah, defiantly underground somewhere"


Poppy clapped her hands together and smiled, "Alright, this won't hurt a bit", she said, rolling up her sleeves, "It will actually feel quite nice." Penelope leaned forward and wrapped her arms around er in a soft embrace. The girl's skin felt strange and she could feel the moister soaking into her shirt. Mirco-barbs protruded from the pores of her skin along the areas their were touching. The little needles painlessly injected large quantities of melatonin into her bloodstream, "I'll see you in a few", she said, with a reassuring smile. Poppy knew that Siren would be out in a matter of minutes and She would be right behind her.


Poppy snapped her eyes open and stared into a swirling mass of blues and violets. She sat up and looked around. She was in The Quiet, the little zone of limbo she drifts in before she can dream up a world. Normal people never experience this zone of the sub-conscious because their brain normally censors it out. IT was the left over imagination of all the dreamers in the world. A sorta soup of psionic energy that supplies the energy, matter, and medium for dreams to form. Poppy willed her dream into existence.


She was standing on the dock at her house with the wooden dowel clutched in her fist. She walked to the edge of the dock and banged on the PVC post a few times. This familiarity that Siren and herself developed was not only a convenient way to call her roommate for dinner. It was also a lucid trigger. She used it it call to Siren's dreams so she could locate it better. She developed these triggers all the time. Mostly from personal habits or items her target has. She can replicate the action in her own dream and the target's dream will ring back. This made tracking down dreamers much faster. Now all she had to do was wait.




(((Alright shadow. In Poppy's Dream Realm, you character gets a dream self. She could look exactly the same, or have a few minor changes, or look totally different. This is Siren's subconscious self, have fun with it smile.gif )))

Edited by padfoot

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Phill did not want to get involved and he moved so he sat by max and his ears twitched again though he was in human form he always had a tail that he usually kept hidden and his ears. He had a shirt on now at least as he had taken one of kleins and was wearing it so it hid the blades he was carrying.

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"Kein wait your her husand?" Kein asked dropping him. Kein could could have killed a normal human. He ran out of the room, outside the house starring at his hands.

"I...I would have killed, a human." Kein said with disbelieving words. He did not know what to do at this moment, what should he do now. Her husband... he was so confused. But in the back of his mind was telling him to kill, for something was not right.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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Zander growled as he walked out. "Come with me," he ordered Sierra.


Sierra hissed, "Absolutely not! Way to ruin things you controlling stranger!" She went to go after Kein when he grabbed her with great force. "I said to come with me, now listen to me!" He jerked her towards him and led her into a different room. "Phil ! Make sure Kein is okay. Tell him I love him" she said whle tears ran down her face as she was being dragged.


Zander slapped her across the face. "No!! Okay you love me! ME! not that monster..." he still had his grip on her and jerked her again into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Edited by cattygal210

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Phill kicked the door in growling loudly at zander and he stood between them "go tell him yourself sierra this guy is leaving alone either through the window the door or the wall." Phill canines grew as he showed them in his growl.

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Kein heard the slap and began to get enraged. He walked back into the room, and drew his scythe .

"You got five seconds or you die." said Kein in tremendous anger.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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(((And she was trapped in the lab for a couple years?)))




(((When did she get married?)))

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(((what the hell? "Don't think about it" is not a good character explanation

But a billion plot holes isn't a plot

I'm not asking for perfection, I just want a little consistency)))

Edited by padfoot

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((Pad's got a point. You need to be over 18 in most states to marry.))


Being green was pretty easy. It meant that in many situations, she blended into tall grass that she really liked to eat. Bleating softly to herself, Laverne moved forward a few paces, chewing a path as she went. Her powers were generally passive, with the exception of trying to use her manipulation of vectors to fly. Which she found incredibly difficult and put off practicing for the most part. But either way, her passive abilities tended to make her constantly hungry. So she spent most of her time just wandering from field to field, eating paths as she went.

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((Well Danny fine cause the rules of the living don't apply to him.))

Edited by Kirito

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Still holding on to Sierra with the death grip, he kicked Phil. "Go away you syupid mutt!"


Sierra cried, "Phil!!" She turned to Zander and tried hitting and kicking but it seemed to have no effect. "Let me go you monster!" She bit him, seeing it to be her last resort.


Zander groaned in pain and threw her into the wall. He then turned to Kein. "Listen pal, i dont know who you think you are coming and taking my girl from me, but she is MINE. he went through the top drawer of his side table pulling out a paper. It was marriage papers. He shoved it in his face. "You see this! That is my name and, oh look, her name. She is mine! Now leave!"


Sierra sat against the wall she was thrown into. Blood dripped from her nose. She looked at Zander, then at Kein. She blinked her eyes and remembered who Zander was. She in fact had married this monster long ago....out of fear...he said he would've killed her if she didn't..he was abusive. And her parents were too old and afraid to intervene. She wanted to use her powers but she knew that killing a human with her powers would only make her a monster.


(Illegally married. She "married" illegally at 16 (he was 18, they are 2year age difference) , right before she was snatched by the Dark Legion)

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((Wow. I took my sweet time with this post, didn't I?))


By the time Cassidy woke up the next day and changed again, everyone was gone. She was alone in the woods, from what she could tell, and...wow, she'd slept almost 20 hours. The lab had really tired her out. Where was everyone else? Did they all go their separate ways, or were they all on their way to some safe haven? She knew she couldn't go home like this, no matter how much she missed her family. She'd only bring danger to them.


Maybe she could track down her fellow escapees. Teleporting, maybe? She'd read a story where a psychic could warp to wherever a person was if he concentrated hard enough on them. Would that work for her as well?


