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Little lost dragon and I

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Fren continued to hug Alina back glad to feel the hatchling at least respond to that and continued to gently remain like so.


Vita paused for a few moments before responding "Chances are low, not high by any means nor would a deal boost them very high. However low does not mean no chance. There have been a number of battle that Core started on other worlds against my side, out numbered and out gunned there was little chance of the planet defences holding against Core, however through new tactics and sometimes very unconventional methods, we won." he said "Should we find ways to make do with what we got, and don't get cornered in, or surrounded. We have a chance. " he said being as honest as he could "Should we accomplish any one of the 3 objectives, the experience we learn should help boost our chances little by little." he pointed out. "However Bor's sibling with Jak has a head start, make a deal with Bor should you feel the need to. From how the others reguarded him, he was trusted even with what his siblings had done." he said "He sounds like the kind to make even deals. the probability of half the teams losses was orchestrated by his sister remains high as well in a effort to get back at the group. Soon after Kara's death she showed up, saying "You know none of this would have happened if you took my offer." before shortly afterwards taking control of Jak and leaving. the beings can show up and leave in a second, relocating cubes as bait to get the castle to send a monster over is a possiblity." he said

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Avira smiled a little and shook her head at Vita when he mentioned CORE's fight.

"The difference there Vita is that there is a battlefield, a set geographic area that won't change much. There you're facing guns, weapons based on solid facts, technology. There if gravity says the bullet slows down it does, there if you shoot something enough it dies. Here... There is not geography because it all changes. There is no fact, just this magic crap that doesn't follow any rules I've ever seen. Don't misunderstand, I get what your saying, but what you're describing is different. I wish it was like that though. At least there I'd have an idea of what to do. But we aren't, so no use complaining. As for making a deal... No, it's not worth it, and I don't want to be owned by someone just because I needed help." She looked at Fren and Alina, then shook her head again. "Poor kid. What a crap life to be born into. At least I got to grow up a bit slower before going into boot camp. She got flung into this the day she was born, and it's surprising she's lasted this long before shutting down."

Avira looked at Vita again, wondering if he would have any more wisdom to share, then opened the book on magic artifacts and began to skim it, hoping to find a reference to the stone that she had nearly died for.

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Vita shook his head "Negitive. A set or altering battle field with altering geographic factors still does not determine a fight or challenge, it is still left up to the ones involved to work with the environment details to use the cons and pros to there advantages." he said before looking at Fren and Alina "I'm afriad I don't have enough data on children in genral to provide advice on such matter as children." he admitted before turning back to Avira "Reccomend we move soon. Groups in no state for a fight should this place use one to get us moving again." he said

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"It's true that you need to use the terrain in a combat scenario, which is why knowing what the terrain looks like is so useful. Look at the Spartans at thermopile. They used the terrain to their advantage. A sniper can look and find the most advantageous location, etc... This place changes the terrain, making planning or counting on the terrain a factor that can't be counted on. Long story short, I don't think this place is a good place for a fight. To many variables.

Anyway you're right, we need to get moving but I'm not quite sure where." She glanced at Fren, then stood and walked over, knowing that the Shatog was going to be angry at the interruption.

"We need to get moving Fren." Avira said quietly, looking at Alina. "How's she doing?"

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Vita looked at her and shook his head before following her to Fren.


The Shatong looked up at Avira and nodded though eye's narrowed. She got up looking a bit better on her balance though her tail was still needed to help her remain upright. She sighed when asked about Alina "The sooner she gets a few days the better at least." she said as she gently held the hatchling against her neck.


When they left the room Vita took point his weapon arm lifted and ready to blast anything that came at them. Fren felt like a weight over all, but she occupied her thoughts wondering just what kind of game Bor's sister was playing, the one of wind it seemed to have shown up once, then left with out a trace. The rest have left there mark, that left her.

Edited by little lost dragon

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The door that was gilded with leaves wasn't supremely large, but it opened onto a veranda that overlooked a vast garden. To say that it was large would be an understatement. Titanic would be a better word and even then it couldn't quite get the scope right.

