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~Superheroes vs Villains~

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James kept a wary eye out while they talked, eyes narrowed. Anyone could be watching them right now. "I suggest we return home for the day. If they dare chase you there, they shall have me to deal with," he decided, looking from Sawyer to rain.


Natasha said nothing about his silence, leaving him be. The tavern looked deserted, so probably Ivy had sent everyone out.

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Clint stopped his horse close to where his cart was and slid off its back. He patted the multicolored mare a few times before walking to the door. Knocking on the broad wooden doors was briefly considered but Clint decided just to open them and walk inside. Surely Ivy wouldn't mind them paying a visit?

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Ivy was seated at the bar instead of behind it for once. She sat beside Steve, sipping lightly on wine and looking at him with a warm fondness. She clearly accepted everything immediately.

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Steve wasn't drinking, but was sitting with an arm around Ivy. They had a good chat after meeting, it seemed. "Hey, we're back." Clint declared wearily. His conversation with Natasha had obviously worn him down some. "How're you guys doin' we managed to uncover some information." The huntsman plopped down in a seat, and picked up his still-present pint of ale. Now was just as good of a time to drink than any.

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Natasha followed him, but at a distance, still attempting to wrap her head around these things. She wouldn't touch the alcohol, nor did she sit, merely leaned on a table behind them all and listened.

Ivy looked over and gave him a smile, her own happiness too strong for her to see that her friend was struggling. "We're doing wonderfully. I remember so much," she sighed wistfully, leaning into Steve's embrace. "What did you find?"

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Clint sighed and rubbed his face with a hand. "Where to start? Well, Natasha and I are together, obviously. Morganna trapped us here for whatever reason without our memories. The mage claims that she called us 'prisoners' but I'm doubting the validity of us being criminals." He paused to take a gulp of ale. "We had Thor recall stuff, and then attempted the same thing with a noble with brown hair. Her name was...Sawyer...? I dunno. That got rejected pretty fact so we let her run. That's jus' about it." Clint continued to drink after he spoke, taking larger and faster drinks thanhe usually did. The fact he was upset was obvious.

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Ivy remained intrigued throughout the response, until he got to Sawyer. Her back went rigid and you could see her eyes widening, unseeing, as memories poured in. "Sawyer.." She echoed softly. Her.. Daughter? "She got away?" She asked worriedly.

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"Yeah. I've got m' bird followin' her though. Why, d'ya know 'er?" Clint answered. It really was like they were all connected in some way or another. Ivy clearly remembered the name even though none of them had. "'s far as I know all she's got is a few scrapes and a twisted ankle, s' she should b' fine. And, uh, you might wanna go after her y'self. She may sorta be afraid 'o us now." A sheepish look slipped into his expression as he spoke. He and Natasha might've been a bit too threatening.

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Ivy stood abruptly, giving Steve an apologetic, anxious look. "I.. I have to go after her. She is my daughter, I am sure of if," she said, resisting the urge to sprint off. "Will you come with me? Please?"

Natasha looked impassive about it all. They scared her, oh well.

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Steve stood shortly after Ivy did. He didn't want to leave the green woman's side. "Of course I'll come with you." He answered kindly. He started out the door and held it open for Ivy. Ivy had a daughter...perhaps she was theirs? But if she was his as well, wouldn't he have remebered her as well? The thought of having a daughter seemed to excite him.

"Look for a red hawk circling in the air. That's where you'll find her."

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"Thank you Clint," Ivy said as she went by, kissing his cheek before striding to the door. "Have as much ale as you want," were her parting words before she was out the door. "A red hawk, look for a red hawk. Oh, do you think she's okay?" The woman fretted.

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"I'm sure she's fine, Ivy. If she is your daughter, she will be fine." Steve assured her. His eyes scanned the sky for the bird Clint mentioned. After a while of searching, the bird of prey was located above the town. "There! There's Clint's bird!" The blonde knight took off running in the direction of the hawk.

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Ivy looked up at his exclamation, inhaling sharply at the sight of the bird. She was going to be reunited with her daughter. She too took off running, albeit more slowly than Steve, keeping an eye to the sky.

