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"And it was just getting interesting," The fire dissappeared instantly and he went back to being a laid back jerk again, his hunger for a fight quenched for now. He was now a bit worried about Sooty, cautious though as it was him the big cat wanted to kill. He half smirked at the thought as he watched.



((Kay, G'night))

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((Seriously, five sentences. I know it can be hard, but it NEEDS to happen. It's a DCF RP rule and it's a rule of the RP that has to be obeyed. :/ Add needless details in, if you have to.))


The cat shuddered and trembled, then turned it's eyes onto the anthro. She recognised the power and authority that he held. Her tail flicked and she bared her fangs. A ripple ran through her fur and her eyes were forced closed. The bones cracked and reformed, the fur disappeared and Sooty was lying on the ground, unconcious. Her hand was blistering and a raw red. Her clothes were looser than they were before, but still on her body. She was lying on her stomach with her head to the side. Fraener sighed, "I hate it when this happens." He bent down and checked her pulse. "Alive, at least," he announced.

Edited by WonderBubbles

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Charin was rooted to the ground the moment the fire-creature attacked. Her arrows were no use against it-it would just help it recover. She felt her feet kicking the dust around her as she jumped on the rock face, climbing dexterously before attacking from behind with her iron-hooves.

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((Huh? What? The "fire-creature" was Kuro and he was only after Sooty. :S))

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((She doesn't know and since they're on the same team she just wants to help.))

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((Dracoon did you just attack Kuro? He's not all flamey anymore.))

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Shiro smiled when she followed him and he got to see her as a human. As they reached the postoffice, however, he noticed a fire die down to reveal Kuro in the midst of it. Sooty was somehow lying on the ground with Fraenir close by and the other slayers doing whatevr it is they were doing. Shock spread over his face and he ran to Kuro's side, staring at Sooty.

"What... Happened?!" He asked, and Kuro explained it in a few short words.



((I don't know what to do about the arrow cause he wasn't flamey when you shot it. So I can't really react...))

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((She didn't shoot any arrows-she jumped on him with her hooves.))

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Mariah watched as the dying fire revealed someone who looked kinda like Shiro, how odd... Mariah thought to herself, Mariah ran with Shiro over by the guy who looked like him, Mariah still ran on fours she was kinda wobbly on her human legs since she hadn't used them in who knows how long. Concern didn't spread on Mariah's face when she saw the knocked out girl next to the guy who had got her out of the hole, she didn't know them so far they were none of her concern. She looked back over to where Shiro had diverted his attention.

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The instant after Kira fired her two guns, the shield over Signum's chest flared silver as it absorbed the energy within the rounds. Signum felt some of her own energy drain away, far more then should have for normal rounds. That made it obvious that she was using something special, likely magic or enchanted rounds. "Unexpected," Signum replied casually, "magic rounds are generally illegal, but given what we're fighting, I won't begrudge you them." Signum let the barrier remain, if Kira did what she thought she would, it was likely she'd snap off another round or two to continue testing her.

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"Hm, doesn't matter to me if they're illegal or not. They work, I like them, I get them," Kira said, explaining her logic in a simple way for anyone to understand. It seemed that Signum wasn't expecting them to be enchanted though, which brought a small smirk to Kira's lips. "So, what else can you do besides reflect these kind of bullets with a shield? Do you think you can hit me?"


She kept her guns at the ready, though, she wasn't going to waste anymore rounds on Signum's shield. Maybe she would leave to get her rifle and see how Signum fared when being sniped.

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"I know I can hit you, Kira," Signum replied, unperturbed by the smirk or her other actions. Holding her sword at her side, Signum decided to make use of her sublimation ability. She quickly let disappeared into the air before instantly reforming behind Kira. She drove her blade upwards, just stopping it after it had lightly pushed against her shoulder blade. "Hit, I think you would prefer to keep living so I won't try any harder unless you want me to." she responded quietly

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((oh come on. you didn't even give me chance to move Kira before you hit her.))


As soon as Signum disappeared from sight, Kira figured the other was going to come from behind her and attack. Even though she doubted Signum would actually hit her, she still wasn't going to be an easy target. She stepped forward and whipped around just as Signum appeared behind her and pointed her sword at her.


"You underestimate my speed," Kira replied, the tip of Signum's sword before her, not touching her with at least a foot or so between the sword and Kira. "If you wish to strike me, you'll have to do better than a cheap parlor trick of reappearing behind me. Those kind of moves have become so obvious I knew where you were going to appear without even seeing it."

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((sorry, Kira, I'll let you respond next time))


Signum smirked lightly at the reply from Kira, "good to see you can keep up with me, for now at least." she responded. Standing up straight, Signum said a simple command, "Load cartridge." The perforated cover on the back of the blade above the hilt moved forward before slamming back down, emitting a hiss of white gas through the perforations. Sublimating herself, Signum disappeared before reappearing about twenty feet away. In an instant she made a horizontal slash at Kira, what changed though was the separation of the blade into four inch long sections, each roughly a foot apart. As she continued to swing, the blade grew longer, additional sections appearing at the base as the blade extended to where it would easily hit Kira if she didn't move from it's path.

