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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Then something started to wrap itself around her legs. The girl looked down and saw the anaconda; it was still alive. "Ack!" the girl cried out in fright. Then she heard the necromancer threatening for her not to scream or else she would be decapitated. "What do you want with me?" she asked warily.

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((Finally got my brain to work on an RP post...))


Raven was nowhere near as close to the place where Aeolus, Juna, Yopple and others were, although he could've sworn he heard some noises in the distance. He stopped there and thought for a bit, whether he should go there, where he probably could meet the leader himself, or do what he initially decided to do and examine his last cave on his list. After a while he decided that the albino will call him when they return, so he went on his business.


While approaching the cave, Raven couldn't help but think about something. After he gathers the last bits of items left behind by his clanmates, what will he do? Travel to Rudvich, the continent he heard so much about? Or look for the clan here, in Solomos? He shook his head. Now wasn't the time to think about this, only when he is done here. Then, as soon as he took a couple of steps inside the cave, he heard a familiar telepathic voice: the leader is back. "Perfect timing, blast it..." he growled under his nose in annoyance. Fine, the cave can wait. The black dragon did a U-turn towards the place where he met Fakoo and others and headed that way, all the while muttering something about telepathy and time management.


Upon his return, Raven could immediately notice that there were more dragons now than before. Nearly all the newcomers were tired, and everyone were resting. 'A break from training, huh...' he thought. His eyes sought out the albino that contacted him, and once noticing her, he approached. "Alright, I'm here." he said, trying his best to not sound annoyed. "So you said that the leader is here now. Where is he?" he asked, looking around the crowd of dragons.

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((Okay, I just looked at my WIP of Chapter 34 and I found out that I forgot to have Fakoo tell Raven how to use telepathy. I thought I did make her do that. I'll go edit that in now.))


The dragons waited for the Eternal Wind clan member to meet them. During their wait, the dragons sat and talked amongst themselves, sharing stories about their past days and what the new Gallion clan was like. It took a while until they saw a lone black dragon approaching them; it was most likely the Eternal Wind clan member. He announced his presence, which confirmed their assumption, and asked Fakoo for the horde leader. Before the albino could say anything, Aeolus answered for her, "That would be me." He rose up off the desert ground and looked at the black dragon. He noticed the cuts in the wings, which looked similar in fashion to the way Rina had them. The horde leader said, "You must be other the survivor from the Eternal Wind clan I've heard about."

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"Nothing with you, I was just looking for a place to sleep at for the night. After I will head back to the mountain and ambush my prize there. Your tent provide what I was looking for perfectly, however there a problem with you little girl." Spinx said as he grin. "You may not know this, but either way you are going to die. Scream or not, you will still be killed no matter what, the question is how?" Spinx seemed to be enjoying himself as his pet wrap around her, becoming ever so tighter.


"Squeeze to death, simple rip to shred, eaten, burn to a crisp. So many things I could do, but what to chose?" Spinx puzzled asked. Than suddenly an idea came into his head. "I know. I'll use you as bait, well more of a leverage over my prize and his small band of misfits. I can't simple leave you here, nor move you among this plane, so there is only one thing I can do." Spinx said as the anaconda started to sink into the ground. It was trying to pull the girl with it into the earth.


((Hey Red, please let this happen. It would be something of a twist for Spinx and what Kat can learn from it. =D Also Everyone, I just Finish High school and have officially graduated. Here the

we did this year. I about cry because I was leaving.))

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The necromancer said that he came to this camp looking for a place to sleep. However he seemed to have one problem with Kathia. Whatever it was, she knew it wasn't going to be any good at all. Feeling her heart race and her body stiff with fear, she asked, "What?" Spinx told her what she had been suspecting; she was going to be murdered. He mentioned various ways how he was going to do to her. The girl shuddered to think about how painful and torturous a death this vile man was willing to deliver her. He finally had an idea of what to do and it was going to be using her as bait. Then suddenly, the anaconda started dragging Kathia underground, the girl let out a terrified scream as she definitely knew she was going to get suffocated or get killed in another way.



