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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Ronan hadn't thought of a name. "Hmm, no I've never thought of a name for it. Any ideas?" He looked to her. Curious to know what she'd think of. Drake returned after a while, he went back to his sleeping place for a nap.

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Baltia rolled in the air as she followed the other dragon. "Dragons, humans, all the same to me. Both have ears to bite, both jump at a pebble to the head!" she chuckled. "Dragons have tails to bite as well, and that's good, but humans can't fly, and they never look up, which can be very amusing. I know I'm a dragon, but which one anyone else is doesn't matter much." Pausing and hovering for a moment, she realised she was being too ambiguous. A horde would be a good place to annoy lots of people, humans and dragons alike. "I can tell the difference though, obviously. And I'll happily annoy anyone you point me at." she sped to catch up, then flew happily through the branches, flipping over and under them in a nice game of avoid.

Edited by Zeditha

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((Gonna try and post today...lawd... busy busy busy))

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Minerva shook her head and answered, "No not yet." Then she suggested an idea, "Hey, why don't we think together?" With both minds at work, they'll have an easier time getting the perfect name. The woman started to think of names for his school. The first one to come mind was, "How about Ronan's Fighting School?" It may have sounded bland, but she felt she could try suggesting that name first before she thought of more creative ones.




Aeolus frowned; that dark myst was more interested in pranking others than working towards the horde's goal. Plus, he was pretty sure the others wouldn't be happy about having their tails bitten or getting rocks thrown at their heads. She was certainly not fit for the horde. Then Baltia said that she can tell the difference and that she'll happily annoy anyone he point her at. To make sure that this was someone he could trust not to annoy his horde, he asked in suspicion, "So am I to presume you won't be messing with the members of my horde?"

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Baltia considered this for a moment. "Well..." she began. Then she changed her mind. "I'll try not to. And I certainly won't annoy anyone while you're attacking a village or anything. After all, if I'm really bored, there are some good branches out there that I can stone, or I can fly off and annoy other humans in advance." She did a few spins in the air, happy that she wouldn't be alone in this stupid forest any more.

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He shook his head. "Sounds too prideful. Hey, what about, Dragon's Fist martial arts?" He had just thought of that. Something to connect the humans and dragons together.

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((Yeah, it would be great if Seliss could join the ADR. How should she find out about it?))


As the other dragons flew off, Salvo retreated to his cave, lost in thought. He knew the disaster dragon was right, human technology was evolving quickly. His clan wouldn't be safe forever. But he was afraid to trust the outsiders, and he knew his kin wouldn't either. And yet… Salvo shook his head and lied down on the stone floor of his den, exhausted after the day's activities.

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((@SparksflY: Maybe she could see a flyer placed on the wall of a building or find the organization's HQ at the square.


@Zeditha: Before I make a post for you and Ronan, I have a question to ask you. Back on my previous post, I was originally going to be more blunt and have Aeolus say this:


"Thanks for showing interest in the horde, Baltia. But I'm afraid I'll have to decline your offer. You see we want dragons who will perfectly get along with the rest of the horde, while being fully dedicated to the extinction of humans. Your pranks won't be much help to our cause if you're going to bite on our tails as well."


But then I reread your post which said this:


Pausing and hovering for a moment, she realised she was being too ambiguous. A horde would be a good place to annoy lots of people, humans and dragons alike. "I can tell the difference though, obviously.


So I took it as Baltia saying that she won't bite the horde's tails. But now I've felt like I've misunderstood this. I'm trying to make Aeolus an intelligent and logical leader, but I sometimes misunderstand things. I'm thinking about editing my previous post to replace Aeolus's old dialogue with the new one. But before I do that, I want to know if I had made a misunderstanding back then. So did I?))

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Akuma looked down at the trees below. It seemed no one had followed them this time. He was silent a moment, listening to what Nick had to say. It was true, both the city and the forest seemed a bit chaotic at the moment. He let out a frustrated growl. Akuma dipped down near the mountains edge, but still by the river. He fluttered his wings, landing softly on the grass. The steady beating noise faded until there was only the sound of the running river. Akuma sat down and reared up for a moment, shaking Nick off his back. He stood up again and turned around, pacing back and forth, "You're much more bleak than you usually are. Usually I'm the one who gets an earful for shunning other people. And yet here you are" he chuckles.


