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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Minerva smiled back and said, "Well I suppose we can always use a guard in case we get attacked again. Come on, let’s go there." Then she went over to Drake and got onto his back. "Drake, can you take us over to the Summer Park Community Center?" She told him where it would be at.




Axle told her that he wondered if he was on this journey for a good reason. The magi simply replied, indicating him to go on with his talk, "Uh-huh." Then he spoke of having doubts about reclaiming Shadow Wind being the best solution. Atlas was dumbfounded by his reluctance to do the obvious solution. She advised him, "What are you talking about? Of course you got take back Shadow Wind. That place is in hell with Dracul in charge. And as long as he’s there, then everybody’s going to suffer. You got to knock him off the throne and avenge everyone he’s killed."




Aeolus looked to Akil and noticed that her scent smelled almost familiar. It smelled kind of like Atlas, perhaps a blood relative of hers. After Juna removed the mussel off of the green dragoness, the horde leader walked towards Akil and said, "Akil, is it? I am Aeolus, the leader of the Vulture Horde. We have allied ourselves with Axle and his siblings for the purpose of liberating Shadow Wind. I assume you must be one of Dracul’s prisoners, am I correct?" Then he asked, "Has Dracul or any of his loyalists spoke of some valuable info that could be helpful to us?"




The guard dropped his jaw in astonishment by what he just saw. "You’re a dragon?" he asked. The gold dragon crushed his leg bone with his heavy paw, causing the guard to let out a loud roar from the intense pain he was feeling. The gold dragon continued to make him suffer by putting pressure on the leg. No matter how much his instincts were telling him to make his tormentor stop, the guard resisted the urge, "N-never!"




THUNK! The closest dragon got hit on his head by the helmet. After the dragons and humans reached each other, the dragons started to use their claws and tails to attack for a close combat.




After Azera was healed up, Kathia looked to the hiker’s spirit and said, "I’m going to take him back to his friend. Can you be on the lookout for anybody who’s in sight as we go?" She was going to need someone to watch her back in case Spinx attacks.


The hiker was happy to help, "Sure thing, lassie!" The girl struggled to lift up Azera’s body and carry him on her back. The man was pretty heavy, due to his muscles adding weight to his body. With his weight going to slow her down, it would take a long time for her to return to the little girl. After putting Azera’s arms over her shoulders, Kathia started to walk back to where the little girl was. Hiker floated by her, keeping a vigilant eye out on her surroundings.


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Drake yawned. "I think for once I miss the days of traveling across the land and getting into skirmishes....not exactly fond of being used as a 'taxi' as you humans call them." He smirked as they got on his back. He took off and flew to the park as Minerva instructed. They'd land just outside the community center. "Drake, this time, you get to help some people......others of your species. I'll be guarding the perimeter. Keep an eye on Minerva, if anything happens, get her out." He patted the dragon's side before he climbed up the building and began his task. Drake looked at Minerva, "Lead on Milady." He said to her.

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Once Rina was done talking with her friend, she looked at Raven and asked: "Did we get all of them?"

"With the help of others, yeah, we did. 22 survivors, us included." he replied and stood up. "I've also heard from one that our chieftain will contact you, since you technically have more authority than I do. And by the way: barring whatever she'll say to you, what are you planning to do before the group arrives?" he inquired. "Some can arrive hours later, and others will take a week, and I'd like to make myself busy during that."

"I will contact someone I know." replied the dark blue dragoness. "After that we will try to find someone who is the most influential in Windfall."

"Oh, so you want to raise awareness about the Vulture Horde?" huffed Raven. "Well, it is smarter than trying to warn everyone by yourself, but what are the chances that we even find that someone? Plus, Aeolus could've already sent spies after our tails for all we know."

"No point in worrying about that anymore. I talked with him only twice so I know little about him, but I highly doubt that he won't figure out that I'll try to do this: he is the Horde's leader, after all." Rina looked at the sky. "Either way, after El-Naise speaks with me, I'll contact one more dragon, then we'll head back to Windfall."

"Right. Then that means only one thing is left: to find a job. They do have jobs, right?"

"I work as a huntress there, Raven. Of course there are jobs." the dragoness rolled her eyes. "I know you excel at watching out for trouble, so how about registering in patrol duty?"

"Patrol duty? Phah!" Raven snorted. "No thanks, I am fed up with those, and I'd like to have a break once in a while. I'll save that skill for when those extremists actually start attacking."

"Suit yourself." shrugged Rina.


For a while, everything was silent with occasional bird flying by with a chirp. While waiting, the dragoness pulled out a familiar cube and started fiddling with it. One look from Raven was enough for him to groan:

"Really, Rina? You still carry this puzzle with you? You should just throw that thing away and be done with it if you can't solve it."

In response Rina only glared at the black dragon, before resuming her activity. The latter sighed in disbelief: why she was so fixated on this cube? He didn't even know where she found it, not even why she decided to hold onto it. Thankfully for him, she stopped her yet another attempt at solving the cube when a powerful and clear voice sounded off in her head. Rina knew that it was El-Naise, so she begrudgingly put the puzzle back in her bag and proceeded to listen.

"Greetings, Rina." said the chieftain. "I would have liked to talk with you on a casual note, but we'll do this when we meet each other personally. For now, please tell me what happened since our village was destroyed."

Rina breathed in and began her tale about everything that has happened to her: from avenging the destruction to her meeting Raven. She finished on the part where she threatened Aeolus about what would happen if he carries on with his plan. The chieftain went silent for a while, then said: "While your decision was pretty hasty and I would've liked that you contacted us before making it, I'm glad you took the initiative as soon as you learned about this. Now, seeing as we all are heading towards the city, here is what I'd like you to do, Rina: please find places for us to settle in. All of us need to live somewhere while we are preparing for what will come in the future. I'd suggest you find yourself and Raven a place to live too, if you haven't already. Don't worry about the jobs: we will find them ourselves when we arrive. After we will gather together, we will decide on what to do next."

