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American Politics

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I LIVE in the US. Ohio to be exact.


The crap this countries government pulls is sick. On both sides. Not just Republicans but even the Democrats as well. No one is a little angel. They all have money, they have not been poor a day in their lives, they have no clue on what the economy is like from a normal persons point of view.


"Strong nation"? Please. It's falling apart and nothing is being done. Once it finally falls people will finally work on it. They don't do anything unless it benefits them and puts money into their pockets.


Sorry if this comes off as snarky or anything but pretending this country is that strong is a lie. If it's hurting their people instead of helping them that's not strong. That's weak.

I agree with you.


As far as a strong nation goes, I am talking about the military.

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If you notice, I do not presume what any other country is like because I have not lived in some of your countries, but until you live here, I feel like you can not judge the USA like some of you are doing. It is not quite like some of you are coming across on this thread. You can not believe all you hear on the radio, tv or read in the newspspers either. So, for that reason, I do not judge a lot of other countries that are civilized, and come back with the bombings in England or strikes I see on tv.

I'm not really presuming anything, I'm just pointing out that in terms of horrible crimes and such, no country is actually free of blame.

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I agree with you.


As far as a strong nation goes, I am talking about the military.

Over all I'll admit I'm not a fan of the military. I don't like how some people go into it and come back changed, never to be the same again and it's just so disturbing to me. I don't think a nation is strong because of a military. I believe it's strong if it treats it's people right and takes care of them and does what is necessary.


I know two people who joined the army while they was in school with me and while they stayed the same it's not like that for everyone else (they was just in training but still). They joke around, was hilarious and fun to talk to and I'd hate to see them lose that due to some horror from the war.


Not bashing it entirely I just hate the outcome of it. The destruction of someone elses country, the innocent lives lost and how people return from it bothers me a lot. I'm glad the serve to protect this country but doesn't mean I'll support it 100%.

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I do not know where you got that information from. You can not walk in to a superstore and buy an automatic weapon or any weapon for that matter of fact. Maybe you mean somehing else when you say superstore perhaps.

*waves* Hi. I've been to the USA and I've seen the Firearms section at your supermarket. And you're right, I am dripping with sarcasm, coz there's no point in trying to be serious when talking to someone so naive in their views.

If you notice, I do not presume what any other country

But you're happy to pass judgement on Mexico and the whole Middle East, despite never having been there? Pick a stance Kat; either you're an expert on foreign politics because your boys have told you stories, or you have no right to say anything about anywhere else and we have no right to pass judgement on your nation unless we've been there ourselves. Which still means I can laugh openly at your 'civilised' nation.

Only the fittest survived in the western days.

So if I ever met you, it would be fine for me to steal all your stuff provided I beat you in a round of fisticuffs? 'Only the strong survive...' I am genuinely laughing at that. Surely, surely if you believe that then you are in fact in favour of the fighting in Afghanistan, because that's what all these atrocities you keep citing as their 'barbaric ways' as being - the strong taking advantage of the weak. Or, as ever, it is acceptable in America when it favours you, but not when it goes against your sensibilities or your flag?

Edited by Kestra15

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*waves* Hi. I've been to the USA and I've seen the Firearms section at your supermarket. And you're right, I am dripping with sarcasm, coz there's no point in trying to be serious when talking to someone so naive in their views.


But you're happy to pass judgement on Mexico and the whole Middle East, despite never having been there? Pick a stance Kat; either you're an expert on foreign politics because your boys have told you stories, or you have no right to say anything about anywhere else and we have no right to pass judgement on your nation unless we've been there ourselves. Which still means I can laugh openly at your 'civilised' nation.

I been to a store once that had a section for that. I know the Hardware store in a town near by does have some ammo you can buy. This area is filled with hunters. I don't know of any place nearby besides that. Their is one going along the way to a "city" (it's not a town but not a huge city so Idk what to call it) that sells some if I recall the sign correctly.



Look at our Twin towers that were brought down and all the people that died, 9/11. I would have kicked out every foreigner from that country as this was war now. Hey, they came over here to learn and to set up to blow up the Towers. They were right here under our nose, and still are. All the Illegal Alliens need to be booted as well. They are here illegally and not following the law, sorry.


