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Dragon Clans of the Elements

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"Tyra, of the Water Clan," the young ice dragoness answered bravely, "It is an honor to meet you Blazingsoul and Iriseseble." Though, she did have a bit of trouble pronouncing the healer's name, she did the best she could. "My father is ShatterHeart, I'm sure you know of him," she continued, hoping they'd forget her little blunder of mispronunciation.

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Noticing that Shadow was now preoccupied with Leaza, Azael took this opportunity to creep away. He stalked across the cave floor till he reached the cave walls. This part of the cave was layered with rocks allowing Azael to climb them with relative ease. Apart a few minutes of rigorous climbing, Azael had reached a relatively sized boulder with enough space to allow him to launch himself off. The next time Shadow took to the air, Azael would be ready to pounce.

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Lettin BlazingSoul leave he felt the need to correct the young hatchling but decided better of it.- "Tyra, yes, I do know of your father, he is a great leader." He smiled and lowered his voice, amused.- "You can call me Iris if you like. It's far easier to pronounce." -Iriseseble was good with kinds, especially ones who were his patients.-

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((@rampaging wyvern: Please post all applications in the OCC))


Fyria looked up from the newborn hatchlings for her mate. She saw him nowhere in the volcano. Spreading her wings, the Hellfire Wyvern leapt from the den and spiraled upwards and out of camp. She flew for a good ten minutes before hearing Sidrakon's voice by the WaterClan border. Irisiseble and BlazingSoul were there as well. Fyria lighted down before greeting them and asking, "Who might this be?" as she turned yo the Ice hatchling.

Edited by Moonbeam22

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((I'm pretty sure that Iriseseble, BlazingSoul, Tyra and Zalazak are inside the volcano stil, Siidrakon is far off at the WaterClan..))

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Zalazak trotted over to the ice encasing the Ice hatchling. "Hello... Tyra was it?" she asked, peering through the ice at the hatchling. "You look old enough to be an apprentice... What do you want to be? I'm gonna be a warrior!" she exclaimed, jumping up and swiping the air with her ebony-black claws. She jumped to the side as Fyria landed, rolling across the rock as she slipped. "Hi Fyria!" she peeped, still laying in a heap on the ground. "You're upside-down!" she giggled, looking over at her from her on-her-back-at-the-moment view.

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Shadow stepped back when Leaza nipped at his leg and let out a surprised chirpping soud as she jumped onto his back to claw at his scales. He beat his wings and jumped about in tight circles to try to dislodge the hatchling. Then an idea came to him. He smirked and leapt into the air and flying about with her still on his back, not knowing that Azael was lurking above.

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Leaza struggled to hang on to Shadow as he flitted about. So she just started to just cling to him with her tail and legs. With great trepidation at the ground below, Leaza launched herself from Shadow's back and landed roughly in the ground a little more than two feet below her. She landed with a squeal, not used to the feeling of pain, and before the enemy could preform a surprise attack, the night glory spun around and turned to face him, baring her teeth.

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Azaal crept down low, watching from his perch as Leaza and Shadow continued to 'spar' beneath him. Moments later when Shadow started to ascend again, Azael walked backwards till his back was pressed against the cold wall.


Taking a running start, Azael leaped off his perch, roughly landing on the back of shadow. Scrambling to regain his balance on the pygmy, Azael clawed and nipped at the back of Shadow as they hanged in the air

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Opfh Thought Shatterheart as something hit his side. Looking over the ice dragon saw a hellfire "Ahh hello Siidrakon, I wish we could be meeting on other terms." Gazing down at the vampire the ice dragon spoke. "So what is your next action darkclan deputy?"




As Dreams flew over Dharsii she flipped and tackled the purple nebula playfully "Daydream v.s Nebula!!!" She lightly screeched tumbling threw the air.




