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Fell Haven 2

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Tegan typed 'Done' after he had read Moonshines reply, then he concentrated on what was going on in the room.


Judging by Eli's emotions Tegan figured that Eli wasn't completly honest with them. He made a mental note to send Moira after him once he left and see if she could find anything out.


"It was a pleasure to meet you, Eli." He said. He hesitated for a fracture of time and then added because manners required it. "And your friend of course."


((sailings - what watcher? And Tegan is in his apartment not in some corridor))

((If you had been reading my posts, you would know that Talon had been tracking Eli to spy on his investigations. I misread where tegan was.))


Without access to the collective, and thus the building's blueprints, the watcher was soon hopelessly lost. It cane to yet another intersection, paused, then looked daround and sqweaked to itself. It just so happened that the watcher had stopped on a ceiling grate that had a few screws loose. With a soft snap, the grate gave out, and the watcher fell into a room.

A room that had people in it!

The small robot gave a squeak of fright, then turned tail to flee as fast as it's scuttling legs could carry it.


((repoasted and edited))

Edited by sailing101

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((Eli or Caim have no way to detect stuff like that.


They will not be happy if/when they find out though.))

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Melodee nodded. "That's right." She watched as Moira sent Tegan a text. It seemed a lot longer than, 'I'm coming and I'm bringing someone.'


He didn't tell some crazy rumor about me going out with Tegan did he? An enemy of mine started a rumor, and I haven't been able to nip it yet. Oh right the second question, you mentioned ASAP right? Mind if I ask why? I'm just curious if it seems so important to you why Tegan didn't contact you yet. Though I guess he has been busy what with me throwing him a supprise party."


Melodee shook her head. "No, he didn't say you were going out. If you say you aren't then, ok. And ASAP? Well, I guess he hasn't contacted me because it doesn't seem that important. I mean, it's just a piano. How important can a piano be to a girl?" She smiled, knowing mentioning the piano would tip the truth scales in her favor. "I just- I don't know... I feel like I would marry music itself if I could. I don't often get the chance to play."

Edited by Silver_Voices

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Moonshine nodded, and checked her phone when she recieved a message back. It looked like she wouldn't get attacked by anything like before now. "Well, I'm sure Tegan will be deilighted to see you." She held out her hand and said "Well, lets go then" She waited for Melodee to grab her hand, and then teleported to Tegan's room. She let go of Melodee's hand and motioned to the group in front of them. "Tegan, and Cizzur, and you know Moria." She took a few steps back to give Melodee a chance to interact.

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Melodee grasped Moonshine's hand and was suddenly whooshed to a whole different area. She felt the change; the air was different, the feel of the ground was different, the sight, everything. All the changes attacked her senses all at once and she collapsed in an undignified heap.


"Tegan, and Cizzur, and you know Moria."


She pulled herself up and smiled apologetically. "Hey Moira, Cizzur." She looked at the other person in the room. She recognized him right off. "And Tegan." She nodded to him and held out her hand. "I'm Melodee."

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((Sorry guys, I won't be posting for a while. Someone I know committed suicide today, and I really don't feel like writing anything.))

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After a long time of evaluation and paper work, Issac finally walked out the front door oft he bank.


"We've been set up with a bank account and we have $200,000 in it." Issac explained. He then looked at Isis, who he instantly knew was blushing from her blood-flow. "What's with you two?"


"NOTHING!!!" Isis yelled at him, then quickly hid her red face again.


"I didn't even notice it had rained..." Issac noticed the ground was wet. "How come you two aren't wet?"


"That would be me." Leon grinned. "Low level heat spell, great for drying off."


"Okay then." Issac then eyed his little sister. So Isis, learning about feelings for other people? Haha, this should be fun.


"By the way... we also got a few of these." He handed Isis and Leon each a card. "They're debit cards, they take money from our account to pay for things. They can also be used to access the bank account, the pin is..." He then got close and whispered it into each of their ears. "Don't tell anyone, got it?"


"Understood." Leon nodded.


"Okay... so how does this thing take money from our account?" Isis asked. "Does it magically teleport it? Or is it like putting in a note that says 'I owe you?'"


Issac's head dropped. That's right... they aren't used to advanced electronics yet...


"Think of it as the money travelling through lightning to the other person's account. That make sense?" Issac explained.


"Oh... I... guess?" Isis looked puzzlingly at the card before pocketing it.

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((I love how everyone seems to be loaded except for Eli, Caim and possibly Cizzur xd.png))

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((No possibly about it. Cizzur is quite poor. Since I've noticed that you guys seem to worry about me some more than usual I wanted to give you a heads up. I'll not be able to post tomorrow (or make an IC today) and during the weekend and (there is the rub) probably not thursday and friday either. ))

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((Issac, Leon and Isis were actually poor in Athlon... lol it's rich in gold and silver, so inflation is high there... xd.png))

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((Should I wait for Tegan to send Moira after Eli and Caim or just go ahead and post?))

