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Insane in the Main Cave - Dragon Cave Fancomic

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I think the majority of the Halloween dragons would make excellent homicidal maniacs....though I have a Black Marrow who is scared of his own shadow. >.<


HECK YES. Black Marrows would make excellent homicidal maniacs. They've got the looks and the means to do so.


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HECK YES. Black Marrows would make excellent homicidal maniacs. They've got the looks and the means to do so.

True. I could describe them as homicidal maniac..

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I am so ashamed of you guys. :| I partly made this comic so I could put in dragons that were the exact opposite of what their species say. >_> Drache and Drago were originally a parody of the twins that love one another concept, Heilung is a nurse that more often hurts than she heals, I've got a mint dragons that is a violent little liar...


... And I've got a Black Marrow dragon that stands up for Black Marrow rights. I can't really see one as a murderer. :| Vine dragon, sure, but Marrow?

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I am so ashamed of you guys. :| I partly made this comic so I could put in dragons that were the exact opposite of what their species say. >_> Drache and Drago were originally a parody of the twins that love one another concept, Heilung is a nurse that more often hurts than she heals, I've got a mint dragons that is a violent little liar...


... And I've got a Black Marrow dragon that stands up for Black Marrow rights. I can't really see one as a murderer. :| Vine dragon, sure, but Marrow?


Vines hardly fit. They kill to eat not really for fun.

If your talking comic-wise then sure a mint is perfect but in DC world opposite descriptions are frowned upon if not not allowed. Meaning getting one accepted is nigh impossible.



Their description themselves has them hunting scavengersand it says they have a dreadful demeanour. In fact the marrow fits my RP guy pretty well.

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It never said that they hunted scavengers. They ARE scavengers.


Black Marrows are named for their dark colored hides which are encased in a distinct exoskeleton. Their skull and the top edges of their spine push out from under the skin as they age. As such, their young need excessive amounts of calcium for this armor to develop. The older a Black Marrow dragon is, the more skeletal their appearance. They often use their skeletal looks to lure in foolish scavengers or terrify predators. These vicious dragons love nothing more than to crack open bones with their stony beaks and eat the marrow inside. Voracious scavengers, Black Marrows will swarm and devour corpses both old and fresh, sometimes even dragging larger finds to the water to allow them to "ripen". Despite their dreadful demeanour and often horrid stench, Black Marrows are devoted mates and parents.


I don't know about you, but I'm just highly reminded of the prejudice against hyenas... the whole "scavengers are evil" thing (even though hyenas kill over 90% of what they eat lol)... >_>


And, yeah, I wasn't aware you were talking about an approved decision. Though Heilung's description IS approved. X)

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It never said that they hunted scavengers. They ARE scavengers.


Black Marrows are named for their dark colored hides which are encased in a distinct exoskeleton. Their skull and the top edges of their spine push out from under the skin as they age. As such, their young need excessive amounts of calcium for this armor to develop. The older a Black Marrow dragon is, the more skeletal their appearance. They often use their skeletal looks to lure in foolish scavengers or terrify predators. These vicious dragons love nothing more than to crack open bones with their stony beaks and eat the marrow inside. Voracious scavengers, Black Marrows will swarm and devour corpses both old and fresh, sometimes even dragging larger finds to the water to allow them to "ripen". Despite their dreadful demeanour and often horrid stench, Black Marrows are devoted mates and parents.


I don't know about you, but I'm just highly reminded of the prejudice against hyenas... the whole "scavengers are evil" thing (even though hyenas kill over 90% of what they eat lol)... >_>


And, yeah, I wasn't aware you were talking about an approved decision. Though Heilung's description IS approved. X)

They often use their skeletal looks to lure in foolish scavengers...


Logic dictates they must eat these scavengers they lure.




I love hyenas :3 Kinda cute. Only kinda but that is still a bit more than not cute at all. Their babies are SQUEE!

Yes they are scavengers but killing 90% of what they eat makes them hardly scavengers in the sense like, say, vultures.


Yes, approved. I'm looking for a dragon that matches or at least doesn't completely conflict with the description.

Does Heilung PURPOSEFULLY hurt her patients or try to heal them but ends up hurting them in the end?

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I have nothing against dragons having personalities that go outside the traits of the species. Most animal breeds/species have specific traits they follow as a whole, but that doesn't always apply to the individuals of said breed/species. Let's not forget the stereotypes, too, which tend to damage the whole thanks to a few individuals.

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Huh. I missed that. So, wait, they're not really scavengers if they also hunt. >_> Hyenas all the way.


See, I'm the weirdo that thinks every single animal in this world is simply gut-wrenching adorable. Yes. Even anglerfish and mosquitoes. And hyenas are normally enough to break my mind when I look at them. Just look at the aardwolf!


That's my point - people hate scavengers. Even when they're not. =V


"Heilung was raised in a time of war, which makes her very bitter and even a bit violent (unlike other whites), and she will only heal because she thinks she needs to. She doesn't live in a cave, because she travels all the time."

Violent. :|


I agree with RinaChiba.

Edited by Zovesta

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Not saying that. No they are hunter-scavengers. Meaning they do both hunting and scavenging.



I love scavengers. Scavengers are a necessary part of the ecosystem. Why hate them? Where is the logic?



