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Trials and Travels OOC

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Theme song was awesome~!


I redid my RP, while I was out and about. Anyone can come see if it's okay - I think it is, as it was in Other roleplays before I had it closed.


I SWEAR I'll post as Tractus right now. *Walks over to the IC thread.*

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I SWEAR I'll post as Tractus right now. *Walks over to the IC thread.*

*Watches with wide eyes*

I shall be waiting.... o.O


@Silver: You're welcome. =3

*listens to theme song for the fourth time* The meeeemories...

@Lore: Red Talon needs an OoC! Make it in the unapproved section and I can move it for you. That way I don't have to keep forcing myself not to talk about it here! xd.png

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right, just cave the walls in on them



I have a better idea for Eirikr though!



He goes under and digs a really really deep pit that spans one side of the valley to the other.... meanwhile Kai holds up the topsoil to make it look like nothing is out of place.... then when teh army is right on top of it... we cave it in and the entire valley gets a little deeper! Trees... rocks... soldiers... everything goes down about 40 feet to death! muhahahahahaa....


We could even make spikes!


Sorry I didn't reply sooner... That could work. I think I'll add something to heighten the sense of danger. there has to be something for Eirikr to kill in CC(close combat)

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>.> (still sees one tiny mistake)

Haha. xd.png Sent my character profile.



@Gist: Yay, we need Tractus! The more the better; I complain a tiny bit about us having fifteen members and what does LL do? Send an army of 3000! O.O And kill Ayame. o.O And hint at the death of one of the twins... o.o

...we're still gonna send this army down in da dust, but now we're about equal with the Shadow Militia... wink.gif

MUWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAAAA! yeah, but don't forget that they are academy trained elementians and a few that aren't...so yeah, it's good smile.gif

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right, just cave the walls in on them



I have a better idea for Eirikr though!



He goes under and digs a really really deep pit that spans one side of the valley to the other.... meanwhile Kai holds up the topsoil to make it look like nothing is out of place.... then when teh army is right on top of it... we cave it in and the entire valley gets a little deeper! Trees... rocks... soldiers... everything goes down about 40 feet to death! muhahahahahaa....


We could even make spikes!




I want this to happen.

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Sorry for not replying at the speed of light, everyone!


I decided to procrastinate on my homework and now I'm paying back for all that with hours upon hours of work (although it's really stupid and I hate it). I'll try to get Renzo up as soon as I finish!

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Homework first, Blue! I'm waiting to reply as Aketsu/Jahan until some more peeps get in their posts to catch up, so you're good for now. ^^

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Could you also post as luna, I kinda need her so we can destroy the weapons.

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I will post soon, sorry, drill weekend, I'm much to tired to do anything.

Oi... I know how you feel. :-P Sometimes it takes me until Tuesday to catch up. :3 Take your time. ^^

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Homework first, Blue! I'm waiting to reply as Aketsu/Jahan until some more peeps get in their posts to catch up, so you're good for now. ^^

Oh, that's why you haven't posted. xd.png

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Sorry for the really short post but I had to go. Also, Isis is a dude. xd.png

Edited by Silver_Voices

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lol I noticed that there...hahahah!


*headdesk repeatedly* i just realized how short Marcus' history is....so, I am working on that a bit and I made a post with him too....of the longest.


I think Celeste and Renzo awoke the little demon in him called a Fire Elementian Temper....lol!

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hehehehhehee, I likes him though....he reminds me of an Irish woman, but he is a man wink.gif


Okay, Marcus has a new updated History that is kinda long, but shows his humble backgrounds and rather philanthropic nature. Also shows why in the world he was ever at Whisper. He's not exactly powerful, per say, he is precise wink.gif

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Poor Celeste, so young and unprepared! And Jahanshah is like, 'uhwut? O.O' His team is all fighting, he says, even though it's just Marcus and Celeste. xd.png I'll go look at Marcus' new history. ^^ He certainly does have a temper when he wants to! I love what Aamina said. xd.png I could totally imagine her squeezing a Renzo plushie and saying, 'can we keep him? Pleeeease?'




hehehehhehee, I likes him though....he reminds me of an Irish woman, but he is a man

I would quote you in my sig, but that would look just weird. xd.pngwink.gif

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I know, right? Maybe I shouldn't have posted what I did, though it did make for an interesting story to read~!

Edited by gistofeverything

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