Chi looked back to Zeditha and smiled, "I'm going to make some stew. It's alright, I can handle it" she assured. Chi set the furs aside and walked to the pantry, taking out spices. She seasoned the rabbit meat and cut it up with a knife, placing the pieces in a skillet over the stove. The aroma filled the room, the sizzle of the meat was a low, pleasant hum.

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((she was trying to imply she doesn't want to bite tails while not actually saying she will. xd.png Oh, she'll bite tails all right, but she won't admit it unless she's caught red-handed.))


Zeditha smiled. Stew sounded nice. Suddenly curious about the fur, she stalked forwards and began examining how it had been removed from the meat.

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((Yeah, Ohimia would probably see a flyer. Also, where are Axle and Atlas? I got the impression that they are training somewhere and Ohimia might bump into them and train with them))


Yopple stared for a while, not saying anything. Then he leaned in towards the Dark Myst Pigmy. "Well listen here, I won't tolerate being in a horde with an annoying Pigmy biting on my tail unless you promise to NEVER annoy me or any others of the horde. Got it, shrimp? If you bite my tail or throw a stone at me ONCE, I will report you and have you kicked. Got it? I noticed that stone, and I only ignored it because if I reacted, I would look bad. Got it, hatchling?" He snarled.

If Esko saw my change, he would freak.

Well, he is DEAD. His name is shunned. He doesn't exist to you anymore.

And Yopple tried to forget his former master and fit in with the other dragons.


Ohimia was extremely worried. What would she do? She couldn't fight, she never bothered for the training. Yopple, however, was the best out of all of them at combat. Ohimia didn't want to get her scales dirty. Now, she honestly didn't care. Nope. Her feet were covered in dirt. She didn't give a damn. She wanted to get training, to learn how to fight. She needed it. She remembered sneaking a peek at one of Eskos scrolls that she wasn't supposed to read, and read this:


Dear Esko Arkus,


The results of Yopple's tests came back, and we give you bad news. It seems that Yopple the Cassare of the Snow suffers from severe Multiple Personalities. We advise that you do nothing to provoke him, because he could be locked in a state of hatred and anger for months, even years. He wouldn't be himself. We advise you to get treatment for him immediately.



At the time, Ohimia didn't care, and didn't tell anybody, knowing that their dear tamer would get him help. She forgot it over the years, but now that it happened, it haunts her. He didn't get help. He didn't even try. So it brought a thought to her mind that wouldn't ever have come up:


Was Esko the caring tamer we believed he was?

What was he hiding?


((Ooh, Ohimia is finding something. She won't find the truth about her master for a while, but she is starting too.))

Edited by Esko_the_Wolf

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((Hey Sai, do the Aquarians build new structures for businesses? If so, is it free?))


"Try doesn't sound like an absolute promise," Aeolus frowned and shook his head. Then Yopple told Baltia that he won't tolerate any biting and stone throwing within the horde and will report to the leader if she did any of these things. He waited to hear what the dark myst's response would be before they can finally return back to the horde.




Minerva smiled and replied, "That sounds better." Then she thought about rearranging the name a bit to see if it would sound better than it is. "But what if we called it 'The Fist Dragon's martial arts'? I mean we know martial arts involves using your fists, so there's no need to call it 'fist martial arts'." Another name immediately came up for her and it was called, "Southwest Martial Arts". She figured it would reference where Ronan came from. But before she could suggest it to him, she wanted to know what he thought about "The Fist Dragon's Martial Arts."

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Baltia sighed. "Fine," she spat through her teeth. "Stones and bites are for humans only. *everyone spoils my fun, gotta stay better hidden...*" she muttered the last part under her breath, annoyed. "But attack lots! I could even be a spy, I get anywhere, cause a little trouble, steal some of their weapons and such..." she grinned at the thought, cheered up.

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((They made it considerably similar in setup to what they understand for humans. So yes, they did make some empty business structures and in an expanding city, there's always room for more. The details of making new ones falls on the human governor inside city hall with Woltar. Just need permits and such to make a new business. Same as always tongue.gif but I can't see why the Aquarians wouldn't help if asked. To a dragon with Earth magic, it's a simple task so, I'd say free.))

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He shook his head. "To put Fist before Dragon doesn't sound right unless you make it 'Fist of the Dragon' or something like that." He wasn't entirely sure but he was open to other suggestions.