"Understood. I've also decided to find someone who could help us in spreading the warning."

"That would be helpful, too. Just make sure that the person is trustworthy and willing to help."

"Will do. Safe travels, chieftain." said Rina. She put a paw on her head to ease the dull headache left from all telepathic communications. "I really hope we would adapt to this later on." she thought.

Edited by TheTron852

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((Hey red, you figure out why Dracul and Arch were banish from the city yet?))


Arch grin evilishly when the dragon resist on pleading for him to stop, so he stop on the leg he broke and went to the next one and did the same exact thing, repeacting the prosess. "Now you want to beg for forgiveness, or are you going to be stubber and let me break another one of your legs. I do hope you will be stubber." Arch said with a evilish grin.

========================((Yes Arch is quite insane, on the boarder of mad man, well dragon))===================


Akil look at the hoard leader, than turn her head to juna and spoke in a entairly different lanauge than draconic. ((Please remeber that the hoard does not know shadow wind lanauge yet.)) "Lord Juna, who is this Aeolus charature?" Akil asked Juna as she started to take her leave.


Juna replied back in the same language, but with a tone that does not sound good for Aeolus. "A dragon with blood on his paws. Not just guilty blood, but innocent blood as well. Be careful when talking to him, for i do not fully trust him yet." she said back to Akil before she shifted back to her dragon form and took to the air to look for her brother.


Akil turn her attection back to Aeolus. "Yes I'm Akil, and no there was no information to be gather from dracul or those things you call loyalist. If you ask me, those loyalist could go burn in hell." Akil said as she snared out the last part a bit. It seemed her temper flared for a bit before it seemed to soothen out a bit. She stood up, a bit weak, but managable, and looked around, observing her surroundings.


There was still ramnis of scars from earlier today, but also ones that were quite old, like they were inflicted a long time ago.



Axle shook his head. Vengens only get more people killed. As for knocking Dracul off the thron, that a bit more of a challlenge in itself. First of all, Shadow wind is run by more than one lord, but they take orders from the elder lords first. Simple put it, on a chess board, Dracul could be just a pawn in another person game, and I am force to play that game." Axle seemed a bit lost for a minute before he sighed.



The red armored one took a side step from the dragon infront of him that took a swip at him, and return teh favor by thrusting his huge sword into the dragon neck. The blue armored on seemed to not be after killing the dragons, but instead dogded every dragon attack and made a dash for the deeper part of the caves. Any of them that got destratced by the blue armored one running down the got jabbed, slashed, and bashed by the black armored ones. For a small group of human, they were exreamly well train, and they were using the dragon shear size to their advange by dodging the attacks so the dragons would hit each other.

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((To be honest, I haven’t been thinking too much about that. But according to my memory, I’m guessing that it was because Dracul and Arch were cruel, traitorous lords who were on Drago’s side and did bad things to people.))


Minerva let out a laugh in response before they flew over to the place. After they got there, Ronan told Drake to watch over Minerva in case anything happens before he went up the building to watch for any unwanted visitors. The woman took the lead and went inside the building through a human-sized door. The other door was for large dragons so that they’ll be able to get in. Minerva knew which room the program would be in, but she didn’t know where exactly it would be in since this was her first time coming to this community center. She went up to the receptionist and asked, "Excuse me, do know where the room 1C is?"


The receptionist nodded and answered, "Of course, you go down that hallway and it’ll be on the second door to your left."


Minerva followed the woman’s instruction and went to the room’s door. She opened it to see the ADR volunteers getting the literacy class started as they helped each other to set big textbooks on each oversized desks. The blonde said to her dragon friend, "Looks like they haven’t started yet. Let’s go get you introduced to my friends." She went over to the person in charge and greeted with a smile, "Hello, Ms. Linsen!"


The brown-haired woman with glasses turned to her with a surprised smile and said, "Hello Minerva, what brings you here?"


The blonde responded, "Ms. Linsen, this is my friend, Drake. We’re here to volunteer to teach dragons how to read."


((I will add the rest tomorrow if I have time.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Drake merely followed Minerva's lead since he had no idea what to do at the moment. That was until they found the room and Minerva was making introductions. Drake bowed his head to the woman. "A pleasure young lady." Being over 200, Drake enjoyed calling women 'young lady'. His way of having a little fun with humans.

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The guard let out another roar from having his other leg crushed. The gold dragon threatened that he would break another leg if the guard didn't beg for forgiveness. The guard was silent for a few moments as he pondered on what he should do. The pain was really bad and he didn't want to go through that again, but he didn't want to give this dastard the pleasure of looking weak to him. But either decision he went with, the gold dragon was just going to take joy in tormenting him. Knowing that a healer dragon would be there to heal him later after this, the guard decided to take a third option. He yelled, "Neither, you're going down!" He swung his tail at the gold dragon before he spew out a fireball.




Aeolus watched Juna and Akil speak to each other in an unknown language. He had no idea what they they had just said. But from the negative tone of Juna's voice, it did not sound good. After the halfling turned into a dragoness and left, Akil said that she knew nothing of any information that could be used against Dracul's forces. The horde leader said, "I see; I know soldiers don't like to mention any secrets to the enemy, but I was hoping they would have the misfortune to slip up. Well Akil, you look like you've been through some rough times. I'll let you rest in the village over there for now. Later, I may need you to teach the horde on how Shadow Wind fights so that we can be prepared for whatever moves they throw at us."




