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((What?We kill it that fast?Or wait for a bit more?))


Crash nodded. Holding up his hand, power built slowly but surely. After what seemed like a entire lifetime, the shadowy figure went BOOM. Black smoke filled the air. Crash coughed a few times, the looked up. "Is it dead?" He growled.


((Up to you guys to decide if the shadow dies or not.))

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((Nah, let's not kill. Oh and greenglassesgal i thinked you mistaked my chars. Jen is the one unconscious and Cat is the one fighting....or i mixed them....sorry i didn't rilly get your post))


Cat started coughing. Then she looked up. The figure was still there! As quiet as she could Cat backed away hopeing the Shadow didn't notice her. Her brave time was up and she started getting rilly scared. Cat slowly got up she started walking backward for a few steps untill she was running back to the lightning girl. Right when she was gonna leap the gap, she turned into a Cat. She leaped the gap in cat form and walked over to Jen. This girl needed help and fast, but they also needed to kill the Shadow. Wake up lightning girl! Cat prayed. She could probably help kill this guy. After all, she was battling the Shadow on her one and she looked like she could help. But she is still weak Cat remimeded herself.

Edited by catlover232

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Crash eyed the shadow. "It's still alive? In that case, we'll need more backup." Crash dug into his pockets and took out a old phone and dialed the number. Then he held the phone at his ear.

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Lilith heard the ring from her iphone. She picked up her phone and sighed. Crash.What does HE want? "What do you want?" Lilith asked. This became her usual greeting.


"Hey, sis!" Crash said.

"What do YOU want?" Lilith repeated. "And what is all that noise?"

"Listen, I need you to...um, help me with something...you should know where I am." Crash dodged another blow from the shadow, fumbling with the phone before picking it up again.

"Why should I get into your troubles?" Lilith sneered. It was obvious where Crash was. Explosions and thunderbolts were flying out of nowhere.

"Just come. I have to go. Bye!" Crash hung up the phone and slipped it back into his pocket. He grinned at the others, dodging another slash. "Now, if I know Lilith correctly, she should be here in a few minutes..." Meanwhile, Crash rushed back in the fighting, slamming his axe against the shadow.

Lilith sighed again, this time more heavily. "Why doI always have to fix everything?" She stomped towards the area. She was planning to take her sweet time, but she found herself running. Something bad was happening, for sure. Soon she found herself at the area. 'What the heck is-" Lilith's eyes widen. "It's total choas in here!" Lilith breathed. She walked warily towards the fight. Her mind reeled as her eyes fixed on several things; some kids, a girl lying on the ground, a shadowy character, and a cat. Lilith ran towards them. "What in the world is happening?" She demanded angrily.

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Now that Cat was surrounded by other people, Noah sprinted for Shayd and the shadow. Noah felt the adrenaline kick and and felt his power grow and teleported the next 15 feet to Shayd. "WOAH how did it do that? did i just do that? how did i get here? thats too far how did i do that?! oh wait bad guy right um....that was really cool." Noah shouted excitedly as Shayd and him started coordinating their attacks. Shayd would swing his sword, the shadow would dodge, and Noah would teleport behind it and stab it. Until the shadow didn't dodge this time it teleported behind Noah and slams its sword through his chest. The shadow removes the sword and kicks Noah across the clearing watching him slide across the ground. Shayd turns and cuts the hand off the shadow and the hand holding the sword falls to the ground. The shadow throws its other arm at Shayd who holds out his and stops the shadows arm from moveing. "You have made the biggest mistake you will ever live to do again" Shayd says in a calm voice as he stabs the shadow through the face and watchs as it disintegrates.

Edited by Syris

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((OMG ninja'd! Also, yeah, shelly thought that the shadow attacked Cat first, rather than Cat going ahead and provoking him/her/it. She also left Jen because she figured that she was recovering, anyways.))

Shelly saw yet ANOTHER newcomer. "Oh, um... we were just breaking up a street fight..." She then stared at the disintegrating shadow. "Um... is it dead yet?" she asked.

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"That was quick." Crash smiled. "Nice coordination, you two." Then his smile disappears. "Oh, I forgot..."


Lilith stomps over to Crash, glaring at him. "Why'd you call me? There is nothing here!" She watched the ashes of the once-living shadow. "I knew it. This was just a waste of my time."



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"Well im not letting it live with a sword through its face so yeah...its dead. And if that was an escape its going to wish it had died" says Shayd as he walks toward Noah, who was still lieing face down in the dirt.

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((Pointless Character InteractionXD))


Lilith walked over to watch Noah. "These people are pathetic!" She hissed, a bit too loudly.



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Shayd raises his sword up to lilth's neck and her body freezes. "I want you to repeat that" says Shayd in a plain voice, no anger, no sadness, just calm and emotionless.

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((Now THAT is the action I have been waiting for!))

Crash took a step forward, a look of confusion on his face. "Sorry. My sister is...like...that."


Lilith scowled. "You want me to repeat it?" She shot a glare at Shayd, then shot another one at Crash. "I don't need your help!" She twisted her head back to Shayd. "You want me to repeat it?!" Lilith growled angrily, a snarl on her face.



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"Woah! Sheesh, we just broke up a fight! Don't wanna start a new one!" said Shelly, trying to approach Crash's sister.