No Conflicting Descriptions

While the goal of being able to describe your dragon is to personalize it and make it unique, the breed descriptions were created as they are for a reason. If a dragon is part of a breed of pacifists, it doesn't make sense for the dragon to be a bloodthirsty murderer. You don't have to follow the breed description to the letter, but behaviors that clearly contradict the breed's concept will likely be rejected.



Straight from the rules on descriptions^



I believe there is an exception to every rule, including this one (A CONTRADICTION *scottish accent*). Meaning not all whites will be UBER pacifists. But DC doesn't.

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Aaaand that's why a mint could have been a homicidal murderer! xd.png An exception.


God I have problems. :| Arguing over pixels on a screen on my own birthday no less.

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Aaaand that's why a mint could have been a homicidal murderer! xd.png An exception.


God I have problems. :| Arguing over pixels on a screen on my own birthday no less.

True. I agree that a mint is perfect but DC description rules doesn't.



Not an argument, a debate. And debates are FUUUUUUUUUUUN. tongue.gif



user posted image

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But Heilung got accepted. D: Twice.


Yay. xd.png Thank you. smile.gif

Heilung doesn't clearly contradict whites though. The main word being CLEARLY. If you put something like she likes to fight then it probably would have been rejected. You can be a violent pacifist. You just can't be a pacifist who uses violence (even then even the most hard-core pacifist will use violence if the situation deems it necessary). I had another RP character like that. Grew up in a war-loving family and defected because he didn't like war. Growing up in a war-loving family he naturally knows how to fight but he will only do it in extenuating circumstances. Otherwise he is a hard-core pacifist.




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Heilung doesn't clearly contradict whites though. The main word being CLEARLY. If you put something like she likes to fight then it probably would have been rejected. You can be a violent pacifist. You just can't be a pacifist who uses violence (even then even the most hard-core pacifist will use violence if the situation deems it necessary). I had another RP character like that. Grew up in a war-loving family and defected because he didn't like war. Growing up in a war-loving family he naturally knows how to fight but he will only do it in extenuating circumstances. Otherwise he is a hard-core pacifist.




That kind of sounds like the opposite of a char from Gundam Wing. For those that don't know, the character named Quatre Winner (Sandrock and his pink friend, QuatreWinner, both go their names from the show and that character) grew up in a family of pacifists. Since it was a time of war and he wanted to do something he could really show pride in (long story that I won't get into). So, having helped a doctor who built the Gundam Sandrock (which was later upgraded into the Sandrock Kai), takes the gundam and goes off to fight in the war to defend the colonies he grew up in.


Probably has no bearing on anything, but now you know the origins of the name of one of the characters.

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I feel like someone just ripped a paper bag off of my head. :| I KNOW YOUR SECRET KAI.

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Sandrock- What secret? O.o


lol It's really not a secret. Anyone who's watched Gundam Wing from begining to end could've figured it out. ^ ^;;

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I missed Zovesta's birthday! *hands out birthday cake adorned with real roses and chocolate icing* The roses are from my seasonals. You'll just have to pull them out to eat the cake.


You know what? Use a vampire. Vampires are technically supposed to be bloodthirsty and wicked. wink.gif

Edited by azila

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That kind of sounds like the opposite of a char from Gundam Wing. For those that don't know, the character named Quatre Winner (Sandrock and his pink friend, QuatreWinner, both go their names from the show and that character) grew up in a family of pacifists. Since it was a time of war and he wanted to do something he could really show pride in (long story that I won't get into). So, having helped a doctor who built the Gundam Sandrock (which was later upgraded into the Sandrock Kai), takes the gundam and goes off to fight in the war to defend the colonies he grew up in.


Probably has no bearing on anything, but now you know the origins of the name of one of the characters.

I KNEW IT!!! I JUST KNEW! I had this nagging sound saying GUNDAM WING, GUNDAM WING. Oh and the RP character was meant to be the opposite of him. That character left a lasting impression on me. Not really during the entire show but at the end where his dad died (I'm not sure but didn't his sister die as well? Couldn't quite understand that part) and he went a bit crazy. So sad sad.gif

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Missed it? I'm celebrating it now.


I've never seem Gundam Wing. =V Just heard of it. That's awesome. xd.png

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Missed it? I'm celebrating it now.


I've never seem Gundam Wing. =V Just heard of it. That's awesome. xd.png

It is awesome.



I would use vampires, azila, but the whole only-active-at-night throws me.

Edited by crazywargod

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I KNEW IT!!! I JUST KNEW! I had this nagging sound saying GUNDAM WING, GUNDAM WING. Oh and the RP character was meant to be the opposite of him. That character left a lasting impression on me. Not really during the entire show but at the end where his dad died (I'm not sure but didn't his sister die as well? Couldn't quite understand that part) and he went a bit crazy. So sad sad.gif

Yes. I have watched that part of the series so many times! I always want to cuddle him after he calms down from it and is a sobbing, crying mess. As for his sister, they never really say for certain if Iria dies or not. It's pretty much left up to the fans in regards to her fate. A lot of the time, I think she did because there was a lot implied that Quatre had empathic powers and it was his sister's 'death' which pushed him over the edge. Not so much him witnessing it, but feeling it.


*chokes on soda* OMG! Zov, that's the best gift EVER!!!!

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Oh yeah, only active at night. All the more reason to be terrified of them.


EPIC. Love how Drago can go from being docile to utterly ticked off in the span of a few seconds.

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