Hundreds of thousands of plants were housed in the area, all allowed to grow in areas featuring other plants from their natural biome. Colors ran in every conceivable hue and some that seemed to be colors unthought of. The plants themselves were big all by themselves, with trees growing so tall that they seemed like they should touch the roof. Or at least they would have if there was a roof. In this case there was just clear sky with a few whisps of cloud hear and there. The walkways through the garden were unobtrusive, made of stepping stones worn down by the ages. Streams and brooks ran through the garden giving water to everything.

Steps led down to the groups right and as they went down the steps stopped at the start of a path that led into the garden.

"I don't like this." Avira said as the reached the bottom. "If we go in there we could be surrounded in seconds. There are scifi shows that Alex watches and they show plant monsters and stuff all the time. We should go back." Avira turned to go back, but stopped short as she saw a blank wall where the door had been.

Cursing inwardly she turned back to the garden without comment and readied her weapons.

"Vita, take point." She said quietly. "We go slow, cover the front and rear at all times. If we're lucky we won't meet anything and we can just be on our way."

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Vita scanned the area but only detected plant matter, which did not help "Copy. Beware anything root based and flower based." he said before he began to move forward slowly.


Fren stopped where she was. She was too weak to hold her tail up for long right now. "Avira, I've got a long thick tail....." she pointed out looking at the place "And I can't keep it up for long yet. Little help?" she asked not liking it but doing what needed to be done.

When Avira helped Fren keep her tail up she started to move again. However after a bit she detected movement on her chemical radar, but it was so full of new signatures it was hard to make out where. "I sense none plant activ-" she started to say before something wiggled around her foot. she let out a warning sound before the vine yanked at her foot. She grabbed onto Vita right away her spare hand placing Alina on his shoulder before she grabbed on with both hands and hung on to Vita. Something was where her foot had been pulled to, felt like flower peddles, and it was trying to pull her in. Vita went still due to if he turned he'd dislodge Fren.


((Guaa sorry about how short it is, got freinds hounding me, long story short its hard to post when others are looking over my shoulder.))

Edited by little lost dragon

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Avira was turning to help Fren when the plant gripped her leg and pulled. Avira had been expecting something like this and was instantly there, her knife out and cutting through the vine. The moment the knife began its work though the plant pulled back and the feeler disappeared back into the vegitation.

"Stupid plants." Avira cursed, kicking at the tendril as it pulled back from Fren. "Come on, let's get you up."

Avira helped Fren stand up then let the other use her as a support for walking. Avira didn't like that the group was essentially one and a half combat specialists versus it's normal three, but until Fren was better it would have to work.


The plant meanwhile seemed to have drawn back for the moment and the pathway was clearer then it had been before as though the plants were pulling away from the group.

"The sand plant, carnivorous, unintelligent; named for the chalky white dust that is left from the plants leftovers. Pulls prey in via a number of feeler tendrils that react to any movement. Communicates with others of its kind through a chemical pheromone that signals a threat or extra large bounty. Threats are met with defense as the plant curls in on itself forming a protective shell." Avira read aloud from a little white plaque sitting near a number of plants that looked like large purple cashews. Even as the group watched the last tendril pulled into the plant which snapped shut quickly. A sweet smell permeated the area as the plants released their pheromones, making Avira smile and take a breath through her nose appreciatively.

As the left the area the plants continued to sit where they had been, unassuming and devoid of movement as though hoping that by not moving they wouldn't be noticed.

The group moved slowly after this, not just because they had to help Fren, but also because caution was the name of the game in the garden.

A large number of plants actually turned out to be dangerous even if the were barely a percent of the total garden, but that 1% was still enough to kill them if they acted wrong. From venomous barbs, to flinging needles if one go to close, the plants had a large number of defenses to deal with. That being said the group made it through them without much hassle and eventually came across a segment that resembled an earth park. A large tree sat in the center while a pond was off to one side. Grass covered the rest of the area with a nice bench near the pond for watching the multicolored fish that swam there.

Avira carefully checked the tags on the plants in the enclosure, then looked at the path that ran through it.

"It's just grass and an oak." She said finally before helping Fren. "Don't mess with the water though, the tag thing doesn't say what it is so better to go with caution."

She helped Fren sit down then looked around. "We can rest here for a bit, let you get some energy, then we'll keep moving. Don't know what we're looking for, but I'm sure it will be obvious."

