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Reality and Fiction Collide

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(Yeah, but then when Clint finds out that he's the one that left Natasha to die..)


Gabriel folded his arms and watched the fight, raising an eyebrow as Lanie was shot. "Hey, stay out of this okay? No shooting the innocent girl," he clucked at Clint, moving to stand by Lanie. "They have bad blood, let it happen. I won't let either of them actually die," he assured quietly, removing the arrow from her and covering it with his hand. He healed it with a simple blue glowing in his palm.

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It wasn't like the arrow got very far to start with. Loki's magic slowed it enough to keep the wound from being serious. Besides, Gabriel was kind enough to heal her. Lanie thanked Gabriel and heeded to his advice. It was best to hang back.


Clint scowled at Loki. Damned god, suddenly being the voice of reason. But he had a point. He slowly lessened the tension of the bowstring so the arrow wasn't loaded. Fine, but it's only because the giant over there's a bigger threat to the city. I'll fight you later. Clint was decent enough to follow his words with the one-finger salute before dashing off and trying to pry open the twisted mess of steel the police car was.

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Loki smirked when Clint ran off then quickly moved back to Lanie's side, shooting a quick scowl at Gabriel but otherwise ignoring him. "This is our cue to leave," he informed her, taking her hand and trying to pull her away. He had managed to talk his way into one fight and out of another. If things worked out well, they would fight each other and one would die. Or both would die. That would be nice.

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Looking forward to teaching Loki lesson, Azog was about to attack, but the sudden appearance of two more people caused him to freeze in mid-action. Regarding these newcomers with suspicion, he listened as the others spoke. Although, as Loki turned away from him, he had to resist the urge to attack while the god’s back was turned…He was curious as to what was going on between Loki and these others. However, as Loki appeared to use magic, Azog’s eyes widened briefly in surprise, but then narrowed in rage. He hadn’t realized that god was another word for wizard, but now that he was made aware of that, he knew he’d have to change his tactics.


Though he was entertained watching these people, when the bowman went to the strange machine, and Loki went to the woman, Azog knew it was his best time to act. Instead of roaring or growling like he normally would, he made no sound as he rushed in and aimed an upward swing of his mace at the wizard’s back.



While Jack appeared to be getting the better reception from these girls, Aayla was beginning to become concerned that she might have to defend herself from them; especially when she heard, “Who’s she talking about?” and “crazier than they are.” Still, she could sense the joy that Jack was feeling, and she couldn’t begrudge him this. Wondering if she could help him by convincing some of the other girls that he was there, she motioned toward Jack as she said, “I understand that this may sound…crazy, but as your friends here can attest, I was talking about Jack Frost. They obviously know who he is, and he is such a friendly young man, that he’d like to meet you as well.”


She didn’t know what it would take to convince non-Jedi to believe in him, but she figured it couldn’t hurt to try. Of course, at that thought, she couldn’t help but give an unnoticeable chuckle as she thought of one of Master Yoda’s teachings. Even though he would most likely never find out about it, she silently apologized to the memory, but there were simply too many unknowns here for her to be able to ‘Do, or do not.’ Looking at the girls, she couldn’t tell how well her words had worked, so she moved even closer to Jack and asked, “Can you think of anything else that might work?”

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Lanie followed Loki's lead and allowed him to drag her along. It was sort of touching to see that he wanted to keep her safe, especially because the people he knew hated him. She followed quietly until a noise behind them caught her attention. Lanie spun around and reacted in the only way she knew how. Fus Ro Dah! If anything could prevent Azog's attack, it was the Thu'um. Magic exploded forward at the creature as soon as Lanie shouted. The shout visibly drained her, however. Her skin gre pale and look changed to a weary one. Such power was taxing.

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Loki stopped as magic surged behind him, blowing his long hair forward so that is fell in front of his eyes. He blew it away and turned around, startled at the sudden yell before looking at Lanie. Well, now he knew who the biggest threat was. Good thing she was on his side. "That was very impressive," he said, not taking that much notice of her deteriorating condition.



The girls whispered to each other about a hallucination or some kind of joke while Jack simply basked in the glory of the few that could see him. He didn't really notice the ones that couldn't see him until Aayla pointed them out. He blinked and looked up, noticing the large group of girls for the first time. Convince them? Hm.... "Can I have my staff?" he asked and the wooden stick quickly found its way back to him. Immediately, he flew up in the air and raised the staff high in the air. "Snow day!" He yelled gleefully as the sky was suddenly blotted out by a sheet of snow that fell upon the alley and covered everything with about six inches of snow.

