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The Calling

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((But Jacen will miss Talibah!

I'm nothing but scatterbrained tongue.gif ))




Jacen watched the second Horror run off, but kept up his guard. Who knows when it would return. Suddenly, the first Slasher fell, and standing next to it was Talibah.

"Talibah!" He cried out happily. "You made it out! Come on, we've got to get somewhere safe."






As the woman dragged him through the window, Tovan's sides erupted in pain. When she let him down and ran off, he fell to the ground, his breaths uneven and ragged. Tovan was barely able to roll onto his back so that he would not drown in mud, and the effort left him exhausted. He was an open target out here though. Any beast could easily end him here. There were so many things he regretted, like never getting married. His parents were always shoving maiden after maiden at him in vain attempts to make him fall in love. But with those woman, it was impossible. They only loved his money and position. They didn't love who he was, just what he was. And so, on his journey to the wall, he decided to pass through this village where he once visited as a young boy. There was a girl he met there, and they became fast friends. When he left, she had given him a simple stone necklace. Of course, he could have easily afforded something more expensive, but this necklace was something he treasured. That was why he came here. That girl accepted him for who he was, and now, that made him think that she would be the girl that he could fall in love with. But now... That dream may never be. Tovan dug at the neck of his robes, and pulled at the leather strap, bringing out the stone. If he was going to die, he wanted to be looking at something that reminded him of her when it happened.

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((*pats Jacen's head* Don't worry. She'll be back soon. smile.gif I'll probably try and get everyone to the camp before then, and then maybe she'll timeskip to catch up with everyone as her "training" and stuff. Plus, I'm still going to try to post at night, but I'll be hanging out with him all day so that'll slow the story down a lot :-/ unless you guys want to try and form your groups and use the next couple weeks to develop your characters more or something..? I realize I'm not a huge part of the rp but I want to make sure you guys can still play when I'm gone smile.gif


Also- I guess I didn't say this, but Talibah carried Tovan out, then laid him on his back next to Meira/Meina under some kind of collapsed awning out of the rain. Cue dah fluffiness~!!!!! xd.png))


"Well then let's go. That potion won't last much longer, and once it wears off I'm not gunna be of much use. Oh, wait, what about that other man? And that girl I helped?" Talibah asked as she ran closer to Jacen, feeling the acid nip at her skin, she led Jacen over to the awning where she had moved the pair, which, thankfully, had just enough room for the two of them.


"Jacen, over here!" She called, not sure if he had followed her right after she had walked over here or not.

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((OOC: You did say you moved him out, but he doesn't know that Meina is the girl he met when he was younger yet. And, he can't really move enough to see her at his side since hi is a bit immobilized at the moment. He thought Talibah left him, and since he can't really defend himself in the state he's in, he was just trying to find peace before death.

It's definitely Meina by the way.))




Jacen jogged after her, slightly confused about what she meant about the potion and her not being of much use. She'd been the one saving people back in the inn, not him. She was very useful. Nevertheless, he followed her to the others.

"Where will we go now though?" Jacen asked. "Though the rain is losing it's acidity, it's still not safe to be outside."

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((Is the inn down by now?))


Rajjakus suddenly felt himself get pierced by magic. Light magic. Howling angrily, he turned at the offenders, deciding taken down them first. Another thump made he turn back around, biting back another angry roar as he felt dark magic coursing through him. Deciding to ignore the light mages for now, he went toward the cannon again, trying to ignore the pain coursing through him.


A few more rounds, though, started to make him think otherwise. Movement was causing his crystals to crack. Growling, he crushed the last bits of a cannon in his claw while bearing magic, feeling shards of himself break off with the various arrows and whatever, forcing him out of

the city.


(Okay, how did I type coffee instead of city?))

Edited by beiningtian

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"I know. We'll try and find an apothecary for these two. Hopefulyl her bubble will pop at some point before we get there so she can walk on her own. Plus, I think we should get ourselves looked at too. Acid burns can leave a lot more damage than you'd think." Talibah explained.


"I'll try and get her out of this bubble. Can you just keep a watch over him until I can help you carry him?" She asked, pointing to the guy who had fallen through the ceiling, who wasn't looking so good himself.


She dug through her bag for another red potion and kneeled down next to him- carefully angling his head up and off the ground.


"Here- try and drink this. It'll make you feel a little better. It's a type of elixir that a friend of mine makes." She explained, not even sure if this man could hear her or not but feeling the need to try and comfort him. He looked so gloomy for some reason.

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Navir tossed the bandage that was around his head away as he patted the dust off the robes and hood he got he casted another look out the window to see mages fighting the giant now, some light and other dark mages. but he shrugged and chose to let it be for now "So miss Amanda you have family to return to after the rain clears and the horrors are gone?" he asked as he finished dusting off the robes.

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"Sort of. My father dropped me off here earlier to become some rich person's apprentice, since I'm so talented with fire magic. Only thing is, when I got there, the house had been stepped on by a Giant. It looked like no one had been there for a while. So, I asked the pilot to take me to the main city of Horusia, and that's where I met Darien." Amanda explained, turning away from the window, though still feeling a bit on edge as the giant's footsteps approached.