Oh right, she had forgotten about the fact that Shadow Wind needs many lords to rule it. But vengeance gets more people killed? The magi didn't quite understand the logic behind that. Wouldn't getting rid of a bad apple keep the whole bunch from getting spoiled? If one avenged their loved one's deaths, how did it get more people killed? Back to Axle's topic, Atlas spoke in dismay, "Great, so even if we get rid of Dracul, some other snake who's just as bad or worse will still keep Shadow Wind in hell." There was Arch and he was a dragon lord. The end of Dracul doesn't mean the end of him. Just how many other lords were there who were behind the mess that was going on now? Did they need to take down each one before there was peace?




The dragon missed the red-armored human before he got killed by a sword impaling his neck. He fell down to the side with his eyes wide open as blood spilled out of his open wound. A royal blue canopy dragoness and a few others saw the blue-armored one running past them deeper into the caves. She knowing the threat he would be to any dragons who were unable to fight, she shouted to the others, "Stop that human, he's going further down the village." She and a few other dragons gave chase to the man in blue, but this led them open to be slaughtered by the black-armored humans who attacked them. The canopy dragoness's eyes went wide with shock when she saw a sword being swung sideways at her. The blade made contact with the neck and cut through all the way. The head was severed off and fell to the ground where it rolled until it hit the wall. <insert gore scene> The humans had dodged the villagers' attacks, which would sometimes hit other dragons instead.


Eitri cast a fireball an evading human, but it missed and hit Zylanon's shadow form instead. The shadow dragon instantly emerged from his shadow and reared up as he roared in pain. The night magi felt bad about attacking his friend and apologized, "Sorry, Zylanon! I didn't mean to hurt you. I was going for one of the humans."




Pendra saw through his father's eyes the pursuit of the blue-armored human, who had managed to get past the villagers. But then his father yelled out like he was hurt all of a sudden. The hatchling gasped in shock, knowing his father had been hurt. The vision started blurry before the eyelids closed into everlasting darkness and then the noise of battle softened into dead silence. The hatchling thought his father must have gone to sleep in the middle of the fight, so he tried to wake him up. 'Come on dad, this is no time to be napping! The humans are going to get us, wake up!' There was no response, much to Pendra's disappointment. The hatchling tried again with more urgency in his tone, 'Dad, wake up! Now!' But still, nothing had changed. The more he tried to wake up his father, the closer he got to the grim conclusion that his father was dead. Pendra didn't want to believe it; his father couldn't be dead, he shouldn't be dead. He was supposed to come back to him alive and be there to tell his friends about how he killed the humans. But unfortunately, no amount of denial was going to change this harsh truth. Pendra's eyes started to water up with tears and a whisper escaped his breath, "Dad."


The female hatchlings tossed a ballooned Kylie to each other in a game of Kylie ball. The balloon hatchling laughed in fun as the others bumped her around with their paws and noses. But then the game stopped when they heard sobs from the corner. Kylie deflated back to normal and the hatchlings and their dragoness babysitter turned their attention to Pendra, who was crying to himself. They were all concerned for him as Danielle asked, "Pendwa, what's wrong?"


The imperial fleshcrowne sniffed and was about to answer, but the dragoness beat him first. She imagined that he must have seen his father get killed and decided not to be too hard on him as he was already in emotional pain. She said in a soft tone, "You saw something horrible happen. Didn't you?" Pendra nodded his head in confirmation of what he witnessed. The dragoness sighed in pity and told him, "This is exactly why I didn't want any of you to see the fight. It isn't all fun and games as you think it is, people get hurt in these sorts of things. Not a pretty sight to see."


((Don't know what else I should write after this. Maybe I'll figure it out later when I convert this part into story.))




The <whatever her occupation is> enjoyed the compliment with a smile and said, "Why thank you, sir! It's great that Minerva found a dragon to help teach others to read. I'm sure he'll be more of an excellent role model for them than any of us humans will."


The blonde nodded in agreement, "I'm sure of that, too." Looking up at the dragon, she continued, "Right, Drake?"


((I'll be editing Minerva's previous part a bit since she's supposed to know most of the other ADR members.


And I may do Kathia's part on the next post or the post after it, since I need her to run back to the girl off-screen.))

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Once Dracule was done with the dragon he fought he moved to the next one, the one that was moving thought the shadows. He saw the dragon come out of his shadow form and took the oppitinity to throw his huge sword at the dragon's back and run him though. For the dragon that were still remaing in the fight, the black armored ones where now attacking in sync, striking one dragon down after another. It seemed they were only destracting the dragon to allow the blue armored one to advance farther into the cave. However they were not taking kill shots anymore, but instead were attempting to immobleily them. If that failed the dragon was simple killed with no question asked.


Arch was not expecting the answer the dragon have gave him. He than got hit by the tail of the dragon, knocking him over and soon got engulfed in flames, or so it seems, until Arch was on the other side of the dragon now. He bit him hard in the neck and picked up the dragon non-walkable body, and dragged him to the front of the cave enterance now. He let goes when he started to taste blood in his mouth. He slamed his paw into the dragon head to keep him down, not really caring if he hurt the damn thing, and yelled to everyone in the cave.


"Stop your damn resisting, it over, you dumb peices of censorkip.gif scales. You have lost, just like your damn scalebrain friend here." He said as he increase pressure on the dragon head, knowing it would cause pain.

"So now it ultimatly is your choice, continued to fight and continue his suffering or just surrender and spare him from his suffering, your choice.


The sound of metal banging against stone was more than enough to warn just about anyone that could hear it, that one of the humans have made it deeper into the cave. From the sound of it, the human was heading for the nursery where all the hatchlings were at. As teh sound grew louder, the scent of a dragon coudl be smelled, and could the sound of metal hitting metal.


