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Question about a trade?

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With alts it depends to the person.




- Curls are worth more because there are two different sprites. Out of these sprites the curl is harder to get than the sitting one (currently).

- Most prefer a messy lineage

- Few prefer a neat or PB lineage to freeze

- Those that already have a few black alts frozen will seek out genders they don't already own like the wants for NDs.


Growing up:


- Curls/Sittings won't matter since the adult forms of both are the same.

- Most prefer a nicer lineage if possible

- Some won't care

- Bonus points if it's a 2-breed checker (gives them the idea that maybe if they ever decided to continue it, they'd know how to continue it)



Also when people have an alt there's so many crazy different kinds of wants like CB Metallics (I've seen some ask for these when they were messies, pretty sure they didn't get a bite) to stuff they need for lineage projects, CB Hatchies, ect. Also right now it seems to be easier to make an alt right now.


I think you should probably ask for things for your lineage projects because I don't think you'll get an unbreedable/CB Trio for it.

Edited by Saynna

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How many hatchies is a Dino worth?

When I was trying to get Dinos 3 reds/pinks would work. Not always messy, but most of the times they were. You can try asking for 5 CB Common hatchies if you're like me and want to freeze 3 of those CBs. =P





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Is there any chance of finding a Tinsel x Winters somewhere, or does that lineage not exist? I've never seen one, but I have seen Tinsels/Shimmers with other Seasonals, mostly Autumns. Assuming they do exist, and that they're rare, what would be a reasonable offer for a 5-6 Gen egg?

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I've seen one from a 2012 Silver Tinsel: Vivencia x Winter, it's somewhat rare since seasonal keep on giving fails.




You can try 1-2 CB Trios, CB Unbreedables, CB Blusangs not sure if CB Green Opals are still in demand.

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You can try 1-2 CB Trios, CB Unbreedables, CB Blusangs not sure if CB Green Opals are still in demand.

In my recent experience, CB Green Opals aren't worth much now. I've had more demand for my CB Blue Opal trades than my Green ones lately.

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In my recent experience, CB Green Opals aren't worth much now. I've had more demand for my CB Blue Opal trades than my Green ones lately.

Same here. I have trade for CB green open for 2 days and not a single offer (and that's rare)


What should I offer for cb green copper?

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Is there any chance of finding a Tinsel x Winters somewhere, or does that lineage not exist? I've never seen one, but I have seen Tinsels/Shimmers with other Seasonals, mostly Autumns. Assuming they do exist, and that they're rare, what would be a reasonable offer for a 5-6 Gen egg?

There appears to be a shimmerxwinter trading in rares now to give an idea smile.gif

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What, if anything, are Gilded Bloodscales going for right now?

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What, if anything, are Gilded Bloodscales going for right now?

I see a lot of them in the cave so not much, I'm afraid.

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I see a lot of them in the cave so not much, I'm afraid.

Cool, that means I can keep it and probably assume that I'll find a mate for it soon. biggrin.gif

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So... I'm trying to get a CB Gold and/or Neglected for my Secret Santa, but I'm largely limited to what I can breed (unless I can find someone who wants a ton of CB commons). I'm not having much luck, but I also think my offers suck, so... xd.png


Anyways, I'm just wondering what people consider "fair" for one, in terms of 5G Shimmers, 5G Tinsels, 2G Golds, and 2G Silvers.

Such as, say, "# shimmers or # tinsels or # golds or # silvers."

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I'm pretty sure PointOfOrigin is giving away neglecteds to those in need for their Secret Santa. I think that would be your best option since neglecteds and cb golds tend to be worth a lot. I'd say at least 2 each of what you're offering.

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That is if we manage to make them. As of right now, in one week we got just one - not sure how many we'll manage to get until the end. Honestly, if we had more people working on it we'd probably manage something - as it is, I'll be able to help only a small number of people.


As trading for Neglecteds - Golds, the problem is that they are usually traded for each other and not much else. I'd suggest trying with a couple of CB Coopers or with big number of hatchlings or with more then just two 2nd gen metals. Wouldn't even bother trying with 5th gen Tinsels/Shimmer unless they are some extremely rare lines.

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I wanted to try to get it myself, tbh. More value in it that way. I'm weird. >.<


How much for each type, though? I know they're Like, 4 Shimmers, or 6 Tinsels, etc? 2G metals, gotcha. Now if only they cooperate. D;

How many, maybe?


Also, how many for a 4G Shimmer, then? xd.png

And how many of those would I need to swap for a gold/neglected?

Edited by Alisyn

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Honestly don't know. It would depend on lots of things. From lineage to rarity to the personal tastas of the experimenter. I'd honestly suggest that you see who's capable of making them and to PM them. That would seem to be the easiest way.

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Could I ask as it seemed this christmas past a lot of the 2nd hollies were spoken for in trades created earlier in the year. When would be a good time to seek and secure one, how on earth do you find someone with one and most importantly what is fair for a 2nd gen holly?

Many thanks as always smile.gif

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Could I ask as it seemed this christmas past a lot of the 2nd hollies were spoken for in trades created earlier in the year. When would be a good time to seek and secure one, how on earth do you find someone with one and most importantly what is fair for a 2nd gen holly?

Many thanks as always smile.gif

When I was a newbie, I traded my first 2g holly for 2 CB metals which was quite dumb. (This was arranged before teleport, teleport was a new that year )


The next year I gifted the offspring. The year after that I traded the IOU for 50 CB blusangs straight after the release. This year I'm gifting.


Hope this answers your question. ^^;; The best option is just to PM absolutely everybody that you know who owns a CB Holly amd enquire/offer. (Though I'm likely to never trade 2g offspring again unless Eclipse dragons are released).

Edited by DarkEternity

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Thanks for that DarkEternity, unfortunately there lies one problem for me, other than yourself advising you have one and one other person stumbled across who is not so interested in trading for now (understandable) I don't really know anyone else unsure.gif I will have to bide my time and see if come across others perhaps or try my luck in AP pages smile.gif


If I do come across someone I hope I can get something reasonable worthwhile for them.


Edit: Now needs to go have a peek at Eclipse dragons as curious what they look like!

Edited by lilacamy931

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The raffle threads make terrible bed-time reading, but it doesn't hurt to trawl through 200 odd pages looking for useful information. ^^;;

Edited by DarkEternity

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Ah this is a weird question but which is worth more when it comes to EG Shimmers?


A checkerboard pattern like this:



Or a EG with PB Mates?


I think it depends on who's looking, really. I haven't tried trading all that many EG Prizes so I can't really say which would trade more easily. Perhaps at some point I should try a comparison with offspring from him and him...

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Ah this is a weird question but which is worth more when it comes to EG Shimmers?


A checkerboard pattern like this:



Or a EG with PB Mates?


I've never traded for anything like it and don't know which shimmer is more rare, but just looking at them I'd offer more for the second one. It seems a bit easier to continue and has only two breeds (unfortunately the first one is not a perfect checker).

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Ah this is a weird question but which is worth more when it comes to EG Shimmers?


A checkerboard pattern like this:



Or a EG with PB Mates?


I think the general consensus is - if it's easier to continue it's worth more. That is why stair Prizes are more desiderable than the EG. In this case, it would mean the second shimmer would probably get you a better price.


Personally though, I would give more for the first tongue.gif



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