Edited by greenglassesgal

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"well if you would be so kind, I didn't quite hear you...i was too busy thinking about how much i should accelerate you life and how long it would take to make you eighteen years old" Shayd smiles, a warm friendly smile with no aggression in his voice, no darkness. "So go ahead and say it again"

Edited by Syris

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Crash looked at Shelly, then back at Shayd. He fiddled nervously with the axe. "Listen, guys. I told you, Lilith didn't-"

"I told you, I don't need your help!" Lilith snarled, beaming hatred down on the others. She ignored Shelly. She didn't have anything to do with this.Her gaze turned back to Shayd. "If you are going to kill me, get on with it, fool."

Crash looked at his sister, a scowl on his face. "You have a death wish?" He growled, temper rising. "Do you know who you are dealing with?"


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((hmm yeah sorry to wreck this important scene but yeah was off to bed soon and thought may as well ask if i may join this Rp smile.gif ))





Username: Kyria

Name: Rose

Codename(if you have a power, it must relate to your power):

Age(Can not be over eighteen):16

Personality(optional): Rp'ed


Appearance: http://static.minitokyo.net/downloads/39/26/408839.jpg

Ability(ONE! and it must not be copied!): none

Weakness: no ability


Family(if any): all dissappeared

Other: Very athletic (gymnastics, track, martial arts), has high endurance



(( and back to big important scene.....and ACTION))

Edited by Kyria

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"She really doesn't" says Shayd lowering his sword away from her but not his grip of time as he walks around her keeping the others in sight. "What makes you so comfident? Why are you so full of hate? what drives you to continue when you dispise everything around you lilith?" asks Shayd in his continued friendly tone.

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((Welcome! And Dramatic Scene Approaching:))

Lilith glared at him. "Because of fools. Like you." She hissed. Then she spun around, pointing at Crash. "And him!"

"Me?!" Crash growled, a scowl on his face. His friendly personality was long gone.

"Yes, you! You make me sick, you, out of all people." Lilith shot back angrily.

Crash glared at Lilith. "You want a fight?Don't make me laugh."


((This is really weird, two of my characters fighting...@_@

Well? Is it dramatic? Needs other characters now...))

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"yeah yeah yeah" says Shayd making his hand in a fist freezing her back into place. "that great and all but you might have forgotten i was talking to you and your supposed to talk back not start another conversation, but thanks Crash. Anyways Lilith right your annoying and people shouldnt have to deal with your cruel personality" says Shayd as he slides his sword back in it sleath.

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Lilith looked back at Shayd. "Who do you think you are, telling me what to do? Why should I listen to YOU?"


Crash stayed silent then turned to the others, crossing his arms. His face the suddenly lights up. "Do you guys know where the nearest soda machine is?" Then he smiles again. "You guys can come to my house later, if you want. I can make food. My treat."


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"Who am I? "just your friendly neighborhood spider-man" " says Shayd as he walks up to Crash, "That way" Shayd points as he starts walking for it, all the while keeping his grip on Lilith holding his concentration till he gets far enough away till he will release her.

Edited by Syris

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"Thanks." Crash rushed towards it, and was soon out of sight. Crash looked around, puzzled. After a quick turn Crash spotted the machine. "Alright!" To ensure that he doesn't get Dr.Pepper, Crash inserted a few coins. He pressed 'Mountain Dew'. After that, Crash walked a few feet away from the machine. Putting down his Mountain Dew, Crash raised his hands in front of him. "..." Crash then put his hands down. "...?" He then winced at his wound again. Darn. His power wasn't working anymore. Walking back over to his house, Crash jumped into the house through broken window. He forgot to bring his keys. It was much easier to get inside through the window, anyways. Going over to the sink, Crash washed the blood away, then took some paper towels. He then slowly tied it around his shoulder, stimulating the blood. Crash then looked up at the cabin roof. He'll have to get the sodas later, it seems.

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Lilith glared at Shayd. "Will you let me go now?" She had blown enough steam but she still hated the people around her.

((I'll bring Ouijia up later...))

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Shayd doesnt turn to face Lilith, just looks up "You will bury him. You will bury Noah to repay your debt and dont think about lieing or anything, i know a mind reader." Shayd releases his grip as he walks to the soda machine, he notices a Mtn Dew on the ground and picks it up. Shayd looks at the soda machine then walks to Crash's house and knocks on the door. "Power back yet? Its just not right not having to dodge cans and haveing the machines still intact" joked Shayd.

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((Bury Noah???He's dead? xd.png))

Crash looked up and smiled. "Nope. But then again, I can always pay for the sodas." He got up and looked out the door. "Want to come in? Or did you just come to fetch me?"


Lilith looked down at Noah. "Bury him!?!" Lilith almost screamed. And what did he mean when that boy said he knew a Mind Reader!?






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"I'd love to come in and rest after all that effort" Shayd said "I am quite tired"


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((Hey Syris, what do you mean by 'bury Noah'?))


"Sure. Help yourself." Crash walked over to the sofa and sat down. "...Hey, I wonder if the TV is still working.."

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(( Noahs dead, there was no healer around, and that was a big wound through many vital organs. Shayd knows that which is why he seemed so angered by liliths comment that he was pathetic. Noah protected everyone and didnt hear that it copied abilities and didnt expect it to happen.))


Shayd walks over to the couch and sits down opening up his can of soda and taking a few gulps. "It doesnt, that stopped awhile ago. With everyone who ran it gone nothing plays anymore, it just crackles now" Shayd finishs his soda and gets up. "I'm going to see how your sister is doing.....whats your relationship with her anyways?"

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