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2010-12-27 -Tree Decorating Event

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Arrgh! I keep seeing lovely trees, and I want to rate them high, but the owners stuck a topper in the somewhere where it clearly doesn't fit, just to be using them (and yes, I'm sure these aren't because of glitch movement because they're incorporated into the design). Some people are amazing at using all of their tree toppers, but for some people, that one extra will kill a fantastic tree.


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I've noticed that I've been giving lower scores to trees with clustered ornaments or straight lines. I like them to look more natural, and like they aren't about to fall over. also I've been taking off points for unintentional-looking floaters and trees with big gaps. I'm usually rating between 2 and 6

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*cackles* Too funny.


I believe that and the red one are meant to be ornaments like these http://www.raftertales.com/wp-content/uplo...s-ornaments.jpg

Sure, that's what the Empire wants you to believe. Then you lower your guard and before you know it they've trapped you in their nets of garland and popcorn strings...evil popcorn strings!



Also, I've found that I absolutely adore rainbow trees. Why on earth didn't I make one? blink.gif

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I, instead, love it!

I wanted to make my tree silvery-blue firstly, but then thought it'll look not enough festive and made it colourful. though now I see many silver-blue trees that look very festive!

I did a silver/blue theme, but I also added in a little hint of gold...smile.gif

Edited by Pheonixxfoxx

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k after nearly 9 hours of clicking my eyes are nearly burnt out of their sockets... I think I'm gonna take a break xd.png

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Over 8000 entrys?

Wow - but it's a bit unfair - not all people can vote for any tree.....

Very hard work.



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I have to say, I'm not too fond of the silver/blue theme for trees.

Wow. That's awesome cuz that was theme color theme for my tree! biggrin.gif

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I saw one where the person had placed the pickle on a dragon tree topper so that it looked like, um, a certain part of his anatomy.


It gave me a chuckle but I still gave it a 1. Vulgarity and Christmas trees just don't mix IMHO...

This. *sigh*


I've seen a few actually that are vulgar and if I could have given them a zero I would have.

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I just saw a tree that had 3 decorations on it. I gave it a 8. Nice break to my eyes...

Yeah I know the feeling. As soon as I see a tree that is not totally cluttered, I have the urge to give it a 10!


I think the many cluttered trees are a sign that DC has many very young players who (and I feel their pain) simply couldn't choose which ornaments to use.


About the picture trees... I'm afraid I just don't have the eyes for it. I often have a feeling like the decorateur wants to tell me something, but the only thing I see, is a cluttered mess and I rate it as such. I'm sorry for that because they must've put a lot of work into it.


The only picture tree (which is also the only 10 I gave anyone so far) I loved, was the dragon that is climbing up the tree on the left site. Easy to recognize and beautifully done, although I too prefer the simple, traditional trees otherwise.

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My eyes and hand are growing painful and I feel like I have been clicking for forever, what happens if you have to turn your computer off? Does the board remember where you were in the voting or do you end your voting when you have to sign off so others can use the computer to vote or do other things.


How many entries are there?


Are we able to vote on our own tree?


One tree vote shouldn't make much difference, but I'd like to see mine in the same setting I am seeing these others. I should have stopped on the 6th of January. My tree looked better then than it does now.


There has to be a better way like voting in lots of 100 or 200 or something. I must have voted for several hundred and I have the feeling that's the tip of the iceberg.

It may not start you where you left off, but you shouldn't be voting on trees you already voted on.






If you click the tree from your scroll like you did to decorate it, you can see how it looks to others.

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Over 8000 entrys?

Wow - but it's a bit unfair - not all people can vote for any tree.....

Very hard work.

How is it unfair ? All the trees will be circulating for votes. I'm sure it will even out.

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as soon as people love accurate traditional ttrees I have a chance xd.png

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I'm torn when it comes to the pictures. I think that many of them are beautiful, and I'm rating them as such, but one of the things that I liked about the contest was that, as a tree decorating contest, it was more equalized for everyone. Of course, someone with an artistic bent may be more likely to make a stunning tree, but who knows?


But some of these pictures aren't really about tree decorating, but rather using the ornaments to draw a picture (often that extends far beyond the tree). On the one hand, they're gorgeous and I can certainly see why people made them, but on the other, it just feels maybe the tree contest became a drawing or sculpting contest.


Like I said, I'm not down rating them, because they are lovely, but I feel kind of sad when I see a tree that's been beautifully decorated but will never have the wow of a picture that sometimes isn't even about the tree at all.

I tend to vote the ones that are pictures (good pictures mind you) as average because as awesome as they ARE, they're not at all Christmas-y to me so they lose points for that.


There was one I saw that actually took a minute to SEE - it was either a dragon or, what it looked like to me was a gecko *g* and it was very cool but doesn't really fit with the theme of decorating a Christmas tree to me.

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If you click the tree from your scroll like you did to decorate it, you can see how it looks to others.

Really? D:


Because after I submitted my tree, all the decorations came off it.


So that kinda possibly means I don't really have an entry into the competition at all... sad.gif

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I wonder if at the end we get to see the average rating for our trees.

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I just saw my 6th undecorated tree! Not an ornament to be found...

they increase our chances xd.png

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I didn't knowed that there are kitty-faced angels xd.png

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I just got a tree with absolutely nothing on it, nothing floating, nothing under the tree, just nothing. Thats just irritating. Still haven't given out a ten, but haven't seen anything spectacular yet.

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Where do we go vote for trees? I'm confused.

On your scroll, under the link that says 'Generate incubator', there will be a link that says 'Tree Decorating Contest Voting'


Heres the link to the voting thing in case you're still confused: http://dragcave.net/treevote

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I keep seeing trees with the string of lights off of the tree to the lower right of it. I wonder what was going on?

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Sure, that's what the Empire wants you to believe. Then you lower your guard and before you know it they've trapped you in their nets of garland and popcorn strings...evil popcorn strings!



Also, I've found that I absolutely adore rainbow trees. Why on earth didn't I make one? blink.gif

*snerk* Well they are evil right? *grins*


I think the Empire managed to attack quite a few trees as I've seen MANY poor dragons and birds looking like they're being strangled by garland and popcorn and beads and lights... tongue.gif

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i apologize up front, i'm sure this is answered somewhere, but i can't read through all the pages of this thread, and it's not on the first page, or OP.


SO, i really want to vote for trees, and have mine voted for as well, where can we see which ones have been submitted for voting?!?!?!

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Well, my clicking addiction seems to have been sated, but my eyes are killing me. It gets really hard on the eyes when you try to look over all the leetle ornaments.

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