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Garin was sitting on the floor of a cave in the side of one of the Rudvich mountains. I finally made it! I'll finally be able to have some freedom! Garin had flown from a far away land, searching for a place where he would be able to do what he wanted and not get caught due to some form of advanced technology. When he felt the wave of energy from the spell he flew towards it's source, eventually arriving in Rudvich. Garin lay down in the cave and slept, tired from his long journey.


(btw I'd actually like someone to wake him up somehow tongue.gif)

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((Hi DJVoxel, did you get accepted? Here's what everybody's been doing in case you need a recap of recent events.


Okay here it is.


Atlas, Axle, Mekarth, and Juna (in Solomos)

- Knowing that they'll have to return back to Rudvich eventually, Axle and his siblings decide to train Atlas in her human form, so that she'll be able to fight Spinx and his zombies better when she needs to shapeshift.

- They train her in using magi while on a flying dragon's back and teach her how to walk and run.

- Now they're about to talk about some pressing matters.


Nick, Akuma, Yopple, Sparks, Jupiter Albel, Fayt, and Ohima (in Windfall and the forest)

- Nick and Akuma return to Windfall and see a man on a stall advertising to humans who are tired with living with dragons to join the Equalist. Nick and Akuma get mad at the guy saying that the dragons haven't done anything other than rebuilt the city and live peacefully amongst humans. But then other human comes in and say that it was dragons who burnt down the city in the first place. More other humans come in shouting anti-dragon rants.

- Woltar comes in to check the situation and tells the crowd that the Aquarians never destroyed the city, but rebuilt it and that this wasn't human slavery at all. The crowd refuses to listen, so Nick tries to reason with them. Still nobody listens as the crowd starts throw things at him and Woltar. So Akuma gets mad and shocks the crowd to keep them from attacking his friend. It still didn't calm down the mob, so Nick and Akuma decided to leave the city and go back to the woods.

- The daydream dragons go in and try to calm down the crowd with their magic. This time it works.

- Yopple the magi cassare dragon sees the crowd before he finds Nick and Akuma and follows them. He catches up to them and warns them that "dragon huggers" like them are in danger as they are killed by racists. Then he says that he has taken no side in the war and believes that humans and dragons are equal to one another. But the two thinks he's a weirdo as they doubt they're in danger and neither wants to do anything to stop the "war".

- Yopple sighs about how they don't care, because they're too immature at heart. He still warns that the "war" will leave them in ruins as there'll be both dead bodies of humans and dragons alike. He believes one of them as the power to stop the war and that he would help him to harness their power, but only if they want to stop the war. So then Yopple leaves, but trips over a tree root and attracts hunters.

- Sparks and Jupiter are out hunting when they see Yopple being attacked by hunters and Nick and Akuma not doing anything to help. So Sparks and Jupiter go to aid him. Nick and Akuma just watch until one of the hunters attack them. So Nick and Akuma join the fray and fight off the hunters. Seeing how powerful the two are, Sparks and Jupiter decide to leave to let them finish the battle.

- Ohima, a lumina dragoness, watches the scene from afar. Nick heals Yopple and bitterly says that "this changes nothing". Now Nick shares Akuma's resentment of both humans and dragons. So Yopple gives up on trying to convince the two boys and starts to feel an urge to kill humans.

- Akuma smells Ohima and decides to leave quickly as he didn't want to deal with another dragon. He and Nick fly away and decides to go to Albel and Fayt. Nick knows this won't go well, knowing how vicious Albel is and questions Akuma on that.

- Ohima goes up to Yopple about the boys and he tells her what happened. Ohima decides to go get them, but Yopple tries to stop her as he chases her. Ohima refuses to listen and believes that they'll be the ones to end the war.

- Albel tells the boys to get out of his sight. But then when Ohima and Yopple appear, he accuses Akuma of using him as a "scapegoat". Ohima tries to convince everyone to stop the war and Yopple warns her not to or she'll be in trouble with these people. Like expected, Albel slashes at Ohima's throat. Yopple decides not to heal her; he thanks Albel for that and tells how both humans and dragons are stupid. Ohima sees this sudden change in his personality and gets sad by that.

