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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Nick watched as Akuma made off to the ladder that led into Chi's house. That Akuma was something else alright. One day he is punching you in the face, the next giving you a hug. Nick just shrugged, it seemed like he was getting better about people now, or at least about Nick. Looks like he just needed someone to care was all. He looked around and decided to follow up after Akuma and climb the ladder. He was so tired after working all day on the city, along with his scuffles with Akuma, and creating the cure. Maybe it would be a good idea to ask Chi if I can bunk here for the night. he thought to himself as he hoisted himself up the ladder and into Chi's house. His eyes ran over the interiour of the house as he looked for Chi. He noticed the wooden floors and walls, the kitchen and the pantry before his eyes locked onto Chi. Waving, he walked over to her asking, "Mind if I stay at your house for the night, Chi? I've no where else to go really."

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Chi looked up from her spot as Akuma and Nick entered the house. "Quite popular tonight, aren't I?" she laughed quietly. Rika seemed quite content to explore the place, curiously glancing into glass jars. Chi looked over at Nick as he asked if he could stay over. She smiled and nodded, "Well of course you can. Help yourself to the couch then. And what about you two?" she looked to Rika and Akuma. Rika paused in her examination of a jar, glancing out the window. "Oh... no I'm good. I'll go home now actually. She waved her hand and left the house. Akuma muttered something that she couldn't make out and laid on the other couch. He rolled over so he was facing the back of it and snuggled in, shutting his eyes. "Oh well, goodnight then" she chirped, walking to her bed and slipping into it.

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After the bandages were wrapped around Atlas's wounds, Yukki scrutinized at her medical kit. "Looks like we're almost out of medical supplies..." Yukkiona glared at Henry, who started to shiver a bit. "Now now sis, no need to leak out black aura..." He said, trying to calm down his sister a bit.


Yukki stopped glaring for a moment. "Hmpth, fine. But if I catch ya being stupid..." She picked up her frying pan. "Yoouuu should knoowww..." Yukki said before rushing off into her house.


"......I'm screwed." Henry said as he finished the last of his ice cream.

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After her wounds were bandaged, Atlas heard the sister say that she was almost out of medical supplies. 'Looks like we have something else to look for besides ice cream,' she thought. Then she looked at Henry and said, "Alright Henry, hop aboard. We'll go see if the same place we're going has those medical supplies your sister says that she's running out of." She sat on the ground and waited for Henry to climb aboard her back. Then she looked at her nieces, "And you two stay in the house until I get back, alright?"


"Otay, Aunt Atlas," said the sisters at the same time before they walked inside the house.




By the end of the day, the dragon village was finished being built and all the traps were set. Aeolus, the one who took part in the Spell's invention, was offered the second best cave in the village, since the leader already took the best one. The disaster dragon gladly took the cave and went to sleep in it tonight.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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When the door eased open Kat tensed expecting the worst now that her imagination had riled her up. But instead a face peeked out looking just as nervous as she felt. The face sighed and elicited a sigh from Kat as well. Although now he was staring. "Um..." She started but the man cut in realizing his own action. "Yes, well...maybe. I was looking for a friend who came this way. A dragon human hybrid named Chi. I was wondering if you have seen her." Kat explained still feeling a little nervous around the human. "Also...if you happen to know which direction the coast closest to Solomos is that would be nice too." She added feeling hopeful.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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"Oh yes, very popular." Nick agreed, nodding his head. "Albel made sure to drag everyone down here." he added in as he walked over to the window, looking out and the landscape before him. He always liked the way the forest looked at night, it was very peaceful. When Rika was leaving Nick turned and called out, "Goodbye Rika, don't get eaten on your way home. You'd miss out on the Aquarians if you did!" his voice carried out in a teasing tone. Chi went to bed, as did Akuma, leaving Nick as the only one awake. He let out a sigh and glanced out the window one last time before plopping down on the couch opposite of Akuma. A lot had happened that day, and even though he was exhausted, he still couldn't find sleep. Instead he just stared up at the ceiling , thinking about what had transpired that day.