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Having already dismissed Lanie as a threat Azog, focused solely on Loki in his attack, and as such he was caught off guard when the woman cast a spell. The force of the magic tossed him head over heels once and he landed on his stomach a couple feet back from where he had been. "Another wizard," he spat with disgust as he glared at Lanie with deep hatred. However, having taken great amusement in wearing down enemies before, he was well familiar with the look on her face. Thus, he felt confident that she wouldn’t be able to do anything like that again, so with a growl he got back to his feet and charged again, but this time swinging his mace to try to take out both wizards with one strike.



Aayla briefly watched Jack as he flew up, but then turned her attention back to the girls. She noticed that the girls that could see him were looking up, but she was confused by the shock and surprise on some of their faces. Still pondering this odd turn, she didn’t pay much attention to what Jack yelled, but when she felt a ripple of a warning in the Force, she instinctively Force-pushed up and away so that none of the falling snow landed on her. A few of the girls shrieked as they ran away, but then a stunned silence filled the alley. Giving the girls a reassuring smile, Aayla pointed up to Jack, and said, “As I said, Jack Frost.”


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Lanie knew who would get hurt worse in the attack. After all, she wore a full suit of enchanted armor and Loki wasn't. Which was the reason why she pushed him out of the way. Getting hit by a giant hurt worse, but there usually weren't buildings to crash into with giants. Her own momentum from pushing Loki away from harm only added to the force in which she crashed into a brick building. Lanie hit the ground face-first after colliding wit the building and remained motionless.

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Azog always enjoyed those moments in battle when his great sweeps of his mace would send enemies through the air. Thus, when Lanie was sent flying, he gave a satisfied smirk, but he didn’t wait to see what happened to her before turning on Loki again. With another growl, he swung again intending to see if this wizard would fly as well as the other had.

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Loki stumbled backwards as a mace narrowly missed him. Once again, he was in debt to Lanie. Turning, he stared at the monster and stood, unmoving as the mace swung at him... and then did absolutely nothing when the mac went right through him, causing his entire body to flicker like a candle. It was unclear exactly when Loki had set up the illusion but now that it had faded, his real self came into view darting towards a nearby kitchen supplies shop. He needed a dagger but Midgardians tended not to sell them. A knife would have to do instead.


A hushed silence fell on the girls as Jack drifted down to the ground and beamed at them.

"Oh my god, it actually is Jack Frost," one of the girls declared before their focus shifted to the blue woman. So... she was actually an alien? It would certainly make sense why none of the snow had landed on her.

"So... can you do something cool?" One girl asked, staring at Aayla skeptically. "Because he can fly and that's pretty convincing."

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Gabriel watched as the creature Loki had mentioned attacked them, sighing softly to himself. "See, why do I always have to save the day? That's not my style but suddenly everyone expects me to do it. Muttonheads," he muttered under his breath, walking towards the fight. This was getting out of hand. "Okay, good job everybody, but its time to quit now. Big monster guy, you can stop, take a bow. I mean it."

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A well-placed acid arrow allowed Clint to free the trapped officers. As expected, they were both hurt. The violence that erupted behind him became the higher priority shortly after freeing the police. Clint spun around and loaded another arrow, this time an explosive one. He aimed for Azog's mace and fired.

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Yoshi sniffed once before getting up and trying to follow Samus. He paused briefly and looked up slightly. The cieling was about to give way and Samus was walking right under it! "AR!" Yoshi called out in warning before moving fast and pushing Samus as the cieling finally collasped. "Yoshi!" Felix coughed as dust flew everywhere.

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The meager push was not enough to propel Samus forward. It would of taken a lot more to push her far ahead. With the combination of the metal suit, her muscle, and her internal instinct of fighting against whoever touched her, Samus barely moved forward. In fact, she thought she was being assaulted. Her head spun around just in time for her to figure out what was going on. The ceiling collapsed upon her. She fell over as derby crashed overhead. Dust obscured her vision and the weight of the broken floor above kept her to the ground. Pain surged through her arms, legs, and torso. But yet, she did not die. The upper floor was weak. It barely dented her suit. Hell, even her visor didn't crack.

Damn it, stupid ceiling. I knew there was something wrong with this place.