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Fren pulled her leg away from the plant as fast as she could when it let go. She never had a plant attack her before so this was a new one. Once she was back on her feet she gently took Alina again gently hugging the hatchling to let her know mother was still here and alright. She looked at Avira as the fox lady read the plaque of the plant. She looked at them then got her weapon ready. Should another plant attack her it would get a dose of metal desolving acids. But as they went on most of the plants where harmless, a few here and there had clear defences but nothing to really attack with.

When they reached the park Vita looked around and went to a area where he could scan the whole zone in case danger showed up. Fren let Avira help her sit down on the park bench before she looked around "Plants that can catch prey some distance away, I know my people would love to get a sample of that thing's DNA make up. Never seen anything like it." she admitted looking at her left foot where her slime layer had some white dust on it from the ordeal before she looked at Avira "It would be a foolish error on the castles part to leave it obvious even if its in the area its met to be. Power supply or control room. I would guess it would be camouflaged at the very least." she pointed out.

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"Agreed." Avira said, nodding. "I doubt seriously that the castle has anything vital in this area, but that key led us here so I'm banking on this place containing something that might be helpful."

Avira looked down at Alina who was still pressing herself against Fren as much as possible and shook her head. The hatchling was getting worse, anyone could see it. The lack of food, water, even cleaning was beginning to tell. It wouldn't be long before it came down to either forcing the child to drink or letting it die.

"We'll get going in about a half hour, in the meantime we need to start trying to reach her. We are not going to let her die in this castle." Avira said, gesturing to Alina before finally turning and walking off. The child viewed Fren as it's mother, and letting Fren try and reach it made the most sense. Fren would have better luck trying to reach the child alone instead of having a stranger look over her shoulder, so it was better if Avira helped stand guard.


Alina seemed to have finally run out of tears, but still shook now and then as she pressed herself against Fren, afraid that the last person she knew would disappear as well.

Alina was hungry, she was thirsty, her boy told her so, but her mind didn't care. It had shut everything off so it wouldn't have to think about fuzzy, Varren or Kara. Thinking about them hurt to much, so shutting down meant she didn't have to think or feel even if deep inside her subconscious was screaming in horror and pain at the loss of her family.

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Fren nodded and gently stroked Alina and sighed. After Avira took some steps away Fren gently moved Alina up to her cheek holding her close. She had no idea what to do, she had never been a mother before nor had she ever tried to help one in such a state as Alina. She knew what it was like to lose everything right away. Have it all then have it all yanked away, but how would she use that to help Alina? "Alina?" she started softly "Alina, I know what its like to lose..... your loved ones, you where asleep when I told the others but...... when I was similar to your age.... I too lost everything, my home, my family, even all my friends." she said "But..... I survived, and I've survived many things including things this castle has thrown at us, with help from others at times too." she explained softly "But to survive.... you need to eat and drink, even if its a little bit at a time... otherwise..... you'll die..... I need you to help me help you Alina, we'll find out what happened to your parents, we'll find a way so we can know we left this place and start another life, one where you can make friends that won't be removed from your life.... alright?" she asked

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Even though Alina seemed to have shut off, she still reacted to Fren's words and pulled into hug Fren as tight as her little body would allow. She still wouldn't talk, but she had begun to cry again and her body was shaking uncontrollably.

Her body and her actions said it all, how much she missed fuzzy and Kara and Varren, how she was scared of losing Fren, how she wanted to be gone from the castle... Everything was said by the way she acted, but even through all that Fren managed to get something through to the hatchling. Tentatively Alina took a few gulps of water and a couple bites of food before filing in on herself and crying again. She seemed to have at least recognized that killing herself wasn't going to help, but she still wasn't talking because to do so would mean facing what had happened. Better to go numb then have to admit that her friends and family were gone forever.


When the break ended Avira had Vita take point again, then helped Fren along behind the metal figure.