If they are illegal yes they need to be thrown back out but the ones here legally? No. Not all of them are bad. You are taking the war and saying ALL people are like that. Not EVERY one is like that.

Edited by demonicvampiregirl

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I do not know where you got that information from. You can not walk in to a superstore and buy an automatic weapon or any weapon for that matter of fact. Maybe you mean somehing else when you say superstore perhaps.

Have you ever set foot into a Wal-Mart? There are guns, bullets and shells, hunting knives, pocket knives ALL in the Outdoor section. (Or, as some people say, Hunting and Fishing.) This ISN'T just in the good Ol' South, either. I've lived and visited in various states. IL, AZ, NH, FL, and TN, plus a few more. Every Wal-Mart I've been to had these items...


Target is the only superstore/market that DOESN'T have these things. If you shop at Target... My logic forces me to believe that you are of the upper class, considering prices there are hardly poor-friendly. (But I do know EBT/Foodstamp friendly...)

Edited by god.ofthedead

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Try and keep to the issue alone I am talking about, and not normal crime we have in this country.

If you're going to take examples of the worst that happens in another country and use that as your reference for how that country operates, then it is fully fair game for other countries to take our worst examples of crime and use that to judge all of us.


We're not magically above that, after all. USA is just another country, like all the rest--we can and are judged on the worst of what happens here. Just like far too many of us are prone to doing for people of other countries.



Also, just because we're not all living in caves hunting with stone weapons doesn't mean we're civilized.


The way a lot of Americans treat their fellow humans is, honestly, very uncivilized.

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If you're going to take examples of the worst that happens in another country and use that as your reference for how that country operates, then it is fully fair game for other countries to take our worst examples of crime and use that to judge all of us.


We're not magically above that, after all. USA is just another country, like all the rest--we can and are judged on the worst of what happens here. Just like far too many of us are prone to doing for people of other countries.



Also, just because we're not all living in caves hunting with stone weapons doesn't mean we're civilized.


The way a lot of Americans treat their fellow humans is, honestly, very uncivilized.

Yeah, but can't you see the difference?


Americans are good (mostly white) Christians who embrace capitalism and the prosperity gospel, and they're a bunch of dirty brown Muslims who live in sand dunes and kill good Americans.




That's what it boils down to, isn't it? dry.gif

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Kat, I'm curious, where/are you one of the folks who got upset because the Muslim temple was erected a few blocks away from the 9/11 bomb site?

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Kat, I'm curious, where/are you one of the folks who got upset because the Muslim temple was erected a few blocks away from the 9/11 bomb site?

I don't get what the big deal was with that. I mean for crying out loud it was just a place for Muslims to go. Wasn't harming anyone if they didn't want to walk in.

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I remember that there was this guy who had this bombing in Oklahoma after McVeigh I think in the early 2000s? Can't remember the date, but anyways, he wasn't called a terrorist.


If it was after 2001, I'm not surprised. Seems like right after the attacks on 9/11, "terrorist" came to mean "muslim terrorist" to the exclusion of all other types. I can't really remember many/any of the domestic terror attacks carried out since then actually being CALLED terror attacks.


Thank you for bringing up the Native Americans and the fact that what happened to them was GENOCIDE. It irritates me that anyone can brush off systematic eradication of people and their culture as "oh well, survival of the fittest". That's utterly sick. The native people of this country had and still have horrific crimes perpetrated against them, and we're still exploiting them and destroying their land and their culture. Just this year (last month, I think?) Sioux tribes's sacred land went up for sale to the highest bidder. This is NOT ancient history. It happened recently. It's still happening. The US is not some paradigm of civilisation and good behaviour.





Also, WORD on being able to buy guns at Walmart. I was going to say exactly that. If you've ever been to a Walmart anywhere in the US, you'll know that's the absolute truth. They sell hunting rifles, shotguns, and, hey, semiautomatic rifles. (I *think* maybe AR15s? YOu know, what that guy who mowed down a theatre full of people used?) I could have bought a gun before I was old enough to drink. (And for the record, I live in Maryland. Not exactly prime hunting country, you know, unless you want to shoot fish or something.)