Akil looked at Aeolus, almost the same way Juna looks at him, coldly. "You want training from me, hm. Fine than, but let me see how you fair right now." She said, and almost no warning at all, slashed at his chest. It seemed she was not the type to wait around for an answer, but one that takes it at that moment.


She followed her slash right up with a spin tail slap. It seemed she was really not allowing Aeolus to have time to react at all. Once her tail spin was done she followed that up with an uppercut with her talons extended out against aimming for the chest area.


"I'm afraid so. Each lord and elder that is on Dracul side would have to be taken care of, permantly." Axle said soon followed by a sigh. "And that is why I quesion if I should attempt to reclaim Shadow Wind back, or if I should just remove Dracul, and all the other croupted lords from power and leave Shadow Wind."


Juna search around the area, trying to find some sort of clue on Mekarth were abouts, and soon found a cave that was close by, but not part of the village. As she came closer she could smell Mekarth in the cave, and soon proceed with caution. "Mekarth, I know you are in there. You might as wel-" She said before the air became thick with some sort of dark energy. She was all to familer with that energy as it was Dracul energy of his dark magic. She rushed down the cave turn around the corner and found the black dragon curled in a ball, almost like he was in pain. This was the source of the energy, and her brother.


The wound that Dracul inflited on him now burn bright red, causing Mekarth extream pain. He was even sweating as well, almost like he had a fever. Juna only had a single guess, that Dracul Magic was now infusing itself with Mekarth's Body, in the most unforgivable way.


Juna know she was not followed and layed next to her brother as he panted, but it seemed to calm him down a bit, but not by much.

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Both Zylanon and Eitri's eyes went wide with shock as the red-armored human impaled the shadow dragon. After watching his friend fall lifeless to the cave floor, the night magi dragon shouted, "Zylanon, no!" Shooting a furious glare at the man who murdered his friend, Eitri charged up his magic energy for a devastating spell he would throw at the human. But he was intercepted by the black-armored humans who stabbed him down and paralyzed his limbs. The weakened night magi watched to his uneasy dismay the defeat of one villager after the other. It seems like the humans weren't trying to kill them anymore, but why?




After having managed to knock down the gold dragon and then engulf him with flames, the guard watched the fires carefully and expected his foe to leap out and attack him. But he was taken by surprise when he felt a harsh bite on his neck, causing him to let out a high-pitched groan. Then he was grabbed up before being dragged to the cave. The guard looked to the corner of his eyes and saw a golden chest and same-colored feet moving. Having realized who this was, the guard was surprised to that the golden dragon had somehow, perhaps with magic, appeared on the other side of him. After they got to the cave entrance, the gold dragon dropped the guard and slammed his foot down on the <insert breed, if I already mentioned it>'s head. The guard closed his eyes and winced, feeling the throbbing blow on where he was stomped.


Eitri was about to telepathically call Aeolus for help and reinforcements when the gold dragon told the villagers that they have already lost. The gold pressed down the guard's head further, putting him in more pain. The villagers looked at the gold dragon and were shocked and angered to see him on the humans' side. He threatened to harm the guard if they didn't surrender immediately. Eitri finally figured out why the humans reduced their slaughter to incapacitation; they were going to use the guard as a hostage. But for what reason were they doing this? Not wanting another life taken away today, Eitri told the others, "Everyone, stand down."


The villagers stopped fighting, but some were reluctant to do so. Uvanis weakly lifted up his head and objected, "But Eitri..."


The night magi turned his head around to him and repeated, "I said 'stand down'!" Not another word was spoken from any of the fallen dragons as Eitri looked back to the gold dragon and asked, "You there. Why are you working for these humans? What reason do you have to come to our village and attack us?"




Just then, they heard metallic sounds outside the nursery. Knowing that there was a human approaching, the dragoness told the hatchlings, "Everyone, get over to that corner over there. There's a human coming!"


The hatchlings became scared as they all screamed and Pinky cried, "Oh no, a human! It's going to get us!"


Smasp cried as well, "I don't want to die!" They all ran to the corner furthest away from the caveway and huddled there together.


The dragoness stood fearlessly and watched the caveway as she waited for the human to come, so that she could blow down an inferno of flames at him before he even gets the chance to attack. As the sounds of movement drew nearer, a draconic scent could be smelled, but it didn't belong to any of the villagers. Even more strange, was the absence of human scent. The dragoness found this to be peculiar and confusing. She thought, 'Strange, there should be a human coming, but I'm smelling a dragon instead.' She thought about going outside to look who it is, but decided against it, for it could be a trap set up by the human who was using this scent to disguise his own.




Aeolus noticed that cold, untrusting expression on Akil's face. Either every Shadow Wind dragon was reluctant to teach outsiders or... Aeolus didn't get a chance to think more as the messenger had struck him without warning. "Gah!" he cried out upon getting slashed. Then he was met with a tail swung at his face. The blow dazed him a bit that he had to shake his head to get back to his senses. After getting struck by the dragoness's claws again, Aeolus decided he had enough of getting treated like a punching bag. It was time for his turn to strike back. The disaster dragon swiped back at her before he blew out his lightning breath.




Atlas knew that he didn't like to kill others, but she also knew that Dracul and his cronies would try to come back and take over if they weren't finished off. After all, Dracul did kill Axle's parents and became a lord again. But wait, did he just say 'leave Shadow Wind?' The magi asked curiously, "Leave Shadow Wind, why?" She wondered what made him thought about that. Sure Shadow Wind would be well off under Mekarth and Juna, but why did Axle want to leave a city he held a high position in?


((I'm still letting Kathia run off-screen. Next post is where she's definitely coming back.))

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As soon as the headache subsided, Rina immediately went on to contact her acquaintance. For a second she stopped to remember the details. "So I saw her back in the forest when I just recently arrived on this continent... a magi, orange color... what was her name... Atlas, if I'm not mistaken... Alright." she sighed. "Here goes nothing."