((That's a fun way to end the school year.))

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Spinx watched as the girl was dragged into the earth. She let out a scream that he know was going to caught attention, and he quickly ran behind the tents and vanish from sight. The anaconda keep on going deeper and deeper, until it teleport somewhere else and attempted to bring her with it.


((If she goes, here what she would see. Just a blanket of fog, if not, she can simple crawl out. Your call Red))

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((Hello everybody, before you yell at me for posting without apparent approval just know that Sai accepted me and I presume he will be adding me to the accepted profiles area.))


The air was crisp as Cynder was walking down the narrow winding trail. He was going to a nearby human settlement, a journey he didn't like making considering what happens to dragons there.


At the same time, Atlarius was flying around the place she called home, a large area in the forest next to the trail Cynder was on, and nearby the human settlement. "I can smell a human nearby, the trail next too my territory..." She chose too fly there, confront the human and chase him away from her territory.


"I hate going to this settlement but its my only reliable source of food." He spoke in a tone that held great disgust and a hint of rage. "Just two more miles..." As soon as he finished talking to no one in particular, Atlarius landed in from of him. She seemed to be two stories tall from the ground-up.


"Well hello there." His voice held a tone that was conversational. As if it was usual for him to be confronted by dragons. "Explain your reason to be here human, or do you have a death wish." Her voice sounded threatening to say the least. "I'm on my way to the human settlement nearby, I presume I'm near your territory." His voice still held the conversational tone. "Is that so?" She growled her disbelief.


"Yes, now if you don't mind moving out of my way so I can continue. I will leave your territory as soon as possible." A spell caught Cynders' attention and he prepared to use it just in case he had too. "I don't think so, I don't believe your story at all." She growled again in an attempt to scare the truth out of him.


((This is part one of my intro story, I hope you enjoy it. biggrin.gif))

Edited by Cynder_Dragonborn

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((That looks good, Cynder. Also can you show me your character forms, just in case I have to write a birthday/anniversary story about your characters? I need to know what they look like, because Sai forgot to put them up on the wikia.))


The guards and some of the sleeping campers heard the scream and woke up. The nearest guard got to the place where the scream came from and used his lantern to light his surroundings. He saw no one in sight, except for one or two curious campers coming out of their tents. Then guard then looked into the tent he was standing next to and looked to see if anyone was inside. He saw no one at all. But the two items he found, the spellbooks and weapons, gave him a clue as to whose tent it belongs to. "Kathia's missing," he muttered worriedly. The other guards got here and asked what happened. The man told them that something bad might have happened to Kathia.


((Stupid glitch made me lose what I originally wrote. Also, I'm going to change the lanterns into flashlights in the story.))




Kathia tried thinking up of some spells to save herself fast. The lightning spell? The fire spell? Or the burning touch spell? The last one seemed like the perfect thing to use. The girl shut her eyes tightly and channeled her magic energy in heat that warmed up her body until flames appeared on her. She hoped that would burn the slithering creature alive. But then, she had been taken to a place where there was nothing but fog everywhere. 'Where am I?' she wondered, wary of this strange place.

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((Thanks Red, I'll PM my forms to you as soon as I can. rolleyes.gif Just a head up, I plan to edit out some of the You're-s in my last post. I think I used them out of context and too many times.)


Cynders' voice changed from a conversational tone to an annoyed one quite quickly.

"I can understand your disbelief. However I spoke the truth, what must I do to prove my story to you?"Atlarius stopped growling after she heard the offer for the human to prove his story. "Do you carry any weapons on you? "If so, I want you to throw them out of reach."


Cynder complied and sent the small knife he always carried airborne into the dirt on the side of the trail. "I find you somewhat more trustworthy now... Who are you?" For the first time since they met, Atlarius' voice seemed calm. "My name is Cynder, and you are?"


"My name is un-important, I just want you out of my territory." The dragon again bared her teeth, this time she did it to force Cynder to turn back.