Samus grunted and tried to push herself up, however, the derby weighed her down.

Great, we're going to have to do this the hard way.

With a sigh of aggravation, Samus powered up her blaster. Hopefully, Yoshi would get free in a minute or two. If he didn't, well, then he would be caught in her a blast from her charge beam.

Edited by Doctortear

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Millie bobbed her head few times, "Y-yes, we can go there."

She was slightly frightened by the Blaziken's reaction to her lightning. She should have been more careful. The least she could have done was warn him. She felt really bad and useless again. Not like she would let that get her down. She began flying towards the warehouse, beckoning the Blaziken to follow.

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Blaziken followed obediently. Every footstep he took left an indent in the snow. More of a indent in the ground to be exact. Wherever he walked, snow melted. The fire from his body was great and no petty snow could defeat it. Blaziken took this period of walking to glance over at his temporary companion. She seemed nervous and skittish. Her body shook and she seem frightened of something.

Probably me. I'm not surprised, with all of these scars and ruffled feathers, I look like someone you would see in the army.

Blaziken stopped as they reached the building. He sniffed the air in search of anything out of the ordinary but found nothing strange.

"Shall we enter?" he asked solemnly

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When his mace went through the wizard, Azog grunted in confusion and frustration, but when he saw Loki enter a building, his features turned to enraged again. He was about to give chase, but stopped when the Man behind him spoke. Turning to glare at the person that was approaching, he sniffed the air and then said, “You are not a Man…” Raising his mace, he demanded, “Are you in league with the wizards?”


However, before this new creature responded, there was a sudden blow to his mace that required his attention. Had his grip been any lighter, the mace would have been knocked out of his hand. As it was, he almost dropped the mace as the force of the blow jerked his arm back which caused him to take a half-step back to regain his balance. Looking at the mace, he was annoyed to find an arrow sticking out of it. Looking over to the mangled machine, his eyes locked on the bowman that he had disregarded earlier, and with a low growl he used his teeth to remove the arrow from his mace.


Spitting the arrow to the ground, he gave another growl as he started to circle around the new creature hoping to put it between him and the bowman. He had realized that when the wizard came back he’d be outnumbered, and if he didn’t move, he'd also be surrounded. He still felt that he could take them, but he’d have to be smart about it, so he was trying to keep everyone in his sights as he figured out which enemy to take out first.



Aayla was looking at the girls trying to gauge whether or not they could all see Jack, but then their attention turned to her, and she looked at them with a bit of uncertainty. At the girl’s question, Aayla raised an eyebrow as she thought about how to respond. She considered simply stating that she was Jedi Guardian, but she got the sense that words wouldn’t be enough here. She knew it would be wrong to use the Force to show off, but wasn’t sure if it would be considered showing off if the intent was simply to convince not impress.


Deciding that a small demonstration would be acceptable, she raised her hands and used the Force to levitate all the snow from a section of the alley floor in front of her. As she started to manipulate the snow while it hung in the air, she had initially planned to shape it into a likeness of the Jedi Temple, but then a different image came to mind and with a slight grin, she changed what she was doing. Standing still, she closed her eyes as she concentrated, and before long the form started to take shape. Opening her eyes, she lowered her hands as she gently guided the snow figure to the cleared area. It was rough; it didn’t even have any facial features, but it was the right size and basic shape, so she felt it to be a reasonable image of Master Yoda; it even had a gimmer stick ((cane)) in its hand. Looking back to the girl who had asked, her tone was politely curious as she asked, “Would this be ‘something cool’?”

Edited by starphyre77

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Hey Jack! I finally found you! This giy sorta attacked me and then once he left you weren't there and I searched the whole city to find you again. Who's the Zora with two head-thingies? Dark Link appeared as Jack's shadow, but the glowing gash and his eyes were still visible. His appearance obviously startled a few of the girls crowded around both Jack and Alaya, since the shadow seemed pretty demonic. Dark link melted back into a blob and raced around his friend excitedly. This city is actually very large. It took me forever to find you!

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Gabriel chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, me and Chuckles don't get along," he replied, jerking a thumb at Loki. "I'm just here to stop this little fight. As amusing as it is, people are getting hurt. So I'm going to ask you nicely to stop, and then next time I won't ask so nicely. You too," he added, looking from Azog to Clint and then to Loki.