Rina closed her eyes and mentally reached out to Atlas: "Atlas, are you there? It's me, Rina. The dark blue dragoness who helped you with that squirrel. Listen, I need to tell you something, and you might not like what you hear, or probably even believe it. Still..." Rina paused, before continuing, "It's about the Vulture Horde. I'm sure you've heard about it at some point. The thing is: they have a plan they are going to set in action once they are finished with something." She paused to think about her words, then said: "The plan is to wipe out every single human on this world. No prisoners, no slavery, no banishing. Only mass genocide. I have heard the news from my close friend, and I know he is not the type to lie about information like this. Now, in case you believe me, I would like to ask you a question." her tone suddenly darkened, as she said the following: "Do you agree with Vulture Horde?"

Edited by TheTron852

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In the middle of the conversation Atlas heard Rina wanting to talk to her about something. The magi quickly said to Axle, "Hang on, Axle. Someone's talking to me with telepathy." Atlas listened again to Rina speaking about the Vulture Horde and a plan they were going to put to work later. She wondered if Aeolus probably had met the dark blue dragoness like she had. During the pause, the magi goaded her to speak some more, 'Yes, go on.' Rina spoke of the horde's plan to exterminate every single human around the world and asked if she agreed with the horde. It sounded like Rina and her friend must have the horde's old agenda, something they reformed on. Confident in her knowledge, the magi smiled and answered, 'The mass genocide thing? Oh don't worry. The Vulture Horde's not going to do that anymore. Aeolus said that he's only going to kill the bad humans from now on. And I'm glad he's differentiating the good from them. Don't need any innocent blood getting spilled on their claws.'




After a while later, Kathia finally made it back to the little girl. But by now, she was feeling very tired. Her shoulders ached from the weight of Azera's arms on her and she was panting. Putting the man down on the ground, the redhead said hoarsely, "I am never... ever... carrying another person... ever again." She dropped herself on her bottom to the ground and decided to try and relax after all the work she did coming her.


The two ghosts looked to each other as the hiker grinned and said, "My brother like that, too, when he had to carry a fat guy from McGreasy's all the way to the gym for him to lose that weight." The female spirit laughed with him.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"He said that?" Rina tilted her head in confusion, prompting Raven to look at her. "...One moment."

"Raven, what exactly did that dragoness told you?" she inquired.

"What's with this question?" he huffed, but answered nonetheless, "She said that they are only pretending to be friends with humans, and I've got a good memory. Already forgot that, didn't you?"

"...Atlas, let me fill you in on details: I learned about this plan just a couple of hours ago. My friend learned about it yesterday, not long before he was teleported to me. When exactly did Aeolus say that he is no longer hunting down innocents?" she asked. And added after a short pause, "Not only that, but I contacted him immediately after I've learned about this, just to confirm what my friend has said. And I'm afraid what he said is different from what you were told."

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'Yes, he did,' Atlas confirmed. Before she could say anymore, Rina put the conversation on hold for a moment before telling the magi that Aeolus said something different to her claim. The magi stopped smiling and became confused as she asked, 'What? What did he say? Aeolus told me that this two nights ago.'

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"I asked him if he was planning to wipe out every single human in the entire world. He said yes, however they have other things to attend to before they will decide to start. Then I asked him why he wants to do that. In response..." Rina trailed off, unsure on how to phrase this one. "...He listed everything bad that humans have done to him."

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The red armored human removed his sword from the shadow dragon back and put it back in it holder on his back. He walked over to the night magi and spoke in perfect draconic. "Reason why we attack. Our order, to capture a few dragon. Now if you would be so kind and lay your scaley ass down." Dracul said with an order. He wound his hand around in the air almost a a signal. "And I mean all of you."


Arch was still keeping the pressure on the gaurd's head. "If i was you i would do what he saids. He is one you can't kill with a band of weaklings like you bunch."



The sound of metal hitting stone suddenly came to a stop, almost as if it was never there. Soon the scent follow. It was a few seconds later though, that the sound of something being thrown though the air could be heard, As the large blue scythe flew though the air. It flew towards the dragon in the hatchling area. Suddenly, almost like he did not care if the dragon was dead, injured or just plain out missed his target with his scythe, and made a dash for the hatchlings, out of thin air. There were two metal rings in his hands, but the hatchlings would not see this, but the dragon might if it was still alive.


He targeted two hatchlings out from the whole group and reached for only them two, Danielle and Kylie. He went and attempted to grab them by the necks to put on the small collars that were consided in his hands, around their necks so they could not call for help.



The girl that was with Azera seemed to well rested now as she saw Kathia and Azera return. She ran up to Kathia and hugged her tightly. "Oh, Thank you Kathia." She cried out as she held on Kathia tightly.



Akil seemed not to be weak at all, even in her current state. She took the fullblow from Aeolus swiping attack, but dodge the lighting even at point blank range, Than recounter with sweeping his feet out from under him and pinning his body down by putting her foot on his neck and right wing.

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Atlas curled her mouth into an open frown, being shocked at what she just heard. Aeolus lied? That can’t be right. Then the dark blue dragoness said mentioned that Aeolus wanted to kill because of all the things the humans did to him. Atlas replied, 'What? You got to be kidding me. Aeolus would never lie; he’s always been honest with me. Always!' The bad things that happened to him were definitely true though. The disaster dragon had suffered far worse than she and probably Flarina ever did. Not to mention, no human in the world had ever shown him any real kindness like a few did to the first Firestar sisters.




