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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Scrap swallowed, feeling his friend's disappointment. "Nothing really. Life back here is dull as ever." He sighed and began to tensely write in the dirt. "All that's happened is a weird drawing in the earth."

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((Gah! Sorry it took so long for me to reply XO ))


When Mordekaiser's voice entered her head, this time it didn't catch her off guard as badly. "Okay," she chipped and wrapped her tail around one of his horns while holding on with her claws to the other one. She still thought the air and wind and breeze felt good, but had also seen something odd colored below. Perhaps that was why the large dragon had spoke what he did. She gulped and held on a little tighter.


"Really?" Lin paused and though a moment, before smiling. "Well then, how would you like to ride Blue? It's a lot different than a dragon, I would guess, but she's gentle and has never kicked or bucked unless it was at a coyote or such." The question wasn't too odd, he hoped.

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Harold Stonesworthy


Stonesworthy finished munching his way through the stone to reveal dirt on the other side.

"Well Jutyk shall we get started?"

He said as he started digging his way through.

Jutyk twitched a bit, then nodded. "Lets get started..." He said then hopped in the tunnel, Jutyk slashed at the dirt wall digging quite fast, but to him it was slow, so Jutyk gave the wall a strong headbutt as the dirt pushed out of the way and he continued slashing at the rock tunnel. Grunting, Jutyk continued digging into the dirt wall and within minutes he was about four meters deep. Jutyk called out, knowing that he was so deep into the ground that Stonesworthy probably won't hear him. "How deep do I have to dig here?" Jutyk said not expecting a reply from Stonesworthy.


((Sorry that it took kinda a long time to reply ^-^'))

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Harold Reial


"Really? What kind of drawing?"

Reial asked as he banked to observe a new area. There wasn't much to see but that was normal, trees, rocks more trees and so on. He hadn't noticed the humans that were tracking his movements. They looked through binoculars and followed his flight path and using the angle of his wings to predict where he would end up. With that information they moved out.


Harold Stonesworthy


Harold stopped digging momentarily needing to consider Jutyk's question. he hadn't thought about depth. With some ponderous digging he came up with a last minute answer.

"Fifty feet. We will dig fifty feet down at a umm...I think the humans called it a 45 degree angle. It's basically like the slope of a hill. I has to be big enough to accommodate the largest of us so that we can all walk through it with ease with room left to fly int or out at the same time. We will worry about hiding it later. Once we go down fifty feet we will start digging towards the lake. Not under it though, that would be way too risky."

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((Thanks for the update Red Dragonette! ^^))


Vanlet laid down on the ground tired and upset Ugh, I want to go home! Time looked at Vanlet a bit annoyed at her wining Really? You want to go back to Fang Clan and possibly get killed by Skyshriek? Vanlet sat up and eyed the Temporal Dragoness ((To those who don't know the story with Time, she is the last of her kind, 150 years old stuck in the body of a hatchling, when she drunk the water of Pure Pond her inner body clock began to "tick" again and now she can grow normally)) Bite your tongue! I'll never go back to Fang Clan! I'd rather kill myself than go back to those sorry excuses of dragons! Time smiled at the young black dragoness ((Vanlet was a member of Fang Clan, she helped Time escape Fang Clans cave, and after drinking the water of Pure Pond was turned back into a normal black dragon hatchling)) Good, now we have to find Kitsune, Zarazo and the others before that THING finds them Vanlet nodded But which way do we go? I mean if we had something that had Kitsune's sent on it we could easily track them down Time shook her head But what if they all got separated? How will we find everybody before that thing does? Vanlet looked down, she stood up and looked at Time with worried eyes Right now I think we should head for that lake, the others are most likely to be there, plus we haven't had a drink in a while, come on Time turned and started walking with Vanlet following close behind.

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Kreen stretched her body out and measured the depth of the tunnel with tail-lengths.

"20 tail-lengths, which probably equals to 40 feet in human measurement."

She spoke with a confident tone, and crawled back up to the surface to get a drink of water at the lake. The water seemed plain compared for Pure Pond's water.