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Tryp just grunted. "I'm not the dragon to be spied on. If you mind, I have buisness to get too..." She stood back on her hind legs and flapped her enormous wings, stirring the wind as she prepared to take off. After standing in the position for a few moments, she began to loose balance and she had to dance to stay upright. She slowly lifted up into the air, staring back down at the human with emotionless eyes, seeing if he had an objection with her depart. She scoffed, 'I have nothing to do with humanoids.' She thought bitterly. 'I will never forget what they did to us, and they cause trouble. This one might attract attention if I stay too long with him.' She hanged in the air for a few heartbeats before she turned and made for the deeper parts of the forest.

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Dion watched the dragon curiously as she seemed uptight as well. He chuckled quietly, "She's making all types of friends isn't she?" he murmured. Dion shook his head, "Well at this late, you may try her house. Though I'm not sure if she's awake" he pointed in the direction of the tree house. He shook his head, "As for Solomos, I'm afraid it's all the way down south. It's pretty much an equal distance from any point, but alas, it is at the complete opposite end of Rudvick. But perhaps you should wait until morning? It's quite dark out" he said, glancing up at the sky.

Edited by Sai

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((Okay, if Jass doesn't post today. I'm going to timeskip to the grocery store. Btw, I edited my last post to color in that one dialogue I forgot to change orange.))

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"Oh." Kat said looking up at the treehouse. I should be able to climb that. She thought a tad depressed at the sight. Her eyes shot back to Dion wide with surprise. She had no idea just how far from home she had become. "Opposite end!? That is...quite far." The little magi seemed to deflate at the prospect of such a long journey.


Kat looked to the south and then to the sky as Dion brought up calling it a night then shook her head. "No it's best to get a move on now. I will get some rest later. Thank you for your help. If you could just pass on my thanks to Chi for all her help I would appreciate it." She said to Dion with a yawn. She was worn out and being sick certainly didn't help. But She was concerned about getting rest in such close proximity to a human's home. What if others came? Plus what if he betrayed her. It wasn't like the humans had very much reason to like dragons right now, plus they weren't exactly known for fighting fair. Stop that! She mentally berated herself for the host of suspicions rising in her mind. This man knew where Chi lived he couldn't be all that bad. "On second thought, it is late. If I could just stay in the yard or something that would be appreciated too. I can stop by Chi's in the morning." She asked at last finishing with the internal struggle.

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Henry quickly rushed over to the Magi and quickly climbed on her back. "Haha! My sister is going to kill me, but I'll deal with the pain somehow!~" Henry said and almost sang. "Maybe I should 'buy' some frying pans...." He said out loud. "Or maybe I could buy a dress, or some makeup..." He muttered. "Anyways, Onwards to adventure time!" He yelled out before snickering. He then noticed his sister inside the house staring at him, glaring at him. "Orrrr, maybe I could pay the store some how I guess...heh heh..." He did not like his sister's look at all.

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"Are you sure?" asked Atlas in concern when Henry said that he can deal with any damage his sister inflicts on him. Then he said that he was going to buy some frying pans. "Yeah uh... Let's forget about the frying pans if you don't like getting hurt," she suggested. Then Atlas stretched her wings and took off into the air. She used her wind magic to push the winds against her wings to boast her speed to make getting into the city quicker. It was going to take a while to get there since she was like 25 miles from the city.


After some time later, the two made to the city and got to the grocery store. During her flight, Atlas saw that the city had been rebuilt to its former self, sans the electric lights that were no longer working. She had also noticed that some dragons helped to give the humans back their home, which was quite puzzling to her. 'After all that $#17 the humans put us through, you think they would have leave the humans to do their own dirty work or break down the city again. Why on Terra would they help them?' she wondered to herself. The dragoness landed in front of the building and lowered herself to let Henry off.