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A short amount of running had the woman they were searching for in sight. Sawyer looked down at the pair in a somewhat worried manner as they ran at them. "Are the both of you alright?" Both eyebrows knitted together in concern. When Ivy got closer, she seemed to recognize the green woman instantly. This was followed by the same initial headache everyone else had experienced. Sawyer cringed and leaned into James for support.

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Rain nodded, a relieved smile gracing her lips. But then, two figures came hurrying up to them. A beautiful woman, and... A man. She couldn't help but feel suspicious. Sawyer seemed to be acting strangely, too. Tightening her reins, she turned Pharaoh's head toward home. "James... I think we should be going..."

Edited by Chicogal

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(Its not the same person. Clint chased them, but now its Ivy and Steve)


Ivy was panting by the time she caught up, wheezing for breath as she wasn't anywhere near as fit as him. "Wait!" She gasped as Rain charged off, looking up at Sawyer desperately. "Its Ivy.. Please," she begged.

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After Sawyer recovered from her headache, she carefully slid from the horse. It hurt her ankle, but meeting this woman seemed much more important. Different instances of talking to Ivy came into mind the more she looked at the green woman. Without thinking, Sawyer hugged Ivy and rested her head on her mother's shoulder. "...Mother?" That word kept coming up in her thoughts, as well as a warm feeling in her chest when she recalled Ivy.

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Ivy made a choked sound as Sawyer called her mother, immediately wrapping her arms around her and taking shaky breaths. "Sawyer," she managed, holding her like she might disappear at any moment. James watched over them warily, but the green one didn't appear dangerous. Just strikingly beautiful.

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Steve couldn't help but smile at the reunion of the two women. Out of all of them, theirs had to be the most touching. He realized quickly Sawyer couldn't have been his daughter as well because he couldn't recall anything about the young woman. One glance at the man she happened to be riding with was another story. A mixture of both good and terrible memories were brought back at the sight of the man. He visibly stiffened as worse memories filtered into his thoughts.


Sawyer nestled into Ivy as if she were a small child as the woman hugged her back. She immediately found comfort in her mother's embrace. Even with some of the bad memories that came with Ivy, almost all of then were filled with a love she hadn't had for a long while.

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James relaxed in increments as the two women just held each other. Okay, so the green one definitely wasn't a threat. He didn't think it was Sawyer's mother, but they knew something he didn't. However, he caught the blonde man's eye and raised an eyebrow. "It is impolite to stare," he said evenly. It would be harder for some to recall.


A smile came to the woman's face despite the fact that she was crying. She couldn't help it, she was an emotional person. "I'm so glad I found you. I cannot believe I didn't remember," she murmured, stroking her hair.

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Steve coughed awkwardly and turned away. "My apologies, but you seem familiar. Perhaps I saw you once while guarding." There was no way he was going to plunge this man into their chaos. That would just be cruel.


"Those bandits were right...Why couldn't I remember you?" Sawyer murmured. She closed her eyes as Ivy began stroking her hair. It reminded her of all the times James had stroked her hair, but this was much more...comforting. Why had she never met Ivy before? Her life would've been much happier with the green woman around.

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James made a small sound of approval. Good, the common guard should know his place among nobles. He turned his attention back on the females, feeling an itch in his head and ignoring it.


"They weren't bandits dear, they are close friends in fact. We don't know why we are suddenly having memories, that's what they're trying to find out," Ivy replied, kissing th top of her head.

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Sawyer knew better than to argue. None of it made sense, but she felt inclined to trust Ivy. "Then why did they chase me? It doesn't seem like the friendliest of things to do." She asked softly. Her eyes opened to briefly look up at the man seated on the horse. He seemed sort of tense. "Oh, I have so much to tell you about. First there's my husband James, who is seated on the horse, and my sister Rain, who's on the other horse. You' love them, I promise."

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"They were trying to enlighten you, but.. You did not take it well. I agree that they could have gone about it differently," Ivy replied slowly, following her gaze. Images of a bloody man and Sawyer always getting her heart broken were the only things she could see, though there were a few good memories from him. She bit back a scowl. "I'm sure," she replied, albeit stiffly.

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