For a question that had been directed at the gold dragon, Eitri was surprised to see that one of the humans can speak the dragons’ native language. The red-armored human told the villagers to lay down, while the threat of the gold’s talon was still on the guard’s head. The guard suspecting that they were going to take the captured into slavery or something just as bad or worse, told the others, "Don’t do it! I’ll gladly give my life just to keep them from taking someone away."


The night magi curled his lips in a begrudged growl as well as some of the other villagers. The gold’s insult of calling them weaklings angered them, but they knew his words rang true. They were unable to even land a scratch on these humans, who seemed to fight a lot better than the usual ones of their species. Even if they sacrificed the guard, the chances of winning were still slim-to-none. So the best course of action was to surrender. At least the Vulture Horde would be able to rescue the captured later; well maybe. Eitri told the others, "Everyone, let’s just do what he said. Obviously, we can’t win this fight." Many of the villagers peacefully surrendered and helped to carry the injured out of the way of the intruders. Eitri surrendered too, but he had just two last questions he wanted to ask. "Before I go, what I want to know is, who are you going to capture and for what reason?" he asked.




The metallic sounds got replaced with silence; the dragoness sensed that something was wrong. Why was there this sudden silence? What was the person waiting for? Just then a blue scythe started flying towards her. The dragoness got startled and her cyan eyes went wide. The weapon’s curved blade struck her in the chest, causing the dragoness to let out a pained scream. The hatchlings gasped in shock as Smasp shouted, "Mommy!" Pinky let out a horrified scream, worrying how badly did their mother get hurt. The dragoness dropped to her side and writhe in pain as blood spilled from her wound.


Then a human in blue-armor ran past the dragoness and towards the hatchlings, who all let out terrified screams and backed all the way into the corner as if this was the safe space that would protect them from the big bad ape coming to kill or take them away into slavery. The dragoness heard their screams and looked around to see the warrior going towards them. In his hands were two metal rings. Thinking that he was going to make new slaves of them, she glared at the man and shouted, "Stay away from them, you fiend!" She considered spewing a fireball at him, but decided against it as that would put the hatchlings in harm’s way, since the man was close to them.


The Firestars sisters screamed and cried as the man put the collars around their necks. Danielle screamed, "No, let me go!"


Kylie cried, "I dun wan to be a swave!"


The whiptail telepathically called to her aunt for help. 'Aunt Atlas, a human’s going to take me away. Help me!' she screamed. She waited to hear from the magi, but she got nothing in return. The hatchling tried again, 'Aunt Atlas, help!' Again, there was no response. Even Kylie did the same thing and got no word from their aunt.




Kathia got hugged by the girl and grinned at her, feeling like a hero to her. "Hey, no problem. I just did what I had to do. That’s all," she said.


The hiker teased, "Yeah, you say that after complaining about having to carry that man there." The redhead shot him an annoyed frown and the two ghosts laughed at her.




Aeolus was swept down by Akil and then pinned down. The disaster dragon snarled and retaliated by kicking up at her with his hindlegs.


If he managed to get free

Then he got up and jumped midair, before he glided around and blew down his lightning breath again.


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The blue armored human than took a link of chain and pulled it though the rings on the collars. He tugged at the chain to make sure it was firm and secure. He tugged at the chain, almost dragging the hatchlings away from the qroup, right up to the dragon that was in the hatchling room. He stopped and grabbed the end of the scythe from the dragon. He shook the blood off it before he sheathed is back, but did not leave.


"If you have anyone you wish to say goodbye to, Now would be the time." He said, almost like he did not really want to take them from here. While he waited for the hatchlings to say their goodbye, or to just straight out resist him, he turn his attection to the dragoness who was laying before him, still bleeding.


He spoke perfect draconic to her. "It best you don't try anything. It would be wrong to leave your children with out a mother. Also, I won't let anything happen to these two to the best of my ability, but I can't promise anything with the others. One more thing. That wound is not grave, but it will get infected if not tended to soon." He told her as he took of his helmet. It was a human, but something about his eyes told something else. His eyes were that of a dragon. He had black skin and almost a silver like hair.

============================================((simple because I use a phone it's takes me so much longer to type out things))=====================


Dracul simple just grin a bit. "Anyone we want. As for the reason, some for hostage, other for for our own personal reason." he told the magi dragon. He signal to the black armored ones, who than started to look at each dragon. They were looking at each dragon carefully, but still prepared to fight if needed.


Arch looked at the guard dragon." Big talk for a piece of crap like you. So are you really willing to give up your life to save another? Please go ahead and choice who you want to stay here and you take their place."Arch said to the guard. "Choose wisely."


((I'll post more later, it just my brain have hit empty))

Edited by draco8967

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Rina, frowning slightly, decided not to reply, giving Atlas time to process what she heard. While waiting, she briefly wondered if she can telepathically show memories to others, but dropped the thought soon enough. She got the hang of telepathy only recently, and she didn't know whether this would be easy or difficult.

Raven, meanwhile, was impatiently tapping his claw on the ground, waiting for Rina. "What's taking her so long?!" he thought angrily. To pass the time, he picked up the puzzle cube while the dragoness was busy, and began twirling its sections around, careful not to break it.

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((I'm not sure what's happening with Ohimia and Yopple, so I'll just reply with my new character.))




The dragon whistled as he flew over the sands of the Solomos deserts. He thought of other tunes to whistle, and kept them playing over and over in his head. Was Rina alright? Was everybody else alright? Maybe he could reach out with telepathy? He was getting used to it, hopefully he could contact the others?

'Rina? Do you get this? It's Succino, I survived the village attack! Are you alright?' He sent, anxious that she may not get it.

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((Sorry about taking so long to post this. Also I might be going to collage here soon as well.))