The gardens they passed through kept getting stranger the deeper they went until they reached a section that was pure jungle. The temperature soared here as did the humidity, making Avira pant as they walked. Around them the plants and trees sat, moving in a breeze that swept through the undergrowth. That wasn't all that was moving however. Every once in awhile one of the group would spot a tiny flicker of movement out of the corner of their eye, always gone when they turned to face it. Nothing could be smelled or sensed, everything just smelled and looked like plants. That being said the flickers continued as they walked, always on the edge of ones vision, but always there.


As they rounded a bend the trail suddenly stopped dead at the base of a massive tree, it's roots sprouting out and down in some places.

Without warning a plant burst from the ground, growing to over seven feet tall within seconds. It bloomed just as fast, and as it did a woman stepped out of it even as the plant withered and died into nothingness. Around the group more of the plants were bursting open to reveal women and even a few men, all aiming bows at the group. The one that had appeared on the path took a single step forward, her eyes glowing green as she surveyed the group.

"Why are you here?" She asked angrily. "Why have you brought this unnatural thing into out domain?" She gestured at Vita then, looked back at the group.

"My names Avira an-"

"Silence! You are not the leader we recognize. The eldest shall speak." The woman said, looking at Fren. "Now, why are you here?"

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Fren smiled as Alina allowed her to be fed a little bit of food and water. When they finished she hugged Alina to her neck again glad the hatchling was not going to starve her self now. Which in its self showed hope.

When it came time to move again Fren found her chemical radar to be useless, so many new signatures, so many things to log, and too much movement, movement that was hard to track and keep track of. She kept on hand on Alina at all times and her other with her weapon.

When they came to the large oak and the plant pod seemed to just grow at random rapidly Fren went into a defencive stance as much as she could. Vita readied his weapon as well.

Fren narrowed her eye's when it was clear it was more humanoids. Just with..... green eye's and what looked to be roots growing out of there skin. When one came over and asked her questions, at first Fren let Avira respond but when the being looked more pointedly at Fren after getting after Avira. She lowered her weapon a bit caught off guard. She remain cupping the hatcling in the neck hug with her spare hand but gave a nod "I am Fren, the... unnatural thing is Vita, and like Avira and Alina here and I, we where brought to the this castle like place, we did not mean to intrude on your grounds." she said as Vita lowered his arm "May I ask, how are you?" she asked

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The female seemed to consider the words for a few moments as silence overtook the forest around them. The other humanoids around them seemed to be communicating to each other but it was like listening to branches bending or leaves rustling.

Finally the female seemed to reach a decision and gave her full attention back to Fren. "The structure you speak of is an evil place." She said, her voice angry still. "It is forbidden to all, even the triad. That you survived at all is impressive, but that doesn't matter here. We have been watching you since you arrived in our garden, we have viewed your trespass and judged you. The only reason that you still live is because we have judged you worthy of speaking to, even if you have brought that thing here." She said contemptuously in Vita's direction.

"You have done no harm yet, so you shall be taken to the triad." She paused, thinking for another moment then nodded. "I am Whispering Leaves." She said finally. "Before you are taken to the triad do you have anything to say?"

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Fren nodded before looking at the others around them "We'll come with you willingly. This is your land that you have worked for." she said with a nod looking back to Whispering Leaves. She was placing some trust in these people. Hopefully this would not lead to a fight. Should it lead to a fight, she doubt her Alina and Avira would survive. Vita had a chance but only one of him and many of them.


She could not help but wonder just how.... natureal these beings where. Where they brought here too? Old escaped lab tests? Where they always here? How did they tick? Another species she knew a blood sample would be loved. But asking for such now would be seen as an act of intellegence gathering, which right now, was not something she wanted to risk. She noticed there where a few males around to, clearly this tribe has learned how to thrive with in the castles trials, or its left them alone, either way, she wanted to know hows and whys.

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When Fren said that the group would follow Whispering Leaves the woman nodded and turned to the tree that blocked the path and began walking towards it. As she moved closer the tree began to morph and change, it's center growing outward until it formed an arch for the group to walk through.

The other beings disappeared without a trace as the group moved onwards until only Whispering Leaves remained. The tunnel they walked through was long, much longer then it should have been, and was lit by small glowing dots that flitted up and away from the group as they walked.

Like before movment followed the group as they walked, but was never there when looked at directly.

