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"B-Bella." She said, quickly following behind Zoey. "Sorry, I just wanna get a decent boat… I might talk to you later." She waved politely and headed out, whatever bravery that had been there before was now gone. She slid into a boat, moving a bit quicker at the sight of the castle. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She hoped that everything was going to go right.

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(( anyone wanna do a timeskip to sorting? I'm the sorting hat btw ))

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[i'm up for a time skip to The Headmaster's speech before the sorting hat on page 15]

----- Cruben -----

Cruben approached Kevin and asked, "And who might you be?" fully knowing who he was.


----- Kevin -----

Kevin was nervous, "I'm Kevin sir." He replied. "Are you a professor?" he asked.


----- Cruben -----

"Yes, I will be teaching you in potions class, I'm looking forward to it!" He replied.

Edited by JugoUMC

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((I'd say just skip to the sorting. Keep in mind Samuel's probably going to be out of it since the weird thing with the dementors. Not unconscious, just shaken.))

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(( I like headmaster's speech better, and I had someone make a graphic for it, so I don't want it to go to waste.))

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----- Kevin -----

Kevin had lined up ready for The Sorting hat but then realised that the headmistress was about to do a speech and was ready to listen.

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--- Morgana --- [May be a little God-mod here so apologies if it is - especially to pudding]


While Hannah concentrated to alter her eye colours, Morgana glanced over to Samuel.


He was still curled up, from when the dementors attacked. Internally sighing, Morgana coaxed him up, getting a few cat scratches for her trouble.


It seemed that once they were moving, Samuel managed by himself - though he seemed to be acting by rote. Almost as if his conscious mind had retreated from the world.


Morgana had no experience in dealing with this - so all she could do was keep an eye out throughout their journey to Hogwarts and hope that he'd snap out of it in his own time.


The first years were led into the Great Hall where the rest of the school was already seated. It looked like this year the headmistress was going to give a speech before the Sorting Ceremony.


--- Selene ---


Selene tagged at the back of the group, she had no clue what was going on. Especially as the first years were led away without their luggage. This confused her - but she was too timid to call attention to it.


The castle that held Hogwarts intimidated Selene to say the least. The grounds are so big.... I could easily get lost. With that thought in mind, Selene picked up her pace slightly - not wanting to get left behind.


The Great Hall, already crowded, did little to ease her mind. Though at least she wouldn't be the centre of attention with the rest of her year present - and it looked like there was going to be a speech.

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user posted image


"Welcome, welcome! To another year of Hogwarts! Now, I am aware that the train was attacked this year, and we have been doing the best we can to assure that this will never happen again, due to this event, all first years will be learning about dementors, and by the end of the year should be able to cast a full corporeal patronus, like this one { Merlina casts a horse patronus } and they should be able to say what a patronus does, however, this is enough chat, and we will now move forth to the sorting ceremony!"




(( can people please put their desired house on the end of their next post, I don't want to go flipping through forms. ))






Edited by Totts

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[Kevin is a nickname, It's Kevros...]

----- Kevin -----

Kevin approached the stand, he sat on the stool while they put The Sorting Hat on him.

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"Hmm, this is a tough one, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff, what's your input on this, boy?" asked the Hat

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--- Morgana ---


Morgana watched the ceremony begin with interest. It was a curiosity to watch the ancient enchantment take effect.


Morgana couldn't help but wonder at the power and potency of the Four Founder's when they cast it.


[Preferred House: Ravenclaw]


--- Selene ---


It took a while to register that the Hat actually spoke. The shock of that was nothing compared to the realisation she'd have to - at some point - undergo the same scrutiny.


[Preferred House: ??? - probably not Griffindor, Selene is timid. Though her 'other self' could be a Slytherin candidate - apart from her Mudblood status.... ]

Edited by Takhesis

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----- Kevin -----

"Please give me Ravenclaw, please, please, please give me ravenclaw!" Kevin whispered.

Edited by JugoUMC

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"Ravenclaw!" Shouted the hat, and the Ravenclaw table erupted with a roar, getting the first student of the year



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----- Kevin -----

Kevin stepped off the stool and walked down to the Ravenclaw table with happiness.

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----- Selene ----


Selene gulped, then slowly made her forward - mainly due to being towards the back. She was fully aware of the eyes on her.


Taking her place on the stool, Selene tried to calm her mind - with little success. Being the central focus wasn't her idea of a good thing.

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"Hmm, these students seem challenging to sort this year." Said the hat, looking to his deepest seams for the answer



(( What's your desired house for selene? ))



Gwahanol saw a girl getting sorted, the hat was almost at a hatstall, then the room started to get filled with the whisper of 'Hatstall' she looked at the girls face, she had a beautiful blue eye showing, Gwahanol looked at her hair and noticed that there was a small parting on the hair by her other eye, she noticed that it looked a bit green, 'Cool, maybe she's a metamorphagus like me' she thought to herself.

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[ummm, If you want the 'Nightshade' personality to be evil then Slytherin, but Salazar Slytherin didn't like 'mudbloods' so potentially Griffindor and have 'Nightshade' be a hidden core of strength for her?]

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"Hmm, seems like this one has a split personality, she'd do well in Slytherin, but alas, it seems like Mr Salazar doesn't like muggle-borns, so, by process of elimination, GRIFFINDOR!" Exclaimed the hat







Gwahanol had been called up, she quickly shifted her green eye to blue, she didn't want the hat to get the wrong idea of Slytherin, she went up with her cousin, she raced to the stool to get on and before the hat had even touched a hair on her head, it exclaimed "RAVENCLAW!"

Edited by Totts

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--- Selene ---


Selene hopped off the stool and joined the Griffindor tables. Wonder why this Salazar didn't like muggle-borns? And what was that about split personality?




--- Morgana ---


Morgana watched Selene's Sorting with even more interest. A Hat Stall between Griffindor and Slytherin, the two Houses that could be truly said to have a rivalry?


Not that the other Houses didn't have rivalry, it was just very evident in those two.


Then her name was called up - she followed her cousin to the stool. At least that one was quick....


Taking her place - Morgana waited for the Hat's decision.

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Samuel was on shut down mode as he stood in line, staring ahead blankly. His kitten was sitting in his bag, peering about the room as he stood, rigid in shock and fear. Having no happy memories meant that he had been shaken quite a bit by the monsters. It was going to take him time to recover.


(Preferred house: Slytherin or Ravenclaw. He hates the other two due to his pure blood conditioning.)

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Bella shook nervously in the line, waiting for her turn to start. No, she had to be brave. She admonished herself for being so nervous about something that was going to be simple and straightforward. She was going to be a Gryffindor, and that was it.


[i'd prefer to have her in Gryffindor.]

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"Ho ho ho, do you really think that this'll be a challenge? I'm sure that without any consideration that you are utmostly suited for, RAVENCLAW!" said the hat



"SAMUEL ROWE! COME FORTH!" Shouted the hat

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----- Kevin -----

Kevin congratulated Gwahanol and Morgana and asked them to sit next to him.


----- Cruben -----

"So he got into Ravenclaw..., the other first years look like they could be good students" He thought to himself.

Edited by JugoUMC

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