"I cannot turn back, if I don't get food I will starve. The dragons have taken all the animals as food for themselves. My only choice for hunting is to attack dragons. But I would never attempt to kill one, or attack one unprovoked."


Cynders' words surprised Atlarius quite greatly. "Hmm, Very well Cynder. I will let you pass through my territory to your destination and back." Cynder stopped preparing the spell and calmed himself. "Thank you."


((This is part two of my intro story. I'll write more later. biggrin.gif))

Edited by Cynder_Dragonborn

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The anaconda uncurled from the girl and slither away into the fog, leaving the girl where she was at. The fog slow started to fade away from the view as a small, yet very peaceful piano solo was being played. As the fog cleared up more and more, it slowly started to reveal a castle in the distance with a rose garden trees and a fountain, making it almost looking like a royal palace. After about ten minutes, the castle came fully into view as now people were walking around the place, almost like servants. A butler seemed to come from the castle and walked right up to the woman.


"Good evening miss, our master have been expecting you to show. Please if you will be so kind and to follow me." He said with a bow before heading back to the castle.

Edited by draco8967

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Cynder had walked for about an hour before reaching the settlement, a place called The Graveyard.

The all too familiar smell of blood met Cynders' nose again and in response he pondered the option of turning back to his home. He spoke to himself silently with the tone of disgust and rage.


"I hate this place. But I can't go back, not yet." He cursed under his breath as he completed the short walk and he met the man who sold him his usual fill of food that always held some fruit, vegetables and venison. "Greetings Cynder, I believe this is yours." The man always spoke quietly, as if he was hiding something, It didn't matter to Cynder though. His stay's were too short for him to care about the strange people there.


Nearby, a captured dragon was locked on a large wooden structure, along with two men that held swords that were preparing to kill the dragon for its meat. Once Cynder caught sight of this he chose to save the creature before its death. "I think not you two." The swords flew from the men's hands, into Cynders and he hid them from sight in his cloak.


Both men spoke to each other with confusion in their minds "Where are our blades?" "I have no idea." The words coming from the men made Cynder quietly laugh under his breath. He decided lying to the men so he could save the dragon before they got another blade to slaughter it with, would be well worth the trouble. "I think I saw your blades over there! Go get them quick!" Both men ran after hearing Cynder's shout and he laughed under his breath again at the sight of their random search for their swords.


Cynder also cast a spell that weakened the metal straps which held the dragon down, and he spoke to the dragon through his mind. "Go quickly, and do not attack. If you do they will overwhelm and kill you! " The dragon nodded hesitantly in agreement and flew off. The man didn't really care what Cynder did there nor whether a dragon died or not. "Now if you don't mind. I'll be going now. Thanks for the food." He spoke in a voice that entoned how relived he was to leave The Graveyard. "Goodbye."


((This is part three of my intro story, I presume there will be two more parts after this or maybe this will be the last one, I'll post more tomorrow. tongue.gif)

Edited by Cynder_Dragonborn

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After the anaconda released her, the fog started to get lighter as a piano song was being played. Its melody was quite peaceful that it seemed to have washed away some of the girl's fear. "Um, who's there?" she asked as she got up. Kathia took slow steps as to avoid running into danger too soon. After a little white, a castle and its garden started to appear in the distance. "What?" she asked herself. Her anxiety turned into perplexity as she wondered how and why a place like this would be under ground. She headed towards the castle to see what this place would be like. As soon as she got closer, she noticed some people walking about in the garden. Kathia blinked in bewilderment and surprise; what kind of place had Spinx taken her to? Then a butler came over and said that his master had been awaiting her. "Uh okay?" said the girl. She might as well go along with him since she had no way of getting back to the surface world.

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((@LordTorch18 - I have Ryan and Rhino, the first is a human, the second a dragon. I know I said I was here before, but the new computer I was getting took forever to come in and my mom wouldn't let me use hers at all. Anyway, I'd love to have one of them meet your character Rick!))

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((The use of brackets here is to denote someones thoughts, it doesn't matter who. smile.gif )


As he walked along the trail, Cynder laughed hardily while twirling the captured blades in his hands.

