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Trials and Travels OOC

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Itching to post... Maybe I can have Celeste pass out in front of the inn, sack of money in hand? (you'd know why if you read her charrie sheet. *stabs PG-12ness of these foums...*

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I wouldn't be able to get any of my characters there, unfortunately... You could make the post for now, and see if anyone comes out?


Oh, and I found another picture for Aoi: isn't he prettyful?

Edited by lachrymation

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*istacklehuggleglomped* Oof! Good to see you too gist. *hugged by Silver*

You guys are so sweet and awesome smile.gif Thin would be nice, but the stretching sounds painful...and I'll try not to stress out too much >.<


Blue hasn't posted yet, so I was thinking we could wait with Celeste....Becuase I think the drama between her and Aamina would be mildly entertaining.


I will get up a post with Noe and I will try and get to poking Lore and Blue because we needeth them.


Lach, Silver, gist, thank you guys for keeping this up and running smile.gif


*drools over Aoi* I agree....

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Yay~ Postie! Oh, and no problem. ^^ For both Silver and Lovey.


Hope you finish your work, Lovey~ And don't stress out too much! Ah, did you see Hime's character?

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Hello again... I just wanted to let the people of this RP know, if my character does manage to get approved I might not respond right away... My week is looking pretty busy right now.

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Ahhh Silver you`re in so many RPs. Anyways, I`m done for the night. My computer`s not listening to me and it`s randomly typing in french characters. Well, good night, all... who are still up at this time hardcore RPing. tongue.gif


What`s this? Aoi`s acting quite shady...

Edited by lachrymation

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Haha, I am in a lot, aren't I? ..... And then there are some inactive ones too. happy.gif


A'ight, cya tomorrow, Lach!

Edited by Silver_Voices

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inactive actually silver but it's fine happy.gif


welcome back L² *hugs you* user posted image


sorry i haven't been posting in this thread lately; I've been focusing on getting the rest of my work done for my last two classes before i graduate from college next month so I've been pretty busy.

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Ooooh, congratulations, DP - what are you majoring in? Creative writing? *looks* I think I'm going to write a post for Celeste to come back to the in...

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thanks happy.gif and I'm majoring in Business Administrative Technology...I'll be getting a diploma with that major next month.

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*coughcough* I meant inactive...


Sounds like lots of fun. DP. happy.gif Good luck on your classes!

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okay smile.gif


i guess it's fun *shrugs* and thanks happy.gif

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*spots a Lach* *stalks the T&T thread*

*pouts as Lach disappears* *spies on Lore*

Edited by Silver_Voices

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Congratulations, DP! And don't worry about being inactive, since RL always, always, always comes first.


Ahaa sorry, silver. I was working on something for school and I kept the tab open.


I was spying on Lore earlier too. Weird. xd.png

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could wait with Celeste....Becuase I think the drama between her and Aamina would be mildly entertaining.

Tat'ss fine, i can wait a little longer... o3o

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