Edited by LascielsShadow

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If it was after 2001, I'm not surprised. Seems like right after the attacks on 9/11, "terrorist" came to mean "muslim terrorist" to the exclusion of all other types. I can't really remember many/any of the domestic terror attacks carried out since then actually being CALLED terror attacks.



Oh here it is. It was in 2005. Hardly got any news coverage though.






Sioux tribes's sacred land went up for sale to the highest bidder. This is NOT ancient history. It happened recently. It's still happening.
Yeah, I was looking up stuff on Native American culture the other day, I was looking up their clothing and whatnot...and somehow there were all these pictures of white people with Native American themed headdresses on them. I was utterly bewildered. Why would you want to steal the culture of someone you massacred?


What happened to the lands? Were they utterly and completely sold? sad.gif Or has it been postponed?

Edited by ylangylang

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I was having a discussion with someone on FB about Obama and his responses to me were

First off when are people going to stop using the old blame Bush excuse for one Bush did the best he could he with the situations that happened during his term and a little FYI the democrats did the same thing to Bush that republicans do to Obama evolving Econ. Second California is basically a perfect example of what Obama wants to do with the U.S and we are now being called the Greece of the states so if his policies pass then you can really kiss our asses goodbye. Oh and when he first came into office he went california and took 10 billion from us. So if you think that a 4 trillion deficit on top of the original one is better and is caring for us then sure keep thinking that

Obama hasn't doesn't anything sincerely since he has been in office. Oh and FYI on the risking our troops after Obama brought our troops home for three mont

hs he redeployed them to Afghanistan and left Iraq in total shambles as is at risk of becoming an other Syria. Obama sent a surge of troops of 30,000 thats 10,000 more than the surge of troops that Bush did


and I wasn't exactly sure how to approach it. Any suggestions?

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Haze I haven't really a clue on that one.


Bush left it the way he did and Obama HAD to fix it he still currently IS fixing it. If Bush left what Clinton did alone we'd not be in this mess now and be far better off. :/

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clearly the US should just press the restart button lol

I swear we need a thumbs up button. Dx Sometimes I feel that way about everything. :/

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I don't get what the big deal was with that. I mean for crying out loud it was just a place for Muslims to go. Wasn't harming anyone if they didn't want to walk in.

It wasn't even JUST for them, it was to be a place where anyone of any religion could go to pray or meditate. About the most appropriate thing you could build there. I had hoped they'd actually put it ON the site, but had little hope of that. To tar it with the brush of the event would be like saying there must never be a church anywhere near any of the abortion clinic shootings because hey - it's mostly CHRISTIANS doing those biggrin.gif.


And yes to weaponry in Walmart as arms dealer. As a Canadian (I am dual national dual resident and have spent a good chunk of vacation time in the US staying with families we know) I was horrified to walk - with my children - into what for me, in Canada, was a normal store and see all that crap laid out for all to slaver over.


And I will never forget the day a busload of Baptist ministers drove up to Windsor ON for a conference. They were stopped at the border and almost every last minister had a gun confiscated - you simply are not ALLOWED to carry them around in civilised countries. Sure laws get broken - but gun control does help, and Walmart (and others; that was just where I had my culture shock...) very much does not.

If Bush left what Clinton did alone we'd not be in this mess now and be far better off. :/



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I do not know where you got that information from. You can not walk in to a superstore and buy an automatic weapon or any weapon for that matter of fact. Maybe you mean somehing else when you say superstore perhaps.

I should've snapped a picture the last time I was in walmart, but in case you still don't believe us, here's the online ad for it.




So yes, you can most definitely buy a semi-automatic rifle that is sometimes mistakenly called an "assault rifle" at your friendly neighborhood Walmart. But don't. Because buying a gun from walmart is a pain in the ass. There's mounds of paperwork, more than from a typical firearms dealer. You can't just walk in with some cash and walk out with a gun.


And I will never forget the day a busload of Baptist ministers drove up to Windsor ON for a conference. They were stopped at the border and almost every last minister had a gun confiscated - you simply are not ALLOWED to carry them around in civilised countries. Sure laws get broken - but gun control does help, and Walmart (and others; that was just where I had my culture shock...) very much does not.