"Hahahaha! That worked perfectly!" It wasn't until he inspected the blades that he stopped laughing. The blades appeared to be soaked in dragons blood, Cynder tossed the blades aside into a river near the trail.


"Curse those blades! I hope they are never wielded again!!!" Atlarius was resting in a little cave deep within her territory. Which is when she caught the scent of the venison the Cynder carried. "Whats that smell, It smells like Venison!!!" Her takeoff was quite powerful as she wanted the venison very greatly. "I smell human too.... I wonder if its that boy that went through my territory.


Cynder was only a mile away from The Graveyard before Atlarius, again landed in front of him.

"Well hello there." The conversational tone returned to his voice at the sight of the dragon. "Greeting, Cynder." She sounded friendly this time, Cynder could tell she wanted something.


"Did you just stop by to say hello, Unnamed dragon, or do you want something?" Atlarius thought [Perhaps I could ask for the venison, maybe he wouldn't mind?] Just before Atlarius spoke of her desire for the Venison, Cynder heard her thoughts.


"If you want some venison you can have it." He tossed a single piece of the venison in his bag infront of Atlarius out of kindness. "Enjoy, just know that I need the rest to survive." Atlarius ate the venison ravenously and thanked the human for his kindness. "Thank you Cynder, this was very generous of you..."


Just before she took off she said, "The names Atlarius, by the way." With those final parting words she took off, back to her cave.


((I believe this will be the ending of my intro story, did you enjoy? smile.gif ))

Edited by Cynder_Dragonborn

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The butler went up to the door open it to the grand design of the inside of the castle. The main hall had just about everything to make this place look royal, maybe a bit more. Gold trim walls with almost a diamond looking glass vases, as well as lighting to make it warm welcoming. It had tilted floor that reflected the ceiling grand artwork as rooms fan off from it. The butler walked up to one of the rooms and open the door. It lead to a room so massive that it almost seemed to not fit the castle at all.


The soft piano song was coming from that room, almost sounding high above. There was even a crowed of not just people, dragons and also Halfling were in there as well. None of them seemed to be undead, but some did look like they were servants. "Master is inside, please be patient as he finish his piece. He will be with you moment tartly." He said to her in a soothing calm voice. "I will take my leave now and go prepare your room for tonight." the butler said as he bowed to her again and walked away down the hallway.

((Nice intro by the way cyber. Original three part, but now rises a question. Who or what path will they cross?))

Edited by draco8967

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((Do you mean me draco? If so, thanks. I don't know what I'll do in the future just yet. If you aren't talking to me, then ignore this xd.png))

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Kathia stared in wonder at the magnificent design of the castle's interior. Whoever lived in this castle must have been filthy rich. Then when they got to the next room, the girl was in awe at how huge the place was. After the butler left to go prepare her room, Kathia went to look for someone, a human servant, who was not busy talking to others or doing his/her work. She avoided the dragons and halflings like the plague they are. She wasn't sure if they were slaves or not; they were probably most likely the former since Windfall declared them all to be free. She found a man who was buy himself and asked, "Excuse me, sir. But do you know who the master of this place is?"

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It was a dark tall man that the girl went up to and he look down at her. She asked him who was the master of this place. "It's Spinx Talon, well what left of his true self." He said as he pointed to the man who was playing the piano. He look completely different from the one that sent her here. He had a crimson red type of hair with a white suit on. The soft sound of the piano seemed to come to an end as Spinx got up from he chair and turn to his audience and bowed to them to show he was done.


This was like a signal for everyone to start leaving peacefully, except for two dragons, a black and silver dragon seemed to stay around. "Excab, do you think this is a good idea?" The silver dragon asked the black dragon. "We have no other choice. We lost all connection with Axle, Juna and Mekarth. I have no idea what Dracul is planning, so it might be best to ask him to help."