Myse gathered some vines from a few nearby trees and braided them together into rope to make sure they were strong enough. She also slipped a few flowers and bits of decorative leaf into the braid. She piled them near the tunnel and waited for directions.

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"Oh, er...just something stupid I drew. Not that interesting." Scrap coughed, slightly self-concious. "The boredom is getting to me, yeah know?" Walking around again, his large tail swished back and forth silently, as he suddenly thought of something. "Hey, Reial, do you think when you get back you could teach me how to hunt?"

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Time and Vanlet crawled through the bushes and found themselfs at the lake (The lake that Kreen and the others should be at only they are at the other side) It's so pretty! Are you sure the others are here? Time turned to Vanlet and nodded I'm sure of it, remember no living creature can go on for more than 3 days without SOMETHING to drink Vanlet nodded and looked around Then maybe we should make a small burrow for a camp, one room for me, another for you, and another for storage Time looked out on the lake Right, I just hope we find the others soon...... Wait, I know what to do, to let them know we're here! Vanlet looked at Time confused What's that? Time smiled What do you think? Vanlet covered her ears and time spread out her legs. She let out her clock-chime like roar and sat There Kitsune and the others should know where we are now Vanlet nodded and lay down Let’s wait a few minutes before we start digging. We've been walking for HOURS! Time laughed and watched the lake.

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Harold Reial


"Sure thing Scrap. Now tell me what the picture looks like, there is nothing wrong with being artistic."

He said smiling although he knew Scrap couldn't see it. He was so into the conversation that he almost missed the slight hiss of an arrow through the air. He pulled his shield tail into position and deflected the attack. There were no signs of where it had come from nor any signs of a second attack. He would need to investigate but wasn't willing to risk landing.

"Get him down to the ground."

"We need to change position first."

Whispered voices were lost on the breeze and so went unheard by the dragon above. A second arrow from a totally different location, a second last minute deflection. Reial was getting irritated.

"Lower lower."

two more arrows but angled to strike at him from above, each comming from a different direction. They were soon accompanied to another pair flying right at him from oposite directions. This forced him to descend slightly and a contraption designed to hurl nets into the air was fired fortunately it was only a partial hit and while if forced Rieal to the ground it did not trap him. He proceeded to kill each of the humans Roaring with anger. Some of this was accidentally sent to Scrap telepathically.


Harold Stonesworthy


Harold was glad everyone was pitching in with the tunnel, Kreen had been nice enough to give them an estimate of how far they had all dug.

"Thank you very much Kreen."

He said before returning to digging the tunnel.

"Kreen, Myse, do you think you could camoflauge the tunnel entrance please. We con't afford to risk anyone finding this place while we are still working on it."

Edited by En'K'Haral

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The tunnel was getting deeper into the ground as the dragons kept digging and it was now 45-feet underground. "10 more feet to go," Lita said. As she kept on digging, she heard a clock-chime-like roar calling from the surface somewhere nearby. "Was that a hatchling nearby?" Lita asked as she wondered who that was.


"Listen to how I explain to you on dodging attacks. Look for specific features on your enemies' face like their eyes or mouth for example or their positions and stances. If they look like they're about to attack such as their open jaws, embers coming out of their mouths, or slanted brows, tail swishing, or reared up on their hind legs, that's when they are going to attack. Rather than keeping watch on their attacking body parts, be sure put to yourself out of range as soon as possible. As for ranged attacks, you have to watch where they're aiming at and when they'll shoot, so that you can dodge and make him miss. And you also have to have quick reflexes to anticipate their attacks and move out of the way quickly. There are many ways to dodge attacks; one example is duck quickly when a foe swings his claw at you, two is to quickly sprint to another lane when your enemy is chasing you down with projectile attacks, three is to roll out of the way before you get back up to strike back, and four is to move your targeted body parts out of the way before your foe hits it. Now I'm going to try and pelt you with stones and you have to dodge many or better yet all of them as you can. Now get get ready, kouhai!" Skyshriek explained to Django. Then she started spitting her rocks at the sunrise hatchling. Django hopped back before the first stone got to him. Then he dashed off to the side when the other two rocks came flying towards him.

