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----- Kevin -----


Kevin then looked very confused, "Isn't the patronus an advanced charm? Why are they teaching first years?"He replied. He then continued to eat his food.

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"Didn't you listen to the headmaster's speech? she said 'Due to the dementors attacking the train, all first years will be taught how to cast a patronus' so, yeah, I hate dementors, they feed on happiness, disgusting" said Gwahanol

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----- Kevin -----


"Sorry, I was half asleep but I'm nervous and tired..." He replied. He then finished eating his food and sat there and listened to their conversation.

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"So, what animal do you think your patronus will be?" asked Gwahanol "I think mine will be a hare or a bunny or something similar"

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----- Kevin -----


"I want it to be a wolf but I don't really know..."He replied. He then looked behind Hannah noticing a frog gone loose.


----- Cruben -----


Cruben turned towards Merlina, "Why do you think the dementors attacked the train?" He asked. He then looked at all the first years to see if they had been harmed or had been shocked in any way.

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"Hmm, I don't know, I've sent a owl to the ministry, we should get a reply soon, in the mean time, I'm going to ask all teachers and all students who can cast a patronus, to cast one, it's needed to protect against them" explained Merlina



Then, she said an incantation "Expecto Patronum!" Summoning forth a horse patronus once more, as she had done in the great hall



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Then, she magically amplified her voice, "Can all teachers and students who can cast patronuses please cast one, this is a safety measure, since the incident with the hogwarts express."

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----- Cruben -----


"Expecto Patronum!" he shouted, a blue figure of a bear appeared, it was so bright.


----- Kevin -----


Kevin was amazed as he saw figures of animals appearing all around the room, he saw many creatures, he saw some that were bigger than himself.

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Patronus: [Link]


Aribeth sat quietly at her seat among the Hogwarts staff. Being at the head of the hall was a surreal change from her normal vantage point at the Ravenclaw table. She tried not to look too ruffled about the deal with the dementors and now it seemed that she had to teach her class about patronuses ahead of their time. That spell was usually reserved for advanced classes and she would be about correcting wandsmanship anyway. This year was supposed to be a textbook year for the most part. Upon request, she took her wand from its inner pocket in her cloak and whispered the Patronus incantation. Her hawk issued from her wand once again, this time much gentler and it began to circle the room lazily, producing streams of light and warmth which drifted down to the floor.

Edited by ArchiosLukos

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----- Kevin -----


Kevin was slowly dozing off, "When will we get too see the common rooms?" He asked Hannah, "I woke up really early today, didn't get enough sleep!" He then looked at the flying bird and yawned. He wouldn't usually yawn at that time of day but he woke up early to pack his bags because he didn't want to do it in advance.

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"I don't know, the other three houses get a password to get in, but we have a riddle we have to answer, do you want to go up and see if we can answer it?" asked Gwahanol

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They climbed up the tower, the lady in the painting asked them "Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?"


"Stumps me" said Gwahanol, "What do you think it is Kevin?"

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"Good, but wrong" replied the painting, luckily they were saved by a prefect, who came up the stairs and said


"A circle has no beginning" and the door opened up, Gwahanol climbed inside and saw some people in groups,

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----- Kevin -----

Kevin climbed inside and noticed all the people, "Well, I'm going to sleep, see you later!" He said.

Edited by JugoUMC

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[i just woke up and-

What. You guys are a whole page ahead of me.]


"Um, yes. I would like a refill very much." Bella said, bowing her head a little more. Maybe they'd heard of the Blishwicks too? They weren't as famous as Bellatrix, of course, but they were still a pretty vocal bunch about Muggles and Muggle rights.

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----- Kevin -----


Kevin walked up to the boys dorm and sat on his bed, he was wondering how his life in Hogwarts would be. He was also nervous about the dementors.

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[surely the first years would be escorted to dorms by the prefects rather than be left to wander loose? Especially with the dementor attack....]


--- Morgana ---


Morgana looked forward to learning advanced Charms. Though she could add another puzzle to ponder on - Why were the Dementors so far away from Azkaban?


Surely if there'd been a break out they'd have heard about it.....


Then she looked around for the Ravenclaw Prefect that would guide the first years to the Ravenclaw Common Room and dorms. As she did so she noticed that her cousin and Kevin had already gone ahead and left. Hope that impulsive gesture doesn't dock us any House points....



--- Selene -----


Selene poured Bella the offered refill. At least that's a start..... Selene thought, her odd eyes had always made it hard for her make friends - mainly as the first reaction to them was cries of 'Freak!' and worse. It was why she hid one eye.


Now for the introductions...


"I'm Selene." She made an attempt at a shy smile, hoping to make at least one friend in this strange place - before all the inevitable taunting started.

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[Everyone got sorted and most people are eating at the great hall, Gwahanol and Kevin are in the Ravenclaw common room.]

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[Recap: The Hogwarts Express was attacked by Dementors. Headmistress Merlina Recandi announced that all first years will be learning the Patronus Charm due to that event.


Sorting Ceremony happened.


2 Ravenclaws: Gwahanol and Kevin wandered off to dorms. Rest are still in Great Hall - where the teachers have summoned Patroni as a precaution



ninja.gif 'd GODDAMNIT I always get ninja'd..... ]

Edited by Takhesis

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(I know that, but know I have no idea where to place Zoey because I WASN'T HERE WHEN THE SORTING HAPPENED!!!!)

Edited by Raptor of Dragons

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