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Signum watched as Kira reloaded her weapons which oddly enough weren't empty, which meant a change in ammunition. Quickly adding an extra layer to her personal shield, she watched as Kira fired a pair of shots, one from each weapon. one hit her sword, the flames on which immediately began to sputter and die till only a few remained on the blade. The second hit the hand holding the sword, to mild surprise, the round instantly began to bubble and grow into a sticky mass on her shield, causing it to flare a dull silver as it began to harden. "This won't stop me," Signum replied dully. With a simple motion of her left hand, the flare of the shield died away and let the hardened goop fall to the ground like a rock, immediately after a slight glimmer of a silver film could be seen racing back over to cover the spot where the goop had been.


Using her free hand, Signum raised her arm and made a series of complex motions with her hand before saying, "Bladed coffin." A series a glowing lines appeared and traced their way around Kira until they formed the lines of a cube. Wall quickly filled in, each one layered three times to prevent escape. The box quickly began to shrink around Kira's form, giving her maybe three, maybe four seconds before it would completely restrict her movement.

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The anthro glanced up at the twin and another young woman, who was on all fours. He raised his eyebrows in suprise; the girl wasn't used to walking like a human. The old anthro assumed it was because she was a shifter that spent more time in her other form, whatever that may be. He returned his attention to the unconcious shifter and picked her up. "I'll take her to a private room," he told them. Fraener didn't say whether they were allowed to join him or not; he didn't mind, though. He carried Sooty into a room; it had white walls and two beds in either far corner. He lay her down on the one in the right corner, then stood back. Lines of pain were across her forehead and her tail was still. Out of the large window, the Reaper and vampire could be seen fighting.

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((OOC: Will someone besides maybe a reaper react with my character? It's really hard to post when no one's doing anything with your char..))

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((I'm back... for a few seconds))


Dusk was touched, and followed Trinity into the sunshine. He would live by darkness as much as she would by sun, and hopefully neither would die. He collapsed next to her, watching the clouds float by, effortlessly. He turned to Trinity, eyes flaming, trying to get out what he needed to say. "Hey, Trinity..." He smiled. "Thanks. But you can go back into the shadows if you wanted to." He smiled again, before looking at the sun.


((Dumb school))

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((Sorry Darkshadow, my character is kinda occupied with Signum.))


As soon as she saw the walls that were then closing in on her, she swiftly switched cartridges of both guns and fire at the wall several times to make sure the bullets would be most effective. As soon as the rounds of bullets made contact with the wall, they exploded, causing massive damage to whatever they hit, the damage being multiplied by how many rounds Kira shot at the wall, which was about six. It would hopefully be enough to make a hole in the wall. If there was, she would be able to see the light coming through, despite all the smoke and would escape through the hole. If there wasn't any hole for her to get through, she would just have to fire more bullets and make one.

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Signum watched with interest to see what Kira would so as the box began to shrink around her. She watched as she changed clips before firing repeatedly at the box. She saw first a small hole open in the side from the small explosions from Kira's gunfire. "Stage two," she said calmly. In an instant, a series of blade formed from a barrier of the same type as the one inclosing Kira. "Pierce," she said once they had formed, with those words, the blades she had formed lanced into the box, entering through the walls of the box as they moved to hit Kira.

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Kira muttered a single curse word as the blades pierced through, not giving her a lot of time to get out. She dashed for the hole which wasn't very large, firing more bullets at it to make it larger, this time twice the amount from the last shot. This would hopefully also stop any blades that were piercing the box through that side. If there were still blades coming at her, she would have to do some aerial dodging to get through without being skewered.


During this, Kira noticed how careless she was during this fight. She wasn't taking Signum very seriously and just assumed that the sword was the only thing special she could do. She then switched out one cartridge of one of her guns, leaving the other as the exploding bullets, able to do so as she dashed for the hole.


Whatever size of the hole was, she hoped her lean body could fit through it. She wasn't very big after all, and could fit into smaller places. Plus, she wasn't wearing anything too bulky that would get caught.

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((omg i havn't had a chance to look at this recently so can anyone tell me whats going on? ^^))

Edited by zeranoa

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((Glad to see you back. ;D


I could tell you what's going on. :D


Most of the Slayers have gone to the Post Office and had a meeting with Fraener. A few others never even went near the Post Office. x_x They've been assigned their Teams - Uno or Dos - and are now outside. Kira and Signum started a duel, which is still going, so did Sooty and Kuro. Sooty shifted, had a kinda fit-thing, and as taken inside. Uhh... A few peoples are outside being lovey-dovey - Trin & Dusk and I think the fallen angel's being a loner somewhere. x3


That help ya?))

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((Glad to see you back. ;D


I could tell you what's going on. biggrin.gif


Most of the Slayers have gone to the Post Office and had a meeting with Fraener. A few others never even went near the Post Office. x_x They've been assigned their Teams - Uno or Dos - and are now outside. Kira and Signum started a duel, which is still going, so did Sooty and Kuro. Sooty shifted, had a kinda fit-thing, and as taken inside. Uhh... A few peoples are outside being lovey-dovey - Trin & Dusk and I think the fallen angel's being a loner somewhere. x3


That help ya?))


((still have no idea how to get my character in this thing.))

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((Zeronoa, you could have your character meet up with mine. He's the loner Fallen Angel, because he can't go near divine beings, a.k.a the Reapers, or near crosses and churches. Since Reapers are there, he has had to move back every time the Reapers move forward. You could meet him...))

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((Zera's character is a reaper. XD


You could be looking for the Post Office? :D And go 'round the back to find the other two reapers? ;] ))

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((What can my characters do? I'm kinda lost, I'm paying too much attention to Kira and Signum's fight. Which is awesome by the way ^^))

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((I've suggested a few things, but please, please post. D: I'll give you a hug?))

