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((Does this make up for all my annoyingly short posts?))

((It does. ;D


And someone really needs to get Solas back. :[] ))


The shifter groaned and her brow creased. The backs of her eyelids were a glaring red because of the weak sunlight shining through the window. Sunlight was rare in Dengland, so there was a lot of rain and snow. She didn't mind the cold; but she was usually inside when it snowed, anyway. The white icey substance managed to create rather romantic times for her and one other. Her thoughts drifted to such moments and her tail twitched weakly. Her head ached, as did her hand. Sooty groaned again and half opened one yellow eye.


The room was blurry, white and had a strange patch of russet brown. The colour confused her for a moment, until she opened her other eye. The anthro smiled at her, his eyes full of concern. She pushed herself up onto her elbows and winced when her body started to hurt. Her hand was bandaged in white cloth, she noticed then. "How're you feeling?" Fraener rumbled gently. "Bloody wonderful," she muttered through her teeth. "Feels like I was slapped around by a cave-demon." The older creature chuckled softly, then sighed. "Do you remember your fight with Kuro?" he asked her. "I fought with Kuro?" Sooty repeated, frowning. Her ears flicked back and her mind was fuzzy. He replied with a grave nod.

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((Now for an annoyingly long post^^' Lol.))


Shiro looked back to where Solas was but for some reason he saw nothing. Had Solas left? Shiro wondered for a second why Solas would want to leave, didn't he want to be a slayer? Didn't he want to stay with his friend? Shiro bit his lip, a bitter abandoned feeling in the back of his mind. Why would he leave? Looking back at Kuro, who's mind was on Sooty, he realised just how much he still had to learn.


Kuro hadn't noticed Shiro's restless behaviour. His mind was racing, was Sooty ok? Was Shiro going to leave him for some demon girl and a fallen angel? He too had a bitter abandoned feeling in the back of his mind. It was Shiro's idea to make new friends in Lindon but Kuro still wanted things to be the way they were before. Shiro moved and Kuro's head snapped around,

"Where are you going?" He asked, alittle too demandingly,

"Solas, he left. I want to know if he's ok." Kuro could hear something in his brother's voice that he didn't recognize,

"You're not going to wait to see if Sooty's ok?"

"No, you'll take care of it won't you? She'll be fine with you," Shiro smiled and continued moving, this time faster, towards where Solas must've gone. Kuro just stood there, feeling utterly abandoned, and watched his other half leave him behind. He then glanced over at where the gargoyle girl was with complete loathing. The coldest possible expression on his face.


Shiro broke into a gallop as his mind focused on his new friend. He'd only just met the fallen angel, he couldn't be so bad a friend as to lose him in the same day could he? He saw the cloaked back of Solas and shouted,

"Solas! Wait!" He reached out to grab the hooded figure's shoulder.

Edited by EvilTeddyAlchemist

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"Sounds good to me. I'll need to get my rifle then," Kira replied, then looked around to who else was outside around them. "First, I want to see what the others can do. Who should we start with?" Kira inquired to Signum, wondering which one they should get to show them.

After she saw what everyone else could do, she would go to get her rifle before returning to the others. When she went to get her rifle, she could also grab whatever else she would need along with it.


((I'm not sure who is all outside since I haven't really been reading those posts...>w<))

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((Solas isn't deaf, he's mute! >:o Please excuse my short post...))

Solas turned around, then quickly dried his eyes with the hem of his sleeve. He gave a small smile and pulled down his hood. He looked over Shiro's shoulder and saw Shiro's brother looking purely cold and evil. He shuddered, then found a piece of paper and wrote "Hey, Shiro."

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((Oops sorry!! I changed my post. How could I have turned mute to def anyway? Gees I'm an idiot *sigh*.))


Shiro smiled when Solas turned around but he couldn't help but notice the boy wipe his eyes. Had he been crying?

"Hey," He replied, "Are you ok? You left so suddenly, I thought you wanted to be a slayer," He paused, "With me..." He was still feeling abandoned by his first/only friend and was finding it hard to push the feeling aside.


Kuro spat on the ground, the girl hadn't even noticed his glare how could Shiro LIKE someone like her? Kuro's thoughts then snapped back to Sooty at an amazing speed.

"I hope she'd ok..." He muttered, his anger forgotten.

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((Kuro's like bipolar or something...))

Solas wrote down "Well, there wasn't really a point in fighting demons without a friend, and you're the only friend I have. Most other people with common sense would not become friends with a Fallen Angel." He sighed a little and patted his friend's arm awkwardly, feeling a little embarassed.

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((I'm not sure who is all outside since I haven't really been reading those posts...>w<))

((im not intirely shure either, but i know my character is outside resting in the shade of the post office))

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((Lol, yeah he is kinda! My characters are outside and so are most of the others I think.))