Finally the tunnel let out and the group was confronted with an open clearing. The strange thing was that the atmosphere had changed almost completely. Where before it had been so humid it might as well have been raining it was now only mildly humid. The heat had gone down a lot as well, and now it was more like a nice summer day versus the sweltering heat from before.

A number of the beings like the ones who had ambushed the group stood around the clearing.

Beyond that it was a clearing with a stream flowing through the center.

"You will wait here until the triad is ready for you." Whispering Leaves said, gesturing to a spot near the edge of the stream. "The water is safe for drinking if you so desire." She said before moving towards the edge of the stream as well. She stood still after this as roots extended from her feet and began to drink from the water.

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Fren nodded and came over to the area gestured to them and sat down. Seemed her race may not be the only one after all who used organic tech, these people seemed to use more plant matter then flesh like matter for there things. But it worked for them as shown clearly. "Where I'm from my people thought them selfs to the only ones who can use and co-exist in a natural setting for our people. Many speices we have met all use some kind of metals and such and wipe out there ecosystems in the name of wealth and power." she said before looking at the being "Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems your people, like mine, have there own ways of things, yet manage to do it such a way that helps the surrounding area?" she asked wondering looking honestly cuiruse. She was not asking about anything pointedly. She hoped the being would not take it like she was prying for information, what Fren had seen so far had perked her interest. And for once, it was not some mission goal.


Vita came to a stop by the water as he seemed to just be inactive for the most part. He was not liked here, and knew that if he had been alone, he'd most likely be getting attacked right now.

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Whispering leaves turned to Fren as the question was asked, her luminescent green eyes unreadable as she listened.

"There is no technology here." She said. "Only tools. Everything is grown, tended and nurtured until such a time as they age and die, withering back into the earth. Bows are made from the Bach'ka plant, it's stem grows in the curved manner that suits that purpose. Arrows come from the Lintweh bush. It's stems grow long and sharp. In the winter it sheds them and grows them anew in the spring. Everything that is used is natural. We do not bend nature to our will like you do with your weapons and armor, we use it in its natural form. Even meat is prefered to be found dead over hunted, but sometimes there is no other way. In those instances the balance must be maintained and order returned to the universe. If this is not done then things will fall into chaos and death." Whispering Leaves seemed went silent at this, obviously sure that this answer was all that was needed. Now that the group could see her face they could see her eyes close and the faint rustling that the others had used to communicate came from her, although no source was obvious.


The group was forced to wait almost ten minutes before anything happened, but when it did the wait was well worth it. From the edge of the clearing three forms resolved, two giants at over 12 feet tall, and one human sized.

"This is the triad." Whispering Leaves said quietly. "That is ,

Walking Shadow, the watcher of autumn and winter. That is

Weathered Stone, he is the watcher of summer. And that is Gentle Breeze, she is watcher of spring." Whispering Leaves said before stepping forward.

"Triad, I have brought those that came unto your grove uninvited. They have not done harm and say they come from that place which is cursed."

The three figures went still as they surveyed the group, their eyes carefully roving over each figure. Finally Gentle Breeze stepped forward, causing Whisper to step back a few paces in respect.

"I am the triad in ascension." Breeze said, her voice as soft and lilting as her name implied. "I will make the ultimate decision of your fate. Tell me why you are here, and why you have brought that thing into our realm. More importantly, tell us how you have managed to survive the cursed place for so long and how you came upon our grove." Her words, while said softly, still demanded an answer, and it was obvious that she normally got what she wanted. As she spoke though her eyes still wandered over the group, silently judging each one.

"You will also tell us why that one is tainted by your technology." She said, pointing at Avira's head. "She is not a natural thing, but is still organic. To desecrate that which was clean in such a way is a terrible crime. Answer truthfully and I will take it into consideration upon your judging."


"I was grown around it." Avira said suddenly, unable to help herself. "Fren had nothing to do with it, nor did anyone else in my group. My brain was formed around it when I was grown."

Gentle Breeze didn't react as Avira spoke, but her eyes were angry as Avira finished.

"Tell us who did this to you." She hissed, her voice now sounding like trees cracking and wind howling. "Tell us who would defile nature in such a way."

Avira got a blank look on her face, then glanced around, realizing what she had done. "Well I'm happy if that's what's bothering you..." She started, but Gentle Breeze cut her off.