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((I've suggested a few things, but please, please post. D: I'll give you a hug?))



Setsuna walked down a small dirt path. He walked slowly, with no particular destination in mind. He saw a building with some people near it, but he did not pay much attention to them. he decided he would stop and rest at the building. He was not sure what he would do after. He sat down next to the building and closed his eyes.



((Edit: sorry about that, I'm currently worried sick about Murder.

and I'm actually sick too. D: ))

Edited by zeranoa

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((Five sentences, Zera. :/ And, could you fix up your spelling a little? I had trouble understanding what a few things were. x3


I can understand you're worried about him. :/ I am too. Hope you get better soon!))

Edited by WonderBubbles

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Mariah looked over at the man resting under the shade of the postoffice. The sun had just started feeling good till she felt her scales starting to come out, dang it... Mariah thought, she looked at the side of the post office with shade, the man was there but oh well she needed to get to satisfying shade. Mariah ran over there slowly turning Gargoyle as she went, she skidded to the wall of the post office. She looked at the man and got into a ready to fight position so she would be ready if he dared attack.

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Signum gave a feral grin as Kira made her way between the blades hurtling in and out of the box. She had purposely slowed them down in order to give her a chance, otherwise she'd probably be skewered, but she returned her attention to the matter at hand. Kira made a fast leap to the hole she had managed to blow in the wall of the box, much as Signum had thought she probably would. Grabbing the hilt with both hands, Signum moved it into a batting position of her shoulders and swung the flat of the blade directly at where she thought Kira would be as came out of the smoke filling box. One special advantage Signum had was that while she could see into the box, Kira couldn't see out to know what was about to happen.

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I can understand you're worried about him. :/ I am too. Hope you get better soon!))

((i think we all are.

and thanks ^^))


Setsuna opened one eye and looked at the gargoyle girl. "Hello there." She looked like she was ready to fight if needed. Normally he would accept the offer to fight, but he was not in the mood this time. "I'm not going to fight you." Setsuna relaxed, it was good for him to be able to rest. Even though he was relaxed, he was ready to summon his weapon if needed. He was hoping it wouldn't come to that.



((note: his eyes are creepy looking. I'm currently trying to find a picture, but I'm failing miserably.))

Edited by zeranoa

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(( oh good I like creepy things :3 ))


"Hello there." The person said "I'm not going to fight you." Mariah's ear flicked back, she sat down like a confused dog. Mariah didn't know what to say, he looked like he wanted to rest. Mariah decided to rest to she had been hiding from the light and hunting in the night she had gotten use to that schedule. Mariah streched and curled up leaning on the house.

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((whether Kira can see or not doesn't really matter since she knows how to use her other senses to know of her surroundings. ^^))


Kira lunged to jump out of the hole headfirst, planning to roll when she hit the ground and get back on her feet. Plus, head first was the quickest and easiest way to get through the hole, and trying any other way would take too much time. Of course, Signum was waiting for her and had an attack prepared for her. Though Kira didn't have much chance to dodge it since she couldn't really jump on air. Signum swung her sword at Kira, using the flat of the blade to hit with. Kira quickly brought her arms up in a defensive position as a reflex to being attacked like this. She was hit by the sword and was knocked to the side, which could happen easier since she didn't have a foot hold on anything, and rolled when she hit the ground. The roll was controlled and she quickly stood back up, but of course where she was hit was sore. She could take hits very well, but just like anyone there was only so much she could take. Since this was sparring, she didn't need to see what her limit with Signum's hits would be.

Figuring that was enough, since Signum did technically land a hit, as much as hated to admit it, she put her guns back into their holsters. She looked at Signum, sort of approvingly, like she meant for this to happen just because that was the kind of stubborn person she was. Plus, Kira was a long range fighter, not close combat, able to handle large guns and had incredible aim.

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Signum nodded in silent reply and sheathed her sword after Kira's "look of approval". With a simple wave of her hand she dispersed the blade coffin barrier she had created, though she kept the one around her own body up anyway. She took a moment to withdraw several cartridges from her belt and began to reload the storage in her sword as she said, "I'll challenge you long range as well if you want to at some point, preferably just a competition of accuracy, these fights are a pain if they don't accomplish anything since they only waste resources."

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((Sorry if this seems like random babble..))


Shiro and Kuro watched the fight, they knew that there was nothing they could do to help Sooty. Kuro blamed himself for her unconcious state, he was the one who pushed her, he imagined that she would not want to see him again for awhile. Shiro was silent, he knew what had happened with their fight and knew that the only thing now was to try and act normal. They'd both managed to somehow cause destruction that day, Shiro had destroyed a perfectly good piece of isolated grass and park bench and Kuro had managed to cause the girl he loved to faint.


Thinking about all this Shiro payed little attention to the fight as the box closed around one of the girls. He peered around at the river bank where Solas still stood, for some reason he was rubbing his head, but he had moved back. That was the one thing that he had done right, made friends with a lonely boy, but he decided he would rather stay with his brother then go back over to Solas. He turned his gaze back on the fight as the girl was struck by the other, the reaper woman, and surrendered.

"That's how I feel," He whispered and Kuro nodded. They both cracked up laughing, the fight had been hillarious. ((To them anyway, lol^^))


((Does this make up for all my annoyingly short posts?))

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Solas stared at Shiro from where he was at the riverbank, and he put down his hand. Obviously Shiro wouldn't want to be his friend, only an aquantance to some Fallen Angel. Nobody would want to befriend one who has fallen in the sight of the divine being. Solas turned, and stowing away his scythe, walked off, relieved to get away from the Reapers. He never turned back, since he really didn't want to be a Slayer without a purpose. He pulled his hood over his head, covering his bitter tears.

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