- Nick heals Ohima and is disgusted by Yopple, saying that dislike of both races doesn't mean having a complete lack of a conscience and forsaking your friends. Yopple scoffs saying how she was nothing but a servant and that it was her stupidity and not his "lack of conscience" that got her throat cut. Then he leaves.

- Ohima wants to be friends with the boys, but Akuma tells her to stay away from them. Then Akuma and Nick leaves. Ohima also leaves and remembers how Esko, their deceased owner, used to say in a scroll that Yopple had a major personality swing. Then she reads Esko's scroll and discovers that Yopple had severe multiple personalities. Now she's questioning about whether Esko was the caring owner that they've always believes.

- Akuma lands by the river and he tells Nick how he noticed Nick's new misanthropic attitude.


Aeolus, Pyro, Salvo, Yopple, and Baltia (in Solomos)

- Aeolus asks Pyro about where to find more cassares and he tells them about his former clan. But he also tells the leader (which he doesn't know that Salvo is one) that his clan don't like outsiders, but are all for human extinction.

- So Aeolus uses Eitri's stone to teleport to the cassare clan's home. There he finds the place nearly empty as the majority are out hunting. Aeolus goes up to Salvo and asks him for the leader of this clan while telling him who he is. Then Yopple teleports into the place and hears about the horde.

- Yopple wants to join the horde and tells Aeolus about his powers. Baltia the dark myst pygmy sees the dragons and decides to mess with them. She pranks both Yopple and Aeolus by throwing a stone at the former and biting the latter's tail. Salvo is annoyed by strangers on his turf and demands to know why they are here. He even notices Baltia and gets one of his clanmates to go after her. Now Aeolus knows that Salvo is the leader.

- Aeolus tells him that they are looking for cassares to bring their anti-magic ability to help destroy all humans worldwide. He also adds in the importance why humans need to be destroyed or else they'll invent new things to work around the Spell and kill off Salvo's clan.

- The female cassare roots out Baltia out of her hiding place and Baltia tries to sell herself into the horde, so that she can go prank the other dragons as well as the humans they encounter.

- Salvo tells Aeolus that he'll think about this horde, but wants the three outsiders out of his camp. Aeolus, Yopple and Baltia take to the air. There Baltia tries to convince Aeolus to let her into the horde, saying how she likes messing with both humans and dragons, but seemingly promises to try not to mess with the horde. She'll annoy and distract the humans.

- Aeolus is skeptical about the word "try" and knows that she isn't interested in killing. Yopple warns her that if she were to misbehave he'll report her to Aeolus. Baltia gets annoyed by how everyone tries to ruin her fun and promises to bite and throw stones at humans only.


Kathia, Spinx, and Azera (in Sundown, then Windfall, and now the woods)

- Kathia, Jason, and Roderick make out plans on how to build their city of Sundown and when to train people to combat dragons for protection. Then Kathia rides the car with Megan to Windfall and the car stays outside since vehicles are now banned. On the way, she calls the Rittevon Company staff and gets their help to build Sundown.

- Kathia goes over to the bookstore and sees three men who are bitter about dragons. She invites them to live in Sundown. Then she goes into the bookstore and buy spellbooks to teach the campers later.

- She and Megan are driving back to Windfall when they see Spinx and his zombie dragons fighting Azera. Spinx wins the fight and leaves Azera nearly dead.

- Interesting in the two, Kathia goes over to Azera and heals him. She tries to get him to teach her people his spells, but he declines as he's a loner and doesn't teach. When she wants to know who Spinx is, Azera warns her not to approach him as the necromancer is evil.

- Hearing about necromancer, Kathia gets interested in necromancy. Then Azera leaves with the wounded dark myst pygmy and Kathia tells him where Sundown is just in case he needs to go there.

- Kathia goes back to Megan and rides back on to Sundown.


Minerva, Ronan, and Drake (in Windfall; Minerva's house)

- Minerva's currently helping Ronan to start his fighting school business. He's already found the place he wants to build the school. Now she's busy looking up how to start a business and they're talking about names for the school.

- Also, the ADR is hosting a literacy program for dragons and halflings.



You can also check out of my characters' past actions in my fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10380348/1/Dra...e-The-First-War


For the other characters, you'll need to go to my DA account and see these other chapters here: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/gal...995/Dragon-Rage You may need to create a DA account to see them.