She didn't catch the face of any other prisoner except for the guy who was on fire, so she thought about him, hard. There was a small "puff", and she found herself in a narrow alley way, sharing a spot with mangy cat who hissed at her and ran away. She stuck her tongue out at it, a very unladylike thing to do, but she couldn't really care less. From now on, she was no long Cassidy Heolsdor. She would be...Casey. Casey Hamilton. She had to cut off all her ties, to protect her family.


Now then, back to business. Before she stepped out onto the street, she thought about getting rid of her created powers. Meta Ability Creation was great and all, but keeping track of so many new powers really was tiring. She visualized them as balloons, actually. Popping them would get rid of one, although of course she couldn't remove the two powers the scientists gave her.


She was lucky not many people knew her face, really. The Heolsdor family was known for being descended from the dukes and lords of ancient times, and for the sprawling companies and chain stores they had.

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Alexander looked around. Nothing much but a few buildings and a starburst-style burn mark with a vague human outline in the center. He really disliked doing that, but it was a necessity. With a small hand gesture, he opened a quantum tunnel to a random location. Stepping through, he would appear behind Kein with a small hiss followed by a crack as his particles 're-formed into his usual state.

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Kein turned saw her blood, he was starting lost it again. He began grabbing, his head screaming in pain.

"No... not again." said Kein grabbing his head in pain. he felt the flames wanting to come out and kill him.

He is became souless the flames stayed in, but was not Kein. For a dark aura surrounded him death filled air. He clinched his scythe, he slashed downward at Zander. Blood hit Kein and splattered everywhere.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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Sierra flinched and gasped as some of Zanders blood splattered across her face and clothes. She brought her hands over her mouth, trying not to scream. She was very squeamish when it came to guts and gore. She stood, leaning against the wall in fear. She closed her eyes and ran out, unable to look for another second.


Her mother saw her daughter covered in blood. "What in gods name?!?" But Sierra ran out too fast

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A loud scream from one of the houses nearby where Laverne was chewing silently caught the green goat's attention as she quickly looked upwards. Prey instinct didn't go away even when she had very little to fear now so the loud sound was rather startling. Still, the more intelligent side of her grew curious. That was a human scream, yes? It sounded like it had come from the house right in front of her. She quickly moved forward, creeping in the grass until she reached the house and looked up at it curiously.

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Kein came back and saw what he had done. Kein could believe it, andhe saw Sierra run.

"Why... why... AM I REALLY A MONSTER!?!" exclaimed kein began punching the floor.

Kein flew through the roof and head toward the mountains.

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Phill ran out past sierras mom speaking quickly "nice to meet you wonderful kids you have" phill caught up to her and he grabbed her arms gently trying to get her to sit by a tree. He took his shirt off and wiped the little blood off his face as he looked at her "can I clean the blood off of you or do you hurt too much?"

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Sierra sobbed uncontrollably as she nodded yes for him to clean her off. She couldn't stand that much blood more or less the dismemberment she witnessed. She was speechless. She wasnt hurt too bad, only a bruise on her arm from where Zander had dragged her and her nose that was bleeding but that was it. She tucked her knees to her chest, trembling. She didnt say a word.

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Kein reached the mountians and found a cave. He landed and fell to his knees.

"what have i done, why me...why me... that was me i gave in to my anger." Kein began sobbing. He realized that his anger was his alone.

"So now we can't control our anger i see." said the dragon.

"what about her you going to leave her?" asked the dragon

"No, but how can face her now?" asked kein

"that is not for me to decide Kein, all things happen for a reason. your anger was your's alone. What you do now is what matters." said the dragon as he vanished. Kein still sobbing, tears that hurt and filled with pain.

"Sierra I am so sorry, please forgive me." kein sobbing in the cave.

Edited by HellFireSouLess

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Starla leaned her forehead against the cool window, absently doodling in the steam. Her feet sat propped in the adjoining seat, pink sneakers kicked off to deter any over-friendly fellow riders from taking a seat next to her.

The bus attendant hadn't exactly been overjoyed to see her, a sweaty girl with multicolored hair clinging to her forehead and cursing up a storm. The attendent had, of course, been even less happy to see her when she'd insisted on paying in fistfuls of crumpled fives and ones, scooting the dirty money across the counter with a look that could kill.

It didn't matter to her, though, travelling was a treat.

Especially when you could relax on a bus seat instead of scattering yourself over god-knows-how-many miles....

Starla settled down into her seat, pulling her hoodie tighter over her shoulders as she watched the towns flick by outside her window, eventually disappearing to empty scrublands. Starlas' eyes drooped, and she lapsed into a doze, cheek pressed against the windowpane.

The seat ahead of her creaked, and a heavyset woman shot a quick peek at the young girl sleeping in her seat before turning back around; phone in hand. A security cam photo of Starla peered back up from the screen, zoomed and enhanced to give a clear look of her, cash register clutched to her chest for the mere second she was visible. The title "Thief From Above" leaped from the phones lighted screen in bold letters.

The woman considered a moment before clicking her phone off. She seemed like a nice enough girl, she supposed. Settling back down, the woman fell into a fitful sleep.

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Phill kneeled beside her using the shirt to clean the blood off of her tearing a little bit putting the piece in her nose to soak up the blood for her. He sat by her and wiped her tears "I'm sorry you had to witness that I know it wasn't a good experience but he was trying to hurt you so we had to protect you. Phills ears were flat as he felt that she was going to run away or something so he made her look at him "is there anything you want to do for fun so we can get your mind off stuff?"

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