Shiro couldn't have had a larger smile on his face,

"Well I'm not like other people," he started laughing in sudden relief. So that was it, Solas had felt abandoned by him! Now it made sense,

"You're my only friend too," He had stopped laughing and grinned, "I hope we'll be friends for a long time, I can't lose my only friend the same day I got him." He looked Solas up and down,

"I think I should show you to Kuro," But he wasn't sure just how Kuro would take the introduction.

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"You mean the guy with the cold look over there?" wrote Solas, a big smile on his face as well. Then he spotted the person in the shade of the post office and shook his head. "Look over there, Shiro. That person sitting in the shade of the post office is a reaper. Remember what happens when I get too near a reaper?" Solas wrote, then pulled up his sleeves to reveal the burn marks from earlier on.

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Signum waited patiently as Kira went a retrieved her rifle from wherever she had it hidden away. While she was gone, she touched the pommel of her sword to the sheath's top, uttering a short incantation and let the glow of the shift occur as she sword shifted into the true form of her weapon. In truth she was far more skilled with her bow then the sword, something that would make the coming competition fun. She held the bow in her left hand, carefully testing the string and the pull of the bow with all the care of a loving parent. To her, her weapon was her life, she could fight without it, but truly her weapon was a part of her.

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"Yeah, that's him" He replied to Solas's first question, snickering at the description. As he read the next note he laughed,

"Yeah, I know, that's why I'm gonna bring him over here!" He then left to retrieve Kuro without waiting for Solas's reply.


Kuro turned to face Shiro as he came bounding up, much happier then before.

"Kuro! I want you to meet my new friend. We have to go over to him though cause he can't go near reapers," Shiro's happiness seemed to radiate off him and Kuro couldn't help but feel happy for him. Kuro was the older twin after all, how could he not find pleasure in his brother's bliss? Without thinking he nodded, but he didn't really want to meet the boy, he was still afraid Shiro would abandon him.


They both reached Solas and Shiro remained warm as he pointed to Kuro and introduced him. Kuro, however, was bored and naturally cold towards the fallen angel.

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"Bah, what good is there in hitting targets like these!" Said Archon as he swung his sword, creating a sharp wave of holy magic. The wave hit the remaining dummies, chopping them in half and burning them. "Hey Signum, remember how we used to train?" Said Archon as he approached Signum, who was admiring her weapon. "Remember how we swung out weapons for weeks at a time, never stopping? And I remember cutting myself with my own weapon, so I can be more resilient to pain." Said Archon with a small sigh, those were great times. Edited by Lore_Master

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Signum turned her head to lock eyes with Archon when he finished his sentence. The look in her eyes was icy cold as she said, "We are not permitted to speak about what occurs in the realm above when there are others around, Archon, if you wish to continue this discussion, please wait till we are free from potential eavesdroppers, you should know better" she said quietly, her voice making it clear she wasn't budging on this subject. "Still," she continued, her voice turning considerably more cheerful, "those were fun times, but as weapons have advanced in this world, that training gradually means less and less, meaning there's more for us to learn and improve on."

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((Kira didn't actually leave...but oh well.))


Kira went and grabbed her rifle along with another large gun and ammo for each along with more ammo for her pistols. Once the stuff was in hand, she started to head back, but stopped and thought for a moment. With a mischievous grin, she leaped up onto the highest roof near here and looked in the direction that Signum was in. With her expert eyes, she was able to spot the figure of Signum. She took her rifle from where she had it strapped to her back, loaded the gun with just some bullets that only had an enchantment to make them more lethal when it hit someone, and aimed for Signum. However, she wasn't actually going to hit the other girl. They were on the same, so she shouldn't take out her own team members. Instead she aimed at the ground next to Signum and fired. With all the magical enhancements on her guns and ammo, it took the bullet less than a second to reach it's targeted mark of the ground near Signum's feet. Kira lowered the gun, eyes still on Signum and smirked slightly before quickly hoping off the roof to the ground before Signum had a chance to fire back at her. Kira figured Signum would have something long range by the way she was talking, so she wasn't going to let the other use it on her while she was up on that roof.

Feeling satisfied, she headed back to Signum, putting on an impassive face as she approached, watching Signum's reaction when she returned.

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Signum noticed the dirt a foot away from her explode into a short column. She honestly wasn't the least bit surprised, the fact that Kira had gone to get a rifle meant they were going to be doing long range work. Shaking her head slowly she waited, the only thing that had surprised her was that Kira hadn't tried to hit her, she had even left her barrier up just because she had thought Kira would actually try to hit her. Still her face was dispassionate as she waited for Kira's arrival.