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((Laura-Lana said she wouldn't be able to post until after the weekend... So I guess that's up to you.))

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((How did Moonshine manage to teleport into Tegan's room when the building is shilded against powers? I am pretty sure Teleporting is at the top of the list of powers blocked. *ponders that and tries to think of a solution that doesn't make everyone rewrite their posts* I guess it would be possible that there was some amulet or something like that that he could have given her which would have allowed her to get through the enchantment. But please, kindly no one else gain entrance through powers unless you've talked about it with me *begging eyes*))


Once the door was closed behind Eli and Caim Tegan looked at Moira and said softly. "It would be interesting to know what the two of them are talking about now."


Moira nodded and started to melt into the wall. In that moment...


With a soft snap, the grate gave out, and the watcher fell into a room.

A room that had people in it!

The small robot gave a squeak of fright, then turned tail to flee as fast as it's scuttling legs could carry it.


Recovering quickly from the shock, Tegan nudged Cizzur, who understood the wordless command and went to catch the little robot.

Moira had hesitated when the creature had screamed but Tegan waved her on.


She waited for Melodee to grab her hand, and then teleported to Tegan's room. She let go of Melodee's hand and motioned to the group in front of them. "Tegan, and Cizzur, and you know Moria." She took a few steps back to give Melodee a chance to interact.


Moonshine took just that moment to appear with Moiras guest. As Cizzur had said she was beautiful, though decidedly younger than he'd have expected. And she didn't do well with Moonshine's teleport. She landed on the floor.


She pulled herself up and smiled apologetically. "Hey Moira, Cizzur." She looked at the other person in the room. She recognized him right off. "And Tegan." She nodded to him and held out her hand. "I'm Melodee."


Moira lifted a hand to wave to Melodee and vanished completly


Cizzur didn't even bother to wave. After ascertening the newcomers posed no danger he continued with what he had been doing and grabed ((or tried to - if you prefer that sailings)) the little robot.


Tegan gave Moonshine a quick smile then favored Melodee with the full force of his attention. He took the hand she had offered him and breathed a kiss on it.


"Beautiful name. You'd be the talented young piano player that is Moira's guest at the moment?"


He didn't bother to comment on her beauty, he let the admiration in his eyes speak for him.



Moira reached Eli and Caim just in time to hear the last part of their conversation through the wall she was merged with.


"This is not an ordinary killer. They took steps to make sure we can't trace them."
Edited by Laura-Lana

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(Sorry Laura, I forget important details like that I sleep.gif Sorry.)


Moonshine knew he was doing what she had asked, but her eyebrow still twitched in irritation. She glanced to Melodee, keeping a small smile on her face as she considered her suspicions of her. He then compared them to Cizzur, and mentally sighed. Paranoid she might be, she trusted Cizzur and yet something made her dislike this girl. She turned and headed over to help with the catching of the robot by attempting to stamp on it.

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((How did Moonshine manage to teleport into Tegan's room when the building is shilded against powers? I am pretty sure Teleporting is at the top of the list of powers blocked. *ponders that and tries to think of a solution that doesn't make everyone rewrite their posts* I guess it would be possible that there was some amulet or something like that that he could have given her which would have allowed her to get through the enchantment. But please, kindly no one else gain entrance through powers unless you've talked about it with me *begging eyes*))

((Which is also why the watcher lost contact with Talon))



The watcher saw one of the humans chasing it, the large scarry one, and panicked. It let out a terrified squeal as it barely avioded the human's grasping hands, but then something else happened. There was a sharp CRACK! and the watcher's vision splintered into fragmented images. Suddenly there was not one human chasing it, but ten! The room seemed to fill with humans that looked like one-another. The walls and floor suddenly made no sense, as they seemed to cut off in odd places. Suddenly the watcher understood. Its lens had been broken. The watcher came to a stop at the feet of one of the humans that it recongnised as its survalence target, cowering with its forelegs over its ruined eyepiece.

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Tegan gave Moonshine a quick smile then favored Melodee with the full force of his attention. He took the hand she had offered him and breathed a kiss on it.


"Beautiful name. You'd be the talented young piano player that is Moira's guest at the moment?"


He didn't bother to comment on her beauty, he let the admiration in his eyes speak for him.

Melodee gasped slightly as Tegan kissed her hand. She pulled her hand away slowly and blushed. "Thank you, and yes I am. Moira was gracious enough to invite me to stay with her for the night." She rocked back and forth in the balls of her feet. "Sorry about that tumble. I guess I'm not cut out for teleporting." She couldn't tear her gaze away from his eyes. Because in his eyes, she saw something that she hadn't seen in a long time. Admiration. He didn't say anything, but she felt valuable in front of this young man. She felt like she was worth something, not just an orphan you could pick up off the streets.


She blinked once, and tried to focus on her original request. "Anyway... I was wondering if you could help me find a piano I could use? Moira said you would probably know where one was."