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Cynder had almost completed the long walk too his home. After about 3 hours of walking he had almost made it. "Hmm, I guess I'll have to make another trip back sooner than I though, but I think it was worth it." He only just notice the light footsteps behind him before being struck on the forehead by a rock!


His vision faded to black as the overwhelming feeling of unconsciousness finally took him down. The last thing he saw before him was a single boot infront of his face. "Aauuugh! What happened." He was standing in the middle of a road. Buildings on each side, except... They were on fire and a lot of the windows along the buildings were shattered.


Many people were running beside him, screaming. "What is going on?!? I feel like I've seen this place before..." A massive roar eminated from behind Cynder and the running people. He hadn't even noticed the attacking dragons until he heard the roar! "What is this!!!" Cynder suddenly realized that this was a memory!


"How the heck am I here? This happened just after the spell, this was years ago!!" A dragon started breathing fire all around itself, it caught some humans in the blast along with Cynder. The fire however phased right through him. "Oh my gosh! How was I not burned! I... I guess I'm just watching the memory?"


His theory was proven right when he watched himself attempt to stop the dragons' attack. "Please stop this! This murder is needless!!!!" As the memory of himself was attempting to calm the dragons more fire was launched at him from behind. The real Cynder watched as his memory counterpart spawned spectral dragon wings and used them to gain extra height over the flames.


"I totally forgot I could do that." The memory Cynder then shouted. "I said stop!" The attacker started to slash at him, missing every attack. "I've had enough of this! Cynder cast fire from his wrists and burned the dragon in hopes of detering any other attacks, "End this! Now!!" He finally started feeling like he was waking up.


"Hello, is anyone there?" Cynder's tone was quite groggy after the blow to his head. "Ah, you've finally awaken."


((This is part one of my post, it would be a much longer post if I wrote the whole thing out in one go. tongue.gif))


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After he mentioned Spinx and pointed to the man, the girl was surprised to see a completely different man. He wasn't the sadistic man in black that she knew him to be, but rather an elegant-looking nobleman who seemed to be peaceful. "That's Spinx?" she said, staring in perplexity. It was hard to believe that it was the same person. After the audience left, Kathia stood there, waiting for him to come to her or see what he would do next.

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Raven turned his head towards the voice, and saw a green dragon approaching him. 'He is a large one. And I can feel this aura of superiority around him.' noted the black dragon to himself. He wasn't kidding about size: the dragon was almost twice the height and was easily towering him. 'I wonder if that other dragon the leader met felt that way.' he thought.


The green dragon inquired about being the other survivor of the clan. "That I am." he nodded. "Seeing as others didn't hear my name yet, I guess now is the time. The name's Raven, the frontal warrior and subsequently the head of the watch duty. Not that my job in the clan matters anyway, seeing as the village is almost gone now, along with the others." he added with a harrumph. After hearing the response from the leader, he said: "Now, I heard that you've met a surviving clanmate of mine. Who is he? Or she?"

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The black dragon, Aeolus was looking down at, seemed to be <insert word> at his size. After he confirmed being a part of the Eternal Wind clan, the horde leader responded with a simple "Mm-hmm." Then Raven asked for who the survivor is. The horde leader answered, "Her name is Rina; we last met in this village a few days ago. I have no idea where she is now, but I can have one of the magi dragons take you over to her if you wish."

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Because this second RP is a different universe than the first one. For example: Instead of Albel is a complete censorkip.gif*** to his brother, he gets along fine with him. Another example: Instead of Atlas wanting to destroy all humans, she has no interest in partaking in the war. She only attacks humans when they threaten her, her nieces, her friends or innocent dragons.))

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Spinx came from the stage, after people were con grading him on his performance. He soon made his way to the back of the room and started to talk with the two dragons that seemed to stay around. From the look of it, it seemed that they were a bit pleased at Spinx reply to them and left with a thank you. He made his way to the woman that was in the area, standing next to one of his servants.


"So, you must be the one 'he' sent here. Pity really, just to be used as bait." Spinx said as he looked at the girl. "So judging from your face, I can guess you have question to ask. Well if you want answers, please follow me. There is little time"

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