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(Sylverfinger has quit. Both Finn and Sansa has been killed off. We'll just say the last Chimera ate them.)

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(( D: Oh noes))


Baka growled at the last Chimera and then he looked at Kye Kye. "Want to play a game of tag? The Chimera is that last one we need to tag." He says with and evil fox grin.

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Kye Kye grinned back and said "Sure. Let's get him." Before running off after the Chimera full speed. Akira sighed before looking around. So much carnage, she hoped Baka and Kye Kye could deal with the last one. There was some cleaning up to do after this....

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Baka grinned and ran off after Kye Kye only to break away to block the Chimera from escaping by biting it back toward Kye Kye. "Guess I am more sheltie then I thought." He says to himself chuckling still forcing the Chimera over to Kye Kye.

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Kye Kye chuckled and quickly attacked the Chimera that was now backing up towards her. It tried to skitter to the side, but was just met with a clawed paw hitting it in the side. It growled and the snake head lashed out at Kye Kye, but was quickly dealt with by a quick bite at the base and a tear.

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(( Oh Shoot Sorry will be keeping this alive now ))


Baka growled and started biting the Chimera distracting it for Kye Kye again hoping that this one could get delt with easily so that he can check on Ren.




Ren opened her eyes slowly blinking at the light shaking her head trying to clear it. "Where am I? What happened?" She asks putting a hand to her head feeling a slight headache starting.

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Kye Kye quickly went for the lion head while the chimera was distracted again. She quickly bit where the jugular would be, and started tearing. After the head went limp, and a few bites from the other heads on Kye Kye, she jumped back before going for a new head.

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(( OOC: I am unsure of how to post. Since you guys are in the middle of a battle and Fascino will be just joining the tribes and such. ))

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((Well the battle is pretty much over, than things should start to level out then we can do your introduction.))

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