"It is the act that matters, not the product. Now, name your creators."

"Um... Humans?" Avira said, wondering if the woman before her wanted more details.

It sounded like a thunderstorm was directly overhead as the many beings around the outside edge of the clearing began yelling in their own way, which sounded more like a thousand trees groaning and snapping in the wind. Gentle Breeze and the other Triad's eyes went bright red for a few moment before they finally raised their right hand in unison. The forest immediately went quiet as the grave.

"You speak true when you name one of the enemies. Know that here their name was struck from the list of desecrators long ago, and that their civilization was consumed long ago by the planet they spurned for so long. We have seen things much like yourself in the past, unnatural things cooked in factories or laboratories, but know that they all had the question that you ask answered in time. Now we will listen to your leaders answers and converse. You, answer our questions." Gentle Breeze said calmly, gesturing to Fren.

Edited by Ryujin13

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Fren nodded a thoughtful look on her face. When it came time for the triad to show up she stood up as they where approached. She watched Whispering leaves speak to them before the smallest one, human sized and female spoke up directly to them. Avira spoke up first. Though she had to agree what the humans did was not good in anyway. Though it was interesting to hear that these beings knew of humans too, apparently the ones in their universe had been consumed by the plant they had sprung for long ago.... that alone was interesting.

When it came time for her turn she nodded "The ones with me where not who I started beyond this young one." she started "Avira, Vita, they showed up later. I'm only alive because of everyone's help. The castle tests and kills, along with 4 beings in a constant struggle to delay or get hold of some red cage and open it to either get something with in or put something inside. Everyone here though are ones I met in the cursed place. None of them where made by my people, though my people also know of the humans where they are from and are currently fighting to keep there territory safe and secure from the humans." she said eye's darkening before she closed them and took a deep breath "We came to your territory when we found a room full of doors, one lead to the garden, we where going to turn back but the place had sealed the only exit, it was sit there till the castle decided to kill us, or make our way through the garden." she explained "Our goals include shutting down the cursed place some how some way to pervent others from suffering a fate brought here." she finished off before nodding to her group "We accept anyone who does not shoot or attack us as well as those who may not be able to defend them selfs. In such situations we can't afford to be picky who we side with, as a saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend." she said hoping to have answered the questions posed.

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"We will consider your words." Gentle Breeze said, turning and walking back to the triad, both of whom shrunk down to about human size but retained their form. They seemed to enter a heated debate, with Walking Shadow speaking the most aggressively. Finally after almost five minutes the triad turned and walked back towards the group.

"That you have survived the cursed place is miraculous to say the least. But we believe that you don't know the full truth. You are no longer in that place, you have entered out world, a planet in a solar system. The path you entered through is a minor tributary that we guard against the cursed places attackers. That said, you have not done direct harm to us or our land. We cannot in good conscious force you to go back to that place. That being said, if you so desired you could remain here, however, you would have to abide by our laws and protocols. If you do not wish to remain then that is your choice and we do not begrudge you for it."

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Fren blinked when they where offered to live here, free of the castle, free of everything it had done. She looked at the group thinking hard. She knew Alina would not last much longer in the castle, its toll on the young one was too great. She was dieing of either stress or until recently, lack of food and water. She looked at Gentle Breeze "I can not abandon my allies in there time of need, however I can't return either knowing I'm causing my adopted young one further pain." she admitted "May I remain here with Alina to allow her time to recover away from the dangers of the cursed place. And rejoin my allies on our quest to shut down the castle?" she asked carefully "Its up to my allies if they wish to join me in the recovery time, but Alina needs help and I feel she may be able to get it here." she explained hoping these beings would understand. Alina needed a safe place, a safe place was being offered. perhaps time was faster here then it would be on the castle, so if everything was best case, she could be only a short ways behind the other 2 when she got back.


Vita looked at the group "I could have my drone guard you and Alina Fren that way when you enter the castle again it can lead you towards Avira and I if she decided to continue on our quest." he said and Fren smiled a little and nodded.