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Jack's gaze quickly moved to the females to the shadow when it appeared. "Finally found me? You're the one who left me waiting!" He shook his head as he landed on the ground then noticed the response of the girls. Apparently, they didn't like him very much. "Oh, don't worry. This is my friend, Dark Link. You don't have to be scared." But it was too late for a large group of the girls quickly turned and ran, which eventually led to most of them running. Jack started after them then stopped and recovered himself. "Well, that was fun," He said, a appearing on his face.


Loki was quick to return but whatever he had taken was not apparent. He quickly assessed the situation before darting around the monster, deciding to let Clint handle it. Moving to Lanie, he held out a hand to her. "We should take our leave now. This will only get progressively worse and it would be ideal if we were not around at that time."

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Lanie groaned, but pulled herself to her feet. Thank goodness for enchanted armor. She would've been a whole lot more than sore if it wasn't for her armor. "Agreed. I follow." A different dialect slipped through as she spoke. Lanie was a bit too dazed to realize she switched from common speech.


I know, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave you behind. The blob replied sheepishly. He allowed himself to solidify beside Jack, confused as to why the people were leaving. In many ways, Dark Link was still like a child. He didn't understand some things because he had never gotten to experience them

Edited by shadow_claw

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Felix scrambled through the debris before pulling a big egg out. He had seen both Yoshi and Samus get caught in the ceiling collapse. He took the egg out and set it aside, before hearing something charge up from underneath. He paused and tilted his head. What could that sound be?

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They better know better than to stay near a charging blaster.

With a small click, a large beam fired from the blaster. It shot through the rubble, causing it to fly away. Not all of the derby was blasted. No, only the rubble near the laser was flown away. With a cough, Samus pulled herself out of the mess around her. Hopefully, Felix would of known better than to stick around near the derby.

"Perhaps, we should go someplace else to rest," she offered as she kicked a pile of rubble away from her.

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At the sound of a new voice speaking to Jack, Aayla turned to see who it was, but was surprised that the voice seemed to be coming from Jack’s shadow…which now had eyes and a glowing wound? At first she thought this could be a Defel, but the glow that appeared to come from within, and shapeless form, didn’t hold with what she’d heard of that race. She warily watched the shadow, and as the girls fled she tensed slightly to be ready to defend if needed. When Jack tried to reassure the girls, Aayla arched a brow when he mentioned that its name was ‘Dark Link’; it sounded rather like a Sith name.


As the shadow started to morph into a humanoid form, Aayla continued to watch him with the same cautious expression. Something about his presence had her feeling uneasy, but since she’d encountered so many different races, she knew better than to judge by appearances. It was simply that something just felt…well…dark about this Dark Link. However, since Jack had said the shadow person was a friend, she felt it best to him the benefit of the doubt. Relaxing her expression to one that courteous, she was still on the alert just in case, but her tone was polite as she explained, “I don’t know what a Zora is, but I am a Twi’lek, and the ‘head-thingies’ as you put it, are called lekku.” Letting her curiosity show, she asked, “You wouldn’t happen to be a Defel, would you?”



As Azog listened to the new creature, his lip once again curled into a sneer. He was about to respond, but was distracted when he heard Loki and Lanie talking about leaving. He was disappointed that the female wizard was still alive, but knew that the numbers would be better in his favor without the wizards there. Thus, silently swearing to deal with them later, he decided to let them go, but couldn’t resist one final taunt, and glancing to the briefly, he chuckled as he said, “Slink away tiny wizards.” Turning back to the new creature, he once again growled as he said, “Do I appear to be one concerned with ni-“


His words were cut off by a sudden nearby explosion; the shockwave of which sent him flying backwards several feet. Landing on his back, he lay there in a stunned haze for a moment, but then he became aware of two things: he dropped his mace; and that blast came from where that arrow had landed. Realizing what would have happened if the arrow had exploded while he had it in his mouth, he became enraged again. Unfortunately, he was still dazed, so his movements were sluggish and difficult. Groping for his mace, he snarled in the Black Speech, |You will suffer for this!|


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Gabriel scratched his head, scrunching up his face in disapproval. "Nah, see I can't allow that. Night night big boy," he said, lifting his hands and summoning a pure white light to them. It was strong enough that his eyes glowed brightly with the holy light as well and it finally exploded outwards from his hands towards Azog. He made sure it wouldn't hurt Clint, and it wasn't fatal, but this thing needed to take a chill pill.

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