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The Light in The Shadows

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Mystery inhaled deeply, before shooting out icy fireballs at everyone she could call an enemy.

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"But I wanna sleeeeeeep!" whined Helium.


Icefire whipped around and destroyed the fireballs with her own. However, she failed to get out of the way in time ad the tip of her tail got singed by the beam. She growled, before lunging at Nightstar and slashing him.

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"You cannot sleep!" Steel hissed, almost aggressively. Then will a puff of his breath Steel lighted the cave with fire; light poured into the cave like...light. Then Steel prodded Helium again. "Let's go. It's daytime." Steel said with a bit of sarcasm.



Nightstar smiled evily and hissed at Icefire tauntingly. "Now, you see, THIS is more like it," Nightstar drew back, dodging Icefire's slashes. Nightstar whipped around and sent another dark beam directly at Icefire.

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Helium frantically blew out the flames, before getting up, whining all the way. "Fine. I'll go see."


Icefire dodged the hit. "What is WRONG with you?!" she asked. She furiously blasted Nightstar with a strong jet of flames, a trickle of iciness entering it.

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Arcelia's face was full of satisfaction as the nebula screamed. However, just before she could sink her jaws into his hind leg, he dove for the ground. Arcelia's wing arm rippled with exhaustion as she made a turn to the ground. Her wing arm folded ion and instead of falling onto the nebula as she had wanted to, she ended up tumbling awkwardly to the ground near a dragon who was shooting ice balls. Arcelia took only a moment to regain herself before she rose off the ground and crept toward the small dragon. She whipped around and pounded her tail into it's back, and then jumped, to rake her hind claws across it's spine. She landed and began to feel her talons scraping against the other dragon's scales. She intended to rip away every scale she could and would not stop, unless stopped.

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Flames slammed into Nightstar. He whipped away from the flames, though the flame scorched his scales. Now if you turn and face Nightstar, you could see that one side is black and purple, but the other side is totally black with patches of red. "What is wrong with YOU?" Nightstar spat back. Misty purple stars surrounded Nightstar and he unleashed it all at once.


EDIT:Shur'turgal, you ninja.gif 'd me!

Nightstar turned to the Golden Wyvern hatchling and slammed into her, teeth baring as he unleashed all the attacks he could muster on her.


"Come on!" Steel shouted. He paced himself, gliding through the trees by catching the wind. Steel landed in battle, where he could see some familiar faces. "What's going on here?" He hissed to Helium.

Edited by ChocoBrownie

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"I dunno," said a sleepy Helium, shrugging. He squinted at the dragons. "Hey, isn't that the strange group of dragons that tried to kill me? They sure like to get into trouble."


Icefire felt the icy stars pelt her scales. She saw the golden wyvern hatchling go for Mystery. Then, Nightstar followed. Although she hated Nightstar, she did have a twinge of respect for him and didn't want to hurt the only dragon that he felt any affection for. She butted the wyvern out of the way, then charged into Nightstar. Calming down, she said, "Hey, hey. Break up the fight!"

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((Gee, I'm confused right now... so I'm just going to be evil muhahaha xd.png))


Arcelia sneered at the dragons around her. The nebula was relentless, and was charging after her, at the same time the other dragon that she had been fighting alongside had turned on her. She nimbly jumped off the back of the dragon as the nebula hit her. Her anger overwhelmed her and she snapped at the traitorous dragon that was trying to stop the fight. Arcelia dropped her powerful mental voice low and sent chills through the mental connections she started and declared 'I agree, you are not worthy of a fight.' Her voice had sounded to all the dragons but Nyx, however her gaze was fixed on the nebula. He was pathetic and could barely hold his own against her. Silently she crept over to Nyx and began to groom her injured wing.

Edited by Shur'turgal

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((Icefire has mixed feelings for Nightstar and Mystery, so she didn't want the fighting to get out of hand))

Icefire glared at Nightstar once again. If she showed any compassion for him, she didn't let it show. "Look, I don't want to attack you. Not today at least. Give it a break for now. The void and the meteor were already going too far." She turned back to the golden wyvern. Sorry about that. I promise I'll explain everything when that jerk leaves, she mentally said to her.

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Arcelia perked at a message from one of the dragons, but it did not please her. On the outside she was grooming her wing, but on the inside she cackled to the dragon and then exclaimed 'You need not explain to me, and you sure enough do not speak your mind. You do not think the nebula is a jerk, you have a strange yet slight infatuation with him. I knew you were not to be trusted when I laid my eyes on you. Every time you and this nebula show up it seems like you are almost on my side and then characteristically you switch. So now I tell you top go. Leave with this dragon, whom you so adore.' A snarl spread across her lips as she spoke her last words and she trained a fiery blue gaze on the dragon.