((Found a thrown out laptop at work xd.png its still got charge for now lol))

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"The decision of when to stay and go is of course yours to make." Gentle Breeze said. "I warn you in advance though, it is extremely unlikely you will ever find us again should you leave. Others have said things that mirror your words and they are never heard from again. Once the decision is made the cursed might well make it permanent. However you cannot leave at the moment because the way has been shut." She said, gesturing to the tunnel the group had entered through, which was now a solid tree. "The sentinels have detected a danger at the end of the way, and so they have closed it for at least 24 hours. I would invite you to stay here with the understanding that your group will do no harm." She gave Vita an extremely cold look at this, and even though she put on a kind demeanor it was obvious that she despised the robot as much as the others in the meadow.

"Dinner will be brought to you, and water is provided in this stream. The grass is your bed here and taking things from the surrounding forest that is not already dead would be most unwise. Whispering Leaves will stay with you through the night, just know that this planet is total wilderness. The only safe place are the clearings like this one, and you will not find it again should you wander off. You have been warned." She looked about as Walking Shadow and Weathered stone moved further into the clearing, each one sitting down to a chair that grew from the ground in an instant. A table followed and Gentle Breeze took a seat at the head of the table, Weathered Stone to her left and Walking Shadow to her right. Chairs grew for the group as well while figures brought fruit and nuts to the table. Beyond this there wasn't much else, but it was obvious that this was what the grou was expected to eat. Gentle Breeze and Weathered Stone were polite enough in their own way, but Walking Shadow was obviously hostile towards Vita and Avira most of all.

Her hackles were raised the moment his eyes fell upon her, and she felt like an ant being looked at by an immeasurably more powerful being.

He didn't speak any words, but his gaze said everything that needed saying, and she knew that if she had been alone he would have ripped her apart.

Even though her normal personality would be to confront the aggressor head on, here her ears flattened and she looked away, terrified of what would happen if she said even a single syllable to the being before her.

Gentle Breeze at least seemed to notice this and spoke quickly to Walking Shadow in their own tongue before finally turning her gaze to Fren. "You will excuse Walking Shadow, he is of a different opinion about what to do with your group." She began, before Shadow seemed to snap. He stood up to an impressive height, his eyes burning red as they fell upon the group.

"And it is the correct one!" He roared, smashing his fist against the table the corner of which shattered into hundreds of slivers. His voice sounded like thunder, and already shadows were gathering around him, old magic that made one think of the inevitability of death. "You would sit here and treat with those who our laws prohibit? They have infringed on our territory, they have brought two unnatural things into our realm, and one of them breaks five of the edicts that we base our society around! Look at it!" He yelled, pointing at Avira who's eyes were large even as her body shrank from the gaze of this being. "It sits before us, acting as though it deserves life! I can see its mind, I can see it questioning its existence even now, and I can tell you this, you aren't real, you are an abomination, a robot who pretends to be like her creators." He hissed, his voice going dangerously low." You aren't one of them, you are the product of unnatural technology, you were made by those who like to play god. You do not deserve this pitiful shell that you sit in, you do not deserve thought. You are just one of the humans toys that they loved to tinker with so much, and if I were in ascendency you would have died before your first heartbeat in this place. I would have taken that... Thing in your head and shown it to your dying eyes. You wou-"

"Enough!" Yelled Gentle Breeze, her eyes showing tinged of red as well as she stood in front of Walking Shadow. "You are not in ascendancy, and even if you were your actions would still be looked at with us as well. You will leave now and threaten our guests no more." She said, her voice commanding as Shadow's magic swirled faster.

The standoff went on for who knew how long, but finally Walking Shadow let his magic disperse, and turned to disappear into the jungle around them.

Everything had gone quiet, except for an odd sound, the sound of Avira quietly crying to herself her gaze down turned. Every single thing he had said was the thing she had thought and feared most. Now that someone had finally told her that it was all true, she lost her self control and had begun to cry.

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Fren looked at Walking Shadow her eye's giving him a warning as the group took up seats at the table. Though Fren could only see fruits and nuts, plant based food which met she could not have any at all. A Shatong can't have plants or fruit as here body's litterly could not digest it at all. And due to there bodys different way of getting rid of waist, the fruits and nuts would end up rotting inside of her if she had any of it. Though as walking Shadow continued to speak she stood up as he belittled Avira. Then threatened to kill her and show her the taint the humans had left her with.

