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Spirit Animal

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(Oh, sorry, I thought we were waiting for someone! sad.gif )

Jade trotted next to the bench, letting her tattoo be done. It tingled, but the pain faded after the healer did her job.

"Thanks" she smiled as she touched to spot where the tattoo was.

"Epiiic~" she grinned.

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(Nope... it seems we're the only three still completely here *Looks around* Don't see anyone else -.-')


Akira went over and said "A familiar is an animal that is bonded to you. They are more intelligent than other animals, and you can understand them, and they fully understand you. You can also summon them at any time if you need them, as well as some other things. Anyways, for now we should escort you two to get some weapons, they will be needed here." She smiled and said "Lets go." Before heading out. Kye Kye was already there, panting. Akira laughed and said "Perfect timing." She turned back and said "This is my familiar Kye Kye. Most people around here know her well, seeming as how she wanders around begging for food and bones whenever I deny her." Akira shot Kye Kye a glare, and she seemed to shrink back a little before quickly perking up again and sniffing the two new comers. She turned back to Akira and said "More new recruits? Wow! I can't wait to make some more friends!" Of course, all the other two would here was barking. Akira laughed and said "Kye Kye, calm down." She looked back at them and said "She is very excited to make some new friends out of you two... and probably your familiars when you find one for each of you. Though be wary... She can be... over zealous when it comes to making friends, especially when it comes to other familiars since she seems to think they all are her friends and won't listen when they don't want to be and/or want to be left alone."

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Ren smiles and gets up listening then looks at the lab and kneels down to her knees. "Awww hey there Kye Kye your a cutie." She says grining then laughs at Akira's explanation of Kye Kye. "She sounds like a regular lab to me. Always happy about everything even when they know they are in trouble." Ren says holding out a hand to pet Kye Kye then looks at Akira. "You don't mind if I pet her do you?" She asks kindly.


(( Fun fact about me I show dogs so your explanation of Kye Kye pretty much nails most lab personalities exactly smile.gif ))

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Akira laughed and said "Of course not." She didn't even need to answer though. Kye Kye was already licking Ren's hand before pushing her head in it to be pet. Tail wagging ten miles a minute. Akira sighed and said "Didn't really need to answer though. Kye Kye is smart, so she can pretty much do what she wants... most of the time..." Akira shook her head then said "Shall we head out though."


(I love animals, and I also OWN a lab, who Kye Kye is based off of. Actually Kye Kye is my labs nickname. Her real name is Kyasha. And I'm really trying to base Kye Kye's personality off of Kyasha.)

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"So, our familiars like.. choose us when they meet us, or do we choose them?" Jade asked.

"Also, what weapons we can choose?" Jade grinned as she saw the rows of weapons. Epicness level rose by 20.

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Akira smiled and said "Depends. Sometimes lifelong pets can end up being your familiar, such as Kye Kye and me. Then it is confusing wether they choose you, or you chose them." She then looked at the weapons, shrugged, then said "Any you want. Just don't overload yourself with them. You'll be taught how to use them if you do not know later." Kye Kye was happily prancing around the group, tail wagging and panting.

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(That is correct. Please PM me your app. It's in the rules smile.gif )

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(( Well that explaines why you got the attitude right xd.png I work with shelties a lot at my work so I am proabably going to base Baka off of one of them ))


A sudden Question hit Ren and she looked at Akira. " Do familiars have extended lives or something?" She asks kinda worried then looks at the weapons smiling and grabbing a set of bow and arrows. "These should be ok." She says to more herself then the others.

Edited by Shadowwolflegend

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Akira smiled and said "Yes, you could say there life is tied almost directly to yours. They'll die around the same time you do naturally... of course they can still be killed, but it IS harder to kill them than a normal animal." She nodded at the choice and said "Bows and Arrows are a highly popular choice. They are very useful. I use both them and a katana... of course I was lucky to find the katana." Akira laughed then said "Anyways. Jade, what about your weapon?"


(Yeah, only one aspect of my dogs personality I changed, and that is just her natural wariness of new people, especially teenage boys. Kyasha was puppy napped and beaten by these two teenage boys when she was a puppy, then left behind a dumpster to die. We were lucky to have found her again, but it left a lasting impression on her... So I did change that much xd.png But I wish I could work in a shelter! As I said I LOVE animals. biggrin.gif)

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Jade walked through the walls of weapons. She eyed the white bow and arrows.

"These are cool" she said as she tested the bow. Then she took a small knife for everyday use, but then she saw THEM....

"Oh.. my.. gosh.." Jade gasped as she saw the claw weapons. She looked at Akira before asking: "Can I have those?"

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Akira looked at Jade and smiled a little and nodded saying "Yes. As I said, any weapon is yours to choose. If you see it, you can have it."

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"Sweeeeeet!" Jade exclaimed as she took the claw weapons off the wall.

"Epicness!" she grinned as the weapons fit perfectly. Avoiding everybody and everything, Jade slashed around, testing. It was just perfect. Epicness level rose by 30. Level 50!

"When are we going to meet our familiars?" Jade added as she took the claws off, putting them into a bag she could carry on her waist, ready for anything.

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Vincent shrugged the comment about insects.