((Hope the play fight is ok with you Drakossozh If not ill edit it out))

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Tyra blinked as a young female sunset dragon trotted over to her and began peppering her with greetings and questions. Tyra shied away a bit at first, but eventually ventured all the way up to the wall of ice that separated the two. "O-oh, hello...," she replied timidly, "A warrior? That sounds cool. I'm hoping mainly to be a scout but being the leader's daughter, I have to learn all the positions..." A smile spread across the ice dragoness's face and she chuckled at Zazalak's high spirits and comical antics.

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"Huh," said Zalazak. "Sounds like tough work. But you'll be a great leader someday!" she cheered. With that she rolled back over and got up, shaking black gravel off her scales. "Scouts get to do a lot of flying. I like flying, though I can't do any of those fancy tricks that the adults can. But I swear, someday I'll learn!" she said in a strong voice, her eyes lighting up. "I bet you'll be the best flier in all of... uh, WaterClan!" Zalazak exclaimed to Tyra.

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Tyra grinned widely and stood up all the way. "You...you really think so?" she asked, excited by the compliment. There were very few eggs that had hatched when Tyra was growing up so she never had any other hatchlings to play with. Most of the time, she'd just wander off and spend her time in solitary. It made her spirits rise, seeing another dragon her age in a long time.

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Irisiseble watched the two hatchlings pridefully, though, he still wondered about what was going on at WaterClan and if his own leader was alright.






Shastaci, otherwise known as Shaz or Shasta, was busily hunting down a rabbit in the depths of a black cave. Inside it was darker than a vois but quite preferable to the Nocturne dragon because here, she could stay active as much as she liked during the day. Gritting her teeth in annoyance at the slippery rodent she gave up and shucked a boulder at it like it was a pebble. There wasn't even an audible squeal as the delicate little thing was pancaked by the enormous rock. Blood oozed from beneath it and made the soil damp. Shaz relished the aroma as it filled her cave and combed over her with it's rich, sweet scent.

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Zalazak smiled. "'Course I mean it! I guess anyone who's willing to work hard can go far. And since you'll be leader you'll have to work real hard! And you'll do real well, I just know it!" she said, her eyes glittering as she peered through the ice at Tyra. She wished that the hatchling could come out and play, but knew the heat was bad for her. A tiny bit disappointed, she sat next to the ice. "You should visit again sometime. There aren't any other hatchlings that are old enough to play," she said downcastedly. "We could run around outside where it isn't as hot so you don't get hurt by the lava and the heat," she explained, thinking. "What do you think?"


((I started making my posts teal 'cause I really like the color. :3 It has nothing to do with my roleplaying.))

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Shadow screeched in surprise when Azael jumped down onto his back, his wings beat uneavenly with the sudden extra weight and he dropped onto the ground and struck hard. However, he was unhurt and quickly jumped to his feet and began to playfully bite at the hatchling on his back, making playful growls. His back was turned to Leaza and his tail flicked back and forth, trying to tempt her to attack it.




Siidrakon looked towards Shatterheart and dipped his head slightly to show respect to the other leader.


"It was not an intentional visit. That daughter of yours flew all the way to my "Fortress" and told me you and your clan were under attack. She is quite the little trooper. And before you start worrying, she is fine. I know our kinds share a different notion of comfortable temperature but there is a nice cold pool in the leader's den that she was in when I left. She is also in the care of my best medic and one of my new apprentice warrior. She wouldn't be in safer claws with any of the other clans. We shall go and see to her after we deal with this undead wretch."


He turned his head back to the vampire and snarled, the air in fromt of his jaws wavering from the heat.




Dharsii was taken off guard by Dreams' sudden flip and attack on him. He screeched when she first attacked him but when she shouted, "Daydream v.s Nebula!!!" he realized it was a play fight. So that's how its going to be huh?He chuckled and twisted his body around and threw his wings and tail up and around the Daydream dragoness, clasping her wings against her sides, letting them both drop into freefall.