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((lol, the sword makes me think of Renji's sword. >w<))


Kira thought Signum was going to try to get behind her again, but instead moved about twenty feet away. Signum then swung her sword, which at first Kira thought was pointless, but the sword grew long, breaking up into sections and continued to grow longer to reach Kira.


Kira jumped back to evade the blade that was swung at her, getting out of its reach before she was struck.


"Well, that certainly is an effective move," Kira said, keeping her eyes on Signum to focus on the other. She wasn't going to let Signum surprise her with any moves and get a hit. With her sharp eyes, she could see very clearly Signum's movements even from over twenty feet away.

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((similar, though her blade is more an extension of her body, in other words, in this form she can direct the blade like an arm rather then having to be made to bend or turn by bouncing off of things))


"Just so you know, there's a barrier on the blade so it won't cut you in half once you're hit." Signum replied. She pulled the hilt back and let the pieces reassemble themselves into the blade. Raising the blade in both hands to near shoulder height, Signum made a lightning fast thrusting motion. The blade extended in a straight line, slightly to the right of Kira. The moment after it past though, the tip curved sharply, turning back on itself in an instant to rush back towards Kira's back from behind.

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((sorry, i got distracted by a random anime plot generator. XD))


"Well, that's good to know," Kira replied, before the sword was suddenly thrusted straight at her. By reflex, she jumped to her side and away from the sword, even though it went by her side, not hitting her. She never liked to be too close to an enemies weapon, especially when she didn't know what it could do. As she jumped away, she glanced at the length of the sword and caught sight of the tip curving. Well, it was a good thing she moved away when she did, otherwise it would have hit her.

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"Not that easy, Kira," Signum replied earnestly starting to enjoy herself. Even as Kira moved, the tip curved like a snake to track after her with blistering speed. "Load cartridge" Signum said again, the cover slid forward again, this time ejecting what looked like a spent gun shell before snapping down again and emitting white gas. The instant the second cartridge had been loaded, the blade shot forward even faster. If it ended in a contest of speed, Signum was likely to win, she had a belt of extra cartridges on her and could keep going for a while, though directing the blade like this took more of the energy in each cartridge then just pulling back and attacking a second time.


((no prob- oh look a butterfly...))

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Kira mumbled a curse about the strange blade, but found this to be very useful for battle. She ran to dodge the blade, knowing it was following her and wondered how it could fare doing that. Instead of snaking or running further away, she dashed straight down for Signum. There was a perk about being a vampire, and that was being very fast. She could push her legs farther than any living beings limit and reach incredible speeds. Of course, this wasn't without consequences because it did drain her of energy, but she had a good amount of stamina.

She didn't stop running at Signum, wondering what the sword would do and to test Signum's control of the sword. Either Signum could move while still controlling her sword. Or Signum would have to pause her sword's attack to dodge. Kira merely planned to run by, tapping Signum's shoulder with her gun. However, she acted as if she was going to ram right into Signum.

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((I'm gonna get you.




Signum turned a feral smile on Kira as she ran towards her along the length of her blade. Signum let the blade begin to retract, but as she did so, she whipped her arms sideways towards Kira's side of the blade. Almost instantly, the blade moved with her, swinging sideways towards Kira.


(this might be the point where she hits you, fyi, your choice though))

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((she's not really running alongside the blade though. that's why i didn't say that. but oh well. and both Signum or Kira are quite tough opponents, so Kira isn't going to make it that easy~))


When Signum swung the blade to strike Kira, she jumped over it, quickly landing on the other side and kept running, closing the gap between her and Signum quickly. In a second or so, she was about five feet away from Signum since the time she had jumped over the blade. Thinking Signum might swing the blade back the other way, Kira jumped up and over Signum, but did not fire and merely landed behind the other, facing the others' back with her guns pointed at Signum.


((lol i keep typing Aignum XD))

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((Aignum. Aignum. Aignum. Something there just doesn't seem quite right...))


Signum quickly let her sword retract into a full sword before turning on her heel to look at Kira. "Good job dodging that, so let us see how you do now," she said in reply. A moment afterward, the now complete blade of her sword burst into flame. "Here we go," she said as she made a wide slash in Kira's direction. As she attacked, the fire seemed to leap from the blade, growing into a massive blazing wall as it headed towards Kira.

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Kira jumped back and away from the fire so she wouldn't get burned and glared a bit at the annoying flames. In a flash, she changed cartridges for her guns to get a different kind of bullet. The cartridges she gave each gun were different however. Once the new ones were in, she aimed the left gun at Signum and fired at her sword. The bullets had a magical property to them that would negate magic that enchanted an item, in this case a sword. The effect didn't last for very long, only for about five minutes before it wore off, but that was generally enough time for Kira to cause damage to her opponent. Unfortunately, the bullets did not affect living beings, but she had other bullets for that. She then aimed the gun in her right hand at Signum's hand which held held the sword and fired. But these weren't normal bullets. When they hit, they would turn into a gooey substance and cling to whatever it touched, spreading out before hardening.

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