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Question about a trade?

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Actually, I have a couple of CB metals, and I don't know what would be most efective to breed them with.

Oh, so are you asking what you should breed them with to get the maximum price for their offspring?


I misunderstood then, I thought you meant trading your unbreedables for 2g metals. Lol


Anyways usually people just breed their 2gs for lineage swaps. I know ADP is able to trade off 2-3g metal checkers for CB coppers. I'm not sure what they are, but if you're interested you should PM her and ask. smile.gif As for my advice, what you're asking is too broad. What metals do you mean specifically? Gold x breed or Silver x breed? Also male and females too. unsure.gif Usually you can get an easy CB Trio for a 2g metal x common or uncommon. Not sure about 2g metal x holiday, I don't usually trade off 2g's off for anything than my lineage projects and those only include 2g holidays x metals atm (and CB Trios which I randomly just gift). :s Also something may be worth more, but it probably just isn't easy to produce. Instance, it may only take a couple weeks to get a metal out of a metal x metal pairing, but MONTHS to get a metal out of metal x common.



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Apparently long walls of text from me is from me being "angered". >__>

No it's really not. I was not being rude at all or "angered" when I saw your post/replied. If you even noticed the first paragraph I did agree with you  rolleyes.gif I have no clue at all in my post where you felt "attacked".(...)

Boy, first of all: I have nothing against you. I've actually started to kinda like you and appreciate your posts and your efforts for helping me and other people. This is why I wrote

(I do, of course, appreciate your answers for my questions)

at the end. I wouldn't have sent you a flower back on Valentine if I disliked you in a way.

This is a misunderstanding and rather embarrassing. xd.png


=> And even if I did ok, calm down ok, everybody has the right to suggest something ok. This thread is not called "Ask Saynna, your DC expert for trading" ok. Ok? OK? OKEY? wink.gif tongue.gif

I obviously failed in my attempt to be friendly to you. I was not serious. I do not end every sentence of mine with "ok". And the smileys were sincere. I knew you thought I was talking about metals and wanted to tease you because you went extra to the "Breeding, Gifting" thread to see how many people are on the Gold list.

I can be a censorkip.gif but I wasn't this time, honestly not. You've never done something to me which could have caused bad blood. Sorry for creating such a misunderstanding and for letting you think you have to justify yourself for posting here or analyse things.

No hatin' here from my side and I didn't think you were rude or aggressive or something haha.


alot.png Grumpy Mondie hearts Saynie :3


ETA: to not be offtopic only, I traded my first code-egg (CB Pygmy, "tHeOn") for 2 Spring hatchies. First time I got offers on a coded egg!

Edited by Mondat

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Please rest assured I very much appreciated both advice and will be using both smile.gif

(The breeding, gifting thread I need to read again more awake and just a bit conscious to fill out the form on day of release in case by random chance some kind hearted soul breeds today of all days).


The wonderful news is someone has pm'd to offer the royal crimson which is truly lovely and can work on the others with some possibilities of trades already. So thank you both very very much *hugs*


Mondat! That is an awesome trade - I bet you were thrilled biggrin.gif

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Ah so it was just another misunderstanding... user posted image


Idk what else to say really... xd.png



Btw, congrats on your code trade. Idk if it's just me but I seem to just have bad luck trading off codes, lol. I was trying to trade off a CB Daydream with the code, "eddy6" for 3 CB Spring Hatchlings or a 3-5g Spring checker from Spring M x Silver F. No bites... user posted image I know there were interests because people had continued clicking on the daydream.

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Are CB nebula and spring trashy to some people? I keep ninja.gif them off the ap and i am confused.

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Are CB nebula and spring trashy to some people? I keep ninja.gif them off the ap and i am confused.

As Lauren said, they're most valuable when they're gendered hatchie forms. As for CB Springs, I'd say they're worth more than a CB Nebula gendered hatchie. smile.gif


They're not trashy. Trashy, imo, (to most) would be whites, splits, mints, pygmies, flammingos, orchdrakes, etc etc. The really excessive commons.

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I've caught two cb springs and four nebulas in the past five days. Maybe I'm a ninja ninja.gif

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Question for Saynna as our resident trade expert (not being sarcastic, I really think so) about Prizes.

Is this just me or the 4th and 5th generations became too common to really be considered rares? Until a little ago, I would have offered one Silver or two Coppers for a 4th Gen but lately I don't feel that a 3rd Gen is worth more than one Silver, maybe two if not owning the line. Furthermore I'm even seeing 2nd gens being offered in the trading topics, something uncommon until little ago. Thoughts?