"Like I said insect don't go in my room, made sure they would never. Made some charms so they would have their life drained out if they passed the line, line being my most of my room. It's far too weak to affect anything bigger than a cockroach, but them bugs feel it and hate it so they don't pass same with mold, it won't grow in there. It make it so I can't have any plants though... You do know I'm kind of like a necromancer right? As for rodents Kawey takes care of them, room included.

At the mention of her being in trouble because he didn't do his work he brushed the comment away.

"YOU won't get into trouble if I slack off, everyone knows I do and that I escape from work. I'm the only one who'll be in trouble like usual since I'm pretty sure after all those times they would not make another person pay for what I do.


Kawey on her side. "I can believe that nickname. Vincent though hate pressure, the more someone pulls the more they lose him. I do hope it ends well, but she won't have him clean his house like she would like it no matter what, he likes his mess and removing it completely would confuse him. I doubt she'd get in trouble because someone didn't clean their room or did homework, especially when it's a renowned slacker she had to watch." Kawey flew to her partner's shoulder and poked his head once. "Just this once can you at least do it, no matter how incomplete it is if you just push the things around it should be fine. She even dropped the homework."

Vincent looked at Kawey and sigh. "...Fine..." He then started walking toward his clan's residential area.

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Anita looked back and said "A messy house is a messy house.. I HATE messy houses. And I might not get in much trouble, but still. I would rather not disappoint." Ollie shook his head and said "Thanks for the help Kawey, again, sorry for my partner." He then said to Anita "He will clean up the house a bit, but he likes his mess and it getting fully clean would confuse him. That's what Kawey says." Anita sighed and said "Fine. Clean it somewhat. As long as it does get cleaned a bit."




Akira watched Jade then said, when she asked about when they'd get there familiars "I do not know. Unlike weapons, we can't just hand them out. You will know who your familiar is when you see them. It could be a variety of different things." She looked at both of them and said "Satisfied with your weapons? If so, I guess we should show you to your new homes."


(Kayrinda, you didn't say if Jade had a familiar, and if you did I forgot to add it to the sheet xd.png)

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(( That's sad poor baby sad.gif I have a dog kinda like that. She was left in a kennel for her first year of life so she never learned play, wasen't socialized, and was a fear biter. She is about seven now and will let strangers touch her as long as mom is around now which is good still doesn't understand play though..... Oh also I just thought of another weapon that my character can use. A Wooden Staff with Eagle Feathers tied to it if not it is ok.))


Ren smiles feeling slightly happier. "Well that is good at least that they won't die." She says lookign around the room seeing a weapon that catches her eye but looks at Akira questionly.

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Finn shouldered his bag as he was buffeted by the crowd streaming from the main doors. Soon, though, he broke free of the main pack and made his way to the bus stop. Someone, probably one of his classmates, tripped him, and he fell. His shoulder bag burst open as it hit the ground.


"No - don't step on that - no no no, walk around it! Watch it!" He scrambled to pick up all his papers. A person stepped on his Math review, leaving a large, muddy footprint.


He swore very loudly, but he was, as always, ignored. When he reached the bus stop, he saw that the bus had just left. He had two choices: wait for the next bus (that came in an hour), or walk home, which would take about forty minutes. He chose the latter.


But a short while later, he raised his head - to see that he was in a forest. How had he managed to wander into a forest? For it was very clearly a forest; he couldn't, try as he may, hear a single car zooming by, or bored teenagers loudly talking about video games or cars or girls. Instead, in front of him were several Native American-looking people. Feeling totally bewildered, he decided not to talk. But one big black-haired teenager started to speak instead.


Throughout his explanation of 'spirit animals' and 'powers', Finn's confusion increased. He also noticed that the people standing around were of all ages, but all had the same wary look. They were staring at him as if he were some animal that they had never seen before. When the teenager led him to a small pool, he looked as he was bid. He didn't expect anything. This was all probably a joke from the other boys in his grade.


Peering into the crystal clear waters, he saw a cougar looking back up at him.

Edited by Sylverfinger

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(Ah, no, my bad! I myself forgot to add it to the char. sheet xd.png My bad! Sent you an updated one! ^^)


Jade smiled.

"A familiar sounds awesome!" she said as she looked at Ren, who seemed to have found her weapons.

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(I don't mind if she has that staff Shadow. But please send me an updated sheet. I'm busy lately ^.^' Thanks Kay, I'll be sure to replace your old one after school.)


Akira smiled and said "They are, and they are very useful." She looked at Ren and said "You can have whatever, I already told you." She waited till Ren was done then said "So then, if everyone has there weapons, shall we head out?" She stepped towards the door, waiting for the group. Kye Kye just wagged her tail from the door way, not wanting to go in to the place when new recruits were getting there weapons.


(I think I may close applications for awhile and do a small time skip so we can get to some actual action, instead of just introductions for characters, if that's alright with everyone xd.png Sylver, your char can run into my group if you want.)

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(( I don't mind if everyone else is ok with it smile.gif and update sent))


Ren nods picking up A wooden Staff with Eagle feathers tied to it and turns around to follow Akira. "So when does training start?" She asks frowning a little thinking about the hard work it will take to learn how to use these weapons.

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I read themOops but forgot to put the word in the other part of my form I edited it

Edited by firetalon90

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(-.-' The Rules also state to PM me apps.)

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