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2010-12-27 -Tree Decorating Event

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I've been rating trees for awhile now, but I still haven't seen any really cool ones. Too many people seemed to be under the impression that they needed to use all of their ornaments. Or they didn't realize that, even though the lights were mostly off of the tree, they would still be visible >.>


For the first time I wonder if maybe I do stand a chance ^^;

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As far as those picture trees go - if they treat the tree as a three dimensional tree, taking into account that it bulges when it's nearer to us and it's simply not possible to have a completely straight line across it and take into account balance and composition - basically if it's a picture that could be done with real ornaments on a real tree, I judge it just as any other decoration (i.e. does it look good to me or not.)


If the picture is more important than the tree, which just a flat green triangle in the background, I rate it the same as the over cluttered messes.


For me it's still a tree decorating contest, so if the tree is less important than the pretty letter or faces, the entry missed the point in my eyes *shrug*


But to each their own and I'm sure there are as many people who give a 9 to my 2.

Agreed. If the tree is integral to the whole thing, and the image is simply a way of enhancing it then I think that's a great way to decorate the tree. It's just when the two get too far apart that I wonder.


Not that it really matters, because I'll rate almost anything high that doesn't make my eyes bleed at this point.

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yes, i also think that many people thought they had to use ALL the ornaments *that is what the forum is for!! hint, hint!! happy.gif *


but we must also remember that DC has many younger children members. so i'm sure they did their very best, and loved their tree. for any of us older folk, there is NO excuse!!! LOL

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I just saw the nutcracker driving a sleigh being flown over the tree by birds the bird in the front even had a shining nose! How cute is that?!?

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OMG that is awesome!!! i wanna see THAT one!!!! that is one case where i wouldn't mind the ornaments flying zero-gravity style!!!! laugh.gif

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I'm giving high marks to the traditional or especially creative ones. The nose on of the "face" trees amused me greatly and I gave it a high score simply for that.


I've rated about 500 or so, I guess. Maybe much more!


Plus, I've seen about 10 that resemble mine, so I probably don't have a chance, but the voting is fun! smile.gif

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Definitely seeing the same trees. Have started doing screencaps to compare and they are totally the same trees.


If the finalists are chosen by an average of the votes, it won't matter much but if it's by the actual vote count and some trees are coming up several times over... dry.gif

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yes, i also think that many people thought they had to use ALL the ornaments *that is what the forum is for!! hint, hint!! happy.gif *


but we must also remember that DC has many younger children members. so i'm sure they did their very best, and loved their tree. for any of us older folk, there is NO excuse!!! LOL

I think the amount of younger players here is a good reason that I'm not sure we should show everyone's scores after the competition as some were asking. I mean, yeah, I'd be curious to know how badly I lost, but some of the younger players, who no doubt worked hard on their trees, probably don't need to see if it got nothing but a string of 2s.

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I have still yet to give a tree a 9 or 10. Those numbers are reserved for "wow" trees, for me.

I found 2 trees thus far worthy of an 8. 4/5 seems to be my "average" score.

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The smiley face picture tree got my highest rating so far, an 8. After all the overdecorated trees and underdecorated trees, that tree made me smile.

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No one can or has voted on the same tree twice; there is not a single double-vote in the database, and even if the voting script showed you the same tree twice, the database would refuse to accept the second vote.

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Will we get an error if we were to see an tree twice and vote on it twice? Or will the system just ignore it?


Is it possible that we're getting shown the same tree image but are voting on a different tree?

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I just saw an 'I (heart) TJ' tree I was like, seriously?

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@TJ - I screencapped a tree this morning that I definitely did vote on and I got the exact identical tree tonight. I had the pictures next to each other and it was not a case of so similar they might be the same, they *were* the same. So unless my first vote had not registered for some reason (unlikely, because I had no lag, no connection disruptions no nothing this morning and I voted on a lot of trees for a couple hours) , I got the same tree twice.




I also just had one with a tiny tree sitting next to the presents, made of blinking lights with the pine cone as trunk and a bird sitting on top . So sweet <3

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Now I still can't view other people's trees and I now know I won't win because I didn't get the tree topper ornaments :/ Oh well I tried.

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ik everyone has there opinion and judge dif but im just sayin.... not all cluttered trees are bad

There is a difference between a thought out cluttered tree and someone just piling stuff on willy nilly with no thought at all. It's quite apparent when you look at a tree which is which. I will vote harsher with someone who obviously didn't think about what they were doing. Someone who appears to have taken some time to think about their clutter would get a higher vote. But overall, a cluttered tree with every single ornament piled on (thought out or not) will not get rated above average from me. I want to be able to SEE the actual tree... not have it hidden from view!

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I just saw an 'I (heart) TJ' tree I was like, seriously?

Yeah, I saw that, too. I guess TJ has a secret admirer.


I must admit, some trees really look alike.

Edited by olympe

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Wow, just saw a tree with nothing on it except a white bauble. Made me laugh!

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I also just had one with a tiny tree sitting next to the presents, made of blinking lights with the pine cone as trunk and a bird sitting on top . So sweet <3

I saw that one not long ago - very cute! When I saw the lil tree I bumped my mark up a point. smile.gif



@TJ: That's good to know. There are some very similar trees out there though! ^.^;

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Now I still can't view other people's trees and I now know I won't win because I didn't get the tree topper ornaments :/ Oh well I tried.

you can still win!

Actually I like to see trees having sme difference and not those "look all the same" the whole time.


I guess many of the voters (as I concern the comments here) would prefer no tree topper above used ALL tree toppers again

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Wow, just saw a tree with nothing on it except a white bauble. Made me laugh!

Had the same with a grey bauble. Gave it a 4 just for making me laugh xd.png

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I'll give a tree an automatic 5 if it obviously has a theme. Trees with more than one dragon/parrot lose points (since I see those as tree toppers) unless there's a lot of creativity involved. Trees never get a 1 from me unless they're completely bare. I also never rate higher than 3 if the tree is hopelessly cluttered (i.e. every single ornament piled on). I'll usually take points off if ornaments/lights are 'hanging,' but not always.


Trees which do creative ornament 'stacking' get points from me, or trees with a meticulous pattern which reflect obvious care. I think most trees have received 3-5 from me, but there's been one 10, one 9, and several 7-8s.

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I just saw a tree that wrote out JEW in ornaments and had a star of david on it. There's my first 6 of the day!

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I have rated three tens and half a dozen nines. But I have been rating for a few hours... dry.gif

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Now I still can't view other people's trees and I now know I won't win because I didn't get the tree topper ornaments :/ Oh well I tried.

I wouldn't worry - I've voted well-done topper-free trees as high or higher than trees that use toppers. Other people may well do the same. It's the over-use of toppers that has me scared! blink.gif

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