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Time stood up, found a spot with soft soil and began digging. Vanlet opened her eyes lazily and looked over at Time How deep do you think the hole needs to be? Time stopped digging and looked at Vanlet I'm no architect, but I think 10 tail lengths sounds good.... Vanlet nodded and Time began to dig again. Vanlet stood up and began to walk toward the lake I'm going to take a swim, maybe bring back some fish Time kept digging Ok, bring back a big one Vanlet jumped in the lake and swam to the center, she swam around and floated on her back relaxing in the warm sun.

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((Sorry about the late reply writer's block had cursed me.))


Mordekaiser’s eyes scanned the canopy once more this time not seeing what had originally caught his eye. It worried him there were potentially other dragons around and there hadn’t been a single sign of them aside from the flash of color he had seen. Without a second thought the green angled back towards the direction they had come from barely dodging an arrow that he hadn’t even seen. The hiss of the arrow flying past the pair alerted the green dragon causing him to rapidly beat his wing to pull them away from the tree line all while sending the information to Ryoka.


Ryoka was a little hesitant on taking him up on that offer and was about to answer him when her face suddenly turned pale. ”I’ll take you up on that offer; our dragons are in potential danger,” she stated in a hurry pausing only a moment to take a deep breath. ”Mordekaiser should be able to handle himself, but I’m worried about Breeze falling off, the distress in her voice was very clear but it couldn’t be helped they needed to act.

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(( Can someone fill me in on whats going on? I've sent an application in a PM (or should I have posted it here?) And I'm trying to read all 50 pages but it is getting hard as I'm feeling ill at the moment!))

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Kreen cocked her head.

"Time! Vanlet! We're over here!"

She went running around the edge of the lake, calling and roaring their names.


Myse watched Kreen for a few seconds before turning back.


She piled some leaves at the entrance of the tunnel, rummaging them so that it's hidden.

(The whole story is hard to explain, but right now Stonesworthy, Myse, Kreen, and Lita are in the Rain clan and are working on shelter by digging a tunnel. Kreen just found Vanlet and Time, the black and temporal dragonesses. UchihaAce can't post here because of her computer. Reial and Scrap are talking telepathically and Reial is being attacked.


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"...Reial? Whats going on?" Scrap felt the anger seeping through, and couldn't help feeling the same destructive rage. "Reial, I'm coming in." He knew the Guardian Dragon would probably try and talk him out of it, but after hearing a horrific roar in his mind, he spread his wings, took two paces, and launched himself into the air, trying to pinpoint the location of his friend.

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((As far as my characters are concerned they met up with another human and hatchling with wings. The green dragon Mordekaiser and the hatchling that was with him Breeze are under attack from unknown sources. I'll let En'K'Haral decide if they're part of the same group as the ones attacking his character. Anyway Ryoka (human) is back with Lynn at his farm and just informed him that their dragons are in trouble.))

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(( Okay...so what happened between pages 14 and 51? tongue.gif

edit: So it might be a while before she can see my app, then?))

Edited by Aphetoros

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Tine turned to find Kreen running toward her Kreen! You're ok! Time ran up to Kreen smiling It's so nice to see you again! Vanlet went out swiming in the lake, where are Myse and the others?


((TGIF everyone! I<3 FRIDAYS!))

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(Well, Uchiha can't come to the DC RPs, not the whole forums.

And what should happen to her characters? It would be wierd if Kitsune just started not reacting anymore.)