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She had lost track of time as she flew calmly in the sky, lazily drifting through the clouds that blocked parts of the sky. There weren't many other dragons flying around today. Frost felt like she was the only dragon in the skies, but she knew there were others around, they were just staying out of sight to avoid capture. Humans were such weird creatures to her, yet she didn't mind staying far away from them as possible. Frost looked below her, observing the human town beneath her as the humans went about their lives.

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"Alright Henry, we're here. Go get what you need and come back," Atlas told the human. Then she noticed a flying dragoness in the sky, but didn't care to give her much attention for now.




The sisters looks looked at all the furniture and stuff that was inside the house. "Wow, what a bunch of stwange things you have," said Kylie.


Danielle looked at some portraits hanging on the wall, some of them looked like Henry and his sister. Thinking they were alive, Danielle asked, "Hi, are yew nice humans, too?" When the portraits didn't respond, the whiptail asked again, "Hello, say something? Awe you nice humans or not? And why are yew looking still like that?"

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((Oh dont misunderstand Red, electricity and techology of all sorts still work. Only things that are used as weapons were disabled. I mean cars are out but... tv, stoves, microwaves, etc... all the harmless stuff works.


It's not quite finished either X3 they're just done clearing the rubble))


Dion smiled at Kat, "Do what you wish. I don't mind" he said before closing the door and going off to bed.


---- ((Off to morning then herp))


Akuma's eyes fluttered open to the sound of quiet simmering. He sniffed quietly. Fish. He rubbed his eyes, groaning quietly and rolling over. It was early morning but the sun poured into the window, making Akuma hiss and cover his face as the glare hit him immediately. The boy stood up and staggered over to the kitchen area where Chi was finishing some cooking. There sat three plates of seasoned, cooked fish with butter and a slice of lemon. Each dish also had a side of salted green beans. Akuma had figured out a long time ago Chi had a thing for seafood and herbal foods. "Morning there. Grab a plate" she said, putting down a knife and fork for each plate. Akuma grabbed one and wandered over to the table, plopping down.

Edited by Sai

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Nick shifted in his sleep, rolling over on the couch as he heard Akuma's hiss. As the light hit his eyes he lightly brought a hand to his face to reduce it's intensity. A yawn found it's way to his lips and he rolled onto him stomach, pressing him face into the soft couch below him. He lay there, just enjoying the feeling of laying on a soft warm surface before the smell of fish reached his nose. Feeling his stomach grumble Nick eventually pushed himself up and made his way to the kitchen where he saw Chi preparing breakfast. "Good morning." Nick said cheerily as he took a seat, looking over the food in front of him. Picking up his fork and begining to eat the fish before him he made a mmm sound. "This taste great!" Nick commented in between bites.

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FrostFire circled the town for a moment, moving around through the clouds. She opened her mouth as blue fire came out. Her movements became swift and fast as the clouds began to turn a dull gray, the air growing colder and colder by the minute. Snow began to fall from the clouds, not many at first, but more and more began to gradually fall to the earth below. Frost was determined to make a little snowstorm before moving on, leaving a sort of mark that she used when passing through human towns.

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Light filtered down from the canopy to Kat's spot in Dion's back yard. Her eyes opened slowly as she stretched out. The magi submitted to a fight of coughing that was followed by a tired yawn like she did every morning. Kat looked about a little confused about where she was, but as yesterdays events played through her mind she put the pieces together. She had escaped from that wretched circus and their illegal dragon fighting operation when the spell was cast. From there she had gotten trapped under a burning house and was subsequently saved by Chi. Right, I was gonna bid her farewell and then head south. She yawned again and inspected herself for rotted scales. They had a tendency to crop up while she slept. Sure enough there they were, green scales scattered about her body. Kat plucked the ones she could reach but there were several on her back she couldn't get at. Giving up she looked back to Dion's house. It was nice of the human to let her stay the night, she thought about thanking him but decided against it and started walking in the direction of Chi's home.