In Canada you can have a semi-automatic SKS with a 10 round magazine delivered to your door without a background check. In America, you have to purchase weapons through a dealer if you order them online, and a background check is performed when you arrive to pick up your purchase. There are thousands of instances every day of people in America defending themselves with their personal firearms, while people in Canada who attempt to do the same get sent to prison. Tell me more about how it's civilized to send me to prison for attempting to protect my family or home from a violent intruder? I'll keep my guns, thanks.

Edited by philpot123

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I would have kicked out every foreigner from that country as this was war now.

Then you'd be gone, unless you are of pure Native American descent.


We're ALL immigrants here.

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Then you'd be gone, unless you are of pure Native American descent.


We're ALL immigrants here.

Tell me about it.


user posted image



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BY GOLLY GEE LOOK AT ALL THE NONSENSE IN THIS THREAD. I shouldn't be surprised, considering it's a thread about American politics which is essentially nonsense, but still.


(source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombin...a_and_Nagasaki)


I fear attitudes have not entirely changed sad.gif


ANYONE can edit wikipedia. I have done it myself. xd.png And as I imagine most people here know, especially in the case of politicians with agendas, it is done ALL THE TIME by spin doctors !


>Decries someone for linking an article off of wikipedia


>Proceeds to link an article off of wikipedia.


But I'm just incredibly arrogant regardless of my nationality ;~)


Don't worry; it's the American Way. Doesn't matter if you're the person at the epicentre of whatever the debate is, an American will always know better than you ;~)


>Decries an American's arrogance and says that all Americans are automatically arrogant


>When called out on hypocrisy, admits to arrogance while saying that nationality has nothing to do with it


FUN THREAD GUYS, keep it up!

Edited by AngelKitty

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>Decries someone for linking an article off of wikipedia


>Proceeds to link an article off of wikipedia.



>Decries an American's arrogance and says that all Americans are automatically arrogant


>When called out on hypocrisy, admits to arrogance while saying that nationality has nothing to do with it


FUN THREAD GUYS, keep it up!

Well yes, sure. I linked to one as a response to a link to one biggrin.gif


I believe it is called making a point biggrin.gif


I didn't decry anyone, BTW - just saw that there were unquestionable inaccuracies in the first one that was linked... and I see today that someone has indeed been into wiki and completely deleted the page I linked to - a page which provided a non-wiki link to an international and reliable report on US attitudes to the Japanese nuclear bombings - showing that almost half the US population at the time thought MORE should have been dropped - even after the ghastly effects were known - and that a significant number believed that all Japanese people should be wiped off the planet. Wonder who wiped the page... ninja.gif


Kestra was doing the same - hoisting with the same petard.


But I do agree - US politics (and indeed almost all PARTY politics) is indeed nonsense. Just watching today's UK cabinet reshuffle tells you that xd.png

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Yeah, but can't you see the difference?


Americans are good (mostly white) Christians who embrace capitalism and the prosperity gospel, and they're a bunch of dirty brown Muslims who live in sand dunes and kill good Americans.




That's what it boils down to, isn't it? dry.gif

I like the way you think.


I can not say I am overjoyed about Muslim temple was erected a few blocks away from the 9/11 bomb site. You know, those people that live there, it is going to take time for this to get out of their system, and I certainly would not blame them for not wanting a Muslim temple errected near the sight.


philpot123, I understand Walmarts, but Superstores could mean anything.

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BY GOLLY GEE LOOK AT ALL THE NONSENSE IN THIS THREAD. I shouldn't be surprised, considering it's a thread about American politics which is essentially nonsense, but still.






>Decries someone for linking an article off of wikipedia


>Proceeds to link an article off of wikipedia.




>Decries an American's arrogance and says that all Americans are automatically arrogant


>When called out on hypocrisy, admits to arrogance while saying that nationality has nothing to do with it


FUN THREAD GUYS, keep it up!

Angel I believe Kestra was being entirely sarcastic with those posts.


Also I can understand that Wiki can be a somewhat unreliable source but it's not like there is no mods to check on their. :/


Inlaterdays you are absolutely correct. No one was born here unless they got native American blood in them. Even my own father says this.

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