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Breeze's eyes widened as she saw the arrow that shot by them while the large dragon angled back toward the farm. Her tail squeezed tighter for her fear of falling off, but then a strange feeling entered her gut. Her eyes narrowed and her wings suddenly spread catching the wind and growing larger. Instinct told her to to let go, and she did. The Ridgewing dragon's tail uncurled and she fanned out her wings even move, shooting backward off Mordekaiser's head. Her neck grew longer, her head larger, her talons lengthened, her legs and tail grew longer, and her wings grew even bigger. She was maturing, and what time for it. In only a matter of thirty to forty seconds, Breeze was a full size, fully matured, young Ridewing dragon.

user posted image

She opened her wings and curved into a spinning dive, then pushed down and soared upward, flying as natural as any dragon with practice. She weaved side to side before spinning and barrel rolling, letting out a rumble of laughter. She was finally flying, and that in itself made her happy even though she had to dodge oncoming arrows. But, that was fun too, it gave her a a small challenge. "WEEEE! Mordekaiser it's wonderful to fly!" she called, swerving under him before flying up by him and smiling.


Lin blinked once as he listened before nodding and without a word grabbing Ryoka's hand and jogging before breaking into a run. He didn't stop or slow down til he was in front of the barn and released her hand before grabbing a blanket and tossing it over Blue's back as she came up to see what he was doing. Then he slid a halter over her head along with bits and reins before opening the gate and leading her out of the small barn. The milk cow looked at him with curious eyes but then went back to eating hay. "Get on behind me, we'll stop by my house just a minute so I can get a few supplies before leaving when the dragons get here," he said after he was on the horse's back with only a blanket between him and the horse, the saddle wasn't made for two though the horse could defiantly hold them both.

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Jutyk nodded to himself and continued to slash madly at the walls. He thought that he was about 10 feet deep so far. Jutyk twirled around and slammed 2 feet deep into the dirt wall. About 12 feet now. Jutyk thought and headbutted the wall. Jutyk murmured and slammed one of his vines at full force into the dirt wall, Rocks and dirt came crashing down for about 5 meters, which was nothing for a dragon of Jutyk's size. Slamming vines into the wall constantly and rapidly, Jutyk got down another 10 feet within 3 minutes. "22 feet..." Jutyk thought out loud and continued destructing the wall. Edited by Soruc The Dragon

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Mordekaiser looked around for Breeze in a panic when her weight was missing. It wasn't until he saw that she was maturing that he was able to breath a sigh of relief. "Let Lynn know that he now has a full grown dragon that he should be able to communicate with," said the dragon via telepathy to Ryoka as he watched Breeze enjoying the freedom of flight. Upon hearing Breeze he chuckled while dodging an arrow. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, but we should probably get out of here."


Ryoka didn't protest or struggle against Lynn as he dragged her along to the barn. She nodded getting on the horse's back mildly surprised with how easy it was in comparison to a dragon. "I've just been informed that you now have a full grown dragon on your hands," she said wrapping her arms around his waist to help prevent her from falling off.

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Harold Reial


"No Scrap, I can handle this."

He said not wanting to risk the young adult's life so soon. He continued to fight the humans and eventually managed to force them to retreat from Sky clan territory. However he was less then ok and he slumped to the ground resting.

"Ok, now it is safe to come."

For him Scrap was still just a hatchling even though the nightglory had grown to be much larger then most of his kind.


Harold Stonesworthy


After much digging and grunting with the occasional rock to chew through they reached fifty feet. Which was exactly what he had wanted. the entire path was on a slant to allow easy access for non-flyers like himself. Kreen and Myse had camouflaged the entrance with some vines and leaves which would do for now. He would get Lita to grow some proper cover for it later. He sat and thought about their bearings but decided that was best left to someone with a sense of direction.

"Errr....does anyone know which way the lake is? Cause that's the direction we will be digging in next."

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Scrap fly to his friends voice, unable to stop even if Reial had commanded him, answering with an "Okay, sure." to both Reials' replies. Flaring his dark wings, he landed in a small clearing, not far away. Walking the short distance, he wondered to himself what exactly had caused the Guardian's roar of fury. Maybe FangClan was trying to invade? Had a flock of angry geese bothered him to such a level of annoyance it was unbearable?

Edited by DeerHunter908

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Myse rose up into the air and scanned the area, taking note on all their surroundings.

"Over there, due east!"

She pointed towards the lake.

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