Also DJVoxel, the spell is worldwide; not just in Rudvich.))



Now that's a promise, but she sounded annoyed about that. With more things she said she'll do, Aeolus has gotten ideas of what to teach the pygmy dragons later. Baltia may not be the best pygmy he's looking for, but he'll be willing to give her a chance to see how she performs. "Alright then, we'll see how you do, Baltia. But if you ever make ONE mistake that ends up costing the horde, you'll be kicked out," the disaster dragon said. Then he looked to Yopple and gave him the image of the lake. 'Yopple take us there. We're leaving now,' he said.




"Oh okay," Minerva replied. Then she raised a finger and was about to suggest 'Southwest Martial Arts' until a new name suddenly popped up. Then she said, "What about Blazing Tiger Fighting Academy? That sounds even better, right?" If not, she'll have to suggest the other name she was thinking of earlier.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((For everyone, this is his form. He has been added to the Wiki.


Name: Garin

Age: 33 (acts and looks like 17)

Appearance: Late teenage dragon-human Halfling. About 5" 6' tall. Lean build. Light colored skin. Dark, straight hair that playfully touches the tops of his ears. Striking blue eyes. Black horns that stick out from above his ears, curving forwards and reaching his forehead before curving straight up, just above his head, where they end in a fine point. Dark black, dragon-like wings stick out from his back, proportional to his body size. Usually wears a bright red shirt with a human skull on it and denim jeans.

Personality: Calm, cool and collected. Has lots of patience and doesn't like to get into unnecessary fights. Smart, and seems to be quite experienced, despite his age.

Powers: Fire breath, knows advanced techniques in Fire and Lightning magic, and can enchant weapons with elements to make them more powerful.

Weapons: A strong, sharp, fire-resistant longsword.

Opinion of Humans: "Two words: Mostly idiots."

Opinion of Dragons: Better than humans in every way except technology

Likes: Solidarity in the mountains, mediation, nice conversations.

Dislikes: Anyone, or anything unreasonable



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Yopple got the image of the lake. It was pretty, but probably decorated with human skulls or something. Who knows? Well, he nodded. "Sure thing, sir." Man, he had to get used to that. "One problem. I used my teleportation magic to get here. Now I need extra energy to get us back or I will be out for at least a day. Want me to take the risk?" Yopple looked at his new leader, then at the Dark Myst Pygmy.

The thought of Esko popped up in his head for a few seconds. He shoved it off. Just a mind trick. He waited for a response from the disaster dragon.





Ohimia sat thinking. That scroll she read as a hatchling...that letter.....why didn't Esko get the needed help? Did he think that there were too many dragon abusers to get help? That must be the reason. It must be.

Or is it?

Ohimia shoved out the thought of her deceased owner and thought of a bigger topic: training. Where was she going to get it? If she ran into Yopple now, wherever he was, she would most certainly die, if not, lose her vocal cord usage again. Where was a friendly school that trained dragons? Where? All she needed was a flyer and a location...




((Good job, Red! One question: when should she see the flyer? Can you let me know so I can rp Ohimia trying to find the school? Thanks))

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((Ronan's school hasn't been built yet, Esko. Minerva and him are still at her house looking for how to get their business started. But if you're talking about the literacy program for dragons, then the flyer would probably be placed on the wall of a random building.))


Aeolus was planning on getting his horde trained later and he didn't need Yopple to collapse on him. 'No, I will use the magic stone to warp us instead,' he said. Then he pictured the lake in mind and teleported the trio over to the lake. Once there, Aeolus announced to the horde, "Vulture Horde, we have two new members with us." The dragons all turned their attention to their leader and the newcomers. The disaster dragon looked at the big cassare and said, "This is Yopple a part-magi cassare dragon, whose abilities of both breeds will come in handle." Then he looked over to Baltia and said, "And this is Baltia. She doesn't really fight, but she is good at distracting humans with her annoying pranks. Helpful for when we need their guards away from something important. She'll also spy and steal, too."




"That's going to be about Spinx or Dracul, right?" Atlas asked to what Juna said about a pressing matter.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Okay, Ohimia was well educated as were all Esko's dragons (or so they thought) so I don't need to worry about her till the school is created. Thanks))


Yopple nodded as the disaster dragon warped them to the Vulture Horde. The lake was nice.