Akil Struggled to keep Aeolus down, but his hindlegs finally made contact with her underbelly and he throw her off him. She slide across the sand for a bit than jumped back from Aeolus's lighting breath. She spead out her wings and with a powerful wind force from them, created a cloud of sand to destort the dragon chief vision. She soon came out from anywhere that was a blind spot, and went to rip Aeolus webbing to stop him from getting airborn again.




The child with Azera looked up at Kathia and smiled up to her before she let go. She looked at Azera, who was now starting to move a bit. "I think Azera is going to wake soon." She said. a few seconds later Azera open is eyes and blinked a couple of time before he sat up. Right in his veiw was the kid and Kathia.


He had nothing to say and kind of looked to the ground.



Axle saw Atals make a frown from no where. "Atlas Whats going on?" Axle asked her, not fully expecting her to answer him back.




Juna waited with her brother before his panting have came down a bit and became more of a smooth rythem. "Mekarth, when did Dracul use dark Magic on you?" She asked him, and he mutter out two than nights. She know when now, but how long was this going to last, and would it get worse. "When did it start?" She asked next and got no answer back. He was still breathing, but it was still heavy breathing.






Spinx was sitting over the edge of the mountain flexing his hand. He smiled evilishly when he closed it into a fist. 'Good he finally gone for good. There is nothing left to hold me back now.' He thought to himself as he heard the noise of his undeads working on the trap he was preparing for Axle arrival. "I wonder how long she will cry for him when he died before his eyes? Well there was only one way to find out." He talked to himself as she started to laught out loud into the air.

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((Draco, I found a story that has a picture that looks like your avatar: O.C.'s Story - Wind ))


Rina did not respond for a few seconds. Axle was the one to break the silence. Atlas told the dark blue dragoness, 'Hang on, one moment.' The magi spoke to the white dragon, "I just heard someone say something about Aeolus. She said Aeolus was going to kill all humans. But he told me that he was going to spare the humans and this was two nights ago. But she heard him say it today." She faced the ground, shaking her head and continued, "But I'm not sure so about this." She put her eyes back on Axle and continued, "Aeolus has been honest with me for so long and he has never lied before. I don't know what the heck is going on. Their stories say the opposite and I don't know who's telling the truth." She had a great deal of thrust in Aeolus and doubted that he would deliberately lie to her.




The Firestar sisters yelped when the man tugged their chains. As they were dragged away from the others, their fearful tears turned halfway into those of frustration. Why wasn’t their aunt answering their pleas? Their lives were in danger and they needed help now. Danielle and Kylie started to wail after their aunt failed to hear them. The dragoness growled when the man came and took the scythe off her. "You let these poor hatchlings go!" she snarled.


Danielle wailed, "I dun wan to say goodbye! I wan my aunt Atwas!"


Kylie sobbed, "Let me go!" The sisters tried to break free and return to their friends.


The dragoness bared her teeth at the man as he spoke. Before she could say anything, the man took off his helmet and revealed his draconic eyes. The mother was speechless and amazed. This man might seem like a halfling, but he might not be. His scent was like that of a dragon’s (that’s his scent, right?) and not a human’s, which was a trait of the halflings. The autumn asked him, "What are you?"


After feeling the shame of not doing anything to help out of fear, Pendra gathered up his courage to save the younger sisters. He charged at the man, baring his fangs and growled heroically, "I’ll defeat you, human!"


The dragoness thought the imperial fleshcrowne to be crazy trying to pick a fight with a full-grown warrior. Fearing that he would get hurt or killed, she called out to him, "Pendra, no!" The male hatchling bit at the man’s leg and tried to pierce his hard armor, his teeth failing to break the metal.




Eitri heard what the gold dragon said to the guard and slightly dropped his jaw in worry. The night magi cried to him, "Don’t do it, Straugh! Enough lives have already been lost today. We can’t have another tragedy. Besides, you don’t know who they’re going to capture. If you guess wrong, then the ones they’re taking away will still get kidnapped. You need to stay alive and rest until you are strong again."


Straugh the guard growled, feeling defeated in that he had no other choice. "Fine, Eitri. I’ll do as you wish," he said reluctantly. The other dragons glared back at the black-armored men, ready to defend and fight if they struck first.




Aeolus shut his eyes shut when sand made contact with his face. Luckily none of the grainy substance got into his eyes. He flapped his wings to create a gust of wind that would blow back down the sand cloud. At the same time, Akil’s made contact with one of his wings and drew blood. The horde leader opened his eyes tilted away from her before she could do any more damage. After flying up higher, he cast a tornado beam at her.




Kathia watched Azera wake up and asked him, "Hi Azera, I didn’t think we’d see each other again so soon. So uh, are you feeling alright now? That girl here told me what happened, so I took you back to her and healed you."

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He looked down at the hatchling and place the helmet on the ground and gentally removed the hatchling from his leg. He pressed hard on a few pressure points that the hatchling had to paralyze his body for a few hours and place him next to the dragon. He turn his attection back to the dragon.

"What I am is a dragon. A cowardly dragon that only follows orders give to him." He said as he put his helmet back on. He than picked up Danielle and Kylie. He was not letting go either as he turn and started to walk away from the dragon. "Oh and don't follow. The other might end up killing you from the moment they see you." He said than took of running down the cave.



Axle looked at Atlas. "I'm sure Aeolus is a good guy, but if it bothers you that much, we might want to check in on him personally after we are done with the mountain. I need to check in with Juna and Mekarth about a few things as well." He told her as he looked towards the mountain than the sky. "We might want to get a move on here soon, it starting to come close to mid Dawn." He said as he turn around and started to head back to the group.



Akil saw that she did not get in the hit she wanted to get, and that Aeolus have climbed higher into teh air. He soon brought down a tornado beam at her, but all she did was smile a bit as she too took to the air and dodged his beam with no effert at all. She climbed higher than he did, and faster than he did. Once she was high enough, and was angled correctly, she dived right towards his back. One way or another, she was going to knock him out of the sky, and ground him for good.



