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Kenomi Battle School

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((So get off the apple and on a real comp. XP


And Wolfe has been detained.


...That was supposed to be heard with 'tained' in a lower pitch.))


The energy latched Wolfe's forepaws together, and pulled him forward every time he lagged behind. Vamprah really didn't care how the Lycan felt, just to help the Fae to the health ward. Once they were there, Wolfe would be held in the Behavioral Research room (Think of a Portal test chamber, but just a plain room with a glass wall to view from.) until it was decided what to do with him, whether keep him there, or to release him in the rainforest again.

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(Ok. *is on computer*)

(Okie dokie, then)


Wolfe had given up on escaping, he just stared ahead blankly. He had been a freak of nature, separated from the world, for the most part of his life, what was the difference? His eyes darted around nervously, expecting Sirin to come out and attack him or something. He shook his head in dismay at himself.

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((Great, need two people to RP with my char, and neither are on at the same time xd.png


Time to bust out the Big-Bang Theory running-gag.))


Saihika looked around in the Health Ward. Everyone had left while he had investigated some rooms down the hallway, and the lights were turned off. "Oh, god damn it." He exited the building as well, and looked around. That tree looked nice. He walked over, and climbed into it. He lay on a large branch, and dozed off in the sun.

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(My full signature is so long...)


(Africanisms homework is annoying me...oh, and I drew 1 1/2 mangas this week)


(I wish I had another charrie to rp with you...sorry)


(I don't think Quhanta would mind you just pretending like she just kept walking to the health ward and just getting healed. I mean, it'll happen anyways, right?)

Edited by Mousia

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((Yeah, we'll just keep walking.


And Can't wait to see the manga, you didn't really say what type it was, tho. DX


And what homework? *Clueless*))


Ahh... do you know what I feel? Calm... Happy... Peaceful... The branch Saihika lay on cracked under his weight, and dropped, causing Saihika to fall hard on the ground. I feel paaain, that's what.. A couple broken bones. Mostly pain.


Vamprah walked Sarisha to the Health Ward, and watched her climb on a healing bed. The nursing drone (Nope, never forgot them.) started the healing process, and Vamprah dragged the Lycan down the hallway. He placed his palm on a monitor, and a door opened. Using the energy bonds, he threw Wolfe in, as the entrance auto-locked. He walked back out to the main room, and waited for the Fae to regenerate.

Edited by vamprah9588

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(Lol, tomorrow, tomorrow.)


(Words and customs that come from Africa, it's really stupid)


He sat for a while. As his patience wore thin, he tried to break the glass, only to find that it was reinforced with some sort of plastic-rubber material that made it too hard for him to break - and too flexible too. He screamed and banged loudly, aware that people could hear it from very far away. It didn't stop him though, what could be worse?

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((Just the words? That sucks. If it were actually learning the language, I'd yell at you for calling it sucky.))


Vamprah sighed at the Lycan's racket. He stood up again, and walked to the room. there were two chairs and a sidetable in front of the glass, one of whice he sat in. "So, would you like to talk, or are you not finished trying to learn the drums?"

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Ensis paused, absorbing this information before responding.


"That is possible, however, I had not defended because as of yet you had not attacked."


She felt though that she had a proper response to the statement, though deeper down she had some realization that the idea of acting like a computer hurt her somehow. She knew she lacked human abilities, that was why she was here, to learn.


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(yeah, just the words...i would love learning the language!)


Ha, ha, funny! Wolfe sneered bitterly. He leaned against the wall that was opposite Vamprah. I don't know who you think you are, but, honestly, what part of 'preserving the sanity of others' don't you understand? I doubt you like being alone like this either, being studied like a freak!


True. And, just so you know, I am not here to hurt your feelings, I am just giving you honest, blunt feedback to help you improve, if I don't...well... Sirin trailed off. She took full advantage of her telepathic abilities, knowing how the computer comment had hurt Ensis. She wondered a bit about that, but beyond the hurt, the rest of the thoughts and feelings of Ensis were concealed.

Edited by Mousia

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((Honestly, neither Vamp nor I would mind. xd.png


And I meant that the seats were outside, and Vamp was talking through the glass.))