But all the dragons. Not too many, but quite a bit. Him and the Pygmy were introduced.


He stood up taller as he was announced. Did he just get surprised looks? Well, Magis and Cassares are polar opposites, so it is a surprise. Esko didn't know as much as he thought after all! He was satistfied at that thought. I didn't need that failed wolf expirement of a tamer after all. As the leader of the Horde introduced the Pygmy, Yopple's orange scales flared and glowed. His annoyance at the Pygmy's existence and new, bad thoughts at his ex-owner made his scales glow more. It made him seem almost...threatening. He was ready to be in this horde.

He was ready for this new life.

I am ready.

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(Thanks for that Red! btw the reason Garin came to Rudvich was because he was looking for the source of the spell because that's where most of the rebellion would start.)

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Baltia flittered, surprised and disorientated by the teleport. "Huh? What happened?" she said, turning around wildly to try to get some bearings. Finally noticing everyone else, she stopped and hovered. "Ummm... Hi?" she giggled nervously.

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Ronan thought it over. "Hey, what about, 'Blazing Tiger, Soaring Dragon Academy'?" He smiled at the thought. "Tigers are patient and ferocious, Dragon's are wise and deadly. Good no?" He chuckled.

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The horde was surprised by Yopple's very large size. "Wow, he's huge," said one of Fakoo's albino sisters.


Orion the magma dragon asked, "I don't think I've ever seen a cassare this big. What has he been eating?"


"A cassare who's part magi? How did this happen?" asked a wasp pygmy.


Then Aeolus continued by explaining the situation, "I found these two over at the home of Pyro's clan; they're not members though. I was trying to convince the leader to lend us some of his clanmates to join the horde. He is currently considering whether to support our cause or not. I have all day to wait until I hear an answer from him. If there is no telepathic response, then we won't have new members."


Kekul the magma magi raised his voice over the horde and asked, "Aeolus, is this clan full of cassares?"


The horde leader answered, "It is. Are you concerned that their presence will stop you from using magic?" He knew he was going to get something like that from one of his horde members, especially the magis.


Kekul expressed his concern, "As a matter-of-fact, I am. Having only one cassare is fine; but how are my mate and I suppose to do our jobs if we got a bunch of them around? They're going to be a liability."


Aeolus answered, "It's simple; just stay far away from the cassares and you'll do fine. And don't worry, I will put them in places where they can't affect you every time we go to raid settlements."


"Well okay, that's fine by me," the magma magi said.


But Kekul wasn't one worried as Hewey the healer dragon also asked, "Aeolus, I don't mind having cassares around, but I'm concerned about how I'm going to heal any wounds they have. As you said, they have the ability to disable the magic powers of anyone nearby. Because my healing is magic; I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to use my powers on them."


"Hmm yes, that would be a problem," the disaster dragon said. An alternative to heal cassares is a must and he had a good idea what to do. "But we can solve this by going into human cities and raiding whatever medicines they have there," said Aeolus.


Corona the phoenix dragon added, "And we can also be on the lookout for medical herbs as well."


The horde leader nodded and said, "Yes, good idea Corona." When nobody else had anything to say about Pyro's clan, Aeolus went on to the next topic, "Now that we're done talking about cassares, I believe it's now time we have a talk with Axle about Shadow Wind. Where is he?"


Tavurth the brute dragon said, "I think I saw him go into the woods with Atlas and his family."


"Bring him to me; I need to hear his side of the story," Aeolus told him. The brute dragon went into the woods to fetch the dragon lord.




Minerva giggled back and thought about how good the two names sounded. "Yes they are, but I think it would be better to keep the name of the school short instead of having two names in it. Soaring Dragon sounds like a pretty unique name," she complimented. "But I think Blazing Tiger sounds more attractive. It's got that energetic ring to it," she said.




Kathia and Megan finally made it back to the camp of Sundown. The car was parked and the two got out of it with the girl carrying the bag of spellbooks in her hand. Earlier, she had been using her cellphone to look necromancer spells on the search engine. Most of the links came from gaming websites, which were of the fictional spells. She eventually found a legitimate website where she found a few spells. The first one being the "see ghosts" spell, which required grave dirt to allow her to see spirits, which means that she would have to go back to Windfall next time to get what she needed.


The girl went over to see how Jason (En'K'haral's character) was doing with training the people in archery.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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