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((Red, Jass, are your characters inside a house? *stupid question detected* And Jess, how the house looks like?


Dragonlet, a reminder about turns: I've already played as a ninja there.))

((My bad, sorry for not noticing this sooner. should I edit?))

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((Damn it, this is what I get for having bad memory and following other people who forgot that important detail.


And dang, it's morning and my characters haven't gone to sleep yet. I need to finish up the grocery store thing quickly. And also, when do you guys think Kathia should get out of the hospital?))


As Atlas waited for Henry to finish his shopping, she felt chills on her orange scaly skin from the atmosphere getting increasingly cold. She shivered as she thought, 'That's strange. Night doesn't get this cold during this part of the year. What the hell is going on?' She thought nature decided to cool down for the occasion until she saw snow falling out of the sky. 'Oh, I guess that must be a dragon's work. Don't know why they're trying to make it snow here though,' the magi thought. Then she cast her fire aura spell to warm herself up against the coldness, causing the snow around her to melt.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Henry drooled at the sweet things in the store. Marshmallows,chocolate, juice and all other kinds of sweet things were in the store. "Its like Heaven!" He exclaimed. He snatched a bag of marshmallows and hugged it. "You are very squishy, marshmallows." He said to it. Henry filled the basket with sweet things, until he saw the frying pan. "......." It reminded him so much of his sister, although it was mostly because he was hit with pots daily. He slowly took the frying pan and placed it in his basket before towing off to obtain other supplies. "Now All I gotta do is buy some food where you can easily eat it and- oh, hey, is that instant noodles?" Henry said and quickly rushed over to fill his basket.




"Uhhh, girls, why are you talking to a portrait of my mom?" She asked. "I hope Henry didn't refill half of the food supplies candy..." She muttered. Yukki swore in her mind that she was going to make his head bleed again if he did. The girl clutched onto her frying pan with a grim face. It was lamost as if black aura was leaking out of her.

Edited by Jass

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Danielle turned around to see the sister. "A portwait? What's that? And that lady is yew mom? She looks pwetty!" she asked and complimented.


Kylie noticed the girl looking upset and asked, "What's wong? Are yew mad?" She hoped the human wasn't mad at her sister and would hit her with the frying pan like she did with her brother.

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Th girl glared at the hatchling. "I'm FINE. I'm really, really great." She tried to say in a sweet tone. "AND I'll feel even better when I'll crush his neck!" She shouted. "Or something like that." Yukki said as she quickly calmed down. She loosed the grip of her frying pan. "Sorry, I just dislike my brother. Pay no attention to it." She sighed. She faced towards Danielle. "A portrait is something to...um...well..." She wasn't sure how to explain it. "A picture of yourself in a frame, I guess?" She said uneasily.

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Kylie flinched when she got glared at, then felt uncomfortable when the girl said that she'll feel better by crushing Henry's neck. The girl then calmed down and said not to pay any attention to her anger as she just dislikes her brother. "Okay, but why dun yew like yew bwother?" asked Kylie.


Then after being explained what a portrait was, Danielle asked, "Ooh, is it like how yew imagine someone like in telepafy and put them on the fwame?" She guessed that was why the humans in the portraits weren't talking.

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"Uhh...Sure..." She replied to Danielle. She then focused her attention onto Kylie. "Why? Because he is stupid and irresponsible, and almost never seems to take things seriously." Yukki said with a 'hmpth.' "I guess my brother does care for me thought..." She muttered. "Maybe I can be nicer to him though, I mean, he still has that cheerful personality even after I hit him with several pots..." She muttered quietly. "I'll be nicer to him, if you want. But only because you said you wanted to. That is, if you do. Not like I'm actually doing it for his sake..." She turned away a bit to take in a deep breath.

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