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((STOP POWERPLAYING!!! ALL OF YOU ARE POWERPLAYING!!! Instead of 'she felt the scales rip off beneath her claws' put 'she AIMED to rip of the scales on the hatchling's back' and DO NOT put 'she slammed her tail into the hatchling's back' put 'she TRIED' I'm going to act as if nothing had happened, okay? This post is before Shur's first post after mine))

Mystery leaped at the gold wyvern hatchling. She stretched out her wings and took flight. A bit wobbly, but she was pretty good at it. She blasted an ice fireball At the hatchling, enraged that the hatchling had hurt Nightstar.


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(( sad.gif we're sorry soiled!))

Yeesh. Way to hold a grudge. And no, I don't adore him. I just don't want to deal with him anymore. I am NOT going back with him. Not after what he did to me replied Icefire. But I admit that you are right about not being able to trust me... I can't even trust myself. I don't know when I have control over myself or not she added with a sigh. Icefire then noticed Mystery's attack. She aimed a fireball at it, but it only managed to knock it off its course slightly. Desperate, she said, "Look out!" before collapsing, pain finally coursing into her.

Edited by greenglassesgal

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((Sorry I do admit I went a little overboard, was on a rampage xd.png but I didn't really say I caused much damage, I said that I intended to rip away the scales and could feel my talons scratching them not ripping them off))


Arcelia stopped licking her wing and said 'Would you not hold a grudge if someone tried to kill you?' She was angry but felt a tiny pang of sympathy for this dragon. Arcelia was so focused on her wing and the other dragon that she had hardly noticed a shard of ice flying through the air. As the dragon knocked it off course a bit, she went to whip around but the shard caught her tail, almost pining it to the ground. She looked up at the dragon who had just sent the ice and snarled 'You just won't stop will you!' She opened her jaws and worked her wing arm. She wanted to groan in pain, but she would not show weakness in front of these dragons. She began to chase after the other hatchling, occasionally sending jets of flame into the night sky and trying to snap her jaws at the dragon's tail or wing.

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Icefire wordlessly watched as she felt her energy escape her.


Helium stared at the battle. "Eh. Not my problem to worry about, I'm going back to bed." He then started flying back.

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((Um, Soiled, it is true you aren't here as often.*Ever since you went to another forum to post* And, well, we are kinda excited cuz of the battle...

so where do you want us to start? So for now, I'll continue, but when you're here we could direct the storyline.))



Nightstar jerked his head up sharply as the Hellfire hatchling, Icefire, broke up the fight. Deciding to go with it, Nightstar sat down but growled at Icefire. Then he stood up again and walked to Mystery. "You alright?" Then as the Golden Wyvern hatchling chased Mystery(It is Mystery, right?)Nightstar examined himself once again. "It seems I had enough blood today," Nightstar spoke with a hint of amusement. He could just tell what they were thinking by looking at their expressions. Both Icefire and Arcelia.


Steel snorted at Helium's attitude but followed him.

Edited by ChocoBrownie

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((Woah, woah, i don't want to back track that far. How about that last bit on you (soiled) didn't happen, and we just don't powerplay in fights anymore. No need to get all capitally on us.. and yea its mystery but, I guess I'm waiting on soiled for that one.))

Edited by Shur'turgal

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((What now...wait for Soiled? She doesn't reply as often now.))


Edit:((Come'on, Shur, don't just stand there!Reply!))

Edited by ChocoBrownie

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((True, and I don't feel like being stuck in mid air fighting someone who isn't around and said that none of this happened anyways so I will ditch hat riiight now..))


Arcelia's wing arm was quivering and she decided that this wimp of a hatchling wasn't worth the chase. She angled herself downward, searching for Nyx and the other dragons. Finally she landed softly beside Nyx, but her eyes were on the nebula. Guardedly she said to him 'You are a worthy opponent. However, coming from a dragon as old as I that might as well be an insult as it is a compliment to a dragon as old as you. Whatever way you take it, we do not seem to be on the best of terms, and I like to know the names of my enemies. So, what is yours?' She sneered slightly at the dragon, but her eyes showed little hostility, she really just wanted to rest up and mend.

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Nightstar just rolled his eyes. Guess, he growled mentally. You think we should share names, right after this battle? No. Nightstar turned back to Mystery.

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((Is icefire unconscious? And I believe Mystery is airborne. ))


Arcelia snorted at the dragon. 'Your ignorance will be the death of you,' she concluded. Arcelia raised herself fully and stretched out her back muscles, her wing was cramped up and she knew there was no way she was about to fly to her den, so she flicked her tail at Nyx, hoping her friend would follow and silently began to plod off.

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