"what about you? Do you have anyone to return to?" She asked curiously, hands folded behind her back.

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Navir laughed a bit "well looks like your plans changed." he remarked about the place she was apprenticing at and gave a slight pause when she asked if he had family or a home to return to, but quickly went on to answer "well, I did, but some...things happened and I ended up coming here." He said as he forced a smile and sat down looking to the window wondering when the rain will clear

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((OOC: You know, I did say that the bubble will just follow her wherever she goes. It's not like a hamster ball or anything like that.))



Tovan gratefully accepted the potion from the woman, his hand still clutching at the necklace.

"Thank you." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Is the girl I was with alright?"






"Alright, but we better hurry." Jacen said, standing at attention for more horrors. "I don't like being out in the open like this."

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((Yes, yes you did. However, lack of movement on Meira's part is causing Talibah to want to move her *pokes mi*


and I checked. It 'tis indeed Meira smile.gif ))


"Besides being in a giant bubble? Yes, she's perfectly fine. I don't think she can hear me though, she hasn't said or done anything for as long as I've seen her." Talibah explained, finding a fold of somewhat clean looking fabric and putting it under his head.


"That should kill most of the pain. You'll be able to walk on your own again for a while in about a minute or so. It's only temporary relief though, so we'll have to find either a hospital or some kind of apothecary or such." She continued before turning back to Tovan.


"He'll be fine soon. I think I remember seeing a small hospital just a few blocks away when I came in to the city. We'll go there as soon as he can stand." She determined, gesturing to the man on the ground as she stood.


"I don't know what to do with bubble girl here though. Force field magic has never been a strong suit of mine."

Edited by makenziec123

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(*Pecks Narath's cheek* tongue.gif Mak, just tongue.gif


Yup its Meira, its like Maria bet an e instead of an a, and the I and r is switched around.


I just made it more confusing didn't I?


*Bites Mak's finger* No poking me D:)


(Now watch Narath poke me, and I'll just roll back and purr.


Doesn't mean I love you any less Mak, your a great friend to.)


Meira groaned, and sat up, her head hurt. She opened her eyes, but the sun didn't greet her, where was she? She looked around, spotting the aristocrat on the ground and looking very beat up, and a pretty girl next to him.

Meira had never been the type to instantly dislike people for no reason, but just seeing that girl leaning over the aristocrat made her feel red. She flushed with shame, the moment of dislike suddenly gone, "Where am I?" She worked up the courage to ask quietly.


(Meira is jealous~


Yup, fluff, what I do best, *Throws Mak a pillow case* Help me stuff these pillows xd.png)

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Navir straightened his hood as he relaxed in his seat waiting for the storm to clear out and figured he was being rude so he went into the hall to get another chair for Amanda so she doesn't have to stand and so she can sit if she wants to "So you plan on going back to your father when the rain clears up?"

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((Aw, what the heck.))


Mumbled words. And then, only gibberish, not any sort of communication. Then: "A-- --- ---y? --y! Wak- -p! Miss!"

A strong hand was shaking her roughly. In response , she blinked her eyes open blearily and was treated to a dark skinned man with oddly light hair looked at her with a worried expression which soon turned into relief.

"Good. Thought you were never going to wake up for a second," he said with relief, then stood up. It was only now did Selye feel the log that was pinning her down onto the remains of the inn. She lifted her head slowly and looked around to see more people searching the carnage, as well as a few more trying to put out patches that were still on fire. The log then lifted, courtesy of the man, allowing her to crawl out and stagger to her feet woozily, wincing from the bruise she got from the... Pillar, yes, that was the word.

"I believe this is yours?" he was holding her poleaxe. Nodding in response, the man handed it to her, which she then used to stead herself, leaning heavily on it for support.

"Come with me, you can stay at my place for the night. Just be fore I forget, I'm Sota."

...Thank you. By now, she had regained her bearings. Placing her hand on her chest, she wrote her name out with water in the air in front of her and flipped it so Sota can see. Sota nodded, then started leading her to wherever he lived.

"I'm sorry in advance for the racket, Selye."

What? Selye raised an eyebrow and tilted her heda slightly to her right.

"I run a pet store, you see."

Ah. Although I never met anyone of any occupation living in where they did said occupation until now. Or he just really likes his animals.

The store he ran was a quaint little place with a large display window that looked over a large kennel. A few hellhounds and even a shisa that were in it instantly perked up at the sight of him, jumping to their feet and barking excitedly. Selye laughed at the sight.

"You like animals?" Sota asked as he moved to open the door. Selye made a small shrugging motion. It really depends on the situation at hand, but they're alright for the most part.

Selye realized just how noisy it was when he did. Barks, screeches, yowls, and all sorts of other noises came from every direction. A turtle with gemstones embedded... Or growing.... On its shell raised its head and rose to its feet, an ACTUAL water phoenix flew down and affectionatly nibbled at his ear, a hippocampus swam a loop in its tank, a puddle of what looked to be water suddenly rose up to form a blue lepoard that purred and rubbed against his leg. Sota looked sheepishly at Selye. "I warned you. See the stairs over there?" he motioned toward the aforementioned stairs. "That's the way to where I sleep. There's a comfortable couch you can crash on and a tub that can be heated for a bath. Make yourself at home, I'll be going to see if there are any more people that need help. Alright, everyone, I'm going again. Please be nice to Selye here." A few whines and grumbles, but the animals obediently left him. Bowing at her, Sota left.