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Question for Saynna as our resident trade expert (not being sarcastic, I really think so) about Prizes.

Is this just me or the 4th and 5th generations became too common to really be considered rares? Until a little ago, I would have offered one Silver or two Coppers for a 4th Gen but lately I don't feel that a 3rd Gen is worth more than one Silver, maybe two if not owning the line. Furthermore I'm even seeing 2nd gens being offered in the trading topics, something uncommon until little ago. Thoughts?

Yeah, noticed them to be popping up a bit more, especially those holiday lines lately that there definitely is a bigger increase of these prizes than the supply of them before the raffle. Though we should consider a few things:


1) Amazon's thread that's advice for prize winners.


The thread basically taught the future prize winners how to better handle their lists for prizes that way they wouldn't be too frustrated and end up quitting due to stress. Take Ashura for example, she's specifically said in her signature she's no longer going to breed her gold shimmerscale because of the stress that it brought her.


2) Since the raffle there are now 2x the amount of prizes of shimmers and tinsels.


Basically more supply for the growing demand. More 2gs produced = more 3gs/4gs/5gs/ etc.


3) It's still too early to judge.


Right now most of the prize owners are doing fine, but some that have said they'd be active have been going inactive, even only coming to the site to breed their eggs and some not even breeding eggs anymore. I think we should get a better feel around July/August about the supply of low-gen prizes


4) We don't have to only worry about the prize owners, but the people that own the 2g's as well.


The people with 2g's (of course can include owners) are the ones that we should worry more of, in my opinion because while the owner is constantly supplying the 2g's for their lists (some are big some are small) the 2g owners also have to breed for the higher gens.


5) 2g "offsprings".


Yes I have noticed more 2g Prizes in threads (not too much of an increase though, just like one or two owners ever trading off but it was on rare occasions). Though what I do notice a lot more of are 2g prizefails. Have you noticed people are even asking for CB metals for the 2g fails and are actually getting it? It was discussed here a few times before the event someone was trading off a 2g fail. She had multiple offers of CB Silvers and Coppers for that 2g fail. And recently I've seen the same owner that asked for CB metals for their 2g prize as well as for their 2g prize fail. I was trying to get a 2g prize fail and made an offer via PM. I was told by that owner she was getting her own offers of CB metals as well. o_o;


6) 2g owners are going to usually expect CB Metals for their offsprings.


Just the hype that if you own a 2g then you're pretty much set. They feel that they breed CB Metal offsprings and trade for such. Even the ones that traded very cheaply with the owners that didn't even contain a single CB Metal have that mindset.


"Yay, I basically got that offspring for free! Can't wait to get a couple CB Metals out of it!"



Eeeeh, not sure what else to mention. Probably left something out xd.png



Also for my 5g's I'm still able to squeeze out a CB Trio/CB Blusang for a common line, granted though it's my gold shimmer I trade off. Bronze I usually just ask for multiple CB Seasonals (Usually get fast replies containing 2-3 CB Springs which to me is CB Trio level)


Also the thing with Coppers right now. They're getting more common and easier to trade for. I know ADP can get Coppers for her 2-3g metals and is consistent of it.




But yeah, I think we should give it some more time before judging. smile.gif I wasn't here last year so I'm not sure on how it was like that year when new winners were selected :3

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I confess that I find very amusing the demands for fails. A fail is a fail in my book, something that should be gifted or find its way to the AP :-) If someone wants to trade that for a few metals, good luck. I will not. Thank you very much for your insight. Probably that wasn't your intention, but considering my initial point of view and your thoughts, for now I'm done trading for 3rd gens and will wait a few weeks more, keeping an eye on the "market." Thanks again.

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I confess that I find very amusing the demands for fails. A fail is a fail in my book, something that should be gifted or find its way to the AP :-) If someone wants to trade that for a few metals, good luck. I will not. Thank you very much for your insight. Probably that wasn't your intention, but considering my initial point of view and your thoughts, for now I'm done trading for 3rd gens and will wait a few weeks more, keeping an eye on the "market." Thanks again.