Azera said nothing still but got up and replce his sword back in the belt holder. He than look at Kathia. "I'm Fine, and thank you." He said before he walked over to a tree and lean against it. "So how much did the child tell you?"



They looked though the lot of dragons, than each one of them stopped by the dragon they wanted to take. "Well look we have some winners. You six are the ones we are taking, any objections?" Arch said as the red armored human simple grabbed his hilt of his sword. He was waiting for an objection, and it was clear what he was going to do too.


"Now would the lucky six step forward in a nice straight line, just right up to the cave entrance. The rest of you farther back into the cave." Arch said as the red armored one stood next to the cheiftain leader, hand still on the hilt of his sword.


"Now would be great." Arch said as he turn his paw on the gaurd's head still.

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Drake nodded his head. "We Dragon's live long live's, when a dragon reaches his or her first century of life, it becomes clear that part of our duty to our race is to teach and pass on the wisdom we have learned. The older we get, the more wisdom we obtain, the more we must teach." He looked around the room. "Some of these young dragon's look as roudy as some of your human teenagers on the streets. A little discipline may be in order. Wouldn't you agree?"

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((And I'll be putting the link to DJVoxe's post here, too, just in case you missed one of my last ones, Esko: https://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showt...0entry9020950 ))


After having his pressure point pressed, Pendra’s eyes went wide with shock and his body fell limp to the side. The mother dragoness gasped in shock as her daughters worriedly cried out, "Pendra!" The dragoness looked at the fleshcrowne and noticed him still breathing. She was somewhat relieved, it looks like he was going to be okay. The man revealed himself to be a dragon, who was following the humans’ orders. The dragoness wondered if he was a slave who chose to stay with his masters, even after the Spell had freed the dragons. After crawling two steps to try and follow him, the 'man' told her to say as the humans would try to kill her.


As the man ran with the Firestar sisters, Danielle shouted her aunt’s name one last time with all the frustration and fear she had, 'AUNT ATLAS!' The autumn dragoness looked down to the ground in shame of herself and let out a sad sigh. She had failed the Firestar sister’s aunt in keeping them safe, the task the village had promised to do. She could only hope that everyone would be able to forgive her.




Atlas looked up at the sky as well to see the sun’s position. He was right; they still had a long way to go and they mustn’t waste anymore time. She agreed, "You’re right, we should get going." Then they went back to the group as the magi said to Rina, 'I'll talk to Aeolus later and see what's going on. Right now I got business to take care of.' After making it back to everyone else, Atlas said to everyone, "Guys, we’re ready to go! We need to get to Trident Mountain now."




After Akil had once again dodged him, Aeolus thought, 'She’s pretty agile. She’s dodging my ranged attacks as good as Juna did. I wonder if they teach their warriors there how to evade like that.' It would be beneficial for the horde if they could avoid arrows and breath attacks with ease. Akil flew up higher than Aeolus and dove down at him. The horde lead crashed belly-flat onto the ground. Apparently, he was disadvantaged with the dragoness weighing down and being unable to turn over to free himself, but this fight was far from over. Aeolus used his wind magic to create a windy wall around himself and then closing it in to create a vortex underneath himself that would lift him up off the ground. The horde leader used Eitri’s stone and teleported himself away from Akil. Then he turned the vortex into a tornado, hoping to trap Akil in it.




Kathia told the whole story, "She said that you were hurt and that you were going to the mountain where Spinx is at. She got really worried and tried to look for you, but couldn’t find you. So I had to go and bring you back, which leads us to here." Then she scolded him, "Seriously, don’t worry a child like that. What if you got killed? Can you imagine how devastated she would be?"




The chosen dragons yelled out protests in indignation as one of them yelled, "Horse dung, Straugh never chose any of us. He said he was going to keep his own life, you-" They immediately became silent when the red-armored human placed his hand on his sword as if he was warning them that he would slaughter the villagers if they act out of line. The dragons held back their rage without another word, but they still glared hatefully at Arch and the humans.


Then the six dragons went to the cave entrance as the others retreated back to their cave rooms. Uvanis was among those leaving the scene. The dark leaf pygmy closed his eyes in shame and regret as he formed a telepathic bond with the chief. 'Chief Doubloon, we’ve failed. The humans were too strong for us; they’ve killed and wounded many of us.'


He heard the chief respond with a disheartened tone, 'So I’ve heard. This is a sad day for this village, so many friends and family members lost. None of us will be sleeping peacefully tonight. Anyway, I hear they wanted to capture some of us, has anyone find out who they’re taking away?'


Uvanis answered, 'I don’t know who they wanted originally, but it looks like they’re taking other dragons.'


'Who?' asked Doubloon.


Uvanis was about to answer when he and the other villagers heard screaming hatchlings. They stopped and saw the blue-armored human taking away the Firestar sisters. Uvanis murmured in realization, "That’s the magi dragoness’s nieces." The dark leaf pygmy should have known that Arch and the humans would come for them. They were the perfect hostages to be used against their aunt, the Incarus family and possibly to the extent, the Vulture Horde.


Eitri (I assume that’s who you called the chieftain) barred his teeth at the gold dragon and thought, 'Arch, you monster. What do you want with us?'


((Doh, I realized that Eitri, Zylanon and Uvanis had already seen Arch before. Damn am I slow.))




The teacher nodded and agreed with him. "Yes, it would most certainly help. This is a learning program after all and everybody needs to be mature about this, whether they be dragons or not." She pushed her glasses back into place and continued, "Anyway, we’ll be having lunch soon before the program starts at one o’clock. Is there anything you like us to get you, Mr. Drake?"

Edited by Red Dragonette

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