She watched Walking Shadow leave then sat back down before looking at Avira "Should we find medical personal of my people, that chip would be a easy fix for them to perform to remove the chip yet leave you as you and alive." she explained "They've.... had to get some practice the hard way from the war with the humans trying to place trackers in some of my people, not that it does them any good." she said.

She gently stroked Alina some more as she gently held the hatchling against her neck. Walking Shadow most likely did Alina some harm as well, seemed that was the case no matter where she went.


Vita ignored Walking Shadow "Flawed logic, A being of flesh and blood of some way shape and form only has a different creator then the one of metals. A being is alive it if can learn and think out side its programed parameters, as well, Fren wears organic armor yet we do not determine her armor as living even though it uses fluids instead of power to function among other things." he said as Walking Shadow spoke "Current state of insulter is unstable. Best results show that he best leave before his instability increases and he loses control over his emotions." he said

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Avira shook her head quietly, tears still falling down her cheeks and staining her fur.

"It's not just a chip Fren. It's like a plant. There's a central stem that leads to here." She said, pointing at a spot behind her ear. "And there are over a hundred smaller circuits branching out from it. I cannot be removed, not unless your people can grow me a new brain, which I wouldn't want because I wouldn't be me anymore."

"Humans were a cruel race." Gentle Breeze said softly. "There were those who showed kindness of course, but many of them created things for war or profit that only unleashed evil onto their world. You are the product of one such venture, and I regret that it is so."

Avira sniffed, trying to clear her sinuses, then wiped her eyes, not that it helped with the constant trickle of tears.

"That's it though isn't it. I'm just a product, a toy they built for pleasure and war to a lesser extent. Did you know that when chimera are growing they put us in VR so they can learn the things that a human child would during their early years? The thing is, I can't tell what's a real memory or some VR simulation. That's the thing with any VR. You might know its VR at first, but after even a few hours you can't even tell if it was a real memory or that stupid box."

As she spoke one of the beings approached the table, this time bearing two large cuts of meat, one of which was set in frot of Fren, the other in front of Avira.

Avira began to eat automatically, but her heart wasn't really in it.

Gentle Breeze watched and listened quietly, the continued to consider the matter as Avira ate.

"Your questions are well thought out Avira." She said finally, her words careful but said gently. "That you question your existence is natural, and very wise. If you were to take things at face value like some would in your position, then I would think you a fool. I know that you have talked to Vita before about this, but not everything can be answered simply. You need to look at yourself, at your life, and come to your own conclusion in your own time. I am not saying don't look for advice or input, to not do so would mean admitting defeat, but only you can make the ultimate decision on what your life is. Only you can look around and decide whether you are truly real or just a puppet. It sounds like an easy choice I know, but you have to answer the questions you put forward before you can even ask the real one at the center of it all."

"What's the real one?" Avira asked quietly.

"If I tell you then you won't learn or decide anything, you will doubt yourself forever and be cursed to wonder the truth until the end of your life."

Edited by Ryujin13

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Fren was about to nod that in extreme cases they have done such, but only in extreme cases of some kind of neural decaying in progress, very rare but not identified by her peoples medical research, most likely a side effect from there own civil wars decades before the war with the humans.

She nodded as Gentle Breeze spoke about the humans. Seemed these people disliked the humans as much as her own people did. And for very similar reasons too so far. She listened as Avira spoke about the VR stuff. She had seen a few such things in her missions, though a Shatong brain became strained when they saw such things and gave a constant head ache, serving as a constant reminder that what they where seeing was not real as a result, annoying but worked.

when meat was brought over Fren was a little suprized but nodded her thanks as Gentle Breeze spoke more. She ate a little and nodded though did not have much to say and continued to eat. It was her first decent meal since they stayed with Bor. With some coaxing Fren tried to feed Alina a little as well from her share. Afterwards she looked at Gentle Breeze "Alina needs a good rest, she's..... far to distressed for one of her age to deal with, a little food and a good nights sleep should help her some." she said quietly "I don't want to give her a human made sedative, humans put all kinds of chemicals into those, would your people happen to have a natural one?" she asked

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