"Who will prevail in the life or death struggle? Or are both combatants doomed to break upon the rocks below?!" he called dramatically as they fell earthward


((the playfight is fine with me smile.gif ))

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The young ice dragoness bowed her head in agreement. "I know exactly what you mean... Ever since..well, you know, there have barely been any Water Clan dragons at all at the lake, most of us having been wiped out. But, those of us who are left are strong because of it," she explained. Her spirits rose, seeing the other hatchling wanted to play. "Yeah, that'd be great! I'm much better now after being in this pool. If we could go outside, we could play!"

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Alania rested in the sunshine, bathing in the warm light of day on a boulder. The Mother Tree was a bit too shady for such a fine day, so she had moved deeper into the forest to her private sunbathing area. It was a secluded clearing, but not so far from the tree should something require her attention. Dajima had stationed himself at the base of the tree, watching the young hatchlings play with butterflies in the sunshine. The Scouts had been spread out along the forest's perimeter, along with the guard watches, in an effort to keep DarkClan from growing too bold.

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Sighing Shatterheart spoke "Thank you Siidrakon, I know Tyras in good hands."

Craking his neck the icedragon looked over at the hellfire "Perhapes after this we should have our meet." the sound of a body moving caught the leaders attetion. "Strongshield I se you have rejoined the world of concisness. How are your wounds?" Shatterheart asked of the warrior



Dreams laughed inside when Dharsii screeched after she had tackled him.I got thi-! The dragonness thought was interupted by Dharsii clasping her wings. "AH!" was her only answer as they both plumeted downward. Twisting and turning she tried to free herself from the nebula, looking at Dharsii Dreams got a sudden idea and slightly headbutted her friend.

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Zalazak looked at Fyria, then Irisiseble. "Can we go? We'll be sure to stay away from DarkClan's border and.. uh, not get ourselves tangled up in whatever misfortune has befallen Tyra's Clan," she begged, wanting to get a good run. "It's much cooler outside!"


((Short. >.>))

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Irisiseble shook has head.- I can not permit that young one. What might happen if the Leader brings back Tyra's father and she is not where she was left? I can always put you into the icy room with her if you try something like escaping." -He was entirely serious though his voice was only like a gently chastizing elder's.-

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Strongshield pulled himself onto the shore, his muscles aching terribly. He stood there listening to the conversation for a while before shatterheart finally seemed to notice him there. "my wounds are fine. Just a little sore." he said, walking towards them. Shortly after saying that, his front left leg gave out for a second, making him stumble a little. The proud warrior quickly recovered from the stumble, hoping no one noticed. His head began swimming and he stumbled again, off balance. "I think I may have lost a little blood." he said.




"I could accompany them." blazingsoul inserted, stepping forward to finally join the conversation, "they would be safe under my protection." he looked around at the dragons in the room, "if anything happens you will hear my warning call; when Tyra must leave you can send someone down, and I will not let them stray far, nor out of my site."

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-The magi gave the warrior a hard look- "It's not going to happen. DarkClan has already taken this youngling once, we have be entrusted with her life and are always resoponsible for the life of one of out own young. They will stay here and play, they are not to leave this cave and I'll be here to watch until the Leader returns." -Iriseseble stared unbinkingly at Blazingsould waiting for the dragon to respond.-

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"Aww...come on, pleeeeaaasssseee, Iris?" Tyra begged, looking up at the magi with her huge violet eyes. "It's so small and cramped in here. A-and I've always wanted to see some of the volcanic lands here! They say the fields cultivated on volcanos are the most fertile in the world!" she added, flicking her tail back and forth excitedly. She jumped up and put her paws on the glass cutely, trying to persuade the stern magi.

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Blazingsoul glared back at the crabby magi, "you know perfectly well that Tyra would not be able to endure this heat, never mind play in it." he glanced at the pleading ice dragon, then back to the healer, thinking. He finally lowered his head,"but you are right. It is not worth the risk of leaving the cave." he looked back up at tyra stuck in the ice formation and zalazak standing in front of it, "I am sorry little ones, but I have to agree with irisiseble, no matter how much I hate to."

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