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(I would totally flip xd.png)


(time for minor edits)

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((Then again, I am insane... xd.png))


"Preserving your sanity? You must already be insane to start, as you are hyperventilating from a few minutes in a sterilized area!" He slowed his breath, and began again. "Now, do you mind if we went over some questions?" His eyes indicated the 'No' was not an answer.

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(I don't even know the status of my sanity anymore... -.-)


Hm, maybe you haven't noticed, I'm a little on edge, considering SOMEONE just dragged me over here with no explaination and then started asking stupid questions! Honestly, I don't care what you want to know. I transform into a wolf at will. That's it! Also, the smell of chemicals irritates my superior sense of smell, causing my irritability! Diplomatic enough for you? Or do you want me to go change into a suit and tie and sit in silence, answering every question with no complaints!? Put me in a jail cell, why don't you? Wolfe ranted, with a sigh following all of it. After a long time, Wolfe answered Vamprah's direct question. But, if you're really that stupid, I'll answer your questions!

Edited by Mousia

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"Yes, yes, stupid enough to understand a lie when I hear one. You are an unregistered being, were headed toward this school and refused to answer a question of your destination, and I really doubt you are here; or capable, for that matter; to learn anything. That is enough evidence for me to bring you here and question you. The only truth you have given as of now are your abilities. Honestly, that isn't enough for me to let you go. What are your real intentions?" He was getting nowhere with this, and this little furry sh*t was starting to get on his nerves.


((And Wolfe, I would really reconsider calling Vamp stupid. It is a really -redacted- thing to get a Kalemai pissed.))

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(exactly xd.png)


Wolfe shook his head. Quit the act, Kalemai. He stared Vamprah straight in the eyes. What can you do to stop me, anyway? He smiled, realizing that he was virtually protected. And if you want lies about me, I am not your guy. Sirin'll tell ya. He kept grinning. I know how you people are. You pretend you are the good guys, but, really, who is good and who is bad? You people really have no qualifications to keep me here.

Edited by Mousia

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((Waiiiiit a minute.


How the hell would Wolfe know about the Kalemai species? Did he stumble across a scouting ship and have them tell him what they were?


And the School is kept by The Board, Vamp's just a student.))

Edited by vamprah9588

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(Wolfe is well-traveled and he's been to the vast majority of the islands, so he's met a few Kalemai)


(How would Wolfe know Vamp's status? xd.png)

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(Ok...*thinks up pwnage story* kalemai was ON the islands xd.png that took sooooooo much thought)

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((>.< fine....))


"Oh, screw this." He had to get some help before he sprayed the Lycan's guts over the wall in anger. <Kira? I have a problem at the Health Ward and I think you'll be better at persuading him. If I try any more, this Lycan'll be dead.> He used his telepathy to talk to the vampire. He ignored the fact that Wolfe knew of the Kalemai, and tried another question. "How do you know of Sirin?"

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Sarisha lay down in the healing bed and listened to the two of them argue. At Vamprah's last question, she was finnished healing and had had enough. They were so going to kill each other. She sat up and calle over to them in an uncharacteristicly loud voice. "Hey!" She yelled. "Why won't you two stop fighting for a second. Are you trying to antaganize each other into a fight? What, do you hate each other, or something?!" She stared into their stunned eyes and awaited a responce from one of them.

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Wolfe ignored Sarisha's comment, leaving it for Vamprah to answer. Sirin is my step-sister. He waited for Vamprah's reaction smugly. He wondered who was going to help Vamprah keep his cool.

Edited by Mousia

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((Hey, how's the manga goin'?))


Vamprah looked at the Fae. "I'll say later. Could you go get Sirin for me? I'd love to hear more from her." He turned to the Lycan "We couldn't let her not know thatg her step-brother is in custody, now could we?" He returned the smug grin.

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Ya might need to chain her up though. I would hare to have her ruin your little test here... He didn't flinch, he was telling the truth this time. He just waited.


(One of them has disappeared...darn it!)


(I'll remake it...later)

Edited by Mousia

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