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The acid rain would have been a nice cover for Marley. It would have been. But she was trapped for the same reason all humans hated acid rain. She wished she was something better like a Puzzle or a Slasher. Nope, not her. She was a plain old hum. She couldn't even brag that she was a Caller! And now that she was growing up, the purpose of the little girl she had once been was wearing off quickly. So in a nutshell, she felt generally useless. Stalking someone could be fun, maybe. She might even find someone new to play as. But she'd just have to wait for that. If she died now she'd just be putting herself on a time limit to find someone new.


((Sorry for the pointlessness of my post other than me just mulling over some stuff. I just got back after many, many pages of absence.))

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(( I've been thinking and I wonder, do the Body snatchers already 'invade' the host but they don't control it, they 'invade' it and then they try to make the host go insane so they can control the body? which does sound like it would do, like a parasite that can only cause bad visions then they fully take over?))

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((I already did. Basically, he's just trying to get out of the city before he shatters into a pile off metal.))

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Darien ducked as a huge claw came towards his face, but was hit by it anyway. It left a huge gash on his face that he would have healed, had he not been in a battle. Darien quickly formed a spear made of ice and stabbed the creature with it, but it shattered against one of the Slasher's claws. "Who are you, and why are you here?" gasped Darien. The Slasher laughed in a growling, panther-like voice. "I'm here to finish the job." Darien looked confused, and thhe Slasher continued, "I was the one who killed your parents."


"HELLLLP!!!!" came a scream that echoed across the alleyways and streets of Horusia.

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((*throws a bolt of cloth at mi* I'm better at stuffing blankets tongue.gif there's more room for dah fluffiness ;D))


Amanda frowned as Navir's face darkened. He looked upset all of a sudden..


"Perhaps you should cheer him up?" The voice in her head whispered happily, when suddenly a loud cry of someone screaming "HEELLP!!!" at the top of their lungs made the brunette jump.


Looking at Navir, she exclaimed; "Come on! That sounds like Darien!" before running off at top speed- ducking and dodging past patients and healers alike until she burst outside, frantically looking around for her friend.


She spotted a huge Slasher Horror not too far away, and it appeared to be able to attack someone..


"DARIEN!" She yelped in surprise, almost instinctively making a huge scythe out of fire and charging towards the beast that was attacking her friend, the blade of the sleek weapon behind her as she ran (kind of like this:

you guys don't have to watch the whole thing, but Maka was the inspiration for Amanda and this is one of my favorite anime -ever- because it's epic without being too gross about blood and it's funny smile.gif this is also where I got Slashers fro if you watch from the beginning. The whole clip is about 15 minutes if you have the time smile.gif

oh, and skip the first three minutes. it's just the intro. smile.gif)) then launching herself into the air and bringing her weapon around, aiming for the Horror's arm- as a warning.


"DARIEN! Get out of there!" She yelled down to the cornered boy after she attacked, feeling she had sufficiently gotten the creature's attention.




Talibah jumped a bit and turned when she heard the girl that was in the bubble wake up.


"Are you alright miss? You two fell through the floor when the inn caught fire a few minutes ago and burned down. I think most people got out, but it's kind of hard to know with all that acidic rain out there." The olive skinned girl explained, then looked back up and Jacen.


"Well, I guess as soon as that potion kicks in we can get moving. I'd say we could leave now, but I can't use any more magic for a while without some serious repercussions later." She said, hoping that this would help clarify her earlier statement that after the last potion she had taken wore off she would be pretty much useless.


Basically what she had taken was a steroid- or some kind of magical adrenaline shot. She could use her magic at it's full strength and move impossibly heavy things that she could never have done on her own for -exactly- one minute. No more and no less. And then once it wore off, she literally -couldn't- exert herself any more for a while or she could get some serious backlash later. As in, her magic could randomly cut off on her for an hour or more one day, or her legs could give out from under her or her arms could be about as strong as a wet noodle.. And that's just from what she's experienced. There could be a million other problems with the potion, which is why she only ever took enough for her to get one minute's worth of the drugs in her system, and then stopped using it for months at a time.

Edited by makenziec123

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Navir quickly ran out soon after her as he picked up his weapons sheathe and his bow and quiver. he wiped a blue liquid away from his lips, something he drank earlier on his way out. he drew his blade and took note of where Amanda was striking so he moves quickly, like blur but not as fast as a slasher. He tried to bring his sword onto his left arm like Amanda is doing with his right arm, minus the flashy moves.


((So there is an attacker at it's back, one in the air both are aiming for his arms and then there is Darien who is siting there.. either way I think if it goes left or right it will still get hurt. if tries to back up it will run into Navir and his blade and he can't go forward as Darien is siting there, We just surrounded a slasher surprisingly quickly!))

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