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((I think everyone but Shiro, Kuro, Solas, Sooty, Limn and Setsuna are out the back. Meaning: Seras, Archon, Charin, Trin, Dusk and Kira are out the back of the Post Office. :D))


She fell back with a sigh. "Can't remember a thing," she muttered, mostly to herself. Her head was pounding now; she put her unhurt hand to her forehead. "What happened to my paw?" she asked, lokking up at the anthro. "IT was burnt during the fight," her rumbled in reply. She muttered a vile curse and the older creature leant back, his white eyebrows raised. She apologised, then sat up. "What're you doing?" Fraener asked, frowning. "Going to see him?" she replied questioningly. The anthro sighed and helped her up. She gently pushed him off, too proud for him to assist her walking.


Slowly, she went outside and leant against the wall by the door. She observed what was happening at that moment; two reapers talking in quiet voices, a vampire up on a nearby roof, Kuro with a cold expression and alone. It appeared his brother had run off on him. Sooty arched an eyebrow, wondering how that happened. Then his brother was back and he took the twin away with him. The shifter stepped forward and sat on the steps outside of the door. SHe rested her elbows on her knees and her chin on her palms. Her ears were angled backward and her tail lay on the stone beside her.

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When Kira approached Signum, she wondered if she should have actually tried to hit her instead of just aiming next to her. Oh well, at least she knew that if she had the element of surprise on Signum, she could take her out most likely. But, there was no need for that. Instead, she would take out the enemies.

"So, where should we do this?" Kira inquired, "and it's best to have a third party to referee something like this."

She looked around for anyone who might be able to. She noticed five people who were around that might be able to.


((i don't know which one. whoever wants to, just tell me, that way if there's someone who hasn't been interacting much with another, they can come join jaina and I.))

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((OOC: I would, but Signum is a reaper, so Solas=living torch if he gets too close. Sorry sad.gif))

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When Kira approached Signum, she wondered if she should have actually tried to hit her instead of just aiming next to her. Oh well, at least she knew that if she had the element of surprise on Signum, she could take her out most likely. But, there was no need for that. Instead, she would take out the enemies.

"So, where should we do this?" Kira inquired, "and it's best to have a third party to referee something like this."

She looked around for anyone who might be able to. She noticed five people who were around that might be able to.


((i don't know which one. whoever wants to, just tell me, that way if there's someone who hasn't been interacting much with another, they can come join jaina and I.))

((meee, my dudes just sitting there :|))

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((Um Darkshadow, you need to reply. I can't do anything while both my twins are waiting for you...))

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((okey dokey zera-chan. btw, you should fix the link to your character's picture because when i tried to view it, i couldn't. photobucket was tell me there was an error.

and do you want me to edit my last IC post so then we don't have to wait for jaina? or are you fine with waiting for jaina to post?))

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Shiro seemed to be radiating happiness as he came over and introduced his twin, but the twin seemed bored. What's more, he was acting very cold towards Solas. Solas gave a polite smile and wrote, "Nice to meet you. As you can see, I am a Fallen Angel, and therefor anything really holy, like crosses, churches, and divine beings like reapers burn my skin." To emphasize his point, Solas lifted his sleeves again, revealing the burns. "Also, I am mute and have no recollections of my past before I was like..this." Solas pointed to his strange body, then continued writing "Enough with me scribbling like this. I want to be a slayer along with Shiro, kind of because he's my one and only friend, and probably the only other person who doesn't believe I'm some kind of freak."

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Kuro laughed coldly,

"You are a freak, Shiro's only being nice to you because he has to." Shiro glared at his brother,

"Kuro! You know that's not true! It was my decision to make friends, he's not a freak!! If he's a freak then so are we." He stepped beside Solas,

"I knew it, You're evil!! You plan to steal Shiro from me just like that ***** over there!" He pointed at Mariah and Shiro became even more infuriated.

"Maybe I actually like these guys did you ever think of that!! Why don't you go and cuddle up to your precious ***** cat!" He looked over at the post office as he pointed and yelled this. Sitting on the steps was Sooty and he was sure his voice had reached her, he instantly regreted what he'd said.

"Fine! I disown you as my twin brother!! You can go elope with this freak and the gargoyle!! I'm sick of you anyway!" Kuro turned and ran before Shiro could do a thing. He didn't understand, why was everything so complicated all of a sudden? Why was Kuro acting like this? He sighed, deciding that it was best that they went their seperate ways. Kuro ran past Sooty back into the post office and collapsed on the ground infront of the door he'd just entered and curled into a ball. His feeling of abandonment even stronger.

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((Is it just me or is Kuro suffering from some teenager angst? LOL))

Solas stared on in amazement as Shiro defended his choice of making Solas his friend, and Kuro's complete rejection of it. He didn't want to steal Shiro from his brother! But now it seemed that Kuro had denounced Shiro as his brother, and had gone and curled up in a ball over by the post office. There was a stunned moment, then Solas wrote to Shiro "I don't think your brother meant all that.... he thought me evil because i would 'steal' you away from him. I think he's just suffering from brotherly feelings and abandonment."

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