Yeah if you look a few pages back we were all thinking it was crazy because it's a fail. lol


They're not getting a CB metal out of me let alone a CB trio just for any random fail... xd.png


You're welcome smile.gif

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Is there any single reason why prizes (and their relatives) are so valuable? Because I'd think limited numbers, but as others say they're bred more and more, so.....Is it just down to looking appealing? That's how Blusangs became valuable, I hear, but I don't see hardly as many Blusangs offered or requested for trade then prizes, so that doesn't entirely make a lot of sense either.


Is it hype? I mean, I guess once people are breeding and trading prizes, they get circulated, more people want and trade them, as a result they are seen more and more, and with constant exposure (especially if they command such high value already) it spurs on a continuing cycle as more people therefore want them for these reasons, and so it spreads then as everyone gets on the train? So it's like everyone NEEDS to get the prizes, and so on......I don't know if that made any sense, and I don't know if it's right.


I suppose the answer is "There is no one reason", isn't it?

Mostly because with low gen prizes you breed good trade fodder vs going out to catch something. Example breeding 5g's each week gets you some nice things like CB Springs/CB Red Dorsals/CB Tans


4g's can get you CB Coppers, a CB metal

3g's can get you CB Metals, etc


I don't think it's because they look pretty.



@Dragoness: Do you mean that you got an offer of 2 CB magmas for your 2g PB Silver? If so then that's a really good deal and I think you should accept it lol

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I got it! One of my dream dragons. Think I could get him a mate For two CB stripes and a CB nebula? Sorry for the stupid questions.

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I got it! One of my dream dragons. Think I could get him a mate For two CB stripes and a CB nebula? Sorry for the stupid questions.

Your questions aren't stupid, it's just you're not detailing x.x


What's your dream dragon?


You need a mate? Well is it CB, 2g, 3g? What breed? Your sig would tell me it's a Silver, but again I'm not sure... .-.


When you ask you really need to be more specific because I can't answer a question asking,


What can I get for this?


When I there's nothing to go by than that sentence. No egg lineage view/description of egg, etc. I just can't say "Worth this" because how would you know what I mean? :3



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Ah, sorry, I accted the PB silver. Hes lovely, hes the one I am talking about. Only thing I want more is a male silver and gold checker but NOONE will touch that.

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Ah, sorry, I accted the PB silver. Hes lovely, hes the one I am talking about. Only thing I want more is a male silver and gold checker but NOONE will touch that.

Well right now isn't a good time to ask for 2g metals because of the release that is happening now. I have no clue if you know since you don't have any of the new egg releases on your scroll ;/


But you can put up your magmas up for trade and hope for a 2g Silver Male x Gold Female IOU. But I'd suggest going for PB as it will be easier because all you have to hunt for are silvers compared to the checker which is both silver /and/ gold.


Btw, IOUs, don't put in your post "I accept IOUs" That's against board rules, just put it in your signature and you're fine. They won't message you with a warning if it's in your signature for some reason.. laugh.gif So in your wants to hint you take IOUs just say "Look in my sig" wink.gif


It'd also help if it was a different color than all of your other text. ~

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Thank you, you are awesome! I already traded the magmas for a little silver.


I have already arranged for Incuhachabul eggs to be sent for the mew release, so I can influence and hacth myself!


I now have a CB stripe, thunder, and nebula to work with.

Edited by Dragonessdown

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Thank you, you are awesome! I already traded the magmas for a little silver.


I have already arranged for Incuhachabul eggs to be sent for the mew release, so I can influence and hacth myself!


I now have a CB stripe, thunder, and nebula to work with.

See it's not too hard to work your way from the bottom to up. user posted image



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See it's not too hard to work your way from the bottom to up. user posted image

Hah! Im just an AP ninja. Thank you for your help. I remember when trading was dropping eggs, its so much easier now xd.png

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I'd say 2 is fair, 3 is pushing it. smile.gif 1 for a fast trade.

pretty sure 1 is too few.

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pretty sure 1 is too few.

That's why I said fast trade. Fair doesn't mean you'll get it in 24 hours. Sometimes you gotta work for a "fair" trade.



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That's why I said fast trade. Fair doesn't mean you'll get it in 24 hours. Sometimes you gotta work for a "fair" trade.

I'm not dependant on a fast trade. I have no qualms keeping it. Hence I am asking what would be fair ^^


http://dragcave.net/lineage/WyWfT will be a gen 3 properly influenced gold hatchie with Common mate. And as far as I heard those new releases are not hard to catch.


So I'm still curious what's a good number. And I am definitely expecting multiple hatchie offer.

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