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Caim grunted in annoyance. Whoever was killing these people obviously had taken the time to study Eli and his powers, or was it just a mere coincidence that the Necromancer was unable to track them? He didn't like to think so.


"Okay, so what now?"

Eli reached back into his pocket for his notebook and read the third name.


"George Millton. More commonly known as Firefly."


"Let me guess" said Caim dryly. "Levitation and pyrokinesis."



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((What is survalence?))


It seemed as if the two of them were going to leave the building soon. Moira decided to follow them if there was a chance of managing it unseen. If not she'd turn around and go back to Tegan's apartment and do a little research on her own. She had a name now and that meant she could find their destination. George Milton. If she couldn't follow them she'd await them there.


The robot was quick enough to evade Cizzur despite the aid his supernatural reflexes gave him. Yet they hadn't failed him completly for the robot only managed to escape by crashing into the wall and ended up at Moonshines boots.

Cizzur knelt and reached for the robot again, hoping that it was damaged enough that his reflexes would overcome it's speed this time.



"It will be a pleasure.", Tegan said, smiling at her warmly. "But you'll have to excuse me for a moment. I need to make a few calls to arrange it." He gave her a rueful smile. "I am sorry about the chaos. I swear it's not normally that way here. Can I offer you something to drink while you wait?"


He turned to the mini fridge, which concealed his expression for a moment. Trouble was he enjoyed flirting with Melodee. Enjoyed it a lot. Tegan could sense that Melodee liked looking at him and even more important she had been pleased about the attention he had focused on her. It gave him a sense of power and the backwash from her pleasure was like being bathed in sunlight.


He wasn't sure he could have kept himself from flirting with Melodee even if Moonshine hadn't requested it. Which, he had to admit to himself, had been the reason he had agreed to it without asking too many questions.


Unfortunately he could feel that Moonshine no matter how disinterested in him she could be on occasion DID care about him flirting with Melodee. Knowing he meant enough to her that it was irritating her was both extremly gratifying and worrying.

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Eli and Caim finished walking down the stairs, crossed the foyer and went outside onto the street. Before they could go any further Caim turned to his master to ask him a question.


"Firefly sounds familiar somehow. How do we know them?"


"We don't personally" explained Eli. "But they were on TV the other day. They were a small time hero who does a lot of minor public appearances. You know, opening shops and stuff?"


Eli thoughtful after he finished, as though something had just occured to him.


"I wonder..."




"Lux and Firefly were both on TV a lot. The media loved following Lux because he made a lot of exciting arrests. Remember that last guy he got? Some guy with a space ship? I think Elastic Lass was on TV sometime recently too."


"You think that might have something to do with it? What about Kain? I doubt he ever showed up in the public eye."


"I don't know. It'd be worth checking out though."

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Leaving the Eden Apartments was something of a problem. Moira left the pair for a moment, reemerged in a toilet, then left the building casually as if she was on her way home.


She had expected them to be some distance away, but they had stopped at the street.


Now that presented a problem. There were too many people around to sink into the stone without drawing attention, turning back would look strange too and if she headed to someplace where she could use her power unobserved she would have to pass them.


She stepped a bit closer until she could hear them again, her feet as silent as a trained special ops agent. Not something one would expect from a girl who hadn't even received combat training never mind anything more elaborate.


"I think Elastic Lass was on TV sometime recently too."


"You think that might have something to do with it? What about Kain? I doubt he ever showed up in the public eye."


"I don't know. It'd be worth checking out though."


Moira took another step.


((I'll leave the decision if the two of them become aware of her to you. ))

Edited by Laura-Lana

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"It will be a pleasure.", Tegan said, smiling at her warmly. "But you'll have to excuse me for a moment. I need to make a few calls to arrange it." He gave her a rueful smile. "I am sorry about the chaos. I swear it's not normally that way here. Can I offer you something to drink while you wait?"


He turned to the mini fridge, which concealed his expression for a moment. Trouble was he enjoyed flirting with Melodee. Enjoyed it a lot. Tegan could sense that Melodee liked looking at him and even more important she had been pleased about the attention he had focused on her. It gave him a sense of power and the backwash from her pleasure was like being bathed in sunlight.


He wasn't sure he could have kept himself from flirting with Melodee even if Moonshine hadn't requested it. Which, he had to admit to himself, had been the reason he had agreed to it without asking too many questions.


Unfortunately he could feel that Moonshine no matter how disinterested in him she could be on occasion DID care about him flirting with Melodee. Knowing he meant enough to her that it was irritating her was both extremly gratifying and worrying.

Melodee stepped closer, as if trying to look over his shoulder. "Sure. What do you have?" She took another step, then another, and suddenly found herself with a hand on his arm, peering into the fridge. She wondered why Tegan was flirting with her like this; didn't Miguel say he had fallen for Moonshine?


She wondered why she was acting this way around him. Maybe she liked him. Maybe she didn't. Maybe it was just so long since she had had a guy around who was as gentlemanly as